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Chiang Mai seeks to reduce tourists' rental-car accidents

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Chiang Mai seeks to reduce tourists' rental-car accidents
The Nation


CHIANG MAI: -- Governor Wichien Phuthiwinyu yesterday met with car-rental operators, police and relevant agencies to discuss guidelines for preventing tourists' accidents in rented vehicles.

Wichien said the meeting invited the operators to outline the problems and propose suggestions for the province and agencies. Their suggestions included more road/location signs in multiple languages, Mandarin interpreters for police investigations, and Mandarin, English and other language training for police officers.

Chanchai Kilapaeng, head of the Chiang Mai Transport Office, said it would more strictly enforce traffic laws on tourists, foreign and Thai, from November 1 onwards.

-- The Nation 2013-10-11


Yet more of this "blame the foreigners" bullsh1t...!

I have been involved in about five vehicle accidents in the ten years that I have been in Thailand. I can stick my hand up and say "Yes, that one was my fault", but as regards the others, they all occurred as a result of the selfish, mindless driving habits of local Thais. However, with the police on the scene, the finger is, as always, pointed at the farang, despite compelling evidence to the contrary.

I have given up looking to place the blame anywhere, and these days, I simply drive far more defensively, which means that I often have to give way to an absolute <deleted> who is simply forcing his way through.

The Governmors of both Phuket and Chiang Mai should make sure that they get in touch with TAT to assure them that their current xenophobic policies will have "no effect on tourism"...!!

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Does not need signs in English, just pictorial images following international convention at traffic stop lights and junctions etc. I suggest many farang crashes occur when they assume something about a Thai driver's intended actions like at U -Turns on the Highway and when joining Highways - when driving defensively and with brain switched on rather than iPod or worshipping the GPS screen it's just like any other country.


If they seriously want to make the roads safer for tourists then I suggest that they start on teaching Thais how to be safe users of the road

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The article is about tourists renting cars. So why the photo of songteaws?

MEthinks Dave2 should apply to be picture editor at the Nation laugh.png


If they seriously want to make the roads safer for tourists then I suggest that they start on teaching Thais how to be safe users of the road

Good idea but who in LOS could teach them!


Having lived in CM for 18 months, those red truck guys are complete <deleted>....my solution for them would involve a bullet delivered by express air mail.



Good idea but who in LOS could teach them!

heres the man !



MEthinks Dave2 should apply to be picture editor at the Nation

cannot .. coz i dont have a work permit sad.png



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