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CM Immigration - Marriage Visa Extension: Updating Bank Book, Slight Change.


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I went to do my annual extension this morning and it went very smoothly. There was a slight change from last year that I can't recall seeing any posts for.

Last year they accepted the Bank letter and statement dated the day before. Today they told me that it's OK for the letter dated the day before, but the statement should show the same day as your visit to Immigration. This wasn't a problem and I just went along to Airport Plaza and deposited a small amount and updated my bank book, followed by a couple of photocopies.

I just thought this might be helpful.

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Kellynch, you state in your post that immigration said it should say the same day as your visit.

Does that mean they will accept the day before update of your bankbook or did they insist you get an up to date book with copies

as you did at Airport Plaza?

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Yes, it is as I did at Airport Plaza. They want you to show that as of the day you go to Immigration, to present your paperwork, the bank book shows the most up to date balance. I submitted my paperwork today and they wanted today's date on the bank book. So, on the day you go to Immigration, go to get your bank book updated beforehand and get 2 photocopies.

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There has been few posts recently especially the new rules for extending in the uk, that 800k or equivalent must be shown and still 400k if doing it in thailand

Can you clarify how much you needed to show and for how long did you need to have it deposited

Sent via tin can and string after pigeon shot

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Yes, it is as I did at Airport Plaza. They want you to show that as of the day you go to Immigration, to present your paperwork, the bank book shows the most up to date balance. I submitted my paperwork today and they wanted today's date on the bank book. So, on the day you go to Immigration, go to get your bank book updated beforehand and get 2 photocopies.

Try doing it with a 9am appointment.

Or even without an appointment when in the 7am cattle crush.

They always accept the day before, provided the book is updated. Just stick it in one of those updating machines, no need to put anything in or draw anything out.

Edited by uptheos
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OP, thanks. Helpful to know how serious they are getting regarding the bank deposit(s). Can't really blame them for tightening up, but this does seem inconvenient if the same day is requested. Nonetheless,there are numerous passbook update machines in sundry places, so best focus on one or two --- especially if you are an early-riser to wait in line or have an early appointment. The photocopy service at Immigration should the care of the copies.

For eyecatcher,would you please come remove your dead pigeon from my garden? wai2.gif

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OP, thanks. Helpful to know how serious they are getting regarding the bank deposit(s). Can't really blame them for tightening up, but this does seem inconvenient if the same day is requested. Nonetheless,there are numerous passbook update machines in sundry places, so best focus on one or two --- especially if you are an early-riser to wait in line or have an early appointment. The photocopy service at Immigration should the care of the copies.

For eyecatcher,would you please come remove your dead pigeon from my garden? wai2.gif

Yeah, right most of these machines are in malls or plazas and they are not accessible at 6am.

I think the OP has got it wrong, it would be nigh on impossible to do unless everyone went in the afternoon and immigration knows this. I would advise against being scared about this.

However, it might shorten the morning queue with all the grannies, granddads and the infirm biking around Chiang Mai at 6 am searching for a passbook updating machine............ridiculous!

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You can stick your bank book in an atm update machine the same day you go to immigration. Unless you put more money in or make a withdrawal the same day it wont print anything for that day. Ridiculous ruling.

Personally, I doubt that it is 'a ruling'

The OP says; " There was a slight change from last year that I can't recall seeing any posts for"

That's because there aren't any and whatever happened to the OP was probably a one off. I don't know why the officer picked on the OP, maybe there was a red flag.

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You can stick your bank book in an atm update machine the same day you go to immigration. Unless you put more money in or make a withdrawal the same day it wont print anything for that day. Ridiculous ruling.

Personally, I doubt that it is 'a ruling'

Maybe a local ruling? What's the point of the letter from the bank then?

A few years ago I showed the bank letter & bank book. The bank book's last update was 3 months previous. They weren't happy with that. I told them that I wasn't supposed to withdraw any money from the 400,000 & that if I put my bank in the atm the same day it wouldn't show anything!! They accepted my papers, saying BKK would probably reject it. Got my extension.


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You can stick your bank book in an atm update machine the same day you go to immigration. Unless you put more money in or make a withdrawal the same day it wont print anything for that day. Ridiculous ruling.

Personally, I doubt that it is 'a ruling'

Maybe a local ruling? What's the point of the letter from the bank then?

A few years ago I showed the bank letter & bank book. The bank book's last update was 3 months previous. They weren't happy with that. I told them that I wasn't supposed to withdraw any money from the 400,000 & that if I put my bank in the atm the same day it wouldn't show anything!! They accepted my papers, saying BKK would probably reject it. Got my extension.


I think whatever happened is a one off.

I use Bangkok Bank the day before. They update the book (which they must do in order to establish funds), give me the letter and withhold funds for 24 hours. Never a problem.

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Hard to believe this is an issue.

Most banks have the necessary machine out front available 24/7 and a deposit of 100 Baht would show the book was up to date.

Believe it or not, not every foreigner living in CM reads thaivisa forum. So you turn up for your appointment believing all your papers are in order, to be sent back to the bank. For what? Just jobsworths raising the hoop a little higher. A letter from the bank used to be good enough & should be good enough still.

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Went in today for the tenth consecutive application for marriage extension.

Also encountered the same situation as Kellynuch.

Signed a new form as well in Thai and English regarding my reason for the extension

and my wife was asked (new) questions about her employment and salary.

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OP, thanks. Helpful to know how serious they are getting regarding the bank deposit(s). Can't really blame them for tightening up, but this does seem inconvenient if the same day is requested. Nonetheless,there are numerous passbook update machines in sundry places, so best focus on one or two --- especially if you are an early-riser to wait in line or have an early appointment. The photocopy service at Immigration should the care of the copies.

For eyecatcher,would you please come remove your dead pigeon from my garden? wai2.gif

Yeah, right most of these machines are in malls or plazas and they are not accessible at 6am.

I think the OP has got it wrong, it would be nigh on impossible to do unless everyone went in the afternoon and immigration knows this. I would advise against being scared about this.

However, it might shorten the morning queue with all the grannies, granddads and the infirm biking around Chiang Mai at 6 am searching for a passbook updating machine............ridiculous!

I think those passbook update machines have operational hours don't they? I could be wrong but I don't think they work at 6:00 A.M. or very late at night unless I have been incredibly unlucky to find machines not working during off hours on multiple occasions.

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Hard to believe this is an issue.

Most banks have the necessary machine out front available 24/7 and a deposit of 100 Baht would show the book was up to date.

Believe it or not, not every foreigner living in CM reads thaivisa forum. So you turn up for your appointment believing all your papers are in order, to be sent back to the bank. For what? Just jobsworths raising the hoop a little higher. A letter from the bank used to be good enough & should be good enough still.

Excuse me, I did not realize this was an issue for every foreigner living in Chiang Mai as it seemed to be relevant only to those with marriage extensions and of that group, only those who think it is significant that they are asked to spend another about 30 minutes to complete the annual process.

I am content to leave what should or should not be with government processes up to you as I got out of that game long ago.

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As the OP I would like to say the following:

1. I didn't want to give the impression that I had some special knowledge, I thought it would be helpful to tell others that this may be of some use. It's the kind of thing I'm glad that others post.

2. I tried my hardest to show that it was a slight change from last year's experience and that I didn't have a problem with it at all. The Immigration staff were very pleasant and were laughing and joking with my wife. Indeed, they told me that there were 2 things that I didn't need, even though I had to give them for my last 2 marriage extensions. I wasn't annoyed, upset or even sarcastic - I was just glad that they won't be needed in future, though I'll still take them next year, just in case. I've been dealing with Immigration enough years to know that I take everything I have with me just in case - stuff happens and I don't let it worry me. I won't mention the 2 things I took but didn't need as it's bound to start a firestorm, someone is bound to tell me that Immigration never told me I needed it.

3. I'm grateful to 'tpthai2', who very kindly said that he also went today and had the same experience I did.

4. I live 1 hour and 45 minutes away from Immigration and used the online booking system. If I need to do the same next year and I get an online appointment, then I'll just go to my bank very early and get the photocopies.

After some of the posted responses, I really wondered why on earth I bothered; you try to help people and some come back with all sorts of downers and conspiracy theories. I just hope it was useful for one or more people.

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Hard to believe this is an issue.

Most banks have the necessary machine out front available 24/7 and a deposit of 100 Baht would show the book was up to date.

Believe it or not, not every foreigner living in CM reads thaivisa forum. So you turn up for your appointment believing all your papers are in order, to be sent back to the bank. For what? Just jobsworths raising the hoop a little higher. A letter from the bank used to be good enough & should be good enough still.

I agree and it's not as if someone is going to comply with the 2/3 monthly time frame only to withdraw it the day before their renewal and who can find an update machine at 6am?.......ridiculous!

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You can stick your bank book in an atm update machine the same day you go to immigration. Unless you put more money in or make a withdrawal the same day it wont print anything for that day. Ridiculous ruling.

Personally, I doubt that it is 'a ruling'

The OP says; " There was a slight change from last year that I can't recall seeing any posts for"

That's because there aren't any and whatever happened to the OP was probably a one off. I don't know why the officer picked on the OP, maybe there was a red flag.

Actually, the same thing happened to me last week. Last year, both the bank letter and bankbook update were dated 5 days before my trip to immigration, and there was no problem. Last week, they were both updated 2 days before my visit. The lady accepted the bank letter, she said that as long as it was within the last 5 days it is ok. She would not accept the bankbook. She told me to go to Central Plaza and get it updated. I explained I would have to make a small deposit or withdrawal to get it to update, and then it would not match the amount on the bank letter. She said that would not be a problem. So i hoofed it down to the BBK at Central Plaza and did as she said.

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You can stick your bank book in an atm update machine the same day you go to immigration. Unless you put more money in or make a withdrawal the same day it wont print anything for that day. Ridiculous ruling.

Personally, I doubt that it is 'a ruling'

The OP says; " There was a slight change from last year that I can't recall seeing any posts for"

That's because there aren't any and whatever happened to the OP was probably a one off. I don't know why the officer picked on the OP, maybe there was a red flag.

Actually, the same thing happened to me last week. Last year, both the bank letter and bankbook update were dated 5 days before my trip to immigration, and there was no problem. Last week, they were both updated 2 days before my visit. The lady accepted the bank letter, she said that as long as it was within the last 5 days it is ok. She would not accept the bankbook. She told me to go to Central Plaza and get it updated. I explained I would have to make a small deposit or withdrawal to get it to update, and then it would not match the amount on the bank letter. She said that would not be a problem. So i hoofed it down to the BBK at Central Plaza and did as she said.

Then that's even more ridiculous, how can anyone make a small deposit or withdrawal before going to immigration if they are lining up in the 6am cattle crush? I use Bangkok Bank and get my letter the day before, they update the book at the same time (as to establish exact amount) and put a 24 hour hold on funds. Never had a problem at immigration. I think you were sent because they know any hold BB put on your passbook would now be finished and I guess you could have withdrawn the funds, but more likely you haven't. Get your letter the day before next time and it won't happen.

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When I went last March or so this new requirement was quite an embarrassment to the staff. They told me about it with apologies and were having great difficulty explaining it to an elderly French man at the next desk.

My bank book and letter were from the previous day but they didn't like the fact that my bank book had no transactions for six months or more, even though the balance matched the bank letter. I had to go to a branch, make a transaction and get the book updated. Yes, the balance on the book and the letter were now different, but that was okay.

To be absolutely sure I would make a transaction the day before you visit immigration and get the letter at the same time. That would be foolproof, I think?

My theory is that the agencies offering visas with 'no bank deposit required' are doing some kind of fiddle and the immigration found out.

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When I went last March or so this new requirement was quite an embarrassment to the staff. They told me about it with apologies and were having great difficulty explaining it to an elderly French man at the next desk.

My bank book and letter were from the previous day but they didn't like the fact that my bank book had no transactions for six months or more, even though the balance matched the bank letter. I had to go to a branch, make a transaction and get the book updated. Yes, the balance on the book and the letter were now different, but that was okay.

To be absolutely sure I would make a transaction the day before you visit immigration and get the letter at the same time. That would be foolproof, I think?

My theory is that the agencies offering visas with 'no bank deposit required' are doing some kind of fiddle and the immigration found out.

Yep, there wouldn't be any problems with getting things done the day before.

It is my understanding, that provided the amount of money meets the legal immigration requirements, you do not need to spend one baht of the amount deposited for immigration purposes.

If anyone can show me a ruling that says you have to, then I will bow to that.

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Round and round we go!.

First of all, thanks for the heads up Kellynch. I appreciate it. I to live 1 hour and 45 minutes from Chiang mai and my online appointment is for 10:00am this year so I was going to do all my updates the day before same as last year.

If this is no longer acceptable to them (the passbook update anyway) I will find a way to update the book on the same day as the appointment.

My 400,000 is in a fixed account which the officer told us to do last year because the interest was better( her advice). Any one have a guess if the update machines will work for fixed accounts? I'll go into my home branch ( Bangkok Bank) out in the sticks later today or tomorrow and check with them just thought someone on this thread may have some thoughts on this.

All and all no big deal if I know what is required. I don't like any surprises once we get to the desk in the inner area.thumbsup.gif

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Out of all the (thousands?) accounts I've read or heard of regarding renewal, stories of being sent to update a passbook which was updated a day or two before is miniscule and I doubt even these accounts....sorry. There is a lot of scare mongering that goes on here and I really cannot see anyone being told to go and update a book that was updated a day before, especially as immigration knows how early some people without appointments get there. Sorry, I don't think it happens and I wouldn't be scared, just update the book the day before, Bank are open in malls 7 days a week so it's not difficult. I don't like immigration, it's well documented. But having said that, In all the years I've been here I've never had a problem and no-one else will if all paperwork is in order.

1. Fret and stress about getting an update on the day

2. Get it done the day before and don't fret or stress.

Now bring forth all the posters who have been told to update the same day. laugh.png

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Out of all the (thousands?) accounts I've read or heard of regarding renewal, stories of being sent to update a passbook which was updated a day or two before is miniscule and I doubt even these accounts....sorry. There is a lot of scare mongering that goes on here and I really cannot see anyone being told to go and update a book that was updated a day before, especially as immigration knows how early some people without appointments get there. Sorry, I don't think it happens and I wouldn't be scared, just update the book the day before, Bank are open in malls 7 days a week so it's not difficult. I don't like immigration, it's well documented. But having said that, In all the years I've been here I've never had a problem and no-one else will if all paperwork is in order.

Of course you have the right to be sceptical and your own view. I had no beef with Immigration and everything else was in order, so I don't think they had the hump and as I mentioned, they were laughing and joking with my wife that day. Immigration may come to realise that it could cause problems for those that have to travel some distance for early appointments. I just told it as it is and wasn't trying to scare anyone. Again, as I mentioned, it wasn't a problem going to Airport plaza to update my book; it would just have made things a little easier if I had prior knowledge. I had to do this for my marriage visa extension using the 3 month deposit rule in a standard savings account - I can't comment about fixed period accounts or indeed retirement visa extensions. You haven't mentioned what visa you use, but if it is a marriage or retirement and you use the 3 month deposit rule, could you let us know when it's due for renewal; and when you do eventually go, perhaps you would be kind enough to report what happened.

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Out of all the (thousands?) accounts I've read or heard of regarding renewal, stories of being sent to update a passbook which was updated a day or two before is miniscule and I doubt even these accounts....sorry. There is a lot of scare mongering that goes on here and I really cannot see anyone being told to go and update a book that was updated a day before, especially as immigration knows how early some people without appointments get there. Sorry, I don't think it happens and I wouldn't be scared, just update the book the day before, Bank are open in malls 7 days a week so it's not difficult. I don't like immigration, it's well documented. But having said that, In all the years I've been here I've never had a problem and no-one else will if all paperwork is in order.

Of course you have the right to be sceptical and your own view. I had no beef with Immigration and everything else was in order, so I don't think they had the hump and as I mentioned, they were laughing and joking with my wife that day. Immigration may come to realise that it could cause problems for those that have to travel some distance for early appointments. I just told it as it is and wasn't trying to scare anyone. Again, as I mentioned, it wasn't a problem going to Airport plaza to update my book; it would just have made things a little easier if I had prior knowledge. I had to do this for my marriage visa extension using the 3 month deposit rule in a standard savings account - I can't comment about fixed period accounts or indeed retirement visa extensions. You haven't mentioned what visa you use, but if it is a marriage or retirement and you use the 3 month deposit rule, could you let us know when it's due for renewal; and when you do eventually go, perhaps you would be kind enough to report what happened.

It's actually retirement and I always say what happened, which is usually nothing apart from the officer stamping my passport. I use the 800,000 three month deposit rule and I get everything, letter and updated PB the day before.

I believe marriage is only a two month deposit rule, not sure why you use three months, could something have been amiss if you are unsure of things?

Quote Lite Beer:

(6) In case of marriage with a Thai lady, the husband who is an alien must have an average annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a money deposit in a local Thai bank of not less than 400,000 baht for the past 2 months for expenses within a year.


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Out of all the (thousands?) accounts I've read or heard of regarding renewal, stories of being sent to update a passbook which was updated a day or two before is miniscule and I doubt even these accounts....sorry. There is a lot of scare mongering that goes on here and I really cannot see anyone being told to go and update a book that was updated a day before, especially as immigration knows how early some people without appointments get there. Sorry, I don't think it happens and I wouldn't be scared, just update the book the day before, Bank are open in malls 7 days a week so it's not difficult. I don't like immigration, it's well documented. But having said that, In all the years I've been here I've never had a problem and no-one else will if all paperwork is in order.

Of course you have the right to be sceptical and your own view. I had no beef with Immigration and everything else was in order, so I don't think they had the hump and as I mentioned, they were laughing and joking with my wife that day. Immigration may come to realise that it could cause problems for those that have to travel some distance for early appointments. I just told it as it is and wasn't trying to scare anyone. Again, as I mentioned, it wasn't a problem going to Airport plaza to update my book; it would just have made things a little easier if I had prior knowledge. I had to do this for my marriage visa extension using the 3 month deposit rule in a standard savings account - I can't comment about fixed period accounts or indeed retirement visa extensions. You haven't mentioned what visa you use, but if it is a marriage or retirement and you use the 3 month deposit rule, could you let us know when it's due for renewal; and when you do eventually go, perhaps you would be kind enough to report what happened.

It's actually retirement and I always say what happened, which is usually nothing apart from the officer stamping my passport. I use the 800,000 three month deposit rule and I get everything, letter and updated PB the day before.

I believe marriage is only a two month deposit rule, not sure why you use three months, could something have been amiss if you are unsure of things?

Quote Lite Beer:

(6) In case of marriage with a Thai lady, the husband who is an alien must have an average annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a money deposit in a local Thai bank of not less than 400,000 baht for the past 2 months for expenses within a year.


The rule for Marriage visa is that for your initial application you have to have it for 2 months, but for extensions it's 3 months.

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