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Pimp in Pattaya interviewed


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from where im sitting i could not care less.

but he is not sitting at a keyboard talking about you lot, you are stuck in your shitty villages talking about him.

As for is staunch defenders, the man has said he could not care less what people think of him, so why not take a page out of his book and stop your fanboy bleating?

You cared enough to answer. passifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zC.gi

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from what i heard they paying him

from what i have heard there seems to be an old guy with a beard and a horse giving presents to nice children... from what i have heard.


you realize there is a clip? you do not think it would be wise to first watch it before making comments?

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They gu has huge steroid-fed muscles, but I bet his testicles are shrunken raisins. 'Roid rage baby!

He is Alpha.

Most of you little whiners are not. He has more women in a week than what you have in your life. I can understand the bitterness and anger of the Beta boys and White Knights here.

But at least you could get some insight from this guy, that's how life works. And not how your equalist wonderworld from your Western education teaches you.

This has to be the most pathetic comment I've ever read on the internet.


Tell me, little GreenCrapper -- are you five foot four or a whopping five foot five? Is your ambition in life to "grow your penis" so that it becomes a massive four inches?


Actually, they pay him if his interviews are to be believed. 300 of them @ 500 baht a shot...................wink.png

This guy is an Alpha, no doubt, due to his appearance and way of life. Most people are scared of creatures like this. However, he is also a self professed White Knight, as long as the fees keep coming in.

In all fairness to him he does a lot more than most of the commentators here.

He helps street dogs(while concept not understood my many on here, it still remains an honorable act)

He helped disabled girl by buying her new wheel chair

He does a number of other charitable and volunteer work to help or assist, which is by far more than a number of people who do nothing but post nonsense about the guy, worst of all, some did not even watch the clip or did any research.

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What's wrong with it is - open your mind to a bit of logic now - You can't claim a guy is an 'Alpha Male' on the basis that he "Has More women in a week that (Beta boys and White Knights) have in a life time", when the basis of his ability to have so much sex is that he pays for it from prostitutes.

The reference to 3rd world prostitutes is applicable in the context of being in Thailand and and too since they are (allegedly) cheaper than old world prostitutes so his powers with women might be even less if the prostitutes he was buying sex from were more expensive.

Taken in the context of Greensnappers fundemental lack of understanding of the concept of "Alpha Male" his accusations of being a 'Beta Boy/White Knight' is something of a complement.

So by your logic Alpha male does not pay for sex? or what is your definition of Alpha male?

I suppose if he was to marry a female half or 1/3 his age and support her entire family, that would make him an alpha because he is not paying per session, but rather per year lump sum.

About being cheaper, by whose standards? Current going rates in Pattaya is 6 times the daily minimum wage, if anything its at least double o the ratio in the Western World

PS. I may have missed it, but where and when did he say he pays them? from what i heard they paying him

Not quite.

By my logic a guy can't be an Alpha male by assuming the position on the basis of getting more sex than other guys when the reason he's getting more sex is he's buying it from prostitutes.

Your comment regarding "marrying a femail half ore 1/3rd his age" is something you seemed to have slipped in to the discussion from another thread.

Cheaper by who's standards? - Well I said (allegedly cheaper) but you profess a knowledge of the relative costs v the daily minumum wage so I'll bow to your superior knowledge of the price of sex from prostitues - If you are saying sex with a prostitute costs more than in it does in 'Farangland' I shall suspend my disbelief and take you at your word.

Where did he say he pays for sex with Thai prostitutes - About halfway in to the video he states that [sic] 'he used to run a night club where he had sex with women in exchange for, amoungst other things 'key rings' he then adds at least here in Pattaya the women have the sense to charge money for their service.'

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What's wrong with it is - open your mind to a bit of logic now - You can't claim a guy is an 'Alpha Male' on the basis that he "Has More women in a week that (Beta boys and White Knights) have in a life time", when the basis of his ability to have so much sex is that he pays for it from prostitutes.

The reference to 3rd world prostitutes is applicable in the context of being in Thailand and and too since they are (allegedly) cheaper than old world prostitutes so his powers with women might be even less if the prostitutes he was buying sex from were more expensive.

Taken in the context of Greensnappers fundemental lack of understanding of the concept of "Alpha Male" his accusations of being a 'Beta Boy/White Knight' is something of a complement.

So by your logic Alpha male does not pay for sex? or what is your definition of Alpha male?

I suppose if he was to marry a female half or 1/3 his age and support her entire family, that would make him an alpha because he is not paying per session, but rather per year lump sum.

About being cheaper, by whose standards? Current going rates in Pattaya is 6 times the daily minimum wage, if anything its at least double o the ratio in the Western World

PS. I may have missed it, but where and when did he say he pays them? from what i heard they paying him

I think what he means is you cannot logically or sanely define anyone as being an Alpha male simply because he can pay for more women to have sex with him than the next guy.

He is a Kiwi but lived on the Gold Coast, I can assure you the women in Patts are a hell of a lot cheaper than those on the Gold Coast.

They don't pay him for sex, they pay him for protection, if you can believe him.

So this guy with supposedly millions in the bank, millions in assets, considers it just fine and dandy to take 500 bath off girls for protection. 500 is nothing to him, he wouldn't even fart for that much, but it is half a shag for the girls and means quite a bit to them.

My guess, and only a guess is that he is so intimidating to the girls that they fork over the money. Can't see any reason why they would do otherwise when they do have a network to take care of things themselves.

He is simply pond scum. People love to watch a train wreck so they follow his antics, laughing at him, not with him.

How anyone can think a guy that beats up women and even a blind man is ok is just incredible beyond belief. But then again, it sure does take all types to make the world an interesting place.

As long as I never have the pleasure of being near him or those that like and agree with him then that's fine and dandy. I just pity those that are forced into his web.

Well if he can make more money than the next guy and pay more money than the next guy, that would make him an Alpha, would it not?

As for your feelings about the guy, do you know him personally? have you spend any time with him ? My guess and its only a guess is a NO

Do you think being big at his age is easy? or do you think taking steroids just works magic? It does not, he trains hard.

Yes he is different to your average expat or a tourist and what is wrong with that?

You do not want to be near him? not really sure why you assumed he wants to be near you. or would want you, near him.thumbsup.gif

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What's wrong with it is - open your mind to a bit of logic now - You can't claim a guy is an 'Alpha Male' on the basis that he "Has More women in a week that (Beta boys and White Knights) have in a life time", when the basis of his ability to have so much sex is that he pays for it from prostitutes.

The reference to 3rd world prostitutes is applicable in the context of being in Thailand and and too since they are (allegedly) cheaper than old world prostitutes so his powers with women might be even less if the prostitutes he was buying sex from were more expensive.

Taken in the context of Greensnappers fundemental lack of understanding of the concept of "Alpha Male" his accusations of being a 'Beta Boy/White Knight' is something of a complement.

So by your logic Alpha male does not pay for sex? or what is your definition of Alpha male?

I suppose if he was to marry a female half or 1/3 his age and support her entire family, that would make him an alpha because he is not paying per session, but rather per year lump sum.

About being cheaper, by whose standards? Current going rates in Pattaya is 6 times the daily minimum wage, if anything its at least double o the ratio in the Western World

PS. I may have missed it, but where and when did he say he pays them? from what i heard they paying him

Not quite.

By my logic a guy can't be an Alpha male by assuming the position on the basis of getting more sex than other guys when the reason he's getting more sex is he's buying it from prostitutes.

Your comment regarding "marrying a femail half ore 1/3rd his age" is something you seemed to have slipped in to the discussion from another thread.

Cheaper by who's standards? - Well I said (allegedly cheaper) but you profess a knowledge of the relative costs v the daily minumum wage so I'll bow to your superior knowledge of the price of sex from prostitues - If you are saying sex with a prostitute costs more than in it does in 'Farangland' I shall suspend my disbelief and take you at your word.

Where did he say he pays for sex with Thai prostitutes - About halfway in to the video he states that [sic] 'he used to run a night club where he had sex with women in exchange for, amoungst other things 'key rings' he then adds at least here in Pattaya the women have the sense to charge money for their service.'

Again what is your problem with buying sex from prostitutes? Is it a moral issue or some kind of denial issue?

Yes i do have a knowledge and what is the problem with that?

My comment about half or 1/3 the age is not something from another thread but is relevant to your post. Some pay per session, some pretend to be married and call it marriage, while supporting her entire family. Many claim to be married to hi so lawyers, just as many claim to speak fluent Thai.

Only for some reason can hardly come across any of the mentioned in every day life(though no doubt someone will make a comment its my surroundings)

Yes he said girls put out for a keyring and in Thailand they have more brain to get cash, it does not translate into "I am paying for it"

Yes he is an Alpha male, he takes lead, does not care about what anyone says or thinks and confronts people face to face and speaks out how it is or how he thinks, not to mention has the stamina to go 2-3 rounds daily.

Alpha male dog, always eats first, get the bitch first and is first into a fight to show his dominance.

Name some members here foul mouthing him, willing to challenge him face to face?

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What are you so upset about anyway? Welcome to the real world. Those working girls in Pattaya need protection of course. Imaging all those fuc_ked up drunken and stupid Farangs. And Sharkey seems to be a nice guy. Big muscles, tattoes. Just the right kind of guy to protect the girls.

What's his response time?

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What are you so upset about anyway? Welcome to the real world. Those working girls in Pattaya need protection of course. Imaging all those fuc_ked up drunken and stupid Farangs. And Sharkey seems to be a nice guy. Big muscles, tattoes. Just the right kind of guy to protect the girls.

What about the people he abused who did not pay back theyre loans to him on time who protected them?

And do the woman know that pics of them showing theyre fanny are posted online by him?One can only imagine a kid in isaan going to the local internet cafe finding pics of mum online ,he prays on the weak.

Maybe you can put some pics online of his victims in oz.That crap feeding street dogs and buying weelchairs dont cut it .Many people have done or still do alot of charity work in Thailand without the help from clowns like him.

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Well if he can make more money than the next guy and pay more money than the next guy, that would make him an Alpha, would it not?

As for your feelings about the guy, do you know him personally? have you spend any time with him ? My guess and its only a guess is a NO

Do you think being big at his age is easy? or do you think taking steroids just works magic? It does not, he trains hard.

Yes he is different to your average expat or a tourist and what is wrong with that?

You do not want to be near him? not really sure why you assumed he wants to be near you. or would want you, near him.thumbsup.gif

OK we have a fundemental disagreement here, I have stated my reasons why an Alpha male cannot be defined on the basis of buying more sex from prositutes than ANOther male. (As a point of note, more money would not necessaraly make anyone more money, they might still be a omega male who has to pay for sex to pump up his ego, or an omega male who has to wear gold, tattoos, take steroids to pump up his ego/body)

I accept those arguments are beyond you.

Regarding do I know him personally or have I spent time with him?

I have already stated in this thread, I have met him - would I want to meet him again, or spend time with him - No.

Why not?

Because, as I have already stated in this thread, and as witnessed by the video - He is a cartoon characterization of the worst kind of expat that Thailand attracts. (and in that respect I don't see him wildly different from what many expats in Thailand are - he's just bigger and with a bigger ego). A few good deeds do not change that fact.

Read the local press in Thailand and take note how many times when real nasty villains are exposed, we also learn of their 'charitable works' - Kind deeds, in and of themself, are no indcation of being a good person and are very often a cover for criminality.

His professed lack of care for what others think of him is belied by the investment he makes in his immage, whether that be huge amounts of gold, tattooes, body dismorphia or his wide spread efforts of self pulicity.

In his favour, he's clearly intelligent and very much more articulate than most expats in Thailand.

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My comment about half or 1/3 the age is not something from another thread but is relevant to your post. Some pay per session, some pretend to be married and call it marriage, while supporting her entire family.

Thank you for proving my earlier point that the views he expressed may be found here on TVF.

The more you say, the more it reads like you are using the big man to justify your own life choices - your eagerness to be a Beta man does not neccessarily make him an Alpha. He might be your Alpha but it all depends on where you and he are standing in life's pecking order.

He is knowhere near the top - He might get more sex with prostitutes, but to use your dog analogy - when I want to distract a dog while I get on with more important things, I throw it a stick.

Its the person throwing the stick that's in charge, not the dog that chases it.

He, like many expats in Thailand, have to move to Pattaya to give their life some meaning.

Alpha male....erm no.

The biggest John in town, well maybe.

Edited by GuestHouse
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Well if he can make more money than the next guy and pay more money than the next guy, that would make him an Alpha, would it not?

As for your feelings about the guy, do you know him personally? have you spend any time with him ? My guess and its only a guess is a NO

Do you think being big at his age is easy? or do you think taking steroids just works magic? It does not, he trains hard.

Yes he is different to your average expat or a tourist and what is wrong with that?

You do not want to be near him? not really sure why you assumed he wants to be near you. or would want you, near him.thumbsup.gif

OK we have a fundemental disagreement here, I have stated my reasons why an Alpha male cannot be defined on the basis of buying more sex from prositutes than ANOther male. (As a point of note, more money would not necessaraly make anyone more money, they might still be a omega male who has to pay for sex to pump up his ego, or an omega male who has to wear gold, tattoos, take steroids to pump up his ego/body)

I accept those arguments are beyond you.

Regarding do I know him personally or have I spent time with him?

I have already stated in this thread, I have met him - would I want to meet him again, or spend time with him - No.

Why not?

Because, as I have already stated in this thread, and as witnessed by the video - He is a cartoon characterization of the worst kind of expat that Thailand attracts. (and in that respect I don't see him wildly different from what many expats in Thailand are - he's just bigger and with a bigger ego). A few good deeds do not change that fact.

Read the local press in Thailand and take note how many times when real nasty villains are exposed, we also learn of their 'charitable works' - Kind deeds, in and of themself, are no indcation of being a good person and are very often a cover for criminality.

His professed lack of care for what others think of him is belied by the investment he makes in his immage, whether that be huge amounts of gold, tattooes, body dismorphia or his wide spread efforts of self pulicity.

In his favour, he's clearly intelligent and very much more articulate than most expats in Thailand.

For some unknown reason you have taken my response to another poster and turned it into your personal.

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My comment about half or 1/3 the age is not something from another thread but is relevant to your post. Some pay per session, some pretend to be married and call it marriage, while supporting her entire family.

Thank you for proving my earlier point that the views he expressed may be found here on TVF.

The more you say, the more it reads like you are using the big man to justify your own life choices - your eagerness to be a Beta man does not neccessarily make him an Alpha. He might be your Alpha but it all depends on where you and he are standing in life's pecking order.

He is knowhere near the top - He might get more sex with prostitutes, but to use your dog analogy - when I want to distract a dog while I get on with more important things, I throw it a stick.

Its the person throwing the stick that's in charge, not the dog that chases it.

He, like many expats in Thailand, have to move to Pattaya to give their life some meaning.

Alpha male....erm no.

The biggest John in town, well maybe.

If i understood you correctly, anyone who wishes to stay single and screw around by accepting the reality is trying to be the "big man"?

And anyone marrying and supporting her entire family is the real man?

Ever considered that some like to live in Pattaya because its fun and not all want to rot somewhere in the junglethumbsup.gif

Funny, how for some reason you have a problem with him being called Alpha male, even more so, that you doing it in the privacy of your room and annonimity

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^ Like I said earlier, we have a fundemental disgreement.

But once again you are 'projecting'.

My comments on the individual under discussion are not a comment on you or your life choices - I accept you wish to make him your Alpha, for you to be his Beta - he seems to be a role model for you.

He's not a role model for me or many others - learn to accept the different point of view without taking it as a personal attack on yourself.

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Well if you think you want to look up to a guy as an alpha male who bashes women and a blind man and is a criminal thug then that is a matter for you.

Up to u, but I would suggest you are in a very small minority who consider beating women is acceptable.

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Ok, i have a wonderful business proposition for the that like to be under the shark head's spell of subversiveness. I'm sure with his ego he will be all for it.

How about a cage fight to the death, shark nuts against that other inbred Pit Bull Aldhouse.

Bets to be made, money to be had, and no one will really give a shit who wins. Just means one less scumbag oxygen thief on the planet.

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Ok, i have a wonderful business proposition for the that like to be under the shark head's spell of subversiveness. I'm sure with his ego he will be all for it.

How about a cage fight to the death, shark nuts against that other inbred Pit Bull Aldhouse.

Bets to be made, money to be had, and no one will really give a shit who wins. Just means one less scumbag oxygen thief on the planet.

Considering Aldhouse is having freedom issues at the moment the safe money would be on Tim.

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Ok, i have a wonderful business proposition for the that like to be under the shark head's spell of subversiveness. I'm sure with his ego he will be all for it.

How about a cage fight to the death, shark nuts against that other inbred Pit Bull Aldhouse.

Bets to be made, money to be had, and no one will really give a shit who wins. Just means one less scumbag oxygen thief on the planet.

I love it when you talk dirty.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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his gold necklace looks very classy. where can i buy one?

You could not afford it biggrin.png

I saw his gold chain collection online somewhere and its 4 Kilos in weight LOL you do the math

The guy is an interesting character and had close to 50,000 followers before facebook shut him down now he is back on FB and his twitter account has close to 50,000 followers so he obviously has something most of us on here dont LOL I only have 1500 fb friends LOL.

you are right, i couldn't afford to wear one. the Mrs would go after me with the sharpest object she'd find in the kitchen or workshop.

as far as buying one, let me tell you a secret. my cheapest car costs more and a dozen TV-members who have been guests in my house can confirm my claim.


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