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Picking a Click's lock


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I've always been fascinated by professional lock picking, yesterday I saw it in action.

Short story, I've mailed my bike key to Thailand, it did not come in yet, and I only had a copy made in Europe from a sligthly different blank, that did not work. So I wentto a locksmith in Pattaya, opposite Big C central.

His shop his very small, and one half of it is taken by (his son ?) dozing . So he takes few tools, inquires wich exact models. and comes over to the bike. His master tool is something like this:


His request is 600 Bt, after seeing the job. In his words, "Click's key very long", in fact I think it's 6 or 7 cuts. As I try to negotiate, he moves back to his bike, these guys know how to handle their business.

He goes to the seat lock first, scopes it in like 10 seconds, and cuts the needed two or three cuts on a cheap blank, using a triangular file, using the handlebar as support. The seat lock gives right away and he moves to steer lock. I felt it was going to be tougher, he scopes it two or three times, makes the cuts but couldn't get it right away. He goes back to the shop to get spray oil, that is the only move that I think was not needed, as lubrication doesn't open working locks. So he did go back one more time to work the key on the machine, when he's back it's working! The entire thing took took 30 minutes or so, plus one last trip to the shop to get the key working correcty on both sides. He wanted 150 Bt extra for the correct key to operate the magnetic lock cover, but I passed as I still hope to get the key in the mail, plus the the ex-gf still has a copy... ok that's another story :)

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