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Thai voodoo


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While this mystical energy may be measured in the future, it should be able to be at least demonstrated now, do oes anyone have an example to demonstrate the immesurable energy? didn't think so.

Well I will believe it than in the future AFTER this energy can be detected.....Till than I don't believe in unknown energy.

A good question would be also how lemoncake knows that it is an energy if we can't measure or detect it.

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My gf tells me a lot of Issan girls will go to the medicine man or the monks to cast spells over their intended prey so they fall head over heals in lust ,or love, with them . Now could this be a rational way of explaining why so many pattaya visitors end up acting so irrationally when they met their one and only love .That is until the money runs out !!!.

So thats how it happened...I often wondered about that first night in Thailand

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Guest Gandtee

When you say you get strange feelings, do you mean you fancy getting your leg over? This in not voodoo but the result of being married for over twenty years to the same woman. These feelings are not peculiar to you. I would suspect many men get them.

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Which kind of energy....lets measure it....

I do not think going in circles wins an argument for you.

Did they have airplanes 500 years ago? and did they believe flying was possible?

Or perhaps they knew 100 years ago, man can walk on the moon, no doubt it was open minded sceptic people like yourself who

made it possible:thumbsup:

yes 500 years ago people knew that flying is possible because they knew about birds.

There are also old drawings and ideas to fit wings on people.

It wasn't understood, but there was clear evidence that flying is possible.

100 years ago....1914 it was already pretty clear what the moon is and there were already ideas how to reach out. Heated discussions about that it is impossible to fill enough fuel in a rocket to reach out.

Every basic understanding was there, just the technology wasn't good enough yet. A rocket to the moon wouldn't be magic for scientists, just extreme high-tech.

And perhaps measuring human energy or ability to see it is also not in such distant future.

God Particle also was a theory and took 50 years of hard work to be proven

perhaps they could do the same with the "stupidity gene"....oh wait???

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Which kind of energy....lets measure it....

I do not think going in circles wins an argument for you.

Did they have airplanes 500 years ago? and did they believe flying was possible?

Or perhaps they knew 100 years ago, man can walk on the moon, no doubt it was open minded sceptic people like yourself who

made it possible:thumbsup:

yes 500 years ago people knew that flying is possible because they knew about birds.

There are also old drawings and ideas to fit wings on people.

It wasn't understood, but there was clear evidence that flying is possible.

100 years ago....1914 it was already pretty clear what the moon is and there were already ideas how to reach out. Heated discussions about that it is impossible to fill enough fuel in a rocket to reach out.

Every basic understanding was there, just the technology wasn't good enough yet. A rocket to the moon wouldn't be magic for scientists, just extreme high-tech.

And perhaps measuring human energy or ability to see it is also not in such distant future.

God Particle also was a theory and took 50 years of hard work to be proven

Im sure the scientific community would be happy to hear your theory, please go ahead and publish it.

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That reference to Wiki has as much credibility as someone claiming to know the future.

There is no mysterious powers, its simple use of energy.

Brain function is only there to decode and understand what is been received

I predicted that you'd try and discredit Wikipedia... maybe I'm psychic. But seriously, something isn't true because it's on Wikipedia, but Wikipedia articles generally have references that you can, if you're interested in actually knowing things, follow and read.

You are wrong about brain function, and you have no idea what you're talking about when you talk about energy. If I asked you how you square your ideas about use of energy with the first law, would you even know what I was talking about? What's the level of your scientific education? I'm going to go with high school level, maybe finishing at 16.

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I would like to address the OP’s question about our Thai wives/GF belief and use in Thai mysticism. I am an open minded person and have agreed to accompany my wife on occasions to see several different Thai mystics and have also watched her make her own offerings (usually a pig’s head) to the spirits in our yard.

What is important is that they believe in what they are doing and to discredit it to them can only create disharmony in your relationship.

As for magic/magik, I think there are a lot of charlatans out there but I think there may be a small percentage that are capable of causing or making an effect on the outcome of an event. In these cases I feel that it is not magic but maybe a science that has not yet been revealed to us as yet.

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..in Thai mysticism. .... maybe a science that has not yet been revealed to us as yet.

in thai :
wít-tá-yaa kom : science / KNOWLEDGE

almost like word ´university .

มหาวิทยาลัย :

má-hăa wít-tá-yaa-lai

săi-yá-sàat : black magic
เวทมนตร์ ;
wâyt mon
: black magic

mon dam มนตร์ดำ

nowadays some thaipeople still believe in this black magic,

but most have heard about it, but dont believe it much.

well...just saying.

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I know something like this is subjective and hard to prove, like religion.........but we won't get into that. <<< TOO late. It's just another form of the Main Belief System in Thailand, Animism. Amulets for prosperity and protection - animism;;; pasting gold on statues - animism. building a new Temple so your candidate wins an election - animism. giving Bhats to gain merit - animism.

BTW,,, your wife? she is a smart cookie to realise this would come back on her. it's not [will come] though, it's immediate lowering of the mind and spirit into a reliance on crutches. a belief in Immortality delusions. You are lucky she is Indepenedent of sorcery.

call it [religion] [philosophy] [animism] your Post does broach these subject matters [not that there is anything wrong with it]

If 96% of Thais are [bhuddist] those other 4% sure make a big MESS, eh.

Do you know how you can tell if someone is not Bhuddist? if they have Buddha Statue/s . Buddha said NOT to make them!

BTW, I have not said voodooism, amulets, gaining Merit, doesn't work. [astrology, numerology, prayer, incantations] All of us can Connect and intermingle with Thought and Matter.

It's just that all of this [animism] is a low form of processing that the Buddha attempted to move us away from. [[[maybe one of these days???}}}

Edited by yellow1red1
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This is by far my favorite subject about LOS. I researched this for ten years for a book I wrote. I had it posted as a Kickstarter project but there wasn't much interest so I put it on the back burner in favor of other projects. Reading this post made me remember why I wrote it in the first place--namely for farangs who are like a fish out of water when it comes to Thai animism.

In a nutshell--the Thai belief in ghosts/contagious magic/agents of influence--is the same as the folk religion of ancient Rome or Greece. Curses, bartering with spirits for favor and influence are the hallmarks of animism in any culture.

The Thais/Khmer version is different in that since the religion is largely animism under the auspices of Buddhism, they have to navigate tricky things like karma vs. playing with the dark arts.

Simply put--in Buddhism, there is no escaping karma. Period. However, if you make an offering to a ghost--the spirit can find a loophole for you. If your luck is cursed from a past life--a ghost can help you win the lottery, and on and on.

One thing is for certain--if you BELIEVE it--then it works. Tech is tech no matter where you go in the world and Voodoo is no different. My ex-GF's family was deeply involved in this and that was my exposure to it. I went all in and explored as much of it as I could. From "invisible" tattoos that bind people to their lover, to noodle vendors cursing a rival--it's an anthropological curiosity for sure, but more than that--it helps you truly understand the mindset of many Thais.

The bottom line is--if the person believes it--then it is as real as anything else. Many people on Thai Visa regard all of this as worthless, stupid, Thai nonsense. IMO, that is too shallow of a view. "Flying spaghetti monster" Dawkins quotes are sure to follow, but I find this to be the most colorful aspect to the Thai culture, and understanding it (at the very least) is to know how to deal with it when it arises--rather than just blowing it off.

Edited by KuhnPaen
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That reference to Wiki has as much credibility as someone claiming to know the future.

There is no mysterious powers, its simple use of energy.

Brain function is only there to decode and understand what is been received

I predicted that you'd try and discredit Wikipedia... maybe I'm psychic. But seriously, something isn't true because it's on Wikipedia, but Wikipedia articles generally have references that you can, if you're interested in actually knowing things, follow and read.

You are wrong about brain function, and you have no idea what you're talking about when you talk about energy. If I asked you how you square your ideas about use of energy with the first law, would you even know what I was talking about? What's the level of your scientific education? I'm going to go with high school level, maybe finishing at 16.

Clearly i am wrong, since you are rightrolleyes.gif

What is scientific education? is it some new degree?

I am sure you would go with high school and finishing at 16, especially when you make up silly education levels such as "scientific education"facepalm.gif

I would also like to clarify 2 more things if you do not mind

1. If you going to put me down with your great knowledge on the matter please provide proof of your education and achievements in science, perhaps your published articles or prizes you won

2. Since you proclaim to be so highly educated and knowledgeable on the matter, any reason why you reference yourself to Wiki? Or is Wiki your only source of education and Google is your best friend?

Edited by lemoncake
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Please, I would like to make comment. This voodoo practice is all over the world even in Wetern countries mind you but seemed to be more available in countries where women needs to keep her man. My own brother says going to see a shaman is deceitful science but getting negative energy and using blackcloth, dead person's fleh, like chin and make oil ointment out of it, etc seems too much.

I wonder whether the Caucasian man realises that these women wiould stop at nothing including making you food after adding the fluids from their vagina and menses blood and mixes it with your food. After which it is said, that the man would listen to his girl like a cow with a nose ring.

Such are the practices in Thailand or else where, at girlie bars or places where you pick up cheap girls for fun. To make them look enchanting they use parts from dead body to make ointment and mixes it with their face powder and only you think they are beautiful and others do not share your sentiment.

That is why to avoid at all costs, if you want respectable girls, go and find them in good places or when someone makes an introduction and you know she comes from a good family.

I like to go shop in Thailand during the holidays but I prefer to stay in Malaysia, where this sort of practice is not too rampant. So even if you guys are annoyed with my remarks, I just want to have my say. Thank you.

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Clearly i am wrong, since you are right:rolleyes:

What is scientific education? is it some new degree?

I am sure you would go with high school and finishing at 16, especially when you make up silly education levels such as "scientific education":facepalm:

I would also like to clarify 2 more things if you do not mind

1. If you going to put me down with your great knowledge on the matter please provide proof of your education and achievements in science, perhaps your published articles or prizes you won

2. Since you proclaim to be so highly educated and knowledgeable on the matter, any reason why you reference yourself to Wiki? Or is Wiki your only source of education and Google is your best friend?

No, you're wrong because you're wrong. I'm right because I happen to know something. You could know it too if you could be bothered to read the wiki article and follow the references. On the subject of references, do you have a good reference for your '10% of the brain' claim? No, of course you don't, because it's a myth.

I do have a pretty solid scientific background as it happens, but as I don't intend to put scans of my degree certificates up on TV we might as well ignore it. However, if as I suspect you have hardly any formal education is science, maybe you should be 'open your mind' to the possibility that your vague theories of magic powers via energy are nonsense.

p.s. So, how do your theories on energy fit with the first law?

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I had a pretty interesting experience with Khmer magic, which is the most powerful system within Thai superstitious culture. Near the Cambodian border north of Pong Nam Rorn in Chanthaburi there is a famed Cambodian witch doctor, a women, whom me and a girlfriend went to go and see. The GF had a bad left knee that would not get better. We went to the witch doctor's house for a divination to see what was wrong, and then possibly be given therapeutic medicines after the divination.

Before entering the house we were shown a bag of rice flour and were asked to make 20 or so rice flour balls about the size of a small tennis ball. We made all these by our own hand with no one else's balls being mixed into our balls. The witchdoctor was completely unaware of the GF's condition and had no idea we were visiting regarding a left knee.

We were then taken into a room with one window with markings in khmer script on the floor. The GF had to lie in the middle of the floor in the middle of the markings that followed a rectangle around the human body. I was sitting near her feet next to the witch doctor watching skeptically for sleight-of-hand or other such fakeries or trickery. With a piece of string tied to the GF's toe running to an egg which was on the floor in the bottom left quadrant of the markings. Above her head was a box divided into 8 sections with a burning candle and other bits and pieces. The witchdoctor then took the balls we had made and ran the balls over areas of the GF's body following her (I assume) chakra system and energy lines. Once the doctor had finished diagnosing a specific area of the GF's body she handed the ball to me to break the ball open to see what the condition of rice flour looked like. The ones from her head, upper body and so on all were fine, completely white, when broken open.

Once the witchdoctor got to the left knee the WD lightly groaned a bit as the rice ball went over the bad knee. The WD handed me the ball and when I broke it open it was all rotten and pustulent on the inside looking not disimilar to a cream filled salapao. I was seriously blown away. There was no sleight of hand I could see of, and I was watching for it. The WD did not have any info at all about the GF's condition prior to the divination. It was the most surreal experience I have had in Thailand. After the divination were given herbs to help and told to go seek western medicine. We made a small donation as we left of a couple of hundred baht.

I have no idea what happened there, whether it was trickery or what. The WD wasn't in business for money, and had no prior info. I watched all the time and saw no tricks. This is about 8 years ago this happened and I can only explain it as unexplainable.

Edited by VisaProblem
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Visaproblem, your GF walked up the path to the doctor's house? Limping maybe a little? Special riceball hidden somewhere. You remember many details of the candles etc. distractions, misdirection. (yea I love Randi).

Edited by daoyai
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Look, sleight of hand artists can do that kind of trick easily. It is literally all in a day's work for them. With a little research you can turn up accounts of people engaged in this kind of theater who explain how they do it. If it weren't a trick then basic principles of physics would have to be rewritten. These principles haven't just been pulled out of someone's arse; they've been arrived at via the immense effort of hundreds of thousands of talented people at the cost of huge amounts of money. We're not talking about small adjustments to the laws either, like "this particle appears at a slightly higher mass than predicted so we need to take another look at the theory", we're talking about entirely new physical principles that are obvious enough to be harnessed by random guys in huts, but for some reason too subtle to be detected by the finest and most expensive measuring equipment in laboratory settings.

When someone claims to do something that we know can be done by trickery, and that we know lies contrary to some of the most fundamental truths we have, then yeah, it's probably done by trickery.

Edited by dcpo
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Visaproblem, Then what is you take on this? Do you think it as you saw it, the mochi ball turned funky from her knee? I wonder why the doc didn't just ask her "where does it hurt" why the need to even do the mochi ball trick? I do like the story and really like that at the end she refers the gf to a real MD. Couple hundred baht "donation" good money in Cambodia.

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Clearly i am wrong, since you are right:rolleyes:

What is scientific education? is it some new degree?

I am sure you would go with high school and finishing at 16, especially when you make up silly education levels such as "scientific education":facepalm:

I would also like to clarify 2 more things if you do not mind

1. If you going to put me down with your great knowledge on the matter please provide proof of your education and achievements in science, perhaps your published articles or prizes you won

2. Since you proclaim to be so highly educated and knowledgeable on the matter, any reason why you reference yourself to Wiki? Or is Wiki your only source of education and Google is your best friend?

No, you're wrong because you're wrong. I'm right because I happen to know something. You could know it too if you could be bothered to read the wiki article and follow the references. On the subject of references, do you have a good reference for your '10% of the brain' claim? No, of course you don't, because it's a myth.

I do have a pretty solid scientific background as it happens, but as I don't intend to put scans of my degree certificates up on TV we might as well ignore it. However, if as I suspect you have hardly any formal education is science, maybe you should be 'open your mind' to the possibility that your vague theories of magic powers via energy are nonsense.

p.s. So, how do your theories on energy fit with the first law?

So you are right, because you said sowhistling.gif

And i am wrong because you said sorolleyes.gif

And you know more because you said sofacepalm.gif

Your credibility just shines throughthumbsup.gif

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VisaProblem, Just because you did not spot the trickery does not mean it did not happen.
TV magicians would not have a job if they could not disguise the trickery behind the 'magic'.

Often people come out of readings with mediums thinking the medium has told them some special bit of information that the medium could not have known without some supernatural force involved.
The truth is if the person was to watch the sitting back on video it would reveal that the medium simply fished for the info from the sitter and the sitter provides all the info themselves.

My favourite one was when a medium provided their sitters which such incredibly detailed and accurate info about even miniscule aspects of the sitters life.
It turned out the medium had a partner who was accessing the details from the sitters public info pasted on sites such as facebook and relaying back to the medium via an earpiece.

Edited by ChatterRat
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Just because you did not spot the trickery does not mean it did not happen.

TV magicians would not have a job if they could not disguise the trickery behind the 'magic'.

Often people come out of readings with mediums thinking the medium has told them some special bit of information that the medium could not have known without some supernatural force involved.

The truth is if the person was to watch the sitting back on video it would reveal that the medium simply fished for the info from the sitter and the sitter provides all the info themselves.

My favourite one was when a medium provided their sitters which such incredibly detailed and accurate info about even miniscule aspects of the sitters life.

It turned out the medium had a partner who was accessing the details from the sitters public info pasted on sites such as facebook and relaying back to the medium via an earpiece.

The ones who really practice it to help people(do not know about the black magic) But the ones who help to remove spells, genuine people, are usually very poor and can hardly read. So i seriously doubt they have the knowledge or means to be magicians.

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Please, I would like to make comment. This voodoo practice is all over the world even in Wetern countries mind you but seemed to be more available in countries where women needs to keep her man. My own brother says going to see a shaman is deceitful science but getting negative energy and using blackcloth, dead person's fleh, like chin and make oil ointment out of it, etc seems too much.

I wonder whether the Caucasian man realises that these women wiould stop at nothing including making you food after adding the fluids from their vagina and menses blood and mixes it with your food. After which it is said, that the man would listen to his girl like a cow with a nose ring.

Such are the practices in Thailand or else where, at girlie bars or places where you pick up cheap girls for fun. To make them look enchanting they use parts from dead body to make ointment and mixes it with their face powder and only you think they are beautiful and others do not share your sentiment.

That is why to avoid at all costs, if you want respectable girls, go and find them in good places or when someone makes an introduction and you know she comes from a good family.

I like to go shop in Thailand during the holidays but I prefer to stay in Malaysia, where this sort of practice is not too rampant. So even if you guys are annoyed with my remarks, I just want to have my say. Thank you.

I am sorry but i believe you are very out of touch

Malaysia is a huge mix, including Indian and Chinese, who are very heavy into black magic.

Then Sihr and Ruqyah in Islam

It is just as much as Thailand if not more

Girlie bars? is that the reason for Thai airways doing the ritual to remove the bad spirits who caused a crash?

Or perhaps the reason for all the rituals being performed daily for luck, money etc etc etc

Or the red shirts putting blood all over the steps of government house.

Try to keep upthumbsup.gif

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So you are right, because you said so:whistling:

And i am wrong because you said so:rolleyes:

And you know more because you said so:facepalm:

Your credibility just shines through:thumbsup:

I'm not asking you to accept my credibility, I'm asking you to read the references in the Wikipedia article I linked to. I'm also suggesting that if you have only a limited formal education in science, particularly physics, you're not very well placed to judge what is plausible when it comes to magic powers. Edited by dcpo
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Just because you did not spot the trickery does not mean it did not happen.

TV magicians would not have a job if they could not disguise the trickery behind the 'magic'.

Often people come out of readings with mediums thinking the medium has told them some special bit of information that the medium could not have known without some supernatural force involved.

The truth is if the person was to watch the sitting back on video it would reveal that the medium simply fished for the info from the sitter and the sitter provides all the info themselves.

My favourite one was when a medium provided their sitters which such incredibly detailed and accurate info about even miniscule aspects of the sitters life.

It turned out the medium had a partner who was accessing the details from the sitters public info pasted on sites such as facebook and relaying back to the medium via an earpiece.

The ones who really practice it to help people(do not know about the black magic) But the ones who help to remove spells, genuine people, are usually very poor and can hardly read. So i seriously doubt they have the knowledge or means to be magicians.

Sleight of hand is a skill that requires time not money to perfect, and these people only need to perfect a trick or two to earn a bit of money or respect from the sheep people they practice on.

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I had a pretty interesting experience with Khmer magic, which is the most powerful system within Thai superstitious culture. Near the Cambodian border north of Pong Nam Rorn in Chanthaburi there is a famed Cambodian witch doctor, a women, whom me and a girlfriend went to go and see. The GF had a bad left knee that would not get better. We went to the witch doctor's house for a divination to see what was wrong, and then possibly be given therapeutic medicines after the divination.

Before entering the house we were shown a bag of rice flour and were asked to make 20 or so rice flour balls about the size of a small tennis ball. We made all these by our own hand with no one else's balls being mixed into our balls. The witchdoctor was completely unaware of the GF's condition and had no idea we were visiting regarding a left knee.

We were then taken into a room with one window with markings in khmer script on the floor. The GF had to lie in the middle of the floor in the middle of the markings that followed a rectangle around the human body. I was sitting near her feet next to the witch doctor watching skeptically for sleight-of-hand or other such fakeries or trickery. With a piece of string tied to the GF's toe running to an egg which was on the floor in the bottom left quadrant of the markings. Above her head was a box divided into 8 sections with a burning candle and other bits and pieces. The witchdoctor then took the balls we had made and ran the balls over areas of the GF's body following her (I assume) chakra system and energy lines. Once the doctor had finished diagnosing a specific area of the GF's body she handed the ball to me to break the ball open to see what the condition of rice flour looked like. The ones from her head, upper body and so on all were fine, completely white, when broken open.

Once the witchdoctor got to the left knee the WD lightly groaned a bit as the rice ball went over the bad knee. The WD handed me the ball and when I broke it open it was all rotten and pustulent on the inside looking not disimilar to a cream filled salapao. I was seriously blown away. There was no sleight of hand I could see of, and I was watching for it. The WD did not have any info at all about the GF's condition prior to the divination. It was the most surreal experience I have had in Thailand. After the divination were given herbs to help and told to go seek western medicine. We made a small donation as we left of a couple of hundred baht.

I have no idea what happened there, whether it was trickery or what. The WD wasn't in business for money, and had no prior info. I watched all the time and saw no tricks. This is about 8 years ago this happened and I can only explain it as unexplainable.

Got her phone number ?

But question is.....was the gf healed and skipped outa that place a new woman ?

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I had a pretty interesting experience with Khmer magic, which is the most powerful system within Thai superstitious culture. Near the Cambodian border north of Pong Nam Rorn in Chanthaburi there is a famed Cambodian witch doctor, a women, whom me and a girlfriend went to go and see. The GF had a bad left knee that would not get better. We went to the witch doctor's house for a divination to see what was wrong, and then possibly be given therapeutic medicines after the divination.

Before entering the house we were shown a bag of rice flour and were asked to make 20 or so rice flour balls about the size of a small tennis ball. We made all these by our own hand with no one else's balls being mixed into our balls. The witchdoctor was completely unaware of the GF's condition and had no idea we were visiting regarding a left knee.

We were then taken into a room with one window with markings in khmer script on the floor. The GF had to lie in the middle of the floor in the middle of the markings that followed a rectangle around the human body. I was sitting near her feet next to the witch doctor watching skeptically for sleight-of-hand or other such fakeries or trickery. With a piece of string tied to the GF's toe running to an egg which was on the floor in the bottom left quadrant of the markings. Above her head was a box divided into 8 sections with a burning candle and other bits and pieces. The witchdoctor then took the balls we had made and ran the balls over areas of the GF's body following her (I assume) chakra system and energy lines. Once the doctor had finished diagnosing a specific area of the GF's body she handed the ball to me to break the ball open to see what the condition of rice flour looked like. The ones from her head, upper body and so on all were fine, completely white, when broken open.

Once the witchdoctor got to the left knee the WD lightly groaned a bit as the rice ball went over the bad knee. The WD handed me the ball and when I broke it open it was all rotten and pustulent on the inside looking not disimilar to a cream filled salapao. I was seriously blown away. There was no sleight of hand I could see of, and I was watching for it. The WD did not have any info at all about the GF's condition prior to the divination. It was the most surreal experience I have had in Thailand. After the divination were given herbs to help and told to go seek western medicine. We made a small donation as we left of a couple of hundred baht.

I have no idea what happened there, whether it was trickery or what. The WD wasn't in business for money, and had no prior info. I watched all the time and saw no tricks. This is about 8 years ago this happened and I can only explain it as unexplainable.

nice trick.....

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So you are right, because you said so:whistling:

And i am wrong because you said so:rolleyes:

And you know more because you said so:facepalm:

Your credibility just shines through:thumbsup:

I'm not asking you to accept my credibility, I'm asking you to read the references in the Wikipedia article I linked to. I'm also suggesting that if you have only a limited formal education in science, particularly physics, you're not very well placed to judge what is plausible when it comes to magic powers.

You have said it already 3 or even more times that i am uneducated, while proclaiming to be very well educated yourself.

I have asked you to support your claims of being all that you claiming to be and received nothing b but drivel.

Furthermore, if you had any education or common sense, i doubt you would me making up education levels such as "scientific education" or referencing to Wiki, instead of having basic skills to post your own words

Please do not respond with another load of drivel

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