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Sometimes events can overtake you ... TWINS


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Yep, you're carrying pretty low, and with twins they could come a bit early. We had our first child in Bangkok, and am currently sitting with my wife in labour with our second. I'm up against the clock coming up with a name, I don't envy you having to come up with two. Don't leave it to the last minute! Good luck.

MissFarmGirl is due (at 40 weeks) beginning/middle March.

But TWINS come early, typically @ 36 weeks, so we are planning for early February.

So, from the both of us ... thanks heaps for all the well wishes.

It's the first time for both of us.

TWINS ... facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

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Pray for girls, David. They gather some, hmm, interesting friends as they get older. My daughter has just spent several days here and several of her friends have comes down from Bkk to stay. One is a model. To keep my blood pressure in check, I stay away from the bathroom in the morning - but I won't bore you with any details. You wouldn't be interested, I'm sure.

MissFarmGirl has 2 older sisters ... one with a 16 year old daughter.

Her friends visit ...

I won't continue ... w00t.gif

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Poor 'ole MissFarmGirl has been suffering of late ... seriously.

Swollen limbs, sleepless nights ... you name it, she's got it.

So, she's been trying some alternative methods to alleviate the issues ...


Sadly, despite my council ... she's been spotted practising some unorthodox methods ... w00t.gif


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  • 4 weeks later...

Good on you girl, Now the fun starts. Keep your strength up, think postive and get rest whenever you find a chance (ok make time for rest)

They look like 'keepers' the little ones that is, the other fellow looked a little iffy. ha.

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Many congratulations to you both.

I have 2 year old Grandsons and they are gorgeous. Full of fun and really enjoy playing with each other, Just wait for feed time - non stop at first and then it just becomes chaos. Don't worry as only joking. They really are a pleasure to visit.

David. When they are old enough, bring them along to an "Isaan Farmers Meeting" - PLUS MissFarmGirl, of course,

and all the other wives will be in heaven playing with them!passifier.gifpassifier.gif

Edited by AA1
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isn't it about time to convert MissFarmGirl into MrsDavid? wink.png

he will, he promise that he will in the future

I ask when is that future, he say soon

we both smile

everything good between us

i never had any doubts that everything is good. i also have the feeling that both of you are lucky having found each other. all the best and keep up the good job!


a cheery, uplifting comment from Naam???? <deleted>

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isn't it about time to convert MissFarmGirl into MrsDavid? wink.png

he will, he promise that he will in the future

I ask when is that future, he say soon

we both smile

everything good between us

i never had any doubts that everything is good. i also have the feeling that both of you are lucky having found each other. all the best and keep up the good job!


a cheery, uplifting comment from Naam???? <deleted>

It's all good. He's sort of a mate from the Forum, though we have never met.

It's just his individual sense of humour.

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Nice job...cooked just right.

Now, the important bit....got any photos of those managers, uni ed ones...girls only

Indeed Laddie I have.

But, maybe they are not up to your high visual standards.

Heck of nice personalities though ... thumbsup.gif

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Nice job...cooked just right.

Now, the important bit....got any photos of those managers, uni ed ones...girls only

Indeed Laddie I have.

But, maybe they are not up to your high visual standards.

Heck of nice personalities though ... thumbsup.gif

Personalities schmersonalities......I am shallow and proud of it.

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Congratulations MissFarmGirl and David48 (who did his bit for 15 seconds 8 months ago).

So should we move this to the Family forum, not really farming related smile.png

Croosy, sure, if you think that's the best place for it.

And apologies, I just saw your message.

We are still @ the Hospital and yesterday I was in Bangkok, getting some translations done for their Birth Certificates.

Arrived back at the Hospital Room and were surrounded with a group of her friends from her old work ...

attachicon.gifP1270095 LR.JPG

So, what does a group of 30 something girls who have never had kids do?

They fuss and fiddle and afraid to touch and take heaps of photos.

All managers, Uni educated ... no bf's ... looking for someone ... my introduction fees are quite reasonable ... whistling.gif

OH ... and they gave kick-ass presents. MissFarmGirl was the first from their group to have kids.

Now we have an endless supply of doting Honorary Aunts to take care of them ... thumbsup.gif

Then more friends ... we didn't get to eat till 9pm last night.

attachicon.gifBoys together LR.jpg

Latest photo of the Boys

SUPER big congratulations. You are one heck of a lucky guy.

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Congratulations MissFarmGirl and David48 (who did his bit for 15 seconds 8 months ago).

So should we move this to the Family forum, not really farming related smile.png

Croosy, sure, if you think that's the best place for it.

And apologies, I just saw your message.

We are still @ the Hospital and yesterday I was in Bangkok, getting some translations done for their Birth Certificates.

Arrived back at the Hospital Room and were surrounded with a group of her friends from her old work ...

attachicon.gifP1270095 LR.JPG

So, what does a group of 30 something girls who have never had kids do?

They fuss and fiddle and afraid to touch and take heaps of photos.

All managers, Uni educated ... no bf's ... looking for someone ... my introduction fees are quite reasonable ... whistling.gif

OH ... and they gave kick-ass presents. MissFarmGirl was the first from their group to have kids.

Now we have an endless supply of doting Honorary Aunts to take care of them ... thumbsup.gif

Then more friends ... we didn't get to eat till 9pm last night.

attachicon.gifBoys together LR.jpg

Latest photo of the Boys

SUPER big congratulations. You are one heck of a lucky guy.

Lucky Stars I am a counting.

Have three thus far.

MissFarmGirl and our TWINS ... biggrin.pngbiggrin.png

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