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Anyone familiar with Thai law?


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i just love the paranoia on TV. at OP: if this is your "minset" while living here it might be better to move, no? i've been here for quite a few years and have never had any unpleasant encounters with bib. not once. no tea-money, no fine, nothing of all that. been taken out for dinner twice by this copper neighbour (thx!) and afterwards offered XXX dvd's as desert (no thx!)...

wifes brother is a police officer and a handy mate, her best friewnds husband was one of the first policemen to be advanced from the junior ranks to being a police officer, after the ceremony we went out for a great night but I still get to pay tea money to the bib when they are on the take but then they do like to chat to me in english too and I usually get a 50% discount because I talk to thembiggrin.png

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i just love the paranoia on TV. at OP: if this is your "minset" while living here it might be better to move, no? i've been here for quite a few years and have never had any unpleasant encounters with bib. not once. no tea-money, no fine, nothing of all that. been taken out for dinner twice by this copper neighbour (thx!) and afterwards offered XXX dvd's as desert (no thx!)...

wifes brother is a police officer and a handy mate, her best friewnds husband was one of the first policemen to be advanced from the junior ranks to being a police officer, after the ceremony we went out for a great night but I still get to pay tea money to the bib when they are on the take but then they do like to chat to me in english too and I usually get a 50% discount because I talk to thembiggrin.png

What do you pay tea money for? Do they have something on you?

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i just love the paranoia on TV. at OP: if this is your "minset" while living here it might be better to move, no? i've been here for quite a few years and have never had any unpleasant encounters with bib. not once. no tea-money, no fine, nothing of all that. been taken out for dinner twice by this copper neighbour (thx!) and afterwards offered XXX dvd's as desert (no thx!)...


I been here for +10 years and also didn't have any problems, paid 200 baht now and again for speeding in my car and I was speeding, so cheap compared to EU.

A friend of mine living way out in the sticks North East have a real nasty cop in the area, he once came to his house and demaned a drug test for him and his wife. Drug test came out negative and he haven't bothered him since. Needless to say the cop was not invited inside the house and he didn't ask.

9 out of 10 cops are nice in my experience and if you don't shout at them and keep calm you will be ok.

Woow what a bad Karma to have that filthy cop against him. I really want to hear the latest new about your friend and that cop. what a dilemma. what to do about it?

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"Retain" yourself the services of a "good" local Thai lawyer, get their business card and all their contact details and keep them in your phone, if in a "position" with authority, be polite to them and ask them to wait a moment while you call your lawyer, if they are up to anything dodgy they may back off, same thing will happen if you have contacts for a senior BiB or other "poo yai" in the area...

There are none, good local Thai Lawyers. Probably have to go to Bangkok. Most cases, regardless of crime, never go to court. Work it out on your own.

Pecking order here: In order of most influential. And remember, Money Talks.

1) Mafia/Politicial/Village Elder/Monk

2) Insurance Company and Insurance Agent

3) BIB

4) Court

5) Lawyer

6) Thai without connections

7) Soi Dogs

8) Farang

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...or don't do anything illegal, perhaps?

are you kidding?

Being a farang is a crime already!


asking for "rights" or "protection" is a severe crime and will result in jail


No one I have ever known or heard of in the past 30+ years has even had an unpleasant run-in with the cops unless they were doing something wrong or mouthing off.

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...or don't do anything illegal, perhaps?

are you kidding?

Being a farang is a crime already!


asking for "rights" or "protection" is a severe crime and will result in jail


You seem to be a good professional victim though.

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"Retain" yourself the services of a "good" local Thai lawyer, get their business card and all their contact details and keep them in your phone, if in a "position" with authority, be polite to them and ask them to wait a moment while you call your lawyer, if they are up to anything dodgy they may back off, same thing will happen if you have contacts for a senior BiB or other "poo yai" in the area...

This is good advice from Southpeel. Every falang that lives in Thailand must retain a good THAI lawyer. A Thai Lawyer will not usually charge any fee other than genuine diary bookings with him at his office or at your home. Don't worry a good Thai Lawyers are usually cordial and reliable.

No the police cannot enter your house without a warrant even if they suspect you of committing a crime. Stand in your gateway in a pose that suggests you will not move aside. Thai police will not push past you. If they have come specifically to your house there will probably be a senior officer with them, he will not speak to you. If you have not committed a crime call your Lawyer/attorney and ask him to speak with the police officer then pass the phone directly to the police officer. Your Lawyer will tell them to leave and they will. SURE! Do not offer money the police because it gives them the option to arrest you for corruption. IMO

IMHO that would be nothing short of amazing, are you speaking from experience?

But besides, any suggestion how to make contact with a Thai lawyer unless you have had a prior case to give him? It's not like you walk into an office saying "Can I have your business-card to call you in the middle of the night if there is a problem?" and that free of charge, on top.

That's exactly what you do mate.They will extract their pound of flesh when the time comes and you will be willing to pay.Been there,done that.You have a lot to learn.

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