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wanting to move back to ireland with wife and daughter

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My apologies for bringing this subject back up again. Have read numerous threads but just looking for peoples suggestions or input on moving back to Ireland with Thai wife and child.

Any thoughts on if a Visa would be issued based on the following. Looking for a long term visa to move back permanently. D visa I believe to start with then apply for longer in ireland

Married 2 years (legal document)

Known each other for 4 years

1 child (4 months of age)

Have a home but listed under the father

Own a few vehicles in our names (Honda, Nissan)

I have family (uncles & aunts) in Ireland

Have a few job offers but have not worked in Ireland in close to 10 years (but plan on having a full time offer for employment soon)

Have savings in both my name, wifes name and daughters name (300,00 baht) which show deposits and with drawls over a 4 year span

I work full time here in Thailand

My wife is self employed in Thailand

Do not have a permanent address in Ireland (have not lived there in the past 10 years)

have many pieces of paper work in place as per the inis for Ireland. My concern is not having a permanent residence currently and not having worked in ireland for some time. Any insight into our situation and what would help in regards to a obtaining a visa for my wife (daughter is irish so no problems).


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Are you 100% set on a return to Ireland?

As an Irish national with a foreign wife, you could go anywhere else in the EU (including the UK / Northern Ireland obviously), and the visa is essentially automatic and would be issued for free (do a search for the EU Family permit). It's all down to EU rules on free movement of labour, which ends up with the farcical situation that it's easier to get a visa for everywhere else in the EU than one for your home country.

Obviously if you already had a house and a job lined up, it's a different matter...

For Ireland itself, it looks like you have more than enough info...., assuming you've already applied for the Irish passport for the baby.

(from http://www.inis.gov.ie/en/INIS/Pages/Join%20Family )

Family Member of Irish Citizen - visa application document required

If both you and your Irish spouse are legally resident in a country other than Ireland, and you both wish to move to Ireland, the following documents must be submitted:

  • Fully complete the online application form, and submit your signed summary application form, photographs and fee (if applicable)
  • In addition to the signed summary application form, please also submit a signed letter of application
  1. outlining your reason for coming to Ireland,
  2. giving details of any members of your family who are currently in Ireland, or any other EU State.
  • Passport, valid for 12 months, and copy of previous passport if applicable. (If your passport is relatively new, it may assist your application if you provide your previous passport showing any previous visas for any other country, and your previous travel history)
  • If you have been refused a visa for any other country, details of this must be given. Submit the original letter issued to you by the authorities of that country. Concealment of visa refusals will result in your Irish visa application being refused
  • A detailed statement of your bank account covering a six-month period immediately prior to your visa application, and showing sufficient funds to cover your costs
  • Clear copy of spouse’s passport, or other documentary evidence attesting to spouse's Irish citizenship, showing evidence of residency in country you are moving from
  • Marriage Certificate/ Civil Partnership Certificate

"Sufficient funds" would appear to be the only one to worry about. Unlike the UK, it's not a hard and fast amount, which means they can use common sense. i.e. If you have a job lined up, and a place to stay lined up (with relatives?), then you shouldn't need as much as if you're going to be staying in a hotel and haven't started the search for a job.

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Many thanks for your information. Have British ancestry as well and relatives there. Read a lot of pages here in TV but did not realize it would be easier to get into another EEU country other than the one I hold a passport for. My bad for not reading through all of the rules.

Again thanks for your input it is greatly appreciated....

Will keep a log of my proceedings to possibly help others through this. Updates to follow!

Edited by rct99q
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If I was in your shoes I'd be heading back to Eire. Unlike the UK they have a more easy going attitude to returnees with wives.

All the UK barriers to partners do not exist.

Talk to the nice folks in Tipperary.

Reading your initial post you appear to have no probs apart from the cold and the rain.

Whether your partner can cope with the weather is another issue.

Edited by Jay Sata
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I have been working in Thailand for 4 years, with my Thai wife for over 3 of those years (married recently). I am going back home in about a months time and doing the papers for her visa.
I have a paper coming from Ireland saying I am basically guaranteed a job if I cannot find one in my own trade. I have about 12,000 euro in my Irish bank but no savings here. My wife owns an apartment near Bangkok. I am going to live with my mother until my wife arrives and of course getting the letter of invitation for the visa. I can't show any utility bills in my name of course and I'm worried if I will have enough funds to 'support' her until she is able to find work.

I've been reading posts on here and this one seems to state a similar situation to me. My head is wrecked from all this paperwork needed for her visa, it's ridiculous!

Sorry for asking questions on your post by the way but if my wife's visa is reqected it will be a long time until we see eachother I'm sure.

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"Sufficient funds" would appear to be the only one to worry about. Unlike the UK, it's not a hard and fast amount, which means they can use common sense. i.e. If you have a job lined up, and a place to stay lined up (with relatives?), then you shouldn't need as much as if you're going to be staying in a hotel and haven't started the search for a job.

I see this answers my questions for the most part. Does anyone know roughly how much money is a sufficient amount?

Edited by willc
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