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Moving to Thailand - Who else?

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I'll start with something that I would tell anyone visiting or moving to Thailand. Well ahead of time, ensure that all your standard vaccinations are up to date. I say well ahead of time because there are a number of vaccinations that must be given in a series several weeks apart. I would also recommend that you get vaccinations for Rabies and Japanese Encephalitis. Rabies specifically because of the large number of stray dogs or "soi dogs" that are very prevalent here.

Many people have already commented on working here. Many people who come over here, with the best intentions, to teach English, end up hating it. They get into their schools, and find out they are facing an entirely different school/teaching environment than they expected. Lower pay than they expected, additional duties assigned, unruly students, can't fail students even if they deserve it, lack of support from school supervisors, etc. There are also a number of scams aimed at potential foreign teachers. Here is one decent article. Google Thailand teacher scam and you can find other accounts.

Agree totally with this. I was teaching in a elementary government schools. Very frustrating experience with the English program and Thai teachers.

Also....I got bitten by a street dog and I have to get 8 vaccines and pay good money for that. I found out later that it is a 2 shots preventive vaccination for rabies. Was my fault to not think about that before. Never had problems with dogs....in western countries. My advise...do not walk deserted countryside streets and beaches at night, or enters deserted temples. Dogs in Thailand are very territorial...

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Good for you girl!...25 is a good age to learn about the world and other cultures and to look for the right opportunity in life!! To have good friends here and good advise is a good start. To learn the Thai language perfectly is the second step. To live cheap and not showing off that you are "different" than Thai girls, is important to be welcomed to their lives. If you like the hotel business, keep learning languages perfectly, specially Russian, Japanese and Chinese. Learn about the religion and traditions, and adopt it if you like, with sincerity. Those skills and attitude will open doors for you in other fields, like export-import, real estate, education....and more, and will put you in contact with the right people. Do not get into the "tourist" environment. If you want to live and work here looking ahead, do not act like a "farang" in vacation. Live in a city with a busy cultural and business life, and get involved in social and volunteers activities.

You are young, you have a young mind and energy, and you know that you can do it. Go girl!

Thailand is a great country!

Anugoon advice is sound, Joana!

Live life to the fullest, that's my motto. But I do not do anything without the basic SWOT analysis of which I'm sure you had done before you actually contemplated moving to Thailand. At times, we have to play the cards that life dealt us and not according to our plans. Many many years ago, straight out from my teens I wanted to leave Asia and live, study and work in England but I ended up in living 3 yrs in Limassol, Cyprus doing odd jobs...hahaha...never regretted a minute of it! Thus far, had lived a huge part of my life according to my Wanderlust.

Just recently, moved to Thailand permanently after been in and out of the country for more than 10 years for long and short stays. I agree, it's not easy peasy as some had posted (ignore the negative post..it will permeates your soul) and after 6 months of research I am finally going to settle on a business that would not make me rich but create enough income to support the good life that I live now. I will be starting a pet store...hahaha! I always follow my heart, girl. And you should, too! Never let anyone talk you out of it or derail you from your dreams and what you wanted to do.

I am not going to say Good Luck or Chok Dee because 'Luck' is 50% preparation and 50% opportunity and the 'Good' can only comes from your heart! PM me if you love dogs.

Carpe diem!

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Buy a book such as http://www.amazon.com/Moving-To-Thailand-Everything-ebook/dp/B00CKA3ACI/. A few others around, but I read this one and it's pretty good.

Hi Is it really good. there are a lot of books. I only found 2 books with good information and it was about Thai-western relations. but if this book is really helping I might read it. why not!!!

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Hi Jona Im 27 and also moving to Thailand in December. I'm starting with a Tourist triple entry VISA after that I apply for 30 days more in Thailand(I will apply at my closest Thai Embassy in Europe. After that we will see. but I will have time to think and get to know people.

It was a long time ago I last pre-applied for a VISA. I heard that a guy who wanted to apply yesterday(They wanted him to show that he didn't have any journals in the police register)

So some thing must have changed. not sure but I will have more info after I visit the Embassy. The Impression I get is that only retired people are welcomed to stay longer. the rest of us can come a couple of weeks every year and spend our money. return home and work and do the same thing every year. thats my impression. I'm not sure really.

About making a living in Thailand but here are some tips:

1.The really smartest thing is to work for a western company ex: Work for your home country from your computer. creating web pages or any time of work while you live in Thailand. So educate and learn your self in any work you can do in front of a computer. many sales offices available in thailand. you will call home to your country selling things from your office in Thailand with other ex-pats and they will arrange living and visa for you.

(This is the best thing, but I will not do it since I'm not educated or qualified in these kind of works)

why is it the smartest thing: cuz you will have a western standard salary and bonus while living in Thailand with lower living-costs. and it might add up.

unless you party and drink every single day. but if you have a thai salary you will have to work very hard and 5-6 days a week(otherwise you can lose costumers)even if you are a owner of some company you will have to be there and control it also. enjoy Thailand sure but it will not be a vacation, its work same as home.

Some people teach English at schools to get the VISA they get a alright salary 25000-30.000 baht if I'm not mistaken and work 5 days a week and living provided-

Hey guys Im also interested in any types of business ideas, just write me a PM smile.png

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