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Foreign Name Brands That Have Exploited Thais


Which brand(s)(ing) would Thais be better off never have been exposed to?  

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Listening to your attitude about the victims of the past, people like you are doomed to repeat history and not learn from it.

Unfortunately, this is an all to human trait and not mutually exclusive to Americans

Had you not been born you would not have missed anything. The only reason many had to die was because of the greed of the USA.

The Vietnam war unlike some of our newer ones, had nothing to do with greed

I am starting to see why people hate the USA and why 911 will probably be viewed as the first major terrorist bombings on American soil out of many.

????, aside from Peral Harbor, it was the single most significant attack on US soil, and as to why SOME people hate the US, well some do others don't.

Americans have a very narrow view of the rest of the world. Most never travel outside its borders and the only perspective they have of other cultures is what is provided by the State Department or CNN.

And you don't?? Read your posts, you too have an ax to grind, and like the Americans you vilify, have an extremely narrow view that doesn't accept the fact that not everybody might agree with you.

Speaking of CNN...The more I watch CNN the more I am convinced they are the USA equivalent to Aljazeera.

I agree, but I would consider FOX news even worse

This narrow view of the world by the majority of American is how people like GWB are able to influence people in the USA enough to go to war.

Debateable, but I have to agree with you

It's a good thing your mom immigrated from Southeast Asia to the USA. You fit right in.

Not where I come from in the US

If you feel so strongly about your beliefs, why don't you go talk to your local U.S. military recruiter about joining the war on terror (if your qualified to join). If your having problems finding a recruiter check out the recruiting website at www.goarmy.com. THe U.S. Army has a great branding campaign you can be part of.

Good advise, a stint in the military wouldn't hurt your attitude either, take some of the chips off your shoulder

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I am starting to see why people hate the USA and why 911 will probably be viewed as the first major terrorist bombings on American soil out of many.

Americans have a very narrow view of the rest of the world. Most never travel outside its borders and the only perspective they have of other cultures is what is provided by the State Department or CNN.

Speaking of CNN...The more I watch CNN the more I am convinced they are the USA equivalent to Aljazeera.

You are a hater for sure. A terrorist enabler.

That is what motivates your lies and distortions of the truth.

Get a life. :o

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Listening to your attitude about the victims of the past, people like you are doomed to repeat history and not learn from it.

Unfortunately, this is an all to human trait and not mutually exclusive to Americans

Had you not been born you would not have missed anything. The only reason many had to die was because of the greed of the USA.

The Vietnam war unlike some of our newer ones, had nothing to do with greed

I am starting to see why people hate the USA and why 911 will probably be viewed as the first major terrorist bombings on American soil out of many.

????, aside from Peral Harbor, it was the single most significant attack on US soil, and as to why SOME people hate the US, well some do others don't.

Americans have a very narrow view of the rest of the world. Most never travel outside its borders and the only perspective they have of other cultures is what is provided by the State Department or CNN.

And you don't?? Read your posts, you too have an ax to grind, and like the Americans you vilify, have an extremely narrow view that doesn't accept the fact that not everybody might agree with you.

Speaking of CNN...The more I watch CNN the more I am convinced they are the USA equivalent to Aljazeera.

I agree, but I would consider FOX news even worse

This narrow view of the world by the majority of American is how people like GWB are able to influence people in the USA enough to go to war.

Debateable, but I have to agree with you

It's a good thing your mom immigrated from Southeast Asia to the USA. You fit right in.

Not where I come from in the US

If you feel so strongly about your beliefs, why don't you go talk to your local U.S. military recruiter about joining the war on terror (if your qualified to join). If your having problems finding a recruiter check out the recruiting website at www.goarmy.com. THe U.S. Army has a great branding campaign you can be part of.

Good advise, a stint in the military wouldn't hurt your attitude either, take some of the chips off your shoulder

I read the history of Vietnam from a website (http://countrystudies.us/vietnam/) so excuse me if I err in my recollection of history. Looking back 100 or so years the big picture of Vietnam starts to emerge. In my opinion, it is about greed. The greed of the French and the Vietnamese people they put in charge.

I know my opinion is not along "party lines" (GWB) and most (especially Americans) do not agree with it but it is an opinion I came up with on my own without influences of others. I do enjoy grinding my axe and sharing my views with others but I usually do it response to others sharing their views.

My little stint in the U. S. military (20 years and retired) pays for me to live here in Thailand. Perhaps thats where the chip came from.

It's amazing how clearly things seem to be when your not constantly bombarded with how great the USA is. It's also ironic the countries I was taught to hate and fear are the onces I am starting to respect the most such as China (probably the #1 super power in 20 years) and Vietnam.

Trust me, my view of things are not narrow but my opinions are.

Edited by richard10365
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It's also ironic the countries I was taught to hate and fear are the onces I am starting to respect the most such as China (probably the #1 super power in 20 years) .

You have been raving on about how greedy and evil the U.S. is and then you say that you "respect" China.

You types, can you see any irony? :o

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I am starting to see why people hate the USA and why 911 will probably be viewed as the first major terrorist bombings on American soil out of many.

Americans have a very narrow view of the rest of the world. Most never travel outside its borders and the only perspective they have of other cultures is what is provided by the State Department or CNN.

Speaking of CNN...The more I watch CNN the more I am convinced they are the USA equivalent to Aljazeera.

You are a hater for sure. A terrorist enabler.

That is what motivates your lies and distortions of the truth.

Get a life. :o

Everyone has a reason to hate but I wouldn't say I'm a a terrorist enabler. I don't support terrorism and have the opinon that disagreements should be talked out instead of fought out.

When a very strong country forces their will on a smaller country or groups of people it creates feelings of hate. Enough of these feelings are enough to make these groups feel desperate enough to resort to extreme measures. It is almost impossible to win a war against the USA. The only thing left to do is hide when the USA invades and trickle out slowly with terrorist acts after they set up shop.

Effictive communication in the first place is the only way to prevent terrorist acts. However, the USA is of the opinion that it is the leader of the free world and the USA opinion is the only one that counts. Therefore, they ignore the opinions of these small groups and because they are bigger, if they can, will force their will on them.

I wouldn't say I am telling lies either or distorting the truth. I am just stating my opinion based on my expierence of what I have lived, read, and saw.

You tell me I should get a life. What life would you have me get? Should I take it from someone else? After all, that is the American way.

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I read the history of Vietnam from a website (http://countrystudies.us/vietnam/) so excuse me if I err in my recollection of history. Looking back 100 or so years the big picture of Vietnam starts to emerge. In my opinion, it is about greed. The greed of the French and the Vietnamese people they put in charge.

I know my opinion is not along "party lines" (GWB) and most (especially Americans) do not agree with it but it is an opinion I came up with on my own without influences of others. I do enjoy grinding my axe and sharing my views with others but I usually do it response to others sharing their views.

My little stint in the U. S. military (20 years and retired) pays for me to live here in Thailand. Perhaps thats where the chip came from.

It's amazing how clearly things seem to be when your not constantly bombarded with how great the USA is. It's also ironic the countries I was taught to hate and fear are the onces I am starting to respect the most such as China (probably the #1 super power in 20 years) and Vietnam.

Trust me, my view of things are not narrow but my opinions are.

When you research the last 100+ years of the French Colonial aspirations in Indo-China, you indeed find greed as the motivating factor in THEIR war. The Vietnamese involvement was twofold, one being the quest for freedom from France the other being the Vietnamese ruling class who were Catholic, and who did there best to subjourn the Buddist. I can remember the Monks torching themselves in Saigon in 1962 in protest to the policies of the government.

The US involvement was based upon a philiosophy developed by Dulles, which is today known as the "Domino" theory. The Eisenhower Administration felt that the only way to stop the expansion of communism was to not sit back like the world did, when Eastern Europe fell under USSR domination.

I respect your views even though some (Not all) are, in my opinion, unfounded and presented rather harshly.

I too am a US Veteran, not of 20 years though. I realized after 6 years that I had other interests which were not conducive to being in the military. My time in the forces (1971-1976) did do me wonders though and I feel that it was probably the single most influential experiences in my life.

I have lived in excess of 30+ years outside of the states, and true, unlike the folks back home I see a different world than they do.

Edited by Diablo Bob
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When a very strong country forces their will on a smaller country or groups of people it creates feelings of hate. Enough of these feelings are enough to make these groups feel desperate enough to resort to extreme measures. It is almost impossible to win a war against the USA. The only thing left to do is hide when the USA invades and trickle out slowly with terrorist acts after they set up shop.

You are making up justifications and excuses for terrorism and say that you "respect" China, but you claim to be non-violent.

Make up your mind. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Listening to your attitude about the victims of the past, people like you are doomed to repeat history and not learn from it.

Had you not been born you would not have missed anything. The only reason many had to die was because of the greed of the USA.

Face it Richard 10365,

something terribly went wrong with your mind in those 20 years with the US military...

and you think I should join the millitary so I can be sour like you?? :D

One part of you is resenting me for not regreting the Vietnam war, and because I don't hate myself for being born for politics that I had no control over...as if you are suggesting that I should outright denounce myself as a human/American for things that happened in the past. While I am on a self-hate trip, I might as well go full out since I have German, Japanese, and Thai ethnic roots for all attrocities that happened with their histories.

Give me a break Richard. Perhaps you should ask yourself, how and why you have come to retire in Thailand. You must really hate life here and everything you have/do in this country. The heavens forbid you have bred any children in SE Asia, let alone enjoyed sex with a SE Asian girl...because all of such events would never have tooken place had Vietnam never happened.

What are you to gain by sitting back and trying to convince other Americans how horrible a country we are?...I think most of us know our dark past, and those who know and have accepted are the ones that are stronger and will benefit our future generationsk, not those who hate, regret, and resent. I'm not going to justify anything, but I'm certainly not going to regret. You can't change the past, only the future.

If you absolutely must hate someone about Vietnam...hate the French, Soviets, or Chinese for that matter... :o nah, just kidding...anyway, the point is if you sit back and blaim Americans as a whole, you come off way too narrow minded. You might as well jump on the ignorant bandwagon and burn an American flag at the embassy while you're at it.

And all you veterans and ex-soldiers, you should know better than to just to blaim everything, present and/or past, on greed of people like GWB. Politics will never change. GWB is nothing more than a Texas puppet just as LBJ was. He's not the at the heart of the world's issues...by far!!

This isn't about America versus the world. It's about human nature...And as we have seen in the past 4-500 years since Chinese Guns hit European markets/trade routes, it's weapons business. All the live coverage of the bombardment of Baghdad was nothing more than free weapons advertisement.... Same goes with Vietnam, all the politicians will bury you in thousands of pages of justifying reports, books, and websites making you believe whatever...but the bottom line is the using, marketing, and sales of weapons/technology.

And that's the bottom line of why America is a super power. We sell our old weapons off and advertise our new ones via invasions or what have you, justifying it with words like 'liberation' 'freedom' 'democracy'...in the end, it's a multi trillion dollar business...money=power

Wrong or right, nevertheless, it's mastermind / genious...and I can't believe most people are blind to the obvious.

And to try to bring this debate back on topic, you've made me think of something else that has exploited Thais (and the world at whole)

Exactly what I mentioned...American technology / weapons : Let's see, not only do we flaunt the baddest fighters / bombers in SE Asia that wooed all the Thai military leaders / politicians, what else did we bring ....that ' s right, The American military also invented internet...those horrible greedy bastards!

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You know the old saying,..."love it or leave it". I left it. I'm ok with that. I'm much happier living here in Thailand.

You are entitled to your opinion. You can pratice free speech in a public forum such as this. You practiced your right and I practiced mine responding to your comments.

My hate for my heritige is not only about Vietnam. Don't get hung up on that. American values and attitudes are based on its entire history and thats why I hate comments about how great our history is. When I see them, I will respond to them.

I don't care if people don't like my opinion. It's my opinion. When you post on a public forum you have to expect people will be reading your comments who disagree with your opinion. In general, most people from the USA disagree with my opinion about the USA. That dosen't bother me.

American is like a crazy man who kidnaped young girls, raped them to make them pregnant so he can have a family. Now he's a grandfather constantly bragging about how great his kids are. His son's also started their family the same way as their father.

Is this a family history to be proud of or to be disgusted with?

Thats how I feel about my American history. In my opinion, not much has changed. It's still happening. Look at Iraq.

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I think Al Jazeera was based on CNN except to appeal to Arabs. Fox is worse than CNN, that's for sure, which is a bit scary when you think about the sort of BS Americans are fed everyday.

Americans are nice, honest ppl, I deal with them everyday. But generally they don't know <deleted> about anything outside their borders.

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Damm what a bunch of self absorbed arm chair Poloticians, soccer buffs, historians....ect ect ect...

YES America is the Empire of the day...yesterday was England's Day, And France's, Before That Mongolia's, Before that, Rome's Before that Egypt's ect ect ect. And tommorow will be someone else's day. Conqureing, War, Viloence and other assorted generaly bad things are the nature of such empire....so bad so sad...get over it.

This post is about THAI pepole and what Name Brands They would be better off without.

Shame on you Soccer heads, and nationality Bashers for Hijacking this thread...damm get a room or something..


I still think those bleach chems suck as I said before And whats worse is not so much a name brand but the Chineese ownership of a great many buissness enterpirises. They tend to be elitist and keep very much to their own looking down on Thais and anyone else not in their family circle. This problem is exsasterbated by the EASY EASY EASY Thai immigration laws governing chineese. They don't have to pay a fraction of what Americans or Europeans do.

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................... in their family circle. This problem is exsasterbated by the EASY EASY EASY Thai immigration laws governing chineese. ................

Too much exsasterbation all around! :o


Edited by slackula
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problem is exsasterbated by the EASY EASY EASY Thai immigration laws governing chineese. They don't have to pay a fraction of what Americans or Europeans do.

The usual twaddle from moneyshot. Goodness knows what that is supposed to mean :o

I can well live without the plastic junk that has permeated Thailand such as Coke, KFC and McDonalds, not to mention all the other tacky companies.

Have you ever noticed how fat American kids are today? The same thing is happening to the Thai kids. You see them every day after school cramming US junk food down their throats. Years ago you never saw a fat Thai kid (or rarely) Now they are ten a penny!

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Damm what a bunch of self absorbed arm chair Poloticians, soccer buffs, historians....ect ect ect...

YES America is the Empire of the day...yesterday was England's Day, And France's, Before That Mongolia's, Before that, Rome's Before that Egypt's ect ect ect. And tommorow will be someone else's day. Conqureing, War, Viloence and other assorted generaly bad things are the nature of such empire....so bad so sad...get over it.

This post is about THAI pepole and what Name Brands They would be better off without.

Shame on you Soccer heads, and nationality Bashers for Hijacking this thread...damm get a room or something..


I still think those bleach chems suck as I said before And whats worse is not so much a name brand but the Chineese ownership of a great many buissness enterpirises. They tend to be elitist and keep very much to their own looking down on Thais and anyone else not in their family circle. This problem is exsasterbated by the EASY EASY EASY Thai immigration laws governing chineese. They don't have to pay a fraction of what Americans or Europeans do.

As far as immigration laws, I think it's more of a trade off. Most Thais don't have problems getting visas/travelling to China as goes for Chinese coming here. But when speaking of Europeans / Americans....really we got a better deal.

Any bum with a passport from our countries (most anyway), including hookers, drug dealers, ex cons, mafia, fugitives, etc. can get an automatic 30 day visa on arrival Thailand. However, most Thais who aren't filthy rich got to bend over backwords to get visas to our countries...So we can't complain about it too much since we do get the better end of the deal in the bigger picture.

I couldn't care less for shark fins, fish eyeballs, herbal powders, and some of the other 'Chinese' things that are circulated and exploited in Thailand...

however, I don't think I could live without some of the beautiful genes they've contributed to the Thai gene pool. You ever wonder why there is so much eye candy in Bangkok??? What was it, 90 + percent of Bangkokians are decendants / have Chinese ethnic roots???

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Let's clarify. I'm not an ignorant American without a passport in Hicksville, Kentucky...I am an American citizen residing in Southeast Asia. I made the decision to return to the land of my maternal roots and continue my line of seed here in Thailand...atleast for now.

I left it behind too 5 years ago. Been back once two 1/2 years ago....hated almost every aspect of what I once called home (the only highlight was seeing my sisters and good friend)...counting the minutes down to my Thailand return flight. Since my return, never been homesick again. :o

So no, I'm not the bafoon walking around with an American flag t-shirt that says 'God Bless America' but at the same time...when I am faced with European nationalists / pride...my patriotic spirit does surface. I know my country's history, where we came from, where we're at, what our true founding principles represent, what we fought for 230 years ago, and the reasons why some of our founding mothers/fathers left Europe in the first place (Notice I said some, as certainly not all of American heritage comes from Europe!) .

The American Empire / weapons business is not exclusive to the Bush family puppets...no matter how powerful / influential sour apples will ever be in my birth country...one document that will always be in my blood, spirit, and pride is the Bill of Rights...which is something no farang or Thai could ever reep or claim prestige to in Thailand or most anywhere else in Asia for that matter.

Yes, we had slaves, raped the land, segregated, etc. etc. etc...and at the same time, we survived, advanced, developed, and learned from our mistakes. Had we not, the world would have never known names like MLK, Sitting Bull, Geronimo, Crazy Horse, Eli Whitney, Malcom X, and Abe Lincoln for starters...not only could we learn from what such people sacraficed / martyered, others around the world also benefited...for example, it's argued that Rama 4 and 5's reforms that ultimately abolished slavery were based directly on the events/results of the American civil war. (did I mention the French Revolution was modelled on the American revolution :D )

I'm not trying to argue with you or justify everything about our country / continent' history. Heck, even the word America comes from a Portugese slave trader...but if you truly know everything, good and bad about the 'United States' than you shouldn't let a few sour apples convince you that the water is purer in another stream...

Name one country who hasn't a dark past. And don't think for one second that Thailand's history or even present is pure...I can tell you quite a few dark things about Thai history that you're not likely to read in most Thai guide books / history books... So, my friend, if you must be bitter, don't you think it's more objective to be so with humans in general???


You know the old saying,..."love it or leave it". I left it. I'm ok with that. I'm much happier living here in Thailand.

You are entitled to your opinion. You can pratice free speech in a public forum such as this. You practiced your right and I practiced mine responding to your comments.

My hate for my heritige is not only about Vietnam. Don't get hung up on that. American values and attitudes are based on its entire history and thats why I hate comments about how great our history is. When I see them, I will respond to them.

I don't care if people don't like my opinion. It's my opinion. When you post on a public forum you have to expect people will be reading your comments who disagree with your opinion. In general, most people from the USA disagree with my opinion about the USA. That dosen't bother me.

American is like a crazy man who kidnaped young girls, raped them to make them pregnant so he can have a family. Now he's a grandfather constantly bragging about how great his kids are. His son's also started their family the same way as their father.

Is this a family history to be proud of or to be disgusted with?

Thats how I feel about my American history. In my opinion, not much has changed. It's still happening. Look at Iraq.

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wow .. from a silly premise ... to just craziness later in the thread!

(though I do think it is funny that the thread is about soccer! because obvioussly sports are BAD .. encouraging kids to play is BAD! ... if it happens to be a foriegn owned sport it is triple bad! ... so exploitive to force people to watch -- what is possibly one of the most boring sports on Earth ... I'd rather watch Curling

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So after all reading Greenwanderer's fascinating insights and penetrating facts we can learn that:

EPL exploits Thailand because they force Thai people to support their competition and love their players

Thailand are a good football team worthy of the World Cup

But they would be better if they weren't exploited (by the EPL)

FIFA has something against Asians

Greenie doesn't like Euro people

If you say Thailand are not such a good football team, you are from Europe

...and you don't know what you are talking about because they are actually good (they beat UAE or something).

The Vietnam war was good because it allowed Greenie to be born


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So after all reading Greenwanderer's fascinating insights and penetrating facts we can learn that:

EPL exploits Thailand because they force Thai people to support their competition and love their players

Thailand are a good football team worthy of the World Cup

But they would be better if they weren't exploited (by the EPL)

FIFA has something against Asians

Greenie doesn't like Euro people

If you say Thailand are not such a good football team, you are from Europe

...and you don't know what you are talking about because they are actually good (they beat UAE or something).

The Vietnam war was good because it allowed Greenie to be born


I think you got me figured out there Doza...glad we can come to some kind of understanding... :o

Anyhow, this thread has altered my stance just a little bit. Perhaps EPL isn't as bad as I may have made it sound...as others have pointed out, they've got respectable players from all over the world---Korea, Chec, S. America, Holland, etc...and while money, may be the main drive, other benefits / side effects do come at the same time, whether intentionally or not.

Nevertheless, Thais and Thailand would be just fine without the hype...

rest my case...let's move on from the soccor talk

Edited by greenwanderer108
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