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Judging from the complete lack of rational and lucid arguments against the Iraq War in this forum, I believe it's time to look ahead to the next stage of the War on Terrorism. Who should be targetted next?

Personally, I think it's time we cracked down really hard on that notorious haven for muslim fanatics and appeaser of terrorists: France.

I'm not advocating another "shock and awe" campaign, and don't believe it would be necessary. As Dubya has more than once eloquently put it: wars take many forms and not all of the battlefields are in public view. With the possible exception of Germany and maybe Belgium, France has no natural allies and would cave in to serious pressure. The prospect of a total trade and investment embargo should do the trick. This would bring Europe into line and send a clear message that terrorists and rogue regimes will find no one willing to collaborate with them in the west.

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I have grown quite fond of adjan jb, but I would be willing to use him as a hostage to force the French to listen to our demands. He has to be the smartest Frog in the whole flock!

If that doesn't work, there is a pretty good chance that they will surrender anyway! :o


I'd hang poodle Blair from the yard arm, before I bothered with the French. Clean up the own backyard first of terrorist (the sort that live in the White House that is)appeasers and brown nose New Labourites, before crossing La Manche. :o


Let's target Brazil! Since the US started requiring suspect visitors to be photographed and fingerprinted, the Brazilians have folowed suit - but only Americans. ALL US Passport holders!

They don't do it with any electronic camera or fingerprint scan but the old-fashioned way: A beat-up, broke-down Poloroid camera and the ink & pad routine. The lines at immigration are not to be believed! :o

Actually, since GWB has started coming down on the Axis of Evil countries the message is getting through, i.e. Libya and now North Korea who is making moves to cooperate. If we had a Democrat of the Jimmy Carter school (all of them seem to be that way today) in the White House - what a mess... :D

Boon Mee


Need a few ideas ?

Here are a few "targets" that require immediate action:

- Environment

- Poverty

- Schools

- Hospitals

- Social security

- the rising of theocracy in your own country


But if you really want to kick some ass, let's target Mr Karimov, your Uzbek friend. You know, the guy who loves to boil his opponents to death.


Need a few ideas ?

Here are a few "targets" that require immediate action:

- Environment

- Poverty

- Schools

- Hospitals

- Social security

- the rising of theocracy in your own country


But if you really want to kick some ass, let's target Mr Karimov, your Uzbek friend. You know, the guy who loves to boil his opponents to death.

Need a few ideas ?

Here are a few "targets" that require immediate action:

- Environment

- Poverty

- Schools

- Hospitals

- Social security

- the rising of theocracy in your own country


Is an "Anarchist" sort of like a Hippy, adjan jb?

Peace man! :o


Among the "targets" that require immediate action, I have forgotten to mention the growing deficit. So, as you can see, "gentlemen", you've got plenty of homeworks. No need to cross the Atlantic Ocean... unless you want to drink some proper wine.

Davidm, I do support your idea of an embargo. No more Coke, burgers, hollywood movies for the French. That's all they deserve !

BoonMee, if we have had a republican of the GW Bush school in 1963, during the missile crisis, we would all be dead by now.

Georgie-Porgie, as usual you haven't answered my post. Instead, you choose to sneer. But if you've got some pot left, send me some.

Since monday, I'm experiencing problems with Thaivisa.com. I've been able to post only once. Most of the times, i can't even get to the home page. If i get to the home page, then i can't log in. And if by chance, log in is successful, then the Bear-pit remains out of reach. I don't understand what the problem is. I visit 20 or 30 websites daily (based in Europe, Asia or America) and don't have any problem with them.(If someone has any idea, please send an e-mail, not a PM).

Georgie-Porgie, as usual you haven't answered my post. Instead, you choose to sneer.

adjan, that wasn't really a sneer, more of a sigh really.

All that stuff is being worked on. It's always being worked on, but we still have to stop terrorism, before it stops us.

As far as Thaivisa. com. I have lots and lots of problems also. I keep losing the server while I am "working", but I also have problems with other websites.


Yes davidm, perhaps we should target France.

Michele Alliot-Marie was in Washington last January and, so to speak, stood her man against Donald H. Rumsfeld. Very clear words, I was impressed.

Or perhaps, Germany? I hear Shroeder is in Chicago today and should be in Washington D.C. tomorrow. Some nasty news I got today, he packed Brezels for lunch :o

adjan jb has excellent targets, but I am not so sure if it's worthwhile to discuss about them, I mean Environment, Poverty, Schools, Hospitals, Social security, the rising of theocracy, maybe illiteracy are things that only happen in places like Thailand but for sure not in a developed country that wants to bring democracy to the underpriviledged rest of the world.

Brazil? Boon Me, don't be so harsh. I feel they are only doing a reciprocal job. I am sure, it is not targeted at the US. If the government of ..........(insert country of your choice) requests all Brazilians to be fingerprinted, I am sure Brazil would include them as well.

Personally, I think it's time we cracked down really hard on that notorious haven for muslim fanatics and appeaser of terrorists: France.

Definatley go for the frogs, they trained up Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh plus many many other gangsters, come on chaps lets get the buggers before they le loose another despot!!


I've had it up to here with the cr@ppy system which wipes my posts before they even make it to the board. This is my last visit to the bear pit. I'm not prepared to waste any more time writing posts which get deleted the instant I press the "Add Reply" icon. Have fun, gentlemen.


Sh1t, davidm, you are my hero. Don't bail now!

Save your posts on Outlook Express until you are sure that this piece of &&^%$ system has actually posted it on the board. It's a pain in the ass, but that's what I do. :o

Need a few ideas ?

Here are a few "targets" that require immediate action:

- Environment

- Poverty

- Schools

- Hospitals

- Social security

- the rising of theocracy in your own country


Is an "Anarchist" sort of like a Hippy, adjan jb?

Peace man! :o

This is unfortunately what the people should be concerned about if they had any concern for the future of mankind.

I do not like to use big, empty words, but I do not really think the world has evolved in any meaningfull way for the past few thousand years.

I do not care,... you do not care,... within quite a short period of time or very short period of time (by earth time,...), we will be out of this world anyway. So what is next, US Superpower father of the world, everybody free and happy?

I've had it up to here with the cr@ppy system which wipes my posts before they even make it to the board. This is my last visit to the bear pit. I'm not prepared to waste any more time writing posts which get deleted the instant I press the "Add Reply" icon. Have fun, gentlemen.

George, Dr. P_P, IT_M, Boo to the rescue.

Did you do something unthinkable or what happened?


Well done Riranda, all we hear from these pussys, that couldnt fight thier way to anywhere - attack, kill, dominate - fat blokes wishing they had something better to offer - attack yourselves, have a look in the mirror and apologise for being pathetic, war mongering, cantankerous, obnoxious, paranoid pen pushers.

Heres a thought, clean up all the mess you've already started and make apologies to the countries you have have already raped, pillaged and murdered.

Adjan Jb

Need a few ideas ?

Here are a few "targets" that require immediate action:

- Environment

- Poverty

- Schools

- Hospitals

- Social security

- the rising of theocracy in your own country


But if you really want to kick some ass, let's target Mr Karimov, your Uzbek friend. You know, the guy who loves to boil his opponents to death.

well done mate!


Again this thread is degrading a Nation, I suppose I started this Anti French post as well - pathetic pro war/conflict idiots. It seems its ok as long as its not the Yanks!

Davidm, you started well, now you are posting the same crap as the rest - for an obviously educated, well written man, you should of learnt by the history of this board - go back to posting about bacon!

Need a few ideas ?

Here are a few "targets" that require immediate action:

- Environment

- Poverty

- Schools

- Hospitals

- Social security

- the rising of theocracy in your own country


Is an "Anarchist" sort of like a Hippy, adjan jb?

Peace man! :o

No its not Dr Evil, its countries that sell guns over the counter and says its allright to bare arms, even if your a inbred hillbilly, or a college graduate.

Davidm, you started well, now you are posting the same crap as the rest - for an obviously educated, well written man, you should of learnt by the history of this board - go back to posting about bacon!

gentle (or not so?) man, leave Davidm in peace. At least for the moment. Seems,

the "cr@ppy system wiped" him out.

Reminds me, I once wrote a sentence: "Darling , let's trim the Bush"

The replies came immediately:

Error message 69

deleted for sexual content

Error message 599

deleted for political bashing

error message 4711

no bushes without gardeners, no trimming without the unions permission

Reminds me, I once wrote a sentence: "Darling , let's trim the Bush"

The replies came immediately:

Error message 69

deleted for sexual content

Error message 599

deleted for political bashing

error message 4711

no bushes without gardeners, no trimming without the unions permission

And quite right too Axel, you have no idea where perverting the minds of the impressionable youth with sentences like that could lead! Before you know it, Bush-art will be all the rage! "Quim trim at the corner of Soi 4 for that political statement of affiliation to your favourite leader" could be the sign. :D Somebody could rent the Cop Box (splik! splik!) for the purpose.

I've written far tamer, more innocent things on this forum and been wiped for my troubles. Are you sure Purachai is not an Admin? :o


Getting back to who we should take out next my final answer has to be France.

Since they exhausted themselves in a spirited fight with the Nazis in the last war they haven't been able to work up the energy to oppose terrorism. At the 1972 Olympics, Muslim terrorists assassinated 11 Israeli athletes and one German cop. Five years later, acting on a tip from Israeli secret police, French counterespionage agents arrested the reputed mastermind of the massacre, Abu Daoud.

Afraid of upsetting Muslim terrorists, France resused to allow extradition to the States on technical grounds and set him free.

Along with the rest of the European Union aka Euroweenies, France sends millions of dollars to the Palestinian Authority every year. Sucking up to the PLO is one of their primary jobs aside from eating snails... :o

Boon Mee


Again this thread is degrading a Nation, I suppose I started this Anti French post as well  - pathetic pro war/conflict idiots. It seems its ok as long as its not the Yanks!

Davidm, you started well, now you are posting the same crap as the rest - for an obviously educated, well written man, you should of learnt by the history of this board - go back to posting about bacon!

Posting the same crap! Look who's talking BRUCE (PUD)

Why don't you haul your fat a** over to the Gay Forum and & post about what you know best - pork - give it a break around here! :o

Davidm, you started well, now you are posting the same crap as the rest - for an obviously educated, well written man, you should of learnt by the history of this board - go back to posting about bacon!

Most of the PUD's post today is incomprehensible, however, the attack on davidm is clear.

PUD, davidm has more facts and figures, and is more logical than just about anyone else currently posting. We fight with our brains here. I hope that he sees fit to come back and give you a little lesson in having a big mouth, with nothing to back it up with. :o


Two and a half hours to log in. SH1T ! That's the straw that broke the camel's back.

This is my last post. I'm too exhausted.

I just pop in to say hello and goobye. As usual, you are busy bickering and abusing each other. Some things won't never change. C'est la vie.

BoonMee, French are worse than you think. We don't eat snails. The cliché is not true. We <deleted> them. Most of the time without the animal's consent. We enjoy extreme sports.


Two and a half hours to log in. SH1T ! That's the straw that broke the camel's back.

This is my last post. I'm too exhausted.

I just pop in to say hello and goobye. As usual, you are busy bickering and abusing each other. Some things won't never change. C'est la vie.

adjan jb, Voting with your feet?

OK, I agree too much bickering and abusing, still in between some rational comments as well. So many points I not even care to think about and def. not to reply.

Your log-in cannot comment. use in the office ADSL, pop, it's there. At home dial-up with a 56 modem, a bit slow but ok, I am in Bangkok.

Perhaps, somebody blocking the lines in France, oui? :o


quote: Perhaps somebody blockling the line in France, Oui ? (Axel)

Probably the CIA.

(I'm in an internet cafe in Chiang-Mai. There's a strange guy outside. probably a covert agent. He's coming. Shit. What should I do ? Please help me Please help.......................Aaaaarrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)


Although I am by and large a europhile...I am not familiar with the term "euroweenie", It is difficult to forget old emnities and, with the exception of the last 100 years..France really is the enemy, so go ahead G"W"B go get em'

Since they exhausted themselves in a spirited fight with the Nazis in the last war they haven't been able to work up the energy to oppose terrorism. At the 1972 Olympics, Muslim terrorists assassinated 11 Israeli athletes and one German cop. Five years later, acting on a tip from Israeli secret police, French counterespionage agents arrested the reputed mastermind of the massacre, Abu Daoud.

Aren't you being a tad generous here. "spirited fight with the Nazis" hmmmm???

Aren't you being a tad generous here. "spirited fight with the Nazis" hmmmm???

Yes Dude, a spirited fight WITH the nazis, not AGAINST the nazis. Learn to read and then come back to me.


Aren't you being a tad generous here. "spirited fight with the Nazis" hmmmm???

Yes Dude, a spirited fight WITH the nazis, not AGAINST the nazis. Learn to read and then come back to me.

Oh dear 'small moist area', got your botty spanked by the french again, thats twice now if you include Air France..... h a aha a hah a hah ah



Did not see any comments to Michele Alliot-Marie's talks with Rumsfeld.

It was quite interesting to see how politely she sent old Rummy to the corner.

A well, a Lady in defence

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