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Mistaken Identity Murder in North Pattaya


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Another senseless crime resulting in a death. Unfortunately, this opens another door for Thai bashers, taxi driver bashers, moto-taxi drivers. etc. to air their bigotry and let loose with a barrage of hateful words. The crime is solved by arm-chair detectives who appear to have little to go on other than the article and their presumptions.

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Given all the information on this guy he should be easy to find?thumbsup.gif

Sadly this is now an all too typical story from Thailand.

Hub of brutal and viscous murders.

There is nothing typical about this story. It is just another case of bad luck and an unecessary pointless death. If somebody was feeling threatened by the guy's prescence and they were in one of the US states which allowed it his killer would have been immune to prosecution under the " Stand your Ground" law. Does that mean that everyone who visits the US has to avoid arguing or disagreeing with anyone because they can kill you without fear of prosecution? I doubt it but it happens. If the only Thailand news that you get is from TV then you may get the impression that killings are typical because like all news sources the TV editors will publish those news items that they think will generate the most traffic. When you say " typical story from Thailand" that suggests that you don't live here so you wont have much idea about what really is a typical day here

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sorry the guy lost his life but if you fly with crows is very likely you will be shot down with them

So you think it's ok to kill somebody because that person was talking to people you don't like or have some grudge against.

What a sad outlook on life.

I think it's more than just a sad outlook on life. For feeling no compassion, Karma would suggest that the next person murdered for doing nothing more than talking to a friend, or perhaps just being in the wrong place at the wrong time, might well be your own. So try thinking about what you say before you say it. Marcus Aurelius once said (and I paraphrase), "tis better to sit quiet and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all


A lot of Politicians could benefit from that piece of advice......(off topic I know.....sorry)

RIP to the unfortunate man

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Given all the information on this guy he should be easy to find?thumbsup.gif

Sadly this is now an all too typical story from Thailand.

Hub of brutal and viscous murders.

There is nothing typical about this story. It is just another case of bad luck and an unecessary pointless death. If somebody was feeling threatened by the guy's prescence and they were in one of the US states which allowed it his killer would have been immune to prosecution under the " Stand your Ground" law. Does that mean that everyone who visits the US has to avoid arguing or disagreeing with anyone because they can kill you without fear of prosecution? I doubt it but it happens. If the only Thailand news that you get is from TV then you may get the impression that killings are typical because like all news sources the TV editors will publish those news items that they think will generate the most traffic. When you say " typical story from Thailand" that suggests that you don't live here so you wont have much idea about what really is a typical day here

Your comment and it's lame attempt to link this murder with "Stand your ground" laws in the US is absurd and demonstrates ignorance. According to the reported story, the murdered man was not threatening the murderer, nor physically attacking him. That is a huge difference and this killer would NOT have been immune under any " Stand your Ground" law".

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sorry the guy lost his life but if you fly with crows is very likely you will be shot down with them

So you think it's ok to kill somebody because that person was talking to people you don't like or have some grudge against.

What a sad outlook on life.

i think you are sad reading that wholesale misinterpretation into my comment

monkeycountry was right when he said:

''That was not really what blackman said now was it?

He simply stated that if you hang out with the wrong crowd, you are likely to get into trouble. A basic rule of life most mums teach their kids.''

That's the problem when you make a short comment. People might interpret it differently to the way you imagined when writing it. The same way that some people might stereotype all motor bike taxi drivers as no good potential gang member killers; and stereotype people who talk with them and have them as friends.

Monkeycountry can interpret your comment how he wants, and streotype all he wants. Others may be more discerning.

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sorry the guy lost his life but if you fly with crows is very likely you will be shot down with them

So you think it's ok to kill somebody because that person was talking to people you don't like or have some grudge against.

What a sad outlook on life.

No! I do not think blackman thinks this, but I'll go you one better, and suggest you focus your attention on Mr. Oot!

Mr. Oot thinks it is ok, and that appears to have a greater, negative impact on society's ills than blackman's comment.

The fight is in the ring, and you are sitting in the back row throwing pop corn at the back of people's heads.

<deleted> are you on about? Popcorn, backs of heads, fight in the ring. Read the article and take more water with your coffee.

Mr, Oot would appear to be a murdering callous vicious thug, if the report is correct. His guilt has yet to be determined in court. If proven he should face the heaviest sentence under law.

You don't know what Blackman thinks any more than I do, unless you are a psychic, but may interpret his words differently. He does suggest that the victim was partly to blame because he associated with the wrong crowd. Similar logic to those that say girls who dress seductively and go to nightclubs are really to blame if they're attacked.

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sorry the guy lost his life but if you fly with crows is very likely you will be shot down with them

So you think it's ok to kill somebody because that person was talking to people you don't like or have some grudge against.

What a sad outlook on life.

No! I do not think blackman thinks this, but I'll go you one better, and suggest you focus your attention on Mr. Oot!

Mr. Oot thinks it is ok, and that appears to have a greater, negative impact on society's ills than blackman's comment.

The fight is in the ring, and you are sitting in the back row throwing pop corn at the back of people's heads.

<deleted> are you on about? Popcorn, backs of heads, fight in the ring. Read the article and take more water with your coffee.

Mr, Oot would appear to be a murdering callous vicious thug, if the report is correct. His guilt has yet to be determined in court. If proven he should face the heaviest sentence under law.

You don't know what Blackman thinks any more than I do, unless you are a psychic, but may interpret his words differently. He does suggest that the victim was partly to blame because he associated with the wrong crowd. Similar logic to those that say girls who dress seductively and go to nightclubs are really to blame if they're attacked.

"If the report is correct"? Is there some other definition for a person who kicks another person to death, and the ten ghoulish onlookers who stand there whilst it is being carried out to its fatal ending? Excuse me, Baerboxer, but I must be missing a key point in your thinking. Apologies...

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Given all the information on this guy he should be easy to find?thumbsup.gif

Sadly this is now an all too typical story from Thailand.

Hub of brutal and viscous murders.

The fact it is commented on extensively shows just the opposite IMO...otherwise nobody would take note of it. Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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