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Im Going Home This Weekend


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An Aussie, eh? From his previous posts I would have sworn he was a fellow Yank. Poor guy just couldn't get his brain around the concept of "foreign culture." The US military always counts on sending a certain very small percentage of personnel stationed overseas back home early due to their inability to adapt. (other than combat zone deployments, of course) He might be one of those poor souls who just can't adjust. It's not anything deliberate on their part. Still, he's better off back home, and I do wish him luck.

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Interesting someone mentioned homophobia, having read his other posts, I was beginning to think that was the only "ism" the OP isn't "guilty" of!

He doesn't come across as a very tolerant person?

As the above poster says, he just doesn't seem to be cut out for a different culture and all that entails.

I'm still looking to relocate here and I found his posts annoying and not particularly helpful to help weigh up the pro's and con's.

I think he needs a major re-think on his attitude if he is going to prosper anywhere. He also seems a bit aggrieved about the fact his qualification isn't helping him much, thats just a fact of live with an increasingly qualified society. Employers will often look for other qualities apart from the exam results, starting with life skills! I know I do.

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'Octaviousbp' date='2006-04-28 00:09:13' post='729863'

I think the problem was making a (potential?) sacrifice for (potential?) love. If you're putting yourself in a situation you don't want to be in, ie: Bangkok, for the sole purpose of a relationship, and then the relationship doesn't work out, your pretty much doomed. Even if it works out, there is always a sense of resentment in the back of your mind that this person that you love is forcing you to be in a place you don't want to be. Just my 2 cents.

Regarding work... when I got back from living in Thailand, I had bad reverese culture shock, and found it hard to work. I eventually got a job teaching English to mostly foreign students, which I loved, but the pay was low, and the school eventually closed. Just before the school closed, we had to change apartments because the strippers above us would fist fight at 3am when they got home from work. They flooded our kitchen twice by overflowing their sink. After the school closed, I was having trouble finding work (again) and had to pay the bills. So I worked road construction. Adjustments to be precise. Raising catch basins to match asphalt grade. 50-60 hour weeks of jackhammers and hot ashpalt. The pay was good, the work was hard, and despite the fact I wasn't putting my degree to use, I was finally starting to feel at home again. The pay was enough that I could go back to school and start to finish my Masters. I have a good job now, and life is good. Which means it's time to leave for Thailand again :D.


Great attitude, that's the diference between winners & losers..... Well done! :o

(bloody quotes.... :D )

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Considered Sydney? He's the reason he came here in the first place :o

I'd leave Sydney to come back to Bangkok if I could. Who wants to live in a city where all the restaurants shut at 9pm? The night is still young!

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Wow, yet again the herd mentality rears its ugly head.

Someone disagrees with certain members and he/she gets shot down in flames.

Live and let live people. This guy (and I think he's a bit iof a <deleted> as well, going by his previous postings, like building a high-sped train to Isaan . . and his take on unemployment back home - total rubbish) has his opinion, he doesn't like it here and is looking forward to going back home.

So what?!

Did he insult anyone here in particular?

Did he call anyone here names?

Did he degrade anyone here?

I'm surprised no-one's suggested beating him up like with the white beggar.

So, let's stick the knife in while he's walking out the door, sit back, have another Chang and pat ourselves on the shoulder about how 'we showed that poofter'. Haha, don't need his kind here anyway!

Cheers, mates.

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:o There's been enough flames for the OP, so I don't want to add to it. But....

Like the OP, I had the intention of being in LOS for the primary reason of furthering a relationship. Invested time and money to make it happen. In the end, it didn't happen as I had hoped. The saga lasted 5 years of my life and it's been over for 2 years now. I've been back to LOS since the end, but not to look for any new relationships. Just fun... :D

Thank Buddha that I did not dig myself a hole, by moving to live there during all this goings on. I still love most things about LOS. It was a lesson learned, but I moved on and back to my life in Oz. There is no bitterness to LOS, but just to someone there, as you can imagine.

I was naive and impulsive and life taught me a lesson. To the OP, just take it on the chin and move on.

Also, why complain about your choices in education? After all it's your choice. And I don't know what you are doing wrong with your job hunting, but I can tell you from personal experience that there's heaps of jobs for accountants.

If your aptitude in your interviews or your CV is up-to-scratch, then jobs await you. But I suspect your attitude in this thread reflects your attitude for everything else in life. Hence the non-success in finding work.

Good Luck to you. To change your life, change the person that you are....

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Very nice reply jwnchu66 -

I'd agree with your outlook on the OP's job prospects. I'm originally also from Sydney, and even in my little area in the eastern Suburbs there are loads of job ads every week - just pick up a Wentworth Courier if you're not interested in working fior big firms.

This is the Accountants Age - put a positive spin on your life and invest some effort.

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Is the OP a guy or a gal.... not that it really matters, but we all have a mental picture of the person we are replying to and its good to know one way or the other.

Everyone thinks I must look like John Cleese !!!

You mean the nerdy guy with the glasses saying "Yes it is" in your avatar?

That is who I am on the lookout for in Chiang Mai. :o

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Let me get this straight. The OP posts calling a place that is home to many posters and loved by many 'a shithole' and people like Sing Sling seem to think that we should give him a kiss and a cuddle, carry him to the airport, and fix him up in a Aus$100K a year job.

Well I suggest we beat him up like a White Beggar and thrash him within an inch of his life.

Ask yourself this what was his motive in posting? To get a flaming or reasoned replies?

He's got what he wanted!

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I think his attitude is "share my misery" Let's face it we get a lot of personal "sob" stories posted on TV, and really this is no different, although a little more acerbic. The OP is just not cut out for life in Asia, and I trust he will be happier in Australia, where he can take a fresh look at life, and his own values.

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Is the OP a guy or a gal.... not that it really matters, but we all have a mental picture of the person we are replying to and its good to know one way or the other.

Everyone thinks I must look like John Cleese !!!

You mean the nerdy guy with the glasses saying "Yes it is" in your avatar?

That is who I am on the lookout for in Chiang Mai. :o

michael Palin is the bloke with glasses and John Clease is the other bugger.find some old Monty Python DVD's and all will become clear grasshopper. :D

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Blimey Sing Sling! You really are a simple minded doomsayer aren't you?

Just because someone shows some whining fool no sympathy, in your eyes they are going to become a mass murderer, a cripple basher and a racist, are they?

OK, its tough being as perfect as you but I will try harder in the future.

Edited by ProfessorFart
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Let me get this straight. The OP posts calling a place that is home to many posters and loved by many 'a shithole' and people like Sing Sling seem to think that we should give him a kiss and a cuddle, carry him to the airport, and fix him up in a Aus$100K a year job.

Well I suggest we beat him up like a White Beggar and thrash him within an inch of his life.

Ask yourself this what was his motive in posting? To get a flaming or reasoned replies?

He's got what he wanted!

First you mention the above and then you counter with:

Blimey Sing Sling! You really are a simple minded doomsayer aren't you? Just because someone shows some whining fool no sympathy, in your eyes they are going to become a mass murderer, a cripple basher and a racist, are they?

Just because someone shows some whining fool no sympathy,

OK, its tough being as perfect as you but I will try harder in the future.

So, if I'm a simple-minded doomsayer, then who brought up wanting to thrash someone to within an inch of his life? Violence certainly escalates.

Nothing to do with being perfect, my wife is perfect as far as I'm concerned, even thohgh she is a lawyer . . . her only fault.

A whoel lot of analogies coul come up but they would be wasted on you, but please regale us with your witicisms of your manhood, bashing up 'bloody poofters'.

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It seems as though it was you who bought up any mention of beating people up out of the blue in your hysterical first post on this thread.

Why try to make it sound as though I have at any point said anything about beating up anyone, gay or otherwise, except in jest at your fury at some imagined 'herd mentality.'?

Indeed it is you who seems to be rattling on about gay bashing at every chance you get here.

Please continue trying to put words into my mouth here Sing Sling.

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To put things a little bluntly... his reasons were personal. He came for the wrong reasons, he's leaving for the right reasons and he's blaming the country for the situation he put himself in. I can sympathize with him for making mistakes and wish him well in his future endeavors.

He came here for Love- Big mistake, you never move to another country just to follow a new love. There needs to be other reasons that bring you to a location. If there is a marraige and there's been discussion and it's best for the relationship that's one thing. To follow a boyfriend....

He's leaving for the right reasons- Things didn't work out with the boyfriend and he wasn't moving here for any other reasons. Time to cut his losses and run.

He's blaming Bangkok- The city nor the country promised him anything if he came here. His partner choices were the root cause to these problems. We should all wish him luck and hope that when he returns to his country, he takes with him the lessons that he learned in Thailand. Otherwise who knows the next country he would follow a boyfriend to.

I think that we've made too much out of a simple situation. Thailand didn't call him here and it won't grieve when he or any of us for that matter move on.

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Page 6...

<deleted> - did i miss something here - whats so interesting... so the guy is off home after having a nightmare hellish time in thailand


im having trouble identifying if you guys actually give a <deleted> or are just killing time on the net till something better happens...


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The unquestioning praise of all things Thai is as deserving of examination as the unquestioning criticism.

Neither is the product of a healthy mind.

I hope that my comments aren't percieved as a proclaimation of Thailands perfection. Although the country apparently has enough virtues to have called many of us. I'm only talking about this example at the moment.

I would venture to say that he would have been just as unhappy no matter where his unfortunate break up occured.

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It seems as though it was you who bought up any mention of beating people up out of the blue in your hysterical first post on this thread.

Why try to make it sound as though I have at any point said anything about beating up anyone, gay or otherwise, except in jest at your fury at some imagined 'herd mentality.'?

Indeed it is you who seems to be rattling on about gay bashing at every chance you get here.

Please continue trying to put words into my mouth here Sing Sling.

Did I put these words into your mouth:

Well I suggest we beat him up like a White Beggar and thrash him within an inch of his life.

Nah, you're the hero who came up with that bit of artistic brilliance - - - nice try at obfuscating the point . . .

In jest? Of course, hence the use of smilies to indicate that - silly me. I guess one needs to be in your head to read things the way you intend them to be read.

Actually just re-read your post: I suggest we beat him up like the White Beggar and thrash him within an inch of his life . . . :o:D You're right, you do sound like a Benny Hill cast-off. :D:D That was funny. :D:D within an inch of his life :D

I'll be in Bangkok again Tuesday and Wednesday, please let me know which comedy venue you'll be fronting. :D:D thrash him :D

Yup, you're a legend, mate.

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Sing Sling,

Take a look at your post on this topic prior to the one where I used the quote you have used.......and see from whence it came. Its post #71 I think if you need pointing i the right direction.

Then look up 'humour' in your dictionary.......

Edited by ProfessorFart
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I'm puzzled by the hostility some show to the OP because of his decision. His personal choice might not be the same as the one you or I would make, but surely that does not warrant hostility.

Whilst I seldom agree with you, this time I do.

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Sing Sling,

Take a look at your post on this topic prior to the one where I used the quote you have used.......and see from whence it came. Its post #71 I think if you need pointing i the right direction.

Then look up 'humour' in your dictionary.......

mate, it doesn't matter which way you slice it or dice it, these lovely words are yours, are they not:

Well I suggest we beat him up like a White Beggar and thrash him within an inch of his life.

and I looked up the word 'humour' and it didn't include anything about the above, but at least you think it's funny.

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OK, I'll spell it out for you in easy stages seeing as you are unable to grasp the simplest of post.

1) in post # 71 you not me, said that 'you'll be saying that you'll be beating him like a white beggar soon'

2) I then took those words, your words, from your hysterical rant, and then used them in an amusing way, to mock your previous ludicrous rants that just because some people happen to be unsympathetic towards someone who is struggling to come to terms with Bangkok, that we are all homophobic queer bashers with a mob rule mentality.

I hope this clears things up a bit. Its not too difficult when you think about it really.

I'll send you my O level English books if you need to brush up on some comprehension.

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Im finally going home i have quit my job and will be leaving this shit hole (bangkok thailand)

Im so happy to be going home

this is the worst place i have ever lived in my life.

see ya

That's good

I hope you stay where ever your home is......Sod off!!

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