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I need to wire transfer money from my Bangkok Bank account to my bank account in the U.S. I was told I need to show my bank book, passport and sign some papers. Does anyone have any experience with this or has done it before? Am I missing anything? Is it difficult? Thanks!


Hey Trip ,

Are you in Thailand now ?

If your in the states there is a BKK bank branch in New York , give them a call . You should only need your account number and swift code .

That said , there are probally not many that go the reverse route .

Go Cubs !


It depends on how much you're sending. If it's below US$20,000 equivalent, you may not need much by way of documentation--i.e. passport, bank book may be all that's needed. More than that, you may need to show the origin of the money. Much more than that, you may need quite a lot of documentation.

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