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Thai voodoo


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Just because you did not spot the trickery does not mean it did not happen.

TV magicians would not have a job if they could not disguise the trickery behind the 'magic'.

Often people come out of readings with mediums thinking the medium has told them some special bit of information that the medium could not have known without some supernatural force involved.

The truth is if the person was to watch the sitting back on video it would reveal that the medium simply fished for the info from the sitter and the sitter provides all the info themselves.

My favourite one was when a medium provided their sitters which such incredibly detailed and accurate info about even miniscule aspects of the sitters life.

It turned out the medium had a partner who was accessing the details from the sitters public info pasted on sites such as facebook and relaying back to the medium via an earpiece.

The ones who really practice it to help people(do not know about the black magic) But the ones who help to remove spells, genuine people, are usually very poor and can hardly read. So i seriously doubt they have the knowledge or means to be magicians.

Sleight of hand is a skill that requires time not money to perfect, and these people only need to perfect a trick or two to earn a bit of money or respect from the sheep people they practice on.

Hence why the genuine people are poor living in the junglewhistling.gif

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You have said it already 3 or even more times that i am uneducated, while proclaiming to be very well educated yourself.

I have asked you to support your claims of being all that you claiming to be and received nothing b but drivel.

Furthermore, if you had any education or common sense, i doubt you would me making up education levels such as "scientific education" or referencing to Wiki, instead of having basic skills to post your own words

Please do not respond with another load of drivel

Why are you confused by the concept of a scientific education, and why are you more interested in my words and qualifications than in the words and qualifications of the people writing the articles that can be found in the references of the Wikipedia article I linked to? Why won't you provide a reference for you '10% of the brain' claim? Why won't you answer my question about the first law?

More importantly, why am I even debating with someone who claims to believe in magic spells? By this point you're either trolling very hard indeed or just incredibly thick. It was fun for a while but I'm bored now. Have a good one.

Edited by dcpo
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Anyway, just thought I would relay the tale.

Itchybum, the WD was not a healer, but a diviner. No, no telephone number. I don't think its the kind of place with phone signals. The border region of Chanthaburi and Cambodia has several well known Khmer magical practitioners. If you go to Pong Nam Rorn town, then head 20kms north of there, and then east down a small road, is approximately where the WD is. It was a pretty interesting experience and worth it just to see the symbology and glyphs on the floor where the human body is placed.

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Im sure the scientific community would be happy to hear your theory, please go ahead and publish it.

cheesy.gif , you joking right?

The 2 professors who proved it just won Nobel prize http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/health-science/god-particle-scientists-peter-higgs-and-francois-englert-win-nobel-prize/story-e6frg8y6-1226735064310

I really think you ought get a new name....I propose "fruitcake" you clearly have absolutely no understanding of anything! mumbo jumbo twaddle is all you can manage.

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