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No rest for the weary: Man comes home from work, is busted for drugs

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No rest for the weary: Man comes home from work, is busted for drugs
Phuket Gazette -

PHUKET: A Myanmar native returned home from work on Tuesday only to be arrested for drugs by Phuket Police officers who were lying in wait at his house.

Police raided a camp in Chalong after receiving a tip-off that workers at the camp were selling kratom leaves.

The workers living in the four houses at the camp fled when they saw the police, who were left empty-handed, said Crime Suppression Division (CSD) officer Maj Rungsak Jaijandee.

Searching the houses, police found 26kg of kratom leaves, 27 bottles of cough syrup and equipment to boil the leaves.

Kratom and cough syrup are ingredients in the popular illegal beverage called “4x100”.

Police decided to wait at the camp for the workers to return, and at 5:45pm, a man named Mr Zugar entered his house and was arrested for possession of a Category 5 drug with intent to sell, Maj Rungsak said.

Kratom busts are continuing in Phuket despite the national-level debate about decriminalizing the leaves. The last two arrests were on September 15, for 4kg and 10kg of the leaves

Source: http://www.phuketgazette.net/phuket_news/2013/No-rest-for-the-weary-Man-comes-home-from-work-is-busted-for-drugs-22343.html

-- Phuket Gazette 2013-09-26

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Busted because his activities disrupt a 70-year-old government monopoly in a drug that they are now burning in the fields because they're embarrassed to be associated with it.


The war on drugs makes no sense at all.

It makes a lot of sense if you do not equate the war as a war on ending drug trade, drug consumption, etc. Drugs are a resource just like paper currency. Instead of printing it, you grow it and control through law enforcement and organizations who do not exist, just the same way as the World Bank and any treasury department controls their cash currencies.

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I see BIB in Phuket have their priorities set right bah.gif

Just some poor (easy to catch) Burmese workers (who do the work Thai people do not want to do!) for some kratom (which they want to DE-criminalize anyway)

Of course there are NO problems with tuk-tuk mafia, jet-ski dealers, and whatever.... Maybe these are non-problems because of the money flow that goes with it.... Burmese workers are an easy target, there is no money flow in certain pockets...

Phuket: shame on yourself sick.gif

There is a "money flow" if they are arrested just before monthly salary is due. Ever thought where the "tip off" come from?

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What a joke. So while the top politicians are debating the removal of kratom from the drugs-lists immigration goes after a few poor bastards doing some real work. Keep up the good work boys, we are looking forward to the next picture on which ten of you are posing with a man of woman that is belittled by a placard. Soon Burma is more prosperous than Thailand and it might be payback time.

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I see BIB in Phuket have their priorities set right bah.gif

Just some poor (easy to catch) Burmese workers (who do the work Thai people do not want to do!) for some kratom (which they want to DE-criminalize anyway)

Of course there are NO problems with tuk-tuk mafia, jet-ski dealers, and whatever.... Maybe these are non-problems because of the money flow that goes with it.... Burmese workers are an easy target, there is no money flow in certain pockets...

Phuket: shame on yourself sick.gif

Burmese workers (who do the work Thai people do not want to do?

I agree, but you forget to add the magic words:"for what the emplyers want to pay them"

Which is most certainly far below the legal 300 baht a day.

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Fewer drugs on the streets, less misery and suffering. Good work.

Still plenty of tobbaco and caffien out there, not to mention the number one class of drugs responsible for needless death: Big pharma perscription drugs

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What makes a drug legal or illegal, just the definition by a government, legal or illegal says nothing about if it is good for you and your health it is about someone does not like others to have an uncontrolled business where they do not have profit of and no tax income. Just in the US 2010 more than 130.000 people died from prescribed i.e. LEGAL drugs and only a 15.000 on so called illgeal ones. "A drug is a drug" every medicine is a drug! Govs and societys are just crimininalising herbs, leaves and other natural things/medicines and drugs for their own profit and convenience. Just for example, Bayer is the biggest owner of pure Heroin stored at secret places in India, how can that be if it is illegal? That does not mean I support drugs but one have to look at the topic at all. Any user of alcohol in whatever form must then be called an addict, it is a drug and one can be sure there are more severe criminal acts occuring under the influence of alcohol than under Kratom.coffee1.gif

Excellent post. My country and yours fly in x number of ounces of heroin monthly, from Bayer in Europe or other companies. It is used in hospital use and strictly conrolled, but none the less "trafficked", sold but legal by our governments when it meets their needs.

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