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Amnesty bill change by panel 'to benefit' Thaksin


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Let’s just forgive and forget and we can all start afresh once again.

Ask the families of the 2,500 odd "drug dealers" that were murdered on his watch and see how they feel about that. And while you are doing that ask the protestors at Tak Bai and the other massacres in the south feel about Thaksin coming home free as a bird.

I am 99% certain that if he comes back what was seen in 2010 is nothing compared to what WILL come.

It will split Thailand and polarise the country for years to come.

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Let’s just forgive and forget and we can all start afresh once again.

Ask the families of the 2,500 odd "drug dealers" that were murdered on his watch and see how they feel about that. And while you are doing that ask the protestors at Tak Bai and the other massacres in the south feel about Thaksin coming home free as a bird.

I am 99% certain that if he comes back what was seen in 2010 is nothing compared to what WILL come.

It will split Thailand and polarise the country for years to come.

I was of that opinion before, but now not quite as sure. There still appears to be such apathy from the majority of Thais who are not Thaksin supporters, that I don't think there is a guarantee that there will be huge protests or civil unrest. Thaksin's support base in the north and north-east remains relatively strong, and the lack of a strong opposition that could win seats in these areas means that Thaksin could well gain another easy election win with similar false promises and excuses. With the police and army in the bag and diminishing power of the courts, Thaksin's main threat will be protecting himself from a paid assassin. If he can ride that wave, then he could be ruling the country for a while yet ... sadly.

Edited by Sunderland
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Let’s just forgive and forget and we can all start afresh once again.

Ask the families of the 2,500 odd "drug dealers" that were murdered on his watch and see how they feel about that. And while you are doing that ask the protestors at Tak Bai and the other massacres in the south feel about Thaksin coming home free as a bird.

I am 99% certain that if he comes back what was seen in 2010 is nothing compared to what WILL come.

It will split Thailand and polarise the country for years to come.

There was and is already a split in Thailand but it is not about Thaksin.

Thaksin is however on one side of the divide.

Thaksin could die tomorrow and the conflict still remains inevitable.

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Yes and the murder charged of former PM.Abhisit and former CREST Director Suthep. PAD leaders Democratic partys MP:s blocked main Air-Ports and put Thailand in an very dangerous situation , this Was an terrorist action against Thailand !!!!

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^^^ I may be wrong, but I think that you are overestimating the desire for any real change among the majority of Thai people. I also don't think that Thaksin wants to change the current system (at least, not for the better!), he just wants to change the players.

Based on his actions over the past 15 or 20 years (not his words) He has no commitment to a more open, egalitarian society, he just wants to be the one on top and will say or do whatever is required to get there.

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otherstuff1957 post # 38

I may be wrong, but I think that you are overestimating the desire for any real change among the majority of Thai people. I also don't think that Thaksin wants to change the current system (at least, not for the better!), he just wants to change the players.

Based on his actions over the past 15 or 20 years (not his words) He has no commitment to a more open, egalitarian society, he just wants to be the one on top and will say or do whatever is required to get there.

To my mind Thaksin is following a Spartist dogma, nothing more nothing less old dictatorial belief dressed in newer clothes.

Thaksin is the Wurzel Gummidge of Thai politics with Yingluck is his aunt Sally.

Edited by siampolee
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^^^ I may be wrong, but I think that you are overestimating the desire for any real change among the majority of Thai people. I also don't think that Thaksin wants to change the current system (at least, not for the better!), he just wants to change the players.

Based on his actions over the past 15 or 20 years (not his words) He has no commitment to a more open, egalitarian society, he just wants to be the one on top and will say or do whatever is required to get there.

Actually he doing was for a less open society we bigger differences, less freedom, more police state etc etc

Like he want to be the one on the top and secure the position. The former corrupt politicians wanted to get big cash. He wants big cash and infinity power over everyone. Way more dangerous.

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^^^ I may be wrong, but I think that you are overestimating the desire for any real change among the majority of Thai people. I also don't think that Thaksin wants to change the current system (at least, not for the better!), he just wants to change the players.

Based on his actions over the past 15 or 20 years (not his words) He has no commitment to a more open, egalitarian society, he just wants to be the one on top and will say or do whatever is required to get there.

Change is an inevitability.

It's what happens after that change and which faction prevails is what it's all really about.

FYI, it isn't about Thaksin, but he's a political figure so he will have his role to play when the time comes.

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Yes and the murder charged of former PM.Abhisit and former CREST Director Suthep. PAD leaders Democratic partys MP:s blocked main Air-Ports and put Thailand in an very dangerous situation , this Was an terrorist action against Thailand !!!!

Fair enough, but by the same token, if these are examples of terrorism, what about burning down BKK as the red shirts wanted to do, and please dont tell brother number 1 wasnt involved

And besides the murder charges against Abhisit & co are politically motivated

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It would help if the article published all 6 parts of the proposed Bill, not just what it deems as the "controversial" part. For example I don't think the relatives of the dead (either army or civilian) will be too happy if those found responsible for those deaths were "pardoned"

Despite the prevailing mindset, it's not all about Thaksin, that's an Abhisit obsession.

I don't usually agree with you but this time, mostly I do. I've mentioned before that this won't please the relatives and friends of those killed in 2010 and many of those will be government supporters. It's possible that this will change the government's mind at least as far as including the likes of Thaksin, Abhisit and Suthep. There was a plan think to not include the former PM and deputy but that would cause problems as well.

You mentioned elsewhere that Abhisit and Suthep don't need an amnesty as they're covered by the State of Emergency Act but as far as I know they have declined any immunity, probably based on the fact that on the current evidence they would win a fair court case anyway.

I don't think Thaksin is an obsession just for Abhisit as there are many others who are against him as well. That being the case why doesn't he just keep out of politics as I think he said he would. Both sides would have to focus on other issues then. I wonder what would happen to the PTP and the government if that happened and maybe his family went as well? I'm not sure how they would fare bearing in mind that amongst all the experienced talented politicians in the party, apparently the best choice for PM was Thaksin's sister who had no interest or experience in politics. Doesn't like going to parliament. Was so overworked that her sister needed to be brought in for support despite the fact that she then made herself Defence Minister.

Oh and let's not forget that Thaksin just gives occasional advice but nothing else.

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He suggested that Article 3 of the bill should be rewritten so that the amnesty covers persons accused of wrongdoing by a group of people or an organisation set up after the coup of September 19, 2006.

Cant see how this benefit our man in Dubai, he is not accused of anything, he was accused, tried within the Thai legal process and found gulity and sentenced and then became a fugitive.

therefore this clause change shouldnt apply to the dear leader anyway

I believe the interpretation would be that the cases against Thaksin originated with the AEC, which was one of those post coup formed entities.

Therefore, in the view of PT, any case that originated with the AEC would be subject to the amnesty, regardless of its current state or status.

But the curious part is, the current case against Abhisit re the 2011 protester deaths was brought, if I recall correctly, by the DSI. Would that fall under the post 2006 notion in the proposed law?

Abhisit and Suthep have been accused and charged with murder, a normal criminal charge. Nothing coup related. However they may (probably will be) covered by the State of Emergency Act. It depends if it can be proved that the orders they gave (the use of live ammunition, creation of live fire zones etc) were proportionate to the threat or not.

If proved disproportionate they're in a deep world of trouble - or should be in an ideal world, but this is when we'll see where the "boy from Newcastle" roots really lie, 'scuse the pun.

It's still post coup though isn't it although I suspect that an exception will be attempted to pacify the relatives of those killed in 2010 who as we have both mentioned won't be happy if they are included. Abhisit was supposed to be just a puppet of the army anyway. What ever happened to that accusation?

All the evidence I've seen so far suggests that the shootings by the military were carried out against the rules of engagement so that would require action against the army. Will the current government dare to do that?

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Stop slagging off the best thing to happen to Thailand and it's people!

Viva the rightful elected leaders return!


Yeah, right. He wasn't the elected leader when he was forcibly removed, he'd dissolved parliament and was illegally holding on to power. He has been convicted in a scandalous fraud case where his government siezed a plot of land and then allowed his then wife to buy it at far less than the market price. He has other more serious criminal charges outstanding.

He wasn't elected to anything, because he is a convicted criminal fugitive who is trying very hard to change laws and the constitution, via his puppet sisters regime, which he selected, to whitewash these criminal offences under the umbrella of political amnesty and reconciliation. The problems is he's arrogant enough to try and do it openly, which creates even more tension.

If you think he's good for Thailand, and is the rightful elected leader then you probably think the same about Hun Set, Mugabe , the crackpot North Korean and all the other criminal dictators who line their own and their families' pockets at the expense of their country.

How many more times do you need to be told the truth before it sinks in. Thaksin was legally caretaker PM awaiting the royally approved elecion on October 15th

Mon Jul 31 2006

Embattled TRT still holds edge over opposition: poll

Eligible voters who intend to vote for a political party in the next general election are split in their choice between the ruling Thai Rak Thai (TRT) Party and any of the three main opposition parties, with TRT holding a slight edge, a national survey has found.

He said the result pointed to what he called "political equilibrium", which could serve as a deterrent against possible abuse of power by the ruling party.

As many as 84.3 per cent of those surveyed said they would vote in the poll, scheduled for October 15. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2006/07/31/headlines/headlines_30009984.php

"He has been convicted in a scandalous fraud case where his government siezed a plot of land and then allowed his then wife to buy it at far less than the market price"

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. Everything, apart from the word "scandalous". but even then it was scandalous in a different way to the way you mean.

The government did not "seize a plot of land". A subsidiary of the Bank of Thailand, the FIDF had bought some land off a Finance Company,the Erawan Trust and were auctioning that land off in 3 parcels. Far from buying it at under market price, Thaksin's wifes bid was the highest of the three accepted on the 33 rai parcel of land.

The rest of your rant is not worth answering.

Edited by fab4
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"Pheu Thai MP Korkaew Pikulthong yesterday acknowledged that this latest development would lead to increased opposition against the government, but he did not think this would lead to its ousting.

"It is because all the parties involved will benefit, including the yellow shirts and the [opposition] Democrat Party," he said in an interview with The Nation."

Pheu Thai party list MP and UDD leader Korkaew summed it up nicely. Nothing to do with justice, rightfullnes or whatever. Just the normal (Pheu Thai / UDD) shenanigans, the assumption that like them others are prepared to negotiate and water down or even ignore their principles.

In all this rubbish I find the cannonfodder and other normal people completely ignored.

Edited by rubl
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As I posted elsewhere anyone who has any doubts about who is in charge of the Government in this country should read the last 9 words of the following news Item from today of a statement by the PT chief whip :

BANGKOK, 18 October 2013 (NNT) - Government Chief Whip, Amnuay Klangpa, the Pheu Thai party had sent SMS messages to remind Members of Parliament (MPs) not to miss the voting in the third reading of Section 190 of the constitution amendment - also noting that Thaksin will not dissolve the parliament.

Yes the big man wants to be sure all PT MP's are present to vote for his amendment .

Now tell us again who is obsessed with and controlled by Thaksin.

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Why doesn't someone table an amendment to the amendment saying that Thaksin alone would not qualify for the pardon?

In this way, those who would table a blanket amnesty according to tradition (see Thai history) would largely be appeased and the real issue would be brought into the limelight instead of being hidden behind the 'blanket' aspect of the amendment.

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Stop slagging off the best thing to happen to Thailand and it's people!

Viva the rightful elected leaders return!


Yeah, right. He wasn't the elected leader when he was forcibly removed, he'd dissolved parliament and was illegally holding on to power. He has been convicted in a scandalous fraud case where his government siezed a plot of land and then allowed his then wife to buy it at far less than the market price. He has other more serious criminal charges outstanding.

He wasn't elected to anything, because he is a convicted criminal fugitive who is trying very hard to change laws and the constitution, via his puppet sisters regime, which he selected, to whitewash these criminal offences under the umbrella of political amnesty and reconciliation. The problems is he's arrogant enough to try and do it openly, which creates even more tension.

If you think he's good for Thailand, and is the rightful elected leader then you probably think the same about Hun Set, Mugabe , the crackpot North Korean and all the other criminal dictators who line their own and their families' pockets at the expense of their country.

How many more times do you need to be told the truth before it sinks in. Thaksin was legally caretaker PM awaiting the royally approved elecion on October 15th

Mon Jul 31 2006

Embattled TRT still holds edge over opposition: poll

Eligible voters who intend to vote for a political party in the next general election are split in their choice between the ruling Thai Rak Thai (TRT) Party and any of the three main opposition parties, with TRT holding a slight edge, a national survey has found.

He said the result pointed to what he called "political equilibrium", which could serve as a deterrent against possible abuse of power by the ruling party.

As many as 84.3 per cent of those surveyed said they would vote in the poll, scheduled for October 15. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2006/07/31/headlines/headlines_30009984.php

"He has been convicted in a scandalous fraud case where his government siezed a plot of land and then allowed his then wife to buy it at far less than the market price"

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. Everything, apart from the word "scandalous". but even then it was scandalous in a different way to the way you mean.

The government did not "seize a plot of land". A subsidiary of the Bank of Thailand, the FIDF had bought some land off a Finance Company,the Erawan Trust and were auctioning that land off in 3 parcels. Far from buying it at under market price, Thaksin's wifes bid was the highest of the three accepted on the 33 rai parcel of land.

The rest of your rant is not worth answering.

In fact the bank had the land independently valued at 750 million having failed to get a single offer when they set the asking price too high in a previous e-auction.

She narrowly outbid land and house and paid 775 million baht.

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Yeah, right. He wasn't the elected leader when he was forcibly removed, he'd dissolved parliament and was illegally holding on to power. He has been convicted in a scandalous fraud case where his government siezed a plot of land and then allowed his then wife to buy it at far less than the market price. He has other more serious criminal charges outstanding.

He wasn't elected to anything, because he is a convicted criminal fugitive who is trying very hard to change laws and the constitution, via his puppet sisters regime, which he selected, to whitewash these criminal offences under the umbrella of political amnesty and reconciliation. The problems is he's arrogant enough to try and do it openly, which creates even more tension.

If you think he's good for Thailand, and is the rightful elected leader then you probably think the same about Hun Set, Mugabe , the crackpot North Korean and all the other criminal dictators who line their own and their families' pockets at the expense of their country.

How many more times do you need to be told the truth before it sinks in. Thaksin was legally caretaker PM awaiting the royally approved elecion on October 15th

Mon Jul 31 2006

Embattled TRT still holds edge over opposition: poll

Eligible voters who intend to vote for a political party in the next general election are split in their choice between the ruling Thai Rak Thai (TRT) Party and any of the three main opposition parties, with TRT holding a slight edge, a national survey has found.

He said the result pointed to what he called "political equilibrium", which could serve as a deterrent against possible abuse of power by the ruling party.

As many as 84.3 per cent of those surveyed said they would vote in the poll, scheduled for October 15. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2006/07/31/headlines/headlines_30009984.php

"He has been convicted in a scandalous fraud case where his government siezed a plot of land and then allowed his then wife to buy it at far less than the market price"

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. Everything, apart from the word "scandalous". but even then it was scandalous in a different way to the way you mean.

The government did not "seize a plot of land". A subsidiary of the Bank of Thailand, the FIDF had bought some land off a Finance Company,the Erawan Trust and were auctioning that land off in 3 parcels. Far from buying it at under market price, Thaksin's wifes bid was the highest of the three accepted on the 33 rai parcel of land.

The rest of your rant is not worth answering.

In fact the bank had the land independently valued at 750 million having failed to get a single offer when they set the asking price too high in a previous e-auction.

She narrowly outbid land and house and paid 775 million baht.

Narrowly outbid?

The three bids were

Pojaman Shinawatra - 772,000,000 baht

Land & Houses Plc - 730,000,000 baht

Noble Development - 750,000,000 baht

I think 22 and 42 Million baht more for a property is a bit more than narrowly outbidding them. But I agree with you that the FIDF did well out of the sale, even if the Junta appointed judges didn't think so.

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Those independent valuers couldn't have been much cop though. The land was sold subsequently for 1.8 billion, much closer to it's previous valuation.

The main issue was the matter of a law which categorically forbids government officials buying government land for the obvious reason that it might induce fraud. Now the PM's wife may not have been aware of this and the PM himself may have made an honest mistake when he signed off the deal. Ok, it was only a measly three quarters of a billion baht but the law is the law and others have gone to jail for a lot less.

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Those independent valuers couldn't have been much cop though. The land was sold subsequently for 1.8 billion, much closer to it's previous valuation.

The main issue was the matter of a law which categorically forbids government officials buying government land for the obvious reason that it might induce fraud. Now the PM's wife may not have been aware of this and the PM himself may have made an honest mistake when he signed off the deal. Ok, it was only a measly three quarters of a billion baht but the law is the law and others have gone to jail for a lot less.

I think that was for all the land. 3 plots of land and a further plot to allow for road access.

I think they got it cheap and there was no auction either.

Curious but anything under the dems cannot be investigated.

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How many times do YOU need to be told that Thaksin was NOT legally the caretaker Prime Minister.

He formally resigned on 06 April 2006 after tendering his resignation to the King and was NO LONGER the caretaker PM. He also declared that he was finished with politics for ever.

Thaksin named Justice Minister Chitchai Wannasathit, who is also a deputy prime minister and former police general, as this Southeast Asian nation's interim prime minister.

Ref http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0604/S00075.htm

Thailand's prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, resigned last night, accepting that continuing would trigger prolonged unrest.

Ref http://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/apr/05/thailand

After 48 days he took back the position of caretaker PM but was not formally recognised by the King in that position.

In September he was ousted by the coup.

Now I spent about 10 minutes on the internet looking this lot up.

It is called research. Try it sometime BEFORE you post.

Well if you spent longer than 10 minutes and analyzed what was said instead of taking things at face value you'd learn something too.

When he "resigned" he said he would not seek a post as Prime Minister in a new government. He added that he would remain in post as caretaker PM until new elections were held. Due to the need for an election of new EC officers this date was royally endorsed for Oct 15th. He was or would have been caretaker PM up until the new elections.

Former Democrat MP for District 2, Chalermlak Kebsup, told the Gazette this morning, “We have to examine this more closely. PM Thaksin has said he will resign after Parliament convenes, but right now he is still the PM. People may believe that all the problems have been solved, but if you think about it nothing has changed.

“What the PM did last night was for his own benefit. Ordinary people who do not understand politics in depth will have seen his announcement and will admire him. But last night, as I was listening to him, many people called me to ask, ‘What does it mean?’

“He said that he would continue to push TRT policies [after stepping down], so that means nothing has changed.

“If he is sincere [about resigning] it will be good, but if he is simply maneuvering for position, things will get worse because he will be able to shift blame onto the new Prime Minister.”

“In fact, the PM and the entire Cabinet should quit, making way for a royally-appointed interim Prime Minister to take over running of the country,” she added.

As things stand, Thaksin will remain in the chair until the new Parliament is convened and a new PM can be elected by MPs. Just when that will happen is not clear; if opposition parties continue to boycott elections, the likely result will be a repeat of the April 2 poll, which left dozens of provinces – including Phuket – without MPs. Without enough MPs nationwide, Parliament cannot be convened. http://www.phuketgazette.net/archives/articles/2006/article4927.html

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Those independent valuers couldn't have been much cop though. The land was sold subsequently for 1.8 billion, much closer to it's previous valuation.

The main issue was the matter of a law which categorically forbids government officials buying government land for the obvious reason that it might induce fraud. Now the PM's wife may not have been aware of this and the PM himself may have made an honest mistake when he signed off the deal. Ok, it was only a measly three quarters of a billion baht but the law is the law and others have gone to jail for a lot less.

I think that was for all the land. 3 plots of land and a further plot to allow for road access.

I think they got it cheap and there was no auction either.

Curious but anything under the dems cannot be investigated.

Better stop thinking and do some research! It was just the one plot of land that was sold, it wasn't cheap and the BOT put it up for auction.

The original 33 rai plot was bought by real estate developer Supalai for 1.815 billion baht.

Pojaman did make around 50 million baht in interest on the deal but it was voided due to it's illegality.

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