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Working Online via The NY Times

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Well if I worked online from Thailand I would take this into consideration:

Porn Sites Get More Visitors Each Month Than Netflix, Amazon And Twitter Combined
The Huffington Post | Posted: 05/04/2013

Dunno what this has to do with Thailand but I'm sure there's a connection there somewhere in your mind.


Com'on. You know what he means.

And your feeling hungry...

Dunno what this has to do with Thailand but I'm sure there's a connection there somewhere in your mind.

Com'on. You know what he means.

If I had to guess I'd say it's a thinly-disguised dig at those who derive their income doing internet jobs he perhaps doesn't quite understand.

About time he let that bee out of his bonnet, I think.

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In the old days -- like the 80's and 90's -- when we wanted to be discreet or mysterious about what we did when asked -- we would say we worked on consulting. Nowadays, maybe rather than just saying they are unemployed, they say they work online or remotely. So as described in the NY Times article, all it really takes is a laptop, a USB camera, a good upload connection, an account with one of the webcam hosting sites and one or more consenting/obliging Thai females, that would be a great way for a world traveler to go.

BTW I wrote my first computer program on an HP3000 in 1974 and managed an IBM 370 COBOL batch service account in 1973.


Batch = punch cards which in those days constituted the human interface with the computer. But hey maybe tomorrow I'll go shopping for a USB camera and start getting the show rolling.


Well if I worked online from Thailand I would take this into consideration:

Porn Sites Get More Visitors Each Month Than Netflix, Amazon And Twitter Combined
The Huffington Post | Posted: 05/04/2013

Illegal in Thailand - Computer Crime Act


Well if I worked online from Thailand I would take this into consideration:

Porn Sites Get More Visitors Each Month Than Netflix, Amazon And Twitter Combined

The Huffington Post | Posted: 05/04/2013

Illegal in Thailand - Computer Crime Act

So is working without a work permit pal whos gonna tell.

Still alot of porn sites offering such things online concerning asian stuff so whos gonna stop them.


Nowadays, maybe rather than just saying they are unemployed, they say they work online or remotely.

How do unemployed people manage to move and live in Thailand?

Where is the money coming from?

I know in my home country if unemployed and claiming benefits you have to visit the job centre every 2 weeks and prove you are in the country and actively looking for work.

And trust me the benefits aren't so good you could fly back and forth from Thailand ever 2 weeks to claim.


Nowadays, maybe rather than just saying they are unemployed, they say they work online or remotely.

How do unemployed people manage to move and live in Thailand?

Where is the money coming from?

I know in my home country if unemployed and claiming benefits you have to visit the job centre every 2 weeks and prove you are in the country and actively looking for work.

And trust me the benefits aren't so good you could fly back and forth from Thailand ever 2 weeks to claim.

Maybe they are on long term disability, milking the system.



Where's the money coming from? One could be living off savings made elsewhere and just saying they work online to be cool. But why always so vague in saying 'working online' -- maybe a professional online poker player? Maybe going to work at 2 pm to coincide with market openings in London? Maybe selling ringtones? Maybe online Phishing expert? (I got them on one email account almost daily)

There was a US Supreme Court case where a guy advertised for free first run movies on his website; he didn't really offer free first run movies on his website but just made a point of saying so to generate traffic for Google AdSense, etc. The ruling was that the website could be shut down without the film industry having to prove that he was offering illegal film access.

And I don't think the girl in the NY Times article if she were a Thai girl -- as long as she was not using a website site based in Thailand for distribution -- would be subject to the Thai Computer Crimes Act section 14.4 or 15

Besides, as noted above, most of the usual suspects who say they are working in Thailand online are working without a work permit anyway and, if on a tourist visa, have signed a formal declaration on their visa application that they are NOT working in Thailand.


Maybe you really are jealous although I can't for the life of me fathom why.

I mean, you're retired, you have the freedom to sup on cold cider all day and night if you like and you even get your leg over regularly with the local walrus in a mini-skirt. Why not just live out your remaining years in peace and quiet doing what men like you do?

Why the animosity towards guys who are just using the tools of the day to earn and live well on their own terms?

PS I think you'll find that investing in stock markets - whether on the SET or other bourses around the world - doesn't require a work permit. biggrin.png

Even if it did require one, I expect immigration would have a terribly difficult time proving that someone was working illegally.

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My 'mini- skirted walrus' meaning my C-L wife of 10 years who was on this forum referred to as a pay-for-play hooker has looks close enough to this. And I was not the one who said if -- indeed trading online -- that such activity was working online. But personally I wouldn't know as I pay someone else to do my trading for me.


As for proving one is illegally working online it is indeed virtually impossible if it means catching one in the act. The only thing would be when you belly up to the desk at an Immigration port of entry and they see all'a them tourist visas and then start to ask questions.

So I'll just say it here: If the gent wants to apologize for calling my gorgeous wife of 10 years a hooker I will apologize for the entirely out-of-character remarks I made towards him a few weeks back.


Where's the money coming from? One could be living off savings made elsewhere and just saying they work online to be cool. But why always so vague in saying 'working online' -- maybe a professional online poker player? Maybe going to work at 2 pm to coincide with market openings in London? Maybe selling ringtones? Maybe online Phishing expert? (I got them on one email account almost daily)

There was a US Supreme Court case where a guy advertised for free first run movies on his website; he didn't really offer free first run movies on his website but just made a point of saying so to generate traffic for Google AdSense, etc. The ruling was that the website could be shut down without the film industry having to prove that he was offering illegal film access.

And I don't think the girl in the NY Times article if she were a Thai girl -- as long as she was not using a website site based in Thailand for distribution -- would be subject to the Thai Computer Crimes Act section 14.4 or 15

Besides, as noted above, most of the usual suspects who say they are working in Thailand online are working without a work permit anyway and, if on a tourist visa, have signed a formal declaration on their visa application that they are NOT working in Thailand.

But saying your work online doesn't sound that cool. If I was a pro poker player I'd probably prefer to say that as that actually sounds cool. Sadly I'm just not good (or cool) enough to be a poker player.

Why do you need to know anyway? What business is it of yours?

I suspect if people did tell you what exactly they did you wouldn't understand it anyway.


My 'mini- skirted walrus' meaning my C-L wife of 10 years who was on this forum referred to as a pay-for-play hooker has looks close enough to this. And I was not the one who said if -- indeed trading online -- that such activity was working online. But personally I wouldn't know as I pay someone else to do my trading for me.


As for proving one is illegally working online it is indeed virtually impossible if it means catching one in the act. The only thing would be when you belly up to the desk at an Immigration port of entry and they see all'a them tourist visas and then start to ask questions.

So I'll just say it here: If the gent wants to apologize for calling my gorgeous wife of 10 years a hooker I will apologize for the entirely out-of-character remarks I made towards him a few weeks back.

are you really married to Jessica Alba?! wow - fair play


So it's UK tag team? What business is it of mine? Absolutely none. And if you stuck to what is your own business you might say the same.

These days I have a visible online presence though not cash generating via twitter, blogspot, scribd.com and a few well read legal and international diplomacy-type websites & beyond that I don't really care to say what it is I understand or not.

BTW Not married to Jessica -- just a Thai girl who looks enough like her.


My 'mini- skirted walrus' meaning my C-L wife of 10 years who was on this forum referred to as a pay-for-play hooker has looks close enough to this. And I was not the one who said if -- indeed trading online -- that such activity was working online. But personally I wouldn't know as I pay someone else to do my trading for me.


As for proving one is illegally working online it is indeed virtually impossible if it means catching one in the act. The only thing would be when you belly up to the desk at an Immigration port of entry and they see all'a them tourist visas and then start to ask questions.

So I'll just say it here: If the gent wants to apologize for calling my gorgeous wife of 10 years a hooker I will apologize for the entirely out-of-character remarks I made towards him a few weeks back.

If you can show me where I called your common law wife a hooker, I'll apologise for it.

I don't live here on back-to-back tourist visas. Multiple entry, non-imm B thanks.


So it's UK tag team? What business is it of mine? Absolutely none. And if you stuck to what is your own business you might say the same.

These days I have a visible online presence though not cash generating via twitter, blogspot, scribd.com and a few well read legal and international diplomacy-type websites & beyond that I don't really care to say what it is I understand or not.

I've actually no idea what you're going on about btw.

UK tag team?

What business of yours have I gotten involved in?

I called your wife a hooker? (I didn't even know you were married).

Generating cash via Twitter, Blogspot and Scribd? Me neither.


HardenedSoul Posted 2013-09-08 19:41:19 questions-regarding-thai-farang-relationships/

"But unlike the likes of you, I'm not trying to bang my way through the trouts on the lowest rungs of Thailand's socio-economic ladder . . . and paying for it"


Well if I worked online from Thailand I would take this into consideration:

Porn Sites Get More Visitors Each Month Than Netflix, Amazon And Twitter Combined
The Huffington Post | Posted: 05/04/2013

Which ones exactly ??


HardenedSoul Posted 2013-09-08 19:41:19 questions-regarding-thai-farang-relationships/

"But unlike the likes of you, I'm not trying to bang my way through the trouts on the lowest rungs of Thailand's socio-economic ladder . . . and paying for it"

Seeing as you're always one of the more vociferous when the usual, pensionable suspects are defending their God-given right to copulate with local female mercenaries of questionable virtue in return for financial compensation, let me ask you . . . are you monogamous?

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