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things you wished you knew sooner / advice from the long stays


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Oh very nice, they earn what? 15K-20K baht? The secret to the upper middle class here (and in most parts of Asia for that matter) are: a) live with parents or as many roommates as you can stuff in a 2 bedroom house. cool.png bank loans, for everything. c) cash from daddy, even at the tender age of 30-35.

So next time you find yourself wondering "how can they afford that"...well...

I think all of my gf's and I's friends, earn between 20k and 80k THB per month, working in legitimate jobs in the city. The ones who work in the town where we live, earn a lot less than that (Around 10 - 25k), but they know they could make more in the city, however choose to live in the countryside (Often at the behest of their family).

Educated Thai people can make good money, there are very few barriers to people "changing" their social class in Thailand. They just need to be focused.

My tip for this thread, is to not be intimidated by the Thai alphabet. If you're learning to speak Thai, learn to read as well, it's a lot easier to learn than what you think. Being able to read/write Thai assists greatly with your passive learning ability, as you'll read signs etc around you all the time, and learn from them. Also your pronunciation will improve significantly, as learning via phonetics isn't ideal, since there are sounds in Thai which often can't be easily/accurately represented using the English alphabet.

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I wish that I had known that there is no good beer here at all, and for those of you who would like to tell me all about the various beers, I would respectfully point out that in my opinion lager / pilsner is not beer.

Beer comes in a barrel, is kept in a beer cellar and gets into your glass via a hand pulled pump on the bar.

Even still I love Thailand as it is and look upon the differences as quirks that make life different. Bearing in mind, if I had not wanted a different life I would have stayed in the UK.

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When buying anything, the broader the Thai grin, the more you're being screwed.

You're always the idiot.

Love is always about the money, never the heart.

After you buy something, never pay for a warranty or guarantee because it will never be supported, but you can always pay more to have it repaired or replaced (refurbished....). Also having bought something, something that is delivered, always check it thoroughly before signing the delivery receipt (allowing them to leave) - no refunds or exchanges. e.g. Spent 12,000 for a nice 'looking' sofa end piece from "Index". Signed off on it after one bounce on the bum portion, sat on it that night & found that under the fabric of the armrest there was no cushion, just an empty wood frame...Index had no comment, no resolve, not even an apology for any inconvenience. More the same from "iStudio", "Power Buy"...Thailand.

Don't buy shoes for 600 or less...holes galore in a month or less.

Don't pay the traffic police the requested bribe of 200 or more, try starting at 100 & smile that wide lying Thai grin.

Realize that being called "Falang" is an insult that they give out in full humor. Thus insert, "Buffalo" into all conversations with Thais when referring to a Thai to equal the playing ground... Ko-Tot Cup, Buffalo! Ow Singha qu-wat yai, nueng gauo nam-keng (sloppy grammar but it works)

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My biggest piece of advice would be avoid poor people. As cruel as it sounds, it's true. Don't try to be a nice guy and help out someone who's more disadvantaged than you, because you're more than likely just going to end up in a world of hurt.

There's a reason the wealthier Thais have utter contempt for the poor Thais. Realize that there's actually a valid reason for that, and respect it.

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Dont believe all Thai women are mostly hookers and want money because they DONT, you probably wouldnt believe what some Thai women earn especially in Bangkok even Issan farmers daughters and not from prostitution

It might all seem fun at first but Thai drivers rank as the lowest and WILL kill you.

Take your time.

Oh very nice, they earn what? 15K-20K baht? The secret to the upper middle class here (and in most parts of Asia for that matter) are: a) live with parents or as many roommates as you can stuff in a 2 bedroom house. cool.png bank loans, for everything. c) cash from daddy, even at the tender age of 30-35.

So next time you find yourself wondering "how can they afford that"...well...

You see you really havent a clue have you....try 200+k a month, legit every month, no whoring involved and no scam either, I know at least 5 women like that mid 30's in age.

Don't worry keep the stereotype alive if it makes you happy, Wife meet s many men like you thinking they earn peanuts, usually looking for that 8k condo and then asking if they can pay late each month whilst talking down to them hahahahahaha.

Hi so's? huh no real Thai hard working women.

My description applies to let's say 90% of the upper middle class Thai women. Your description applies to 0.1%, or 4-5 women you met. Unless you seriously believe there are many Thai women who make 200K baht a month from investments/rents (because there's no such salary here).

Case closed.

don't you really mean mind closed?

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My biggest piece of advice would be avoid poor people. As cruel as it sounds, it's true. Don't try to be a nice guy and help out someone who's more disadvantaged than you, because you're more than likely just going to end up in a world of hurt.

There's a reason the wealthier Thais have utter contempt for the poor Thais. Realize that there's actually a valid reason for that, and respect it.

I do

But it is not part of the Thai culture I adhere to.

I am proud that I do not.

There are many reasons for helping out people who are higher than you. Social climber's.

Wanna be snobs. Heartless. Selfish just a few that come to mind.

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Those sweet little hotties may be hot but not so sweet

oh common, they ain't that hot either. with all their clothes on in some girly bar surrounded by old and fat drunk farang they pretend to be sasha grey. but what do they have to offer a good farang girlfriend (think: education, a brain, similar interests, similar culture, money, etc) hasn't got? a whore is a whore: sex equals work. work equals bore (especially in this part of the world). bore equals no dedication, no initiative, nada. me thinks majority of thailand whore chasers have simply never experienced good genuine sex back home. and u know why that is? 1/ because they are old and from a retarded generation. a generation that thinks good hot sex with the wife is dirty (with thx to the pope/christianity). 2/ because they are lousy lovers and their wifes/gf's didn't get hot by their incompetent in-out-in-out fiddling 3/ because they are too repulsive to find a partner in the west (repulsive in physical way OR mental way, ie. the typical dominant frustrated white male)... i've been here for so many years now and never had to get "any service below the belt" sofar which my farang gf can't give me for free without her watching the clock. oh and mind u, we've been together for LAAI PEE... sure thai women can be very beautiful and sexi, but so can western women. the main difference remains that spending 2 hours in the company of a whore costs 400 bt here (sex not included) and 10.000-15.000 bt in any western bar. it's all about money (on both sides).

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Thailand is the last place on earth you want to look for love. I am under 30 and been with all kinds of girls and they all got the devil inside. Keep every girl at an arms distance and pay them for their services. Don't expect a girl just because she has a 'good family' to be anything like you know from the west when it gets serious. They all freak out and go bonkers once you break up with them.

Don't buy into this hi-so socializing crap. It's a waste of time/totally fake. Do your own thing in thailand, find a few good mates and stick to yourself.

Lol! where did you meet the bitter twisted old curmudgeon that told you THAT crock of crap!

No one told me that. It's the experience after living in LOS for 5 years.

Go have a motorbike accident in pattaya and injure a thai person, even THEY crashed into you.

Guess who the police asks for a handout - The white guy! You are never right in thailand!

Told the girlfriend after 2 years to leave. (Regular girl with normal office job) - she went nuts and demolished the entire condo and stabbed me.

Filled police report. You know what the police did? Brought her to the station and told me to talk to her for 10 minutes. After that they MADE ME pay her to leave..

Guess what the landlord did? Kicked me out and kept my deposit (120,000 baht).

You can try to stand your ground and go the legal route but all it does, is make the hole in your pocket even deeper.

Not every girl is the same but i always thought the same like most people - oh the TV guys must be old and bitter to post all the negative things, but once you experienced situations like that you start to understand them..

And no i dont drink or have tattoos all over my body..

The one thing that is common in all the comments like yours is there is no background on what precipitated it. You are always lily white.

Yes I don't doubt a Thai ran into you entirely his fault and you got blamed.

Then again I would never pick Pattaya as the place to live. Or use it to condemn 66,000,000 Thais. It would be like picking skid row in Seattle or Powell street in Vancouver to live and then accusing all Americans or Canadians of being no good because I got rolled. 10_5_137.gif

I notice you did not deny using drugs.

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Thailand is the last place on earth you want to look for love. I am under 30 and been with all kinds of girls and they all got the devil inside. Keep every girl at an arms distance and pay them for their services. Don't expect a girl just because she has a 'good family' to be anything like you know from the west when it gets serious. They all freak out and go bonkers once you break up with them.

Don't buy into this hi-so socializing crap. It's a waste of time/totally fake. Do your own thing in thailand, find a few good mates and stick to yourself.

Lol! where did you meet the bitter twisted old curmudgeon that told you THAT crock of crap!

No one told me that. It's the experience after living in LOS for 5 years.

Go have a motorbike accident in pattaya and injure a thai person, even THEY crashed into you.

Guess who the police asks for a handout - The white guy! You are never right in thailand!

Told the girlfriend after 2 years to leave. (Regular girl with normal office job) - she went nuts and demolished the entire condo and stabbed me.

Filled police report. You know what the police did? Brought her to the station and told me to talk to her for 10 minutes. After that they MADE ME pay her to leave..

Guess what the landlord did? Kicked me out and kept my deposit (120,000 baht).

You can try to stand your ground and go the legal route but all it does, is make the hole in your pocket even deeper.

Not every girl is the same but i always thought the same like most people - oh the TV guys must be old and bitter to post all the negative things, but once you experienced situations like that you start to understand them..

And no i dont drink or have tattoos all over my body..

The one thing that is common in all the comments like yours is there is no background on what precipitated it. You are always lily white.

Yes I don't doubt a Thai ran into you entirely his fault and you got blamed.

Then again I would never pick Pattaya as the place to live. Or use it to condemn 66,000,000 Thais. It would be like picking skid row in Seattle or Powell street in Vancouver to live and then accusing all Americans or Canadians of being no good because I got rolled. 10_5_137.gif

I notice you did not deny using drugs.

Forgot, Los Angeles, only you wouldn't just get rolled but killed, however on a good note the police would investigate rather than just reporting you committed suicide - jumping from your balcony, lit yourself on fire or shot yourself; or you were found dead by whatever means & then left it a that. :)

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The only piece of wisdom I have to offer to this thread is.........keep your powder dry. thumbsup.gif

If you apply that theory to most things in life, <deleted> doesn't befoul you in quantities that are overly abundant, nor will you get pissed on too frequently from great altitudes.

Alternatively, invite <deleted> frequently into your life (be it via sour attitude or unwise actions), and expect it to arrive in overly abundant quantities such that you should be immensely pleased. coffee1.gif

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Those sweet little hotties may be hot but not so sweet

oh common, they ain't that hot either. with all their clothes on in some girly bar surrounded by old and fat drunk farang they pretend to be sasha grey. but what do they have to offer a good farang girlfriend (think: education, a brain, similar interests, similar culture, money, etc) hasn't got? a whore is a whore: sex equals work. work equals bore (especially in this part of the world). bore equals no dedication, no initiative, nada. me thinks majority of thailand whore chasers have simply never experienced good genuine sex back home. and u know why that is? 1/ because they are old and from a retarded generation. a generation that thinks good hot sex with the wife is dirty (with thx to the pope/christianity). 2/ because they are lousy lovers and their wifes/gf's didn't get hot by their incompetent in-out-in-out fiddling 3/ because they are too repulsive to find a partner in the west (repulsive in physical way OR mental way, ie. the typical dominant frustrated white male)... i've been here for so many years now and never had to get "any service below the belt" sofar which my farang gf can't give me for free without her watching the clock. oh and mind u, we've been together for LAAI PEE... sure thai women can be very beautiful and sexi, but so can western women. the main difference remains that spending 2 hours in the company of a whore costs 400 bt here (sex not included) and 10.000-15.000 bt in any western bar. it's all about money (on both sides).

Are you happy now you've had such a rant? Try different coloured pills they may work better.

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Dont believe all Thai women are mostly hookers and want money because they DONT, you probably wouldnt believe what some Thai women earn especially in Bangkok even Issan farmers daughters and not from prostitution

It might all seem fun at first but Thai drivers rank as the lowest and WILL kill you.

Take your time.

Oh very nice, they earn what? 15K-20K baht? The secret to the upper middle class here (and in most parts of Asia for that matter) are: a) live with parents or as many roommates as you can stuff in a 2 bedroom house. cool.png bank loans, for everything. c) cash from daddy, even at the tender age of 30-35.

So next time you find yourself wondering "how can they afford that"...well...

You see you really havent a clue have you....try 200+k a month, legit every month, no whoring involved and no scam either, I know at least 5 women like that mid 30's in age.

Don't worry keep the stereotype alive if it makes you happy, Wife meet s many men like you thinking they earn peanuts, usually looking for that 8k condo and then asking if they can pay late each month whilst talking down to them hahahahahaha.

Hi so's? huh no real Thai hard working women.

My description applies to let's say 90% of the upper middle class Thai women. Your description applies to 0.1%, or 4-5 women you met. Unless you seriously believe there are many Thai women who make 200K baht a month from investments/rents (because there's no such salary here).

Case closed.

I never mentioned "upper class Thais" you did, I know 5 Issan women who earn this 200k and they know others all in the same line of business..............

case re-opened....unlike your eyes???smile.png

If your married to one like me you wont get to see them much, always too busysad.png

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Thailand is the last place on earth you want to look for love. I am under 30 and been with all kinds of girls and they all got the devil inside. Keep every girl at an arms distance and pay them for their services. Don't expect a girl just because she has a 'good family' to be anything like you know from the west when it gets serious. They all freak out and go bonkers once you break up with them.

Don't buy into this hi-so socializing crap. It's a waste of time/totally fake. Do your own thing in thailand, find a few good mates and stick to yourself.

Lol! where did you meet the bitter twisted old curmudgeon that told you THAT crock of crap!

Someone's crock of crap is another's pot of gold. Many people have opposing views and the talent is being able to express those views without showing a lack of civility.

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Dont believe all Thai women are mostly hookers and want money because they DONT, you probably wouldnt believe what some Thai women earn especially in Bangkok even Issan farmers daughters and not from prostitution

It might all seem fun at first but Thai drivers rank as the lowest and WILL kill you.

Take your time.

Oh very nice, they earn what? 15K-20K baht? The secret to the upper middle class here (and in most parts of Asia for that matter) are: a) live with parents or as many roommates as you can stuff in a 2 bedroom house. cool.png bank loans, for everything. c) cash from daddy, even at the tender age of 30-35.

So next time you find yourself wondering "how can they afford that"...well...

You see you really havent a clue have you....try 200+k a month, legit every month, no whoring involved and no scam either, I know at least 5 women like that mid 30's in age.

Don't worry keep the stereotype alive if it makes you happy, Wife meet s many men like you thinking they earn peanuts, usually looking for that 8k condo and then asking if they can pay late each month whilst talking down to them hahahahahaha.

Hi so's? huh no real Thai hard working women.

My description applies to let's say 90% of the upper middle class Thai women. Your description applies to 0.1%, or 4-5 women you met. Unless you seriously believe there are many Thai women who make 200K baht a month from investments/rents (because there's no such salary here).

Case closed.

I never mentioned "upper class Thais" you did, I know 5 Issan women who earn this 200k and they know others all in the same line of business..............

case re-opened....unlike your eyes???smile.png

If your married to one like me you wont get to see them much, always too busysad.png

Case closed, case open. In all fairness, I've never heard of anyone closing a case in TVF other than a moderator.

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People often use 'Issan' synonymously with 'lower class'. There are plenty of upper class in Issan. And if you are earning 200k in Thailand, then in my book, you are upper class.

Is that per month or per year? whistling.gif

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People often use 'Issan' synonymously with 'lower class'. There are plenty of upper class in Issan. And if you are earning 200k in Thailand, then in my book, you are upper class.

You don't change class in any hierarchical society. You are what you are, you're born into it and remain that class. If you're lower class and strike it rich then you're still lower class but rich and everyone else of any higher class will see that too.

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People often use 'Issan' synonymously with 'lower class'. There are plenty of upper class in Issan. And if you are earning 200k in Thailand, then in my book, you are upper class.

You don't change class in any hierarchical society. You are what you are, you're born into it and remain that class. If you're lower class and strike it rich then you're still lower class but rich and everyone else of any higher class will see that too.

That sounds like nonsense

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My biggest piece of advice would be avoid poor people. As cruel as it sounds, it's true. Don't try to be a nice guy and help out someone who's more disadvantaged than you, because you're more than likely just going to end up in a world of hurt.

There's a reason the wealthier Thais have utter contempt for the poor Thais. Realize that there's actually a valid reason for that, and respect it.

Nice one. Should give this advice to Joseph Miaer at the Mercy Centre in Klong Toey.

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No one told me that. It's the experience after living in LOS for 5 years.

Go have a motorbike accident in pattaya and injure a thai person, even THEY crashed into you.

Guess who the police asks for a handout - The white guy! You are never right in thailand!

Told the girlfriend after 2 years to leave. (Regular girl with normal office job) - she went nuts and demolished the entire condo and stabbed me.

Filled police report. You know what the police did? Brought her to the station and told me to talk to her for 10 minutes. After that they MADE ME pay her to leave..

Guess what the landlord did? Kicked me out and kept my deposit (120,000 baht).

You can try to stand your ground and go the legal route but all it does, is make the hole in your pocket even deeper.

Not every girl is the same but i always thought the same like most people - oh the TV guys must be old and bitter to post all the negative things, but once you experienced situations like that you start to understand them..

And no i dont drink or have tattoos all over my body..

Shit, bro, you got hosed but only because you handled the problems that befell you incorrectly.

First off, as far as the girlfriend was concerned, she did that shit cos she knew she could get away with it. I'm willing to bet that at some point or another, she gave you plenty of hints about the potential for her to display that type of behaviour but you most likely ignored it.

After nigh on 6 years here, I've had a couple of girls try to go crazy on me like that too - in my apartment. A stiff, sharp backhand fixed that shit quick. They never tried it again.

Gentlemanly?! Nope. Better than a couple of smashed LCD TVs and walking around with a slashed face? Yep

Secondly, your landlord had every right to toss you out and keep your deposit. The rental contract was between you and the landlord not you, him and your psycho bird.

You're responsible for who you let into the apartment, right?.

You were right to avoid court - you'd have lost.

Finally, the motorbike accident . . . if you knew you were in the right and had witnesses who'd speak up for you, you should've told the copper to whistle for it. He tried it on with you and you caved. Your fault.

My biggest piece of advice would be avoid poor people. As cruel as it sounds, it's true. Don't try to be a nice guy and help out someone who's more disadvantaged than you, because you're more than likely just going to end up in a world of hurt.

There's a reason the wealthier Thais have utter contempt for the poor Thais. Realize that there's actually a valid reason for that, and respect it.

What an odious sentiment

Still, I guess if the wealthy Thais think that way, it's gotta be right, eh?

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Young girls are not usually attracted to men older than their fathers.

Amazing but true

And Young Guys are only as Handsome as the size of their wallets,which is why the low success rate!

Yeah, you keep believing that if it makes you feel better

mmm,I guess I hit a raw nerve,with my jest!

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