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From time to time I need reliable assistance to fix computer problems on my HP home desktop computer. Can someone reccomed a good techie, one who preferably can speak some English. Must be in Muang Phitsanulok. Please only suggest somone you have actualy had a good experience with. I have tried IT city where I bought my computer and they only service when under warranty. I have used a company in the arcade computer mall called UP, but their primary person is no longer available and I need alternatives. Thanks for your help.


Soory I cannot help. I live in Phit'lok and have had very bad luck. I now do EVERYTHING myself with the help of a lot of research on Google. It seems that most This have their computer hard drives partitioned in C, D and E. They put all their data on a non-C drive. Many foreigners have only a C drive. What MOST Thai techs will do first is reformat the C drive. Then they re-install all the programs, which they have - pirated. It will usually fix the problem you had, but then your nightmare begins. You have pirated software and all your settings, configurations, updates and data are GONE.

Unless you are prepared for this, make sure you tell them DO NOT REFORMAT MY HARD DRIVE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! Take somebody with you that can speak Thai fluently and inform them that you will kill them if they reformat (unless that is what you want). I have had more grief from this sort of thing than anything else with computers. If you bought a computer with fully licensed Microsoft programs and they do this, you will have nothing but trouble thereafter. And further, when you are trying to unravel the problem, Microsoft is not much help because they never believe you that you did not want pirated software. It's a nightmare.

Now I NEVER let any Thai tech come within 10 meters of my computer. I am not saying there aren't any good techs; I just haven't found one. Ditto for motorcycles.

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