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The only thing I can say is that they are both in the middle of town and that you probably have visited them and if not, that you have at least seen them hundreds of times from the outside.

Unseen Chiang Rai, you know? Come on! Don't give up!

Limbo :o


is that Wiang inn swimming pool???? kool. will they let me go swim if im not their guest? and if yes how much for swimming?.... really im serious if anyone know the information plz tell me.


How far is it to walk between the two places?

First price: A German beer! :o

Limbo :D

200 miles? Sorry we still don't know the metric system over here in Bush country.

But I still want the beer!


as people tell me, in the wiang inn swimming pool there are no guards, and only a letter telling you not to swim before 08.00 and after 00.00 in the evening, also they give you the free advise not to swim after a meal or when drunk.

I am also very interested, because acourding to Joel its only a 100 meter walk for me.

Come on Joel, you can do better then that, its at least a 150 metres.

Or can i not play, i like a german bear. :o

as people tell me, in the wiang inn swimming pool there are no guards, and only a letter telling you not to swim before 08.00 and after 00.00 in the evening, also they give you the free advise not to swim after a meal or when drunk.

I am also very interested, because acourding to Joel its only a 100 meter walk for me.

Come on Joel, you can do better then that, its at least a 150 metres.

Or can i not play, i like a german bear. :D

Now Erq-win, you gonna tell me you don't J-walk? Or has traffic gotten too heavy for that?

J-Walk - walk catty-cornered, against requlations :o:D:D


No Mr. Trebek, no, no, no!

200 Miles, pffft!

200 Feet maybe?

Anyhow, Joel hit the nail on its head: From the Wiang Inn to Bo's Place will be something between 100 and 150 meters.

And Erg is disqualified! He knew only the picture of the 'delicatessen' of Bo's Place but didn't know the swimming pool of the Wiang Inn. He learned that of me and later of Joel.

What an extremely slimy character to try to rest on the laurels of others!

Anyhow Erg, if you see Erwin next time, tell him that Joel gets an Erdinger on my bill!

If he doesn't want an Erdinger, give him a hamburger with french fries!

Honest is honest!

Gratulations Joel!

Limbo :o


Thanks Limbo! Must admit though, I only learned of the pool the other day (before your posting)while at Bo's Place ordering one of the wonderful new deli sandwiches (you don't have to order exactly what's on the menu - I swap articles between the two B99 listings; wonderful, so glad to have in Chiangrai).

Does seem like a great deal, free swimming! At Ing Doi (nice place), It's B50 for adults, B20 kids.

There's a sauna there too, B100 (10-15 min warm-up). At the Sports Club (south-west of Doi Khao Quai intersection if that helps anybody) it used to be B30, but I haven't been by in years (it's a nice place too).

These are unsolicited comments, I assure all who might be skeptical (as well, perhaps, they should be). But if you can't discuss anything that has to do with money, you can't discuss much, can you?


i havent been to sportclub for ages too.good pool but too many kids!! hahah. never been to Ing doi swiming pool yet.when i have time, iusually go to swim at Rimkok hotel.have neen to Dusit once ,too expensive.....


'Quadriderm' it is called. It is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. It is made by a Thai company under authority of Schering-Plough (USA). Most pharmacies of Chiang Rai have it.

It really works! Within a couple of days the problem is gone.

Some swimming pools in Chiang Rai are not as clean as you might wish.

Mostly you don't notice that directly.

It takes a couple of days for the signs to show up.

Ok, the 'Quadriderm' is about 220 Baht.

If you become member of the sportsclub of the Dusit Island Resort you can use their torture chambers (the fittness and the sauna) AND the swimming pool for two thousand Baht a month.

Minus the 220 Baht for the Quadriderm, netto 1780 Baht.

And you can read the Bangkok Post and The Nation at the same location (30 times 40 Baht = 1200 Baht), so finally it only costs you 580 Baht :D

Keep in touch

with the Dutch!

Limbo :o

Oh yes, and the little sweet secret swimming pool at the end of the mo-ban on the road to Ban Panchamorn (in the corner before the bridge at the right side) and the one in Sinthanee 1 (?) in Laddawan. And the one in the sports stadium.

Is the one in the stadium still meeting-point for gays?

And you can read the Bangkok Post and The Nation at the same location (30 times 40 Baht = 1200 Baht), so finally it only costs you 580 Baht :D

Limbo :D


Get with the times. The Post and Nation are 25bt each now=50bt a day x30=1500bt savings if you went everyday. If you read them online= 0bt. Deduction not allowed. :D:D:o


Get with the times. The Post and Nation are 25bt each now=50bt a day x30=1500bt savings if you went everyday. If you read them online= 0bt. Deduction not allowed. :D:D:o

In this way I never get rich! You could at least have let me the illusion.

Anyhow, I bought swimming trunks and I hope to launch myself soon.

In the mean time:

Not all pubs/restaurants in Chiang Rai are typically Thai.

This one certainly not. It looks more like a European place.

It's in the middle of town, not far from Gare Garon. More I don't say :D


Limbo, unseen :D


Is it a book shop internet cafe and coffe shop name >> connect -cafe' ? near labanese resturant ,right?

if it is,what can i get this time? hahahaha

  • 2 weeks later...
In this way I never get rich! You could at least have let me the illusion.

Anyhow, I bought swimming trunks and I hope to launch myself soon.

In the mean time:

Not all pubs/restaurants in Chiang Rai are typically Thai.

This one certainly not. It looks more like a European place.

It's in the middle of town, not far from Gare Garon. More I don't say :D

Limbo, unseen :o

This looks as an old dutch restaurant. I wonder where? Hmmm....

How is the food?

Is it a book shop internet cafe and coffe shop name >> connect -cafe' ? near labanese resturant ,right?

if it is,what can i get this time? hahahaha

Let me say that this restaurant/pub has the only outside terrace in Chiang Rai town with a heating system (gas burners under the roof).

Let me add that this place also is the only one in town that has a cooling system for its outside terrace (waternozzles).

So it is never too cold and never too hot.

The food is excellent.

What about a 'pita shoarma' or a 'sandwich croquet' as reward?

Limbo :o

umm... is that a pub and resturant in Night bazaar just at the beer garden? i cant remember the name of it? up stair...???

No, no, no, Unknown User!

After the third guess you are going to be disqualified!

You are probably talking about the Ratanakosin Restaurant of the lovely British/Thai couple, who I didn't see for such a long time that I forgot their names.

Specialized in classical Thai dishes (Ratanakosin period) in a great ambiance, breathing tradition.

A lot of beautiful antiques are setting the tone.

Do they have heating on their terrace? No!

Do they have cooling water spraying? No!

Do they have shoarma? No!

Do they have croquets? No!

Last chance U_U!

Limbo :o


Errr... i dont see any of the hint things u said about this unseen...my last quess is "Aye's resturant " ??? really i walked around that area but see nothing.... booooohoooo..!

  • 1 month later...
This looks as an old dutch restaurant. I wonder where? Hmmm....

How is the food?

HEY dr Limbo.

Two months and you don't give me the prize ? :D

Ol' Dutch!!!!! :o:D:D


This looks as an old dutch restaurant. I wonder where? Hmmm....

How is the food?

HEY dr Limbo.

Two months and you don't give me the prize ? :D

Ol' Dutch!!!!! :o:D:D

In an unguarded moment indeed I wrote:

"What about a 'pita shoarma' or a 'sandwich croquet' as reward?"

I secretly hoped that it would have gone unnoticed, but as it didn't I have to accept the consequences :D . Honest is honest

Dear Svenivan,

Please, when you go to town, give me a call. We have to talk about the photo exhibition anyhow.

If that's too complicated just ask the owner, Henk, to phone me (This of course to avoid that suddenly everybody goes there and claims a 'pita shoarma' or 'broodje croquet').

Limbo :D

  • 2 months later...

post-6305-1158475152_thumb.jpg post-6305-1158475133_thumb.jpg post-6305-1158475079_thumb.jpgKnown to a very little 'happy few' Chiang Rai has a museum in the middle of town.

The pictures give some idea about the interior and its regular visitors.

The question is: Where is this museum?

Limbo :o


is that at the building behide King Rama 5 monument?

Right you are :D , the Sala Klang Kao, home of the Provincial Cultural Council. We know that the building (by Dr. Briggs, with the approvement of King Rama V) is a little bit more than hundred years old.

Do you have any idea when the statue was erected?

The statue of King Mengrai dates from 1954 if I am right. My guess is that the statue of King Rama V is of a later date.

Thanks for your quick replay!

Limbo :o



yes for King Rama V not to long ago. i still remember there was no King ramaV monument at this place yet when i studied at Anubaan Chiang rai school. heheheh

yes for King Rama V not to long ago. i still remember there was no King ramaV monument at this place yet when i studied at Anubaan Chiang rai school. heheheh

Unknown user,

Who was your favourite teacher at Anubarn Chiangrai?

Just curious?

In The Rai!


OHHH i couldnt remember my teachers name.. it was too long time ago In The Rai.... let me count...1...9.... ohh yes back to the year 1990! when my first Phatom 1 there till Phatom 6 d....a....m....n.... didnt noticed i am that old now....:o

  • 1 year later...

Here we go again.

Two places.

No 1: post-29230-1190609322_thumb.jpg

From here you can see miles!

No 2: post-29230-1190609452_thumb.jpg

A place with some beautiful buildings. From here is also a good view!

So where are these places?


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