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PM Yingluck orders officials to take immediate action in flood-affected provinces


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Twice now I have asked you, do any prior government have any accountability on the flooding issue? and twice you side step the question, you'd make a great politician Thaddeuswhistling.gif

As I said before, to the best of my knowledge no prior governments have made promises to fix such issues in such a chest beating manner and with such a large price tag. Please show me some evidence that they have.

Your inability to understand an answer is not my problem.

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Muppet get your head your of your nether region.

Geez you guy's make me laugh, she is to blame for this and for that and oh oh oh and she was the unknown gunman on the grassy Knoll, and the taking of Jimmy Hoffa, and hmmm what else??? oh yes climate change and anything else we can think of...

Thailand is a seasonal flood zone, much like India, Bangladesh, China, Was Thailand flooded during the Dem's leadership? or for any other time of another political party time?

Fixing the flooding issues will take a number of years to right, how long has she been PM?

Grow up and try being proactive instead of being reactive.

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Muppet get your head your of your nether region.

Geez you guy's make me laugh, she is to blame for this and for that and oh oh oh and she was the unknown gunman on the grassy Knoll, and the taking of Jimmy Hoffa, and hmmm what else??? oh yes climate change and anything else we can think of...

Thailand is a seasonal flood zone, much like India, Bangladesh, China, Was Thailand flooded during the Dem's leadership? or for any other time of another political party time?

Fixing the flooding issues will take a number of years to right, how long has she been PM?

Grow up and try being proactive instead of being reactive.

There is no answer except-able to a red shirt school graduate except bring back Thaksin. His knowledge of reality is non existent.

I am surprised Thaksin let it get this far before ordering others to do some thing about it.

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Geez you guy's make me laugh, she is to blame for this and for that and oh oh oh and she was the unknown gunman on the grassy Knoll, and the taking of Jimmy Hoffa, and hmmm what else??? oh yes climate change and anything else we can think of...

Thailand is a seasonal flood zone, much like India, Bangladesh, China, Was Thailand flooded during the Dem's leadership? or for any other time of another political party time?

Fixing the flooding issues will take a number of years to right, how long has she been PM?

Grow up and try being proactive instead of being reactive.

Please get a grip, YS didn't promise to shoot JFK, sort out the US Unions and fix everything that Al Gore says we are responsible for.

But she did promise no more flooding in Thailand, 350 Billion Baht had/has been allocated/spent/disappeared..... and the effective result is, more flooding.

For that, she is 100% accountable.

Really, 2 years in the job and it her fault, NOT the other governments before???

Tell me my friend what would you do? but you need first to see that you are trying to get a country of CORRUPT (terrorists) officials from the highest levels to the just out of school interne to do their jobs instead of milking as much as they can get, next try getting the BIB's to do their job and stop extorting money from the people,

So you think any and all prior Thai governments are now absolved for their pizz poor performance?

whom is 100% accountable is those pizz and moan then sit back and do nothing about it, so now please get a grip,

You admitted within your own post she's responsible; and admitted their ineptitude, so what are you trolling about? That we note the facts and hold them accountable, since they are-then stuffed their pockets with the most graft ever, along with every other project thus far in two years that is astronomically inept and corrupt

That is ok?

Who else would be responsible? Is Santa or Dr. Evil responsible?

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she 's going to call the plumbers

unfortunately...SHE is part of the clan of goons and thieves you speak of and it is ZHER goons stripping the money away.

Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk

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Muppet get your head your of your nether region.

Geez you guy's make me laugh, she is to blame for this and for that and oh oh oh and she was the unknown gunman on the grassy Knoll, and the taking of Jimmy Hoffa, and hmmm what else??? oh yes climate change and anything else we can think of...

Thailand is a seasonal flood zone, much like India, Bangladesh, China, Was Thailand flooded during the Dem's leadership? or for any other time of another political party time?

Fixing the flooding issues will take a number of years to right, how long has she been PM?

Grow up and try being proactive instead of being reactive.

Ummm you having trouble with your keyboard??? or English is a challenge for you? or maybe your head in in your nether region...

OK guy's, Firstly I am NOT saying that Y.L. has no accountability on the flooding issue, YES she dose,,, now what I'm asking you is what did the Dem's do about this issue? they have been here long enough to know the floods will come so what did they do??? same as Thaksin before that and the many past governments before that, I'm just saying that blaming Y.L. is short sighted and an unbalanced approach, reactive not proactive.

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Geez you guy's make me laugh, she is to blame for this and for that and oh oh oh and she was the unknown gunman on the grassy Knoll, and the taking of Jimmy Hoffa, and hmmm what else??? oh yes climate change and anything else we can think of...

Thailand is a seasonal flood zone, much like India, Bangladesh, China, Was Thailand flooded during the Dem's leadership? or for any other time of another political party time?

Fixing the flooding issues will take a number of years to right, how long has she been PM?

Grow up and try being proactive instead of being reactive.

Or grow and stop making silly statements? Just like all your intelligent posts attempting to absolve the PM/DM and her brothers government from their ineptness.

She is supposedly the PM/DM. The 2011 flood disaster was a warning for them. PTP foundered around, making ridiculous and contradictory statements, refused foreign help (until Bangkok looked threatened) and found ways to skim profit from the huge amount of misery. Learning lessons, and implementing knowledge based solutions to manage future floods better and also the affects on people better should have been one of her priorities. But, she's far too busy visiting all these other countries, watching her brother shuffle her cabinet, and working out ways to make his criminal conviction and outstanding criminal charges disappear so he can return on the illegally issued passport his FM cousin arranged for him, during that awful flood. Shows their priorities.

She is the PM - she should make sure all government projects follow the law, meet environmental and social requirements and follow the correct process. So far, PTP have an emergency flood budget of Thb 120 million - although spent, nobody seems quite sure on where it went of what it achieved and now they want water management loans of Thb 350 million - which they wanted to spend without following the legal process, carrying out EIA's or consulting the people it would effect. And, just to put icing on the cake, they wanted to spend a large amount of it with a Korean company, whose track record is questionable and who have had meetings with the PM's criminal fugitive brother, who happens to have been convicted of fraud and as a criminal on the run should not be negotiating deals with a reputable company.

If you want to believe that this is all just because the PM/DM has only been in office for almost 2 years then good luck to you. You might want to research the achievements this regime has delivered in their time in office - it won't take you long. Be proactive - you think they'll get better cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Geez you guy's make me laugh, she is to blame for this and for that and oh oh oh and she was the unknown gunman on the grassy Knoll, and the taking of Jimmy Hoffa, and hmmm what else??? oh yes climate change and anything else we can think of...

Thailand is a seasonal flood zone, much like India, Bangladesh, China, Was Thailand flooded during the Dem's leadership? or for any other time of another political party time?

Fixing the flooding issues will take a number of years to right, how long has she been PM?

Grow up and try being proactive instead of being reactive.

Please get a grip, YS didn't promise to shoot JFK, sort out the US Unions and fix everything that Al Gore says we are responsible for.

But she did promise no more flooding in Thailand, 350 Billion Baht had/has been allocated/spent/disappeared..... and the effective result is, more flooding.

For that, she is 100% accountable.

Really, 2 years in the job and it her fault, NOT the other governments before???

Tell me my friend what would you do? but you need first to see that you are trying to get a country of CORRUPT (terrorists) officials from the highest levels to the just out of school interne to do their jobs instead of milking as much as they can get, next try getting the BIB's to do their job and stop extorting money from the people,

So you think any and all prior Thai governments are now absolved for their pizz poor performance?

whom is 100% accountable is those pizz and moan then sit back and do nothing about it, so now please get a grip,

You admitted within your own post she's responsible; and admitted their ineptitude, so what are you trolling about? That we note the facts and hold them accountable, since they are-then stuffed their pockets with the most graft ever, along with every other project thus far in two years that is astronomically inept and corrupt

That is ok?

Who else would be responsible? Is Santa or Dr. Evil responsible?

Good question Gemini - I'm going for Dr. Evil. Santa can't be responsible because he wear red ! blink.png

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Geez you guy's make me laugh, she is to blame for this and for that and oh oh oh and she was the unknown gunman on the grassy Knoll, and the taking of Jimmy Hoffa, and hmmm what else??? oh yes climate change and anything else we can think of...

Thailand is a seasonal flood zone, much like India, Bangladesh, China, Was Thailand flooded during the Dem's leadership? or for any other time of another political party time?

Fixing the flooding issues will take a number of years to right, how long has she been PM?

Grow up and try being proactive instead of being reactive.

Or grow and stop making silly statements? Just like all your intelligent posts attempting to absolve the PM/DM and her brothers government from their ineptness.

She is supposedly the PM/DM. The 2011 flood disaster was a warning for them. PTP foundered around, making ridiculous and contradictory statements, refused foreign help (until Bangkok looked threatened) and found ways to skim profit from the huge amount of misery. Learning lessons, and implementing knowledge based solutions to manage future floods better and also the affects on people better should have been one of her priorities. But, she's far too busy visiting all these other countries, watching her brother shuffle her cabinet, and working out ways to make his criminal conviction and outstanding criminal charges disappear so he can return on the illegally issued passport his FM cousin arranged for him, during that awful flood. Shows their priorities.

She is the PM - she should make sure all government projects follow the law, meet environmental and social requirements and follow the correct process. So far, PTP have an emergency flood budget of Thb 120 million - although spent, nobody seems quite sure on where it went of what it achieved and now they want water management loans of Thb 350 million - which they wanted to spend without following the legal process, carrying out EIA's or consulting the people it would effect. And, just to put icing on the cake, they wanted to spend a large amount of it with a Korean company, whose track record is questionable and who have had meetings with the PM's criminal fugitive brother, who happens to have been convicted of fraud and as a criminal on the run should not be negotiating deals with a reputable company.

If you want to believe that this is all just because the PM/DM has only been in office for almost 2 years then good luck to you. You might want to research the achievements this regime has delivered in their time in office - it won't take you long. Be proactive - you think they'll get better cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

You just don't get do you.

I'm saying that I think all governments present and prior are accountable for this issue, but you don't seem to accept that and apply accountability only to a regime that you don't like, (BALANCE, UNBIAS, open minded) when you can do that then your credibility may be better considered.

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Geez you guy's make me laugh, she is to blame for this and for that and oh oh oh and she was the unknown gunman on the grassy Knoll, and the taking of Jimmy Hoffa, and hmmm what else??? oh yes climate change and anything else we can think of...

Thailand is a seasonal flood zone, much like India, Bangladesh, China, Was Thailand flooded during the Dem's leadership? or for any other time of another political party time?

Fixing the flooding issues will take a number of years to right, how long has she been PM?

Grow up and try being proactive instead of being reactive.

Or grow and stop making silly statements? Just like all your intelligent posts attempting to absolve the PM/DM and her brothers government from their ineptness.

She is supposedly the PM/DM. The 2011 flood disaster was a warning for them. PTP foundered around, making ridiculous and contradictory statements, refused foreign help (until Bangkok looked threatened) and found ways to skim profit from the huge amount of misery. Learning lessons, and implementing knowledge based solutions to manage future floods better and also the affects on people better should have been one of her priorities. But, she's far too busy visiting all these other countries, watching her brother shuffle her cabinet, and working out ways to make his criminal conviction and outstanding criminal charges disappear so he can return on the illegally issued passport his FM cousin arranged for him, during that awful flood. Shows their priorities.

She is the PM - she should make sure all government projects follow the law, meet environmental and social requirements and follow the correct process. So far, PTP have an emergency flood budget of Thb 120 million - although spent, nobody seems quite sure on where it went of what it achieved and now they want water management loans of Thb 350 million - which they wanted to spend without following the legal process, carrying out EIA's or consulting the people it would effect. And, just to put icing on the cake, they wanted to spend a large amount of it with a Korean company, whose track record is questionable and who have had meetings with the PM's criminal fugitive brother, who happens to have been convicted of fraud and as a criminal on the run should not be negotiating deals with a reputable company.

If you want to believe that this is all just because the PM/DM has only been in office for almost 2 years then good luck to you. You might want to research the achievements this regime has delivered in their time in office - it won't take you long. Be proactive - you think they'll get better cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

So BB entirely by your logic, she and her government should get boundless credit for all the areas that have not been flooded this year and last ??

I would guess that constitutes about 75% maybe 80% of the country.

I trust you will give credit where credit is due, under the logic that you and others use.

The miserable hatred towards YL and the elected Government displayed here really is pathetic.

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Geez you guy's make me laugh, she is to blame for this and for that and oh oh oh and she was the unknown gunman on the grassy Knoll, and the taking of Jimmy Hoffa, and hmmm what else??? oh yes climate change and anything else we can think of...

Thailand is a seasonal flood zone, much like India, Bangladesh, China, Was Thailand flooded during the Dem's leadership? or for any other time of another political party time?

Fixing the flooding issues will take a number of years to right, how long has she been PM?

Grow up and try being proactive instead of being reactive.

Please get a grip, YS didn't promise to shoot JFK, sort out the US Unions and fix everything that Al Gore says we are responsible for.

But she did promise no more flooding in Thailand, 350 Billion Baht had/has been allocated/spent/disappeared..... and the effective result is, more flooding.

For that, she is 100% accountable.

Really, 2 years in the job and it her fault, NOT the other governments before???

Tell me my friend what would you do? but you need first to see that you are trying to get a country of CORRUPT (terrorists) officials from the highest levels to the just out of school interne to do their jobs instead of milking as much as they can get, next try getting the BIB's to do their job and stop extorting money from the people,

So you think any and all prior Thai governments are now absolved for their pizz poor performance?

whom is 100% accountable is those pizz and moan then sit back and do nothing about it, so now please get a grip,

No, you're the one who needs a grip. If she was going to claim being the victim of previous govts and the burden was too great, maybe she shouldn't have made statements that weren't true, promises she could not keep, and wasted a whole lotta' money on things that were never going to happen. She WANTED the office, she GOT what she wished for, and so IS now 100% accountable!

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Geez you guy's make me laugh, she is to blame for this and for that and oh oh oh and she was the unknown gunman on the grassy Knoll, and the taking of Jimmy Hoffa, and hmmm what else??? oh yes climate change and anything else we can think of...

Thailand is a seasonal flood zone, much like India, Bangladesh, China, Was Thailand flooded during the Dem's leadership? or for any other time of another political party time?

Fixing the flooding issues will take a number of years to right, how long has she been PM?

Grow up and try being proactive instead of being reactive.

Or grow and stop making silly statements? Just like all your intelligent posts attempting to absolve the PM/DM and her brothers government from their ineptness.

She is supposedly the PM/DM. The 2011 flood disaster was a warning for them. PTP foundered around, making ridiculous and contradictory statements, refused foreign help (until Bangkok looked threatened) and found ways to skim profit from the huge amount of misery. Learning lessons, and implementing knowledge based solutions to manage future floods better and also the affects on people better should have been one of her priorities. But, she's far too busy visiting all these other countries, watching her brother shuffle her cabinet, and working out ways to make his criminal conviction and outstanding criminal charges disappear so he can return on the illegally issued passport his FM cousin arranged for him, during that awful flood. Shows their priorities.

She is the PM - she should make sure all government projects follow the law, meet environmental and social requirements and follow the correct process. So far, PTP have an emergency flood budget of Thb 120 million - although spent, nobody seems quite sure on where it went of what it achieved and now they want water management loans of Thb 350 million - which they wanted to spend without following the legal process, carrying out EIA's or consulting the people it would effect. And, just to put icing on the cake, they wanted to spend a large amount of it with a Korean company, whose track record is questionable and who have had meetings with the PM's criminal fugitive brother, who happens to have been convicted of fraud and as a criminal on the run should not be negotiating deals with a reputable company.

If you want to believe that this is all just because the PM/DM has only been in office for almost 2 years then good luck to you. You might want to research the achievements this regime has delivered in their time in office - it won't take you long. Be proactive - you think they'll get better cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

You just don't get do you.

I'm saying that I think all governments present and prior are accountable for this issue, but you don't seem to accept that and apply accountability only to a regime that you don't like, (BALANCE, UNBIAS, open minded) when you can do that then your credibility may be better considered.

I'm afraid it's you that doesn't get it.

Prior governments are not now accountable for anything. Yes, the country has always suffered from poor planning - in too many ways to mention here. But, as Thaddeus has pointed out, no previous government has appropriated anything near B350bn (even allowing for inflation) by 'urgent' decree 2 years ago and, by appointing an ignorant buffoon in charge, completely mismanaging everything since with the result that nothing has been done.

In 2011 they tried to blame the previous government (as do many new governments) but it was their own incompetence (e.g. releasing water from a dam during maximum flooding) that contributed to the large death toll and destruction of people's livelihoods.

Defending the indefensible is a mugs game.

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Where I live there has been a lot of flood protection work done since the floods of 2011 and to prove it I will post some photos.


This is a finished section of about a kilometer of wall and footpath.


This is a section of embankment and wall where the road was washed away, the road for about 2KM has been raised to form an embankment.


Work is still underway on around 2 KM of wall on the other side of the river from the 2 previous photos, it must be being done in several contracts as some parts are being done by different methods, this photo is of a completed section.


This is an unfinished section of the same wall.


Another unfinished section of the same wall

All the retaining wall that was in place before 2011 was also strengthened with driven steel piling and there is another section ( 1KM ) of new wall and walkway downstream that connects to the old wall, I have no photos of it.

I must stress that all this work was either started or completed before the 350 billion was borrowed.

As for the 'but the Dems poster ; check out the river level in 2010 on the post and you will see the water level was almost as high that year.


However by good management there was minimal flooding.

Now tell us who was in charge then.

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Geez you guy's make me laugh, she is to blame for this and for that and oh oh oh and she was the unknown gunman on the grassy Knoll, and the taking of Jimmy Hoffa, and hmmm what else??? oh yes climate change and anything else we can think of...

Thailand is a seasonal flood zone, much like India, Bangladesh, China, Was Thailand flooded during the Dem's leadership? or for any other time of another political party time?

Fixing the flooding issues will take a number of years to right, how long has she been PM?

Grow up and try being proactive instead of being reactive.

Or grow and stop making silly statements? Just like all your intelligent posts attempting to absolve the PM/DM and her brothers government from their ineptness.

She is supposedly the PM/DM. The 2011 flood disaster was a warning for them. PTP foundered around, making ridiculous and contradictory statements, refused foreign help (until Bangkok looked threatened) and found ways to skim profit from the huge amount of misery. Learning lessons, and implementing knowledge based solutions to manage future floods better and also the affects on people better should have been one of her priorities. But, she's far too busy visiting all these other countries, watching her brother shuffle her cabinet, and working out ways to make his criminal conviction and outstanding criminal charges disappear so he can return on the illegally issued passport his FM cousin arranged for him, during that awful flood. Shows their priorities.

She is the PM - she should make sure all government projects follow the law, meet environmental and social requirements and follow the correct process. So far, PTP have an emergency flood budget of Thb 120 million - although spent, nobody seems quite sure on where it went of what it achieved and now they want water management loans of Thb 350 million - which they wanted to spend without following the legal process, carrying out EIA's or consulting the people it would effect. And, just to put icing on the cake, they wanted to spend a large amount of it with a Korean company, whose track record is questionable and who have had meetings with the PM's criminal fugitive brother, who happens to have been convicted of fraud and as a criminal on the run should not be negotiating deals with a reputable company.

If you want to believe that this is all just because the PM/DM has only been in office for almost 2 years then good luck to you. You might want to research the achievements this regime has delivered in their time in office - it won't take you long. Be proactive - you think they'll get better cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

You just don't get do you.

I'm saying that I think all governments present and prior are accountable for this issue, but you don't seem to accept that and apply accountability only to a regime that you don't like, (BALANCE, UNBIAS, open minded) when you can do that then your credibility may be better considered.

I'm afraid it's you that doesn't get it.

Prior governments are not now accountable for anything. Yes, the country has always suffered from poor planning - in too many ways to mention here. But, as Thaddeus has pointed out, no previous government has appropriated anything near B350bn (even allowing for inflation) by 'urgent' decree 2 years ago and, by appointing an ignorant buffoon in charge, completely mismanaging everything since with the result that nothing has been done.

In 2011 they tried to blame the previous government (as do many new governments) but it was their own incompetence (e.g. releasing water from a dam during maximum flooding) that contributed to the large death toll and destruction of people's livelihoods.

Defending the indefensible is a mugs game.

So for you it's about money? not that prior governments failed to fix the flooding, all I'm doing is not throwing accountability at one person,

whether you like it or not there is more than one government at fault here, NOW successfully ague that, I think you and BB can not.

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So for you it's about money? not that prior governments failed to fix the flooding, all I'm doing is not throwing accountability at one person,

whether you like it or not there is more than one government at fault here, NOW successfully ague that, I think you and BB can not.

You've got the wrong end of the stick again.

You seemingly didn't bother to read my post - I did not say it is all about money. It is about ordinary people's lives, livelihoods, properties & health.

You also missed my comment about planning which Thai governments have failed to do since the second world war (& probably before). You continue to refuse to address the money pot that they grabbed and the total failure to even start to implement any flood abatement projects due to having a totally arrogant incompetent in charge.

The 2011 floods were , by all accounts, the worst floods ever in Thailand. They were made worse by the FROC incompetence, led by the same idiot. A proper leadership would have made sure that the incompetent was replaced by someone with some real experience of flood abatement. Unfortunately the current leader (it's not YL) leads by cronyism & nepotism with predictable results - more disasters (68 I believe is the latest death toll).

If you're going to post arguments about my posts, please read them first.

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Wow, decisive leadership at it's best.

First there were no floods and there would not be, then they were under control and now with so many areas having been under water for weeks and more weeks to come she orders priorities to be tackled immediately.

The sad part is I'm sure she and her band of muppets actually believe they are doing a great job.

These officials need to be told to take appropriate actions and to respond to possible and actual events? Successful and effective managers deal with past events, and learn from them, and legislate for the tomorrows. Junior managers and supervisors deal with the present - given the authority to do so..

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Geez you guy's make me laugh, she is to blame for this and for that and oh oh oh and she was the unknown gunman on the grassy Knoll, and the taking of Jimmy Hoffa, and hmmm what else??? oh yes climate change and anything else we can think of...

Thailand is a seasonal flood zone, much like India, Bangladesh, China, Was Thailand flooded during the Dem's leadership? or for any other time of another political party time?

Fixing the flooding issues will take a number of years to right, how long has she been PM?

Grow up and try being proactive instead of being reactive.

You have missed your target - or more properly, what should have been your target. Re-direct your message to her with the shopping addiction.

You might also send her a plaque to place on her desk, assuming she has one. It should read 'The buck stops here.'

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