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When Thaksin should say nothing at all


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Let me see if I understand. It is okay for the Nation to smear a man but the man should keep his mouth shut. It contradicts the behaviour of the owners of the Nation who were and probably still are suspected to be unusually rich. It underscores however the perception that the old money boys still do not understand that the ghost will never return to it's bottle and that they will gradually lose most of their power or at the very least public influence and standing.

Don;t read the Nation, there are so many good alternatives and even when blocked they can be read ask any 8 year old how to do it.

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Thait Spot said exactly what I was thinking: The big T thinks it's all about HIM. He really believes that only HE can lead the Thai sheeple to out of morass. Maybe it's a form of dislexia, because the opposite it true, as is the case whenever Thaksin makes a statement. Perhaps we should pity the man as suffering from dementia, because he actually believes in his lies. Unfortunately, it's not as simple as patting him on the head and giving him medication, because nothing short of putting him back in the top power seat will appease him, and even then he will continue to complain, blame and lie.

The word you are looking for is: Megalomania.

It's a terrible disease.

It's even more terrible when you have a cult following, lackeys in high government positions, and billions of dollars.

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I don't think there is much to figure out or disect about Thaksin.

He's a successful S.E. Asian businessman whose only concerns is money and power.

He's clever about co-opting the rural peasantry but would only do something for them in order to stay in power.

He should be taken serously because he can manipulate the rural masses and he is utterly ruthless.

In this part of the world most people believe that its a leader's right to profit personally by whatever means

What democracy means here is you get to vote and are paid to do so, its only natural that those costs be recouped at a later time.

Thaksin is a disengenuous man and humorless man.

To illustrate this point witness how he handled a question put to him by a young Thia reporter.

Q: "What does human rights mean to you"

A. " Human rights is the right to be human".

By taking the question so lightly is proof that:

A- He doesn't believe in the principle

B) He'd never make it as a comedian outside of Thailand.

So, anyone who believes he is the spearhead of a real democracy would be in for a rude shock if he were to regain power.


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Even a hundred more years in the wilderness and he still won't have learned anything

It's all about "him" and as he probably only speaks to his supporters, he's only seeing one side of himself

Remorse is the key thing Thaksin

Yes and dodgy at it was it is the good side of him.

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Well I read the headline and my immediate thought was right he should keep his mouth shut. He had his chance and blew it.

But I went on to read the article. the man is getting older and less able to put two and two together. He sees what he wants and does not see the whole picture. That would include what others want and what is best for the country. the man had 5 years to do some thing about the education system longer than any one else and did nothing. Here we are today in 2013 still under a system that discourages innovative thinking.

The article went on to say

"Without "I'm sorry. I was wrong on many things" It should also have him admit to the things and say what he really should have done. "Without "I'm sorry. I was wrong on many things" is meaningless.

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Let me see if I understand. It is okay for the Nation to smear a man but the man should keep his mouth shut. It contradicts the behaviour of the owners of the Nation who were and probably still are suspected to be unusually rich. It underscores however the perception that the old money boys still do not understand that the ghost will never return to it's bottle and that they will gradually lose most of their power or at the very least public influence and standing.

Don;t read the Nation, there are so many good alternatives and even when blocked they can be read ask any 8 year old how to do it.

Ask any 8 year old if he dosen't want to be smeared and he is out of sight will he be smeared .

Answer no

Ask any 8 year old kid if he dosen't want to be smeared and he stays out of sight but keeps talking nonsense if he will be smeared answered. yes

This is a direct quote from the Thai Rath one of your other many sources

"Thaksin told Thai Rath he had done everything he could to get people join his "reform" forum except sending "flowers"

Who in the hell does he think he is to be calling a peace forum to bring a peace that will come automatically when he stops meddling in things. Keeps his mouth shut and stops with the bribes. Refuses to tell his sister what to do.

Then there will be peace. It will come automatically. The down side is there will be a red shirted army left rudderless. But without his money there neighbors will smack some sense into them. All ready even with his money they have taken a beating in three out of four of the by elections in their strongholds.

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Thait Spot said exactly what I was thinking: The big T thinks it's all about HIM. He really believes that only HE can lead the Thai sheeple to out of morass. Maybe it's a form of dislexia, because the opposite it true, as is the case whenever Thaksin makes a statement. Perhaps we should pity the man as suffering from dementia, because he actually believes in his lies. Unfortunately, it's not as simple as patting him on the head and giving him medication, because nothing short of putting him back in the top power seat will appease him, and even then he will continue to complain, blame and lie.

May I humbly suggest megalomania rather than dementia?wai.gif

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A couple hundred years ago, in France, there were insane asylums. Each one had at least one inmate who was convinced he was Napoleon. Those men would walk around, dressed like Napoleon, big hat sideways on head, hand tucked in to shirt at belly, ...and spouting Napoleonic truisms to all who would listen. Now I can picture Thai asylums in ten years, where squat me are walking proudly around, spouting Thaksisms left and right. One main difference between the two men: Napoleon was a great general with bloodlust. Thaksin just has bloodlust.

Actually, when viewed in the context of what Thaksin loves the most (besides himself) is; amassing money. When the court ruling took away several billion baht, that's what really burnt his biscuit. I venture that if that money hadn't been taken, Thaksin would just be an annoyance from afar. As it is, he's willing to trash the Thai Constitution, and incite bloody riots in Bkk, because he feels unfairly parted from his true love: MONEY.

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Thait Spot said exactly what I was thinking: The big T thinks it's all about HIM. He really believes that only HE can lead the Thai sheeple to out of morass. Maybe it's a form of dislexia, because the opposite it true, as is the case whenever Thaksin makes a statement. Perhaps we should pity the man as suffering from dementia, because he actually believes in his lies. Unfortunately, it's not as simple as patting him on the head and giving him medication, because nothing short of putting him back in the top power seat will appease him, and even then he will continue to complain, blame and lie.

May I humbly suggest megalomania rather than dementia?wai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cA.gif alt=wai.gif width=20 height=20>

How about both and bear in mind it all springs from a mind that was never properly trained in social responsibility. It was trained in money and power are all that count people are irrelevant,

Troll post and nonsense grammar police posts have been removed.

Ok, sorry mods,

i was just trying to make a point,

thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif alt=thumbsup.gif width=25 height=19>

Facts do not require nonsense. Mind you there are places where the two can come together. In fact they can be quite enjoyable at times.

If it was grammar you deserve a holiday you have missed the whole point of the forum and in most cases people correct grammar rather than admit they are wrong. Please try to leave the I am superior crap out if that is the case.

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he wants top come back ? Face your future and a fair trial and see how it goes ......

Not sure it has been a while. He has had one fair trial under one of the parties he controlled. He did not like the decision hence the self exile

If he comes back I believe it is some where in the area of 15 charges he faces.

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He doesn't deserve the benefit of any doubt because there is none, his ideas and goals are clear and all self-centred with a little something in it for the family and maybe some selected cronies.

But ladies and gentlemen, you are all falling into the trap of believing that he has anything to say on the issues that has any validity.

HE IS A CONVICTED FUGITIVE CRIMINAL...not a country leader! Nuff said...!!!!

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he wants top come back ? Face your future and a fair trial and see how it goes ......

Not sure it has been a while. He has had one fair trial under one of the parties he controlled. He did not like the decision hence the self exile

If he comes back I believe it is some where in the area of 15 charges he faces.

first reading of the last sentence, above, my dislexia kicked in, and I read it as 'area 51' It kind of fits, in an 'alien from another planet' sort of way.

Among the many oddities about the arrogant man, there's this factoid: He fancies himself as a great leader, yet he scoffs at a legal decision he doesn't agree with. It would seem, that one of the precepts of being a political leader, is upholding the laws of the land. Not only is he the poster boy for avoiding taxes, he's also the poster boy for choosing which jury decisions he likes and which he doesn't like. We can call it 'a la carte justice.' In other words, a criminal only has to face the music if she/he agrees with the verdict. Another Thaksin original trait.

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Thaksin's whining would be comical, if it didn't adversely affect so many folks.

And the object of so many Thais' hero worship really could use a make-over. He's so un-statesmanlike, at least to western eyes. He could hire me for $1,000/minute to advise him on how to appear more of a statesman, and less of a vindictive, paranoid little man. Here's what I would advise:

>>> voice coaching. He could drop his current trebbly whining sound, down a couple steps. He could also slow down his speech a bit, so he doesn't sound like a 6 year old kid who just ran off the playground after being pushed around by a bully - to complain to his mommy.

>>> hang out with some cool westerners, to try and soak up some coolness. Sorry if this sounds racist, but Asians and Middle Easterners just ain't cool, dude. Perhaps that's why N.Korea's fat boy is hanging with the basketball player.

>>> don't sing any western songs in public. In the shower, ok.

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