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Chase: no money allowed to transfer out of USA starting Nov. 17th

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went to 7-11 this morning - shop assistant made me pay for a bottle of water - are the world's oceans drying up?

ps: how can i pass this news onto infowars without being detected and tortured by MI5?

Edited by brit1984
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went to 7-11 this morning - shop assistant made me pay for a bottle of water - are the world's oceans are drying up?

Buying gold is the answer. To everything. Got cancer? Buy gold.

Too rich? Buy gold.

Car broken down? Buy gold.

i have a (small) gold wedding ring - that's enough for me

i prefer to buy things that give utility or produce cash-flows

if i get paranoid about the future i will invest in bottled water

(could buy ~4000 liters for the price of 1 ounce of gold)

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The YouTube video of Infowars calling Chase.... After laughing at the Info Wars guy trying to make the square call fit into his round conspiracy hole, I was saddened listening to those Chase employees on the phone. They sounded 1 step away from offering to Super Size the business account with some french fries, just like back at McDonalds where they came from. It was painful, like, oh my god, like, ummm, for sure, like, ummmm, you can, like, you know..... ummm....... upgrade?

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No wonder Government, Banks etc get away with everything.... which INCLUDE the upcoming Bank account haircuts (like Cyprus) of which AmeriKa and Canada are high on the list; posters on here being flippant about NWO etc ...dudes you are seriously in denial…. Wake up <deleted>

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No wonder Government, Banks etc get away with everything.... which INCLUDE the upcoming Bank account haircuts (like Cyprus) of which AmeriKa and Canada are high on the list; posters on here being flippant about NWO etc ...dudes you are seriously in denial…. Wake up <deleted>

And here we have it . . the first admitted follower of the nonsense that is NWO conspiracy.

With a nice 'like' by our goldbug OP.

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No wonder Government, Banks etc get away with everything.... which INCLUDE the upcoming Bank account haircuts (like Cyprus) of which AmeriKa and Canada are high on the list; posters on here being flippant about NWO etc ...dudes you are seriously in denial…. Wake up <deleted>

And here we have it . . the first admitted follower of the nonsense that is NWO conspiracy.

With a nice 'like' by our goldbug OP.

scobie redux If people don't keep alert regarding first what happened in Cyprus and then further incremental small warnings such as what just happened regarding Chase, then they will have no one else to blame other than themselves when the powers that be suddenly go for the jugular.

I mean they're hardly going to advertise their intention in advance are they?giggle.gif

it's not so much whether you believe in NWO or not but simply realising that desperate governments using their oligarchy bankster buddies have the power to do absolutely anything and some of those governments are mired in debt they will never ordinarily emerge from? So expect the unexpected and prepare accordingly is nothing other than prudentermm.gif

Do you believe media sources such as Forbes business magazine? It seems to be a pretty reputable publication don't you think? They have a new article about The International Monetary Fund (IMF) October Fiscal Monitor Report.

The International Monetary Fund Lays The Groundwork For Global Wealth Confiscation

“The sharp deterioration of the public finances in many countries has revived interest in a “capital levy”— a one-off tax on private wealth—as an exceptional measure to restore debt sustainability. The appeal is that such a tax, if it is implemented before avoidance is possible and there is a belief that it will never be repeatedfacepalm.gif

Note three takeaways. First, IMF economists know there are not enough rich people to fund today’s governments even if 100 percent of the assets of the 1 percent were expropriated. That means that all households with positive net wealth—everyone with retirement savings or home equity—would have their assets plundered under the IMF’s formulation


Edited by midas
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Staying alert is one thing, but feverish swallowing the nonsense of conspiracy websites with an axe to grind and accepting it verbatim is something else. Surely - just surely - people could see the fact that this 'story' (which was proven to be nothing in disguise) appeared only on freaky websites and not in the mainstream should have given people a clue?

No. instead, they thought it had even more credibility.

Now that the real situation has become clearer - the rational, sane situation - those nutjobs are nowhere to be seen, probably back home counting their silver coins and wearing their tin hats.

As for the Forbes story . . . . I see nothing wrong in an organsation as important as IMF drawing up contingency plans for EVERY possible scenario. It is part of their mandate. Still not going to happen, though, just like the situation in Cyprus was nowhere near as radical as that originally proposed and the only people really affected in the end were Russian shysters hiding dodgy money there.

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Staying alert is one thing, but feverish swallowing the nonsense of conspiracy websites with an axe to grind and accepting it verbatim is something else. Surely - just surely - people could see the fact that this 'story' (which was proven to be nothing in disguise) appeared only on freaky websites and not in the mainstream should have given people a clue?

No. instead, they thought it had even more credibility.

Now that the real situation has become clearer - the rational, sane situation - those nutjobs are nowhere to be seen, probably back home counting their silver coins and wearing their tin hats.

As for the Forbes story . . . . I see nothing wrong in an organsation as important as IMF drawing up contingency plans for EVERY possible scenario. It is part of their mandate. Still not going to happen, though, just like the situation in Cyprus was nowhere near as radical as that originally proposed and the only people really affected in the end were Russian shysters hiding dodgy money there.

But how can you possibly stay alert if you just automatically dismiss some news sources just because they are unknown?

For example, how many of the mainstream media sites covered the recent events regarding the government of Poland raiding private pension schemes or Monte Paschi, Italy’s oldest and according to many, most insolvent bank, quietly commencing a bondholder “bail in”?

and there are similar shenanigans in Iceland New Zealand and Canada.


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Staying alert is one thing, but feverish swallowing the nonsense of conspiracy websites with an axe to grind and accepting it verbatim is something else. Surely - just surely - people could see the fact that this 'story' (which was proven to be nothing in disguise) appeared only on freaky websites and not in the mainstream should have given people a clue?

No. instead, they thought it had even more credibility.

Now that the real situation has become clearer - the rational, sane situation - those nutjobs are nowhere to be seen, probably back home counting their silver coins and wearing their tin hats.

As for the Forbes story . . . . I see nothing wrong in an organsation as important as IMF drawing up contingency plans for EVERY possible scenario. It is part of their mandate. Still not going to happen, though, just like the situation in Cyprus was nowhere near as radical as that originally proposed and the only people really affected in the end were Russian shysters hiding dodgy money there.

But how can you possibly stay alert if you just automatically dismiss some news sources just because they are unknown?

For example, how many of the mainstream media sites covered the recent events regarding the government of Poland raiding private pension schemes or Monte Paschi, Italy’s oldest and according to many, most insolvent bank, quietly commencing a bondholder “bail in”?

and there are similar shenanigans in Iceland New Zealand and Canada.


FT and the WSJ. You are asking because you don't even check and then make an insinuation.

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Still not going to happen, though, just like the situation in Cyprus was nowhere near as radical as that originally proposed and the only people really affected in the end were Russian shysters hiding dodgy money there.

scobie redux, are you really sure that Russians lost some of their money?

Here's a new article for staying in a state of alert http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/finance/ambroseevans-pritchard/100025855/frexit-fever-reaches-heart-of-french-establishment/


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yeah . look at the quality of the sources - first rate and totally unpartisan media outlets like Alex Jones and Ron Paul

Hasn't been picked up by one reputable news source. Somehow I think if it was real, we might have seen a bit of a sell-off in the markets and a massive uptick in the gold price, especially as those reports are a day or so old.

But Alex Jones showed letters. I doubt he wrote them himself.

That Alex Jones is paranoid doesn't mean that he isn't right sometimes.

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No wonder Government, Banks etc get away with everything.... which INCLUDE the upcoming Bank account haircuts (like Cyprus) of which AmeriKa and Canada are high on the list; posters on here being flippant about NWO etc ...dudes you are seriously in denial. Wake up <deleted>

And here we have it . . the first admitted follower of the nonsense that is NWO conspiracy.

With a nice 'like' by our goldbug OP.

scobie redux If people don't keep alert regarding first what happened in Cyprus and then further incremental small warnings such as what just happened regarding Chase, then they will have no one else to blame other than themselves when the powers that be suddenly go for the jugular.

I mean they're hardly going to advertise their intention in advance are they?giggle.gif

it's not so much whether you believe in NWO or not but simply realising that desperate governments using their oligarchy bankster buddies have the power to do absolutely anything and some of those governments are mired in debt they will never ordinarily emerge from? So expect the unexpected and prepare accordingly is nothing other than prudentermm.gif

Do you believe media sources such as Forbes business magazine? It seems to be a pretty reputable publication don't you think? They have a new article about The International Monetary Fund (IMF) October Fiscal Monitor Report.

The International Monetary Fund Lays The Groundwork For Global Wealth Confiscation

The sharp deterioration of the public finances in many countries has revived interest in a capital levy a one-off tax on private wealthas an exceptional measure to restore debt sustainability. The appeal is that such a tax, if it is implemented before avoidance is possible and there is a belief that it will never be repeatedfacepalm.gif

Note three takeaways. First, IMF economists know there are not enough rich people to fund todays governments even if 100 percent of the assets of the 1 percent were expropriated. That means that all households with positive net wealtheveryone with retirement savings or home equitywould have their assets plundered under the IMFs formulation


Thank you for bringing that Forbes article to my attention. It confirms what I suspected, that Cyprus was a test run for something wider and larger.

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Still not going to happen, though, just like the situation in Cyprus was nowhere near as radical as that originally proposed and the only people really affected in the end were Russian shysters hiding dodgy money there.

scobie redux, here's another information, especially for you, to see what's going on about Russians in Cyprus - http://rt.com/business/russian-cyprus-bank-board-702/

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So, just to confirm

Chase IS allowing money to be transferred out of the US and the title is not only inflammatory but misleading since the fact is that only certain small business accounts are being limited.

I don't really see any reason to allow this topic to continue given that it seems the title is just wrong. PM me if you have evidence of anything different and I will reconsider.


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