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90 Day Reporting, Amnat Charoen Immigration

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Someone raised this as an off-topic posting in another posting which I had started. But he did raise an issue which I thought I would clarify here. Yesterday, when I was in the A.C. Immigration office, I asked if I could do my 90 reporting by mail. They said no, because my visa was issued in another Immigration District. (I have recently moved into the A.C. Immigration District.)

This leaves the implied resopnse that if your visa was issued by their office, you can do your 90 day reporting by mail.

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I am doing a 90 report this week, probably Friday so I will ask.

Even though I have just under a 200 Km round trip I personally prefer ro appear in person rather than be at the mercy of waiting for them to turn it around and depending on the mail service.

It is after all only 1 day every 3 months.

The personal service I have recived at Amnat has been excellent and I am usually in and out within 5 minutes.

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So what will you do now when your 90 days report is required? Go back to your old regional office or AC? The address you put on your 90 days report maybe in conflict. To me this regionalisation of immigration offices is silly. You should be able to go to any office to report and usually the nearer the better or in the circumstance you are traveling; same applied. Why is this so hard for the immigration offices to go computerised so that all foreign people here are in their data-base linked to all offices??? I have to travel over 280km through bad mountain roads just to get to my immigration office now, why??

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When a foreigner on one-year extensions of stay moves from the service area of one immigration of to the area of another immigration office, in most cases the new immigration office treats the first notification of staying longer than 90 days (TM.47) simultaneously as the notification of change of address. When the new immigration office does not do so, it is advisable to submit also the form for notification of change of address (TM.28). This changes the foreigner's registered address to the service area of the new immigration office, which will then get your file transferred to them from his old immigration office.

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