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Where in Pattaya Can I Find A Dermatologist?


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Went with a friend to Pattaya International / Dermatology Center to determine the best medication for an itchy eczema, just a week ago. Never again. 8 minutes of ridiculous talk, a hospital made/packed mini dose of cortisone cream, 10 Claritin Generic and a bill of 2'580 Baht!!! I am not going to repeat the kinder-garden talk we got served by the young doctor. Next, as much I dislike BPH, in a serious case at least, back to Dr. Ana @ BPH. Hit or miss with doctors in this country. MS>

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After a disastrous diagnosis and the wrong medication, I went to see Dr. Anna at BPH. 1,200bt.

That is a bargain for a pro that went to Stanford University.

I agree with you totally Dr Anna is the way to go she is the only one I trust in this field of medicine in the Pattaya area well worth the extra few ฿฿฿.


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