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I really haven't seen many Bollywood productions. They don't get much screen time here in the NW portion of the States. They are, obviously, quite popular in India and I suspect where ever there is a large Indian population.

But my impression of them, maybe from reading reviewers comments about the Indian cinema industry, is that they are often very forumla driven. Yeah, I can hear your chair scraping as you pull it up to the computer desk to retort that Hollywood is not much better.

And to a large part I would agree. Hollywood does throw more bucks at it. So the production values are going to be better. And theoretically those same dollars should be buying better talent in terms of scripts and so on. But I don't know that actually is the case.

In fact some of the best stuff is Indie these days, but not India, unless it happened to be an India Indie which would be interesting. Big hoohah with the Oscars these days since they have changed the rules for evaluating movies that are nominated. Purportedly the big Hollywood types are tired of low budget or even foreign indie flicks nicking Oscars out from under them.

Getting an Oscar means big bucks, not just for the recipient, but for the film that won it. People that wouldn't have gone to the flick go and see it. More tickets, or rent/buy it receipts. Adrien Brody grabbing the Best Actor trophy in 2002 (not to mention getting to kiss a surprised Halle Berry) just frosted the Hollywood elite. Big bucks for some plucky Frenchman who won't dare show up at the Oscars while their bank accounts remain static. Sacre Blue!

But overall, come on, good scripting, good direction, and talent make for good films. Nobody has a lock on any of those, but I do think there is more of it around the States and Europe than India currently.


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Whether you like it or not Bombay produces more films/year than does Hollywood. I believe it is substantially more. Maybe not the same level of FX, and certainly lower budget. But who is really to say what is better. Subjective.

Bob Dylan???? you are taking the micheal sir. Bach and Mozart are more alive.

As for the american literature, no doubt some decent authors in your list, and although an ignoramous i have even read some of them.

I dont understand the comments about restaurants would you please clarify.

I will bow to Jeepz, and every other poster, all of who agree that Bollywood, is nowhere in the league of Hollywood. As I said, just silly.

Whether you like it, or not, Bob Dylan is a great living artist who has contributed much to today's music. There is a very good chance that in 100 years, he will be remembered right up there with your dead heroes.

The list of American authors need no help from me.

Melbourne's restaurants, in no way compare with the number, quality or variety of New Yorks. As I said hilarious.


Whether you like it or not Bombay produces more films/year than does Hollywood. I believe it is substantially more. Maybe not the same level of FX, and certainly lower budget. But who is really to say what is better. Subjective.

Bob Dylan???? you are taking the micheal sir. Bach and Mozart are more alive.

As for the american literature, no doubt some decent authors in your list, and although an ignoramous i have even read some of them.

I dont understand the comments about restaurants would you please clarify.

I will bow to Jeepz, and every other poster, all of who agree that Bollywood, is nowhere in the league of Hollywood. As I said, just silly.

Whether you like it, or not, Bob Dylan is a great living artist who has contributed much to today's music. There is a very good chance that in 100 years, he will be remembered right up there with your dead heroes.

The list of American authors need no help from me.

Melbourne's restaurants, in no way compare with the number, quality or variety of New Yorks. As I said hilarious.

yes I love the famed soup kitchen in New York - quality cuisine!

we all have our great restuarants in all cities, Melbourne does have some great restuarants as do all major citys - grow up!


The "gentleman", AKA Pop-up Dummy has so little to say these days that I'm thinking about recycling my all-purpose Butterfly response post for him.

What do you think everybody?

The so-called "gentleman", Persistently Stupid :o

If you ever have something to actually say, I will happily rip you to shreds..., I mean respond.

G' day, Bruce! :D

Melbourne's restaurants, in no way compare with the number, quality or variety of New Yorks. As I said hilarious.

As I will be more often in Melbourne than in New York, can you give me

an idea which restaurants to avoid there? Love to learn from your experience.

Melbourne's restaurants, in no way compare with the number, quality or variety of New Yorks. As I said hilarious.

As I will be more often in Melbourne than in New York, can you give me

an idea which restaurants to avoid there? Love to learn from your experience.

I have only been to Melbourne and Sydney once but I spend a lot of time in Perth and Brisbane.

I love the fish and chips in Fremantle, about 40 minutes from Perth by train, but, Sydney is the only city in Australia in which I thought that the food compared favorably to big cities in America.

However, because New York City is so huge, so expensive and so packed with excellent ethnic restaurants of all types, it simply dwarfs Sydney, and every other city in the world for that matter, as far as selling a variety of quality cuisines.

Axel, if you really want advice on fine dining, San Francisco is my real turf. It has some of the best and most varied food on the planet, beats Sydney and Melbourne cold, but doesn't come close to New York City.

By the way, have you ever heard of the term passive aggressive? Look it up. :o

but the truth is that the difference between our culture and yours is, our culture is still alive, still growing, changing , experimenting, getting better.

Our culture changes the world every single day. 

The US doesn't have any culture? Ever hear of jazz? Rock and Roll? Rap? Hip-Hop?

Finally G-P, something I can agree to. I even would add Mc Donalds and KFC.

If you like fast food or not, at least these two are a unique export identifying the cultural achievements much better than words could do.

The "Euroweenies" culture you feel is dead. OTOH as you are still experimenting with your own, I prefer to wait and see until you find the right direction.

Actually, it works and good old Ceasar's words are still applicable today, as my previous quote shows.


Actually, I really enjoy the food and culture in Europe, but I have read a good number of travel stories by Europeans describing what they love about American culture. The words that I used are more theirs than mine. :o


Mr Porgie, and others

you may well agree with all the posters that hollywood is bigger and better than Bollywood, but like them you are wrong..

I did some checking, Bollywood produces more than 1000 movies/year, hollywood a meagre 300.

Which interestingly is the same ratio as the respective populations of those two countries. 300 million Americans to 1000 million Indians.

Please tell me how this makes the US film industry bigger than the Indian? You can cite $/movie if you like, but really that is a poor index, besides it is crass to talk of money where art is involved.

As for the hollywood films being better. Who says so?? You. Well that certainly does not mean that it is true. indeed surely the sheer quantity of films produced in a year in India is testemony to the fact that the people enjoy them. And yes they are formula driven, I think 90% of them are musicals, and they are romantic, but hey so what thats what the people want so thats what they make. Seems fair enough to me. Go to Bombay and ask them which is better...

Bob dylan!!! I worry about you mental health sir.

Melbourne Vs NY ..Ok I am talking from complete ignorance...As you have already pointed out I am an ignoramous though..so I guess its allowed, but I think the food in Melbourne far better than Sydney. I'm going to change my tune then and suggest that the best restaurants are to be found in Vilcabamba(spelling could be awry here) in Ecuador..mind you when you are blitzed on San Pedro cactus, everything tastes good. So if you not been there you cannot call me silly for suggesting it OK.



The "gentleman", AKA Pop-up Dummy has so little to say these days that I'm thinking about recycling my all-purpose Butterfly response post for him.

What do you think everybody?

The so-called "gentleman", Persistently Stupid :o

If you ever have something to actually say, I will happily rip you to shreds..., I mean respond.

G' day, Bruce! :D

I love the warts on society :D , you didnt have a post, so a flame will do again.

Let me spell it out to you Georgie as you seem to be getting your ambitions mixed up with your capabilities.

I am a millionaire, you are poor (trying to find teaching work at your age)

I am 36 years old, you are an old hasbeen

I was an elite soldier, you were a cook

I speak the Thai, you speak primary school bar Thai

I have a house on the beach, you have a rented condo in Bangkok

I own my houses, you hide, when the landlord approaches

I am building a 50 room resort, you are building friendships with other like minded septics

I look after my wife, you give your "partners" from the bar, there daily allowance or an IOU, to the end of the month

I dont take myself seriously as I know who I am, you are inferior as it shows in your banter

I am suspended from Thaivisa, you are not.

I would meet you, you would hide

I believe the world doesnt need unjust wars, you believe "kill em all"

I laugh at you, rip me to shreds - go and apologise to your family for being a failure, clock in, to your failure in life job, pay your hoars and keep posting crap.

Again Georgie, if you ever want to have a "chat" in person, I will gladly come to have a "quiet beer" and then you can "rip me to shreds".

You are trying to be something your not, carry on, I have met many of your type in my day, both as a civvy and in the forces - your all wind!

You havent a clue what happens in a war, except for how many loafs of bread to order for the mess hall - now go and dot your Is and cross your Ts, use your spell check and live under a rock - Ill be out sailing! :D

Todays Poll - Kerry 55%, Bush 40% - have a nice day :D

Actually, I really enjoy the food and culture in Europe, but I have read a good number of travel stories by Europeans describing what they love about American culture. The words that I used are more theirs than mine. :o

you read about it and we will live it - it must be hard to save on that monthly salary :D:D:D - "dumb" and rich or "smart" and poor - work it out Dr Evil and you might find you are the dumb one.

I now give you permission to post more crap, my little puppet!

Melbourne's restaurants, in no way compare with the number, quality or variety of New Yorks. As I said hilarious.

As I will be more often in Melbourne than in New York, can you give me

an idea which restaurants to avoid there? Love to learn from your experience.

I have only been to Melbourne and Sydney once but I spend a lot of time in Perth and Brisbane.

I love the fish and chips in Fremantle, about 40 minutes from Perth by train, but, Sydney is the only city in Australia in which I thought that the food compared favorably to big cities in America.

However, because New York City is so huge, so expensive and so packed with excellent ethnic restaurants of all types, it simply dwarfs Sydney, and every other city in the world for that matter, as far as selling a variety of quality cuisines.

Axel, if you really want advice on fine dining, San Francisco is my real turf. It has some of the best and most varied food on the planet, beats Sydney and Melbourne cold, but doesn't come close to New York City.

By the way, have you ever heard of the term passive aggressive? Look it up. :o

you have been to Melbourne and Sydney once - what do you know, how could judge that san francisco, beats it hand down - I suppose New York has the best wine as well.

Melbourne has the best restaurants/cafes in Australia, as like New York, it is a very varied ethic mix.

Perth, is where the 10 pound poms arrived and settled - great people, but the food doesnt compare to other cities on the south coast or East.

The world according to Georgie - has never been or been once - just the same as all the other posts you make Dr Evil, ill informed and stupid!

Melbourne's restaurants, in no way compare with the number, quality or variety of New Yorks. As I said hilarious.

As I will be more often in Melbourne than in New York, can you give me

an idea which restaurants to avoid there? Love to learn from your experience.

I have only been to Melbourne and Sydney once but I spend a lot of time in Perth and Brisbane. .....

Axel, if you really want advice on fine dining, San Francisco is my real turf. It has some of the best and most varied food on the planet, beats Sydney and Melbourne cold, but doesn't come close to New York City.

By the way, have you ever heard of the term passive aggressive? Look it up. :o

Georgie-Porgie, I am disappointed. You say Melbourne's restaurants, in no way compare with the number, quality or variety of New York's and then state you have been to Melbourne only once.

This actually means you have no way of contributing an experience in here.

San Francisco does not help me so much, as I will not have a chance to visit until my US-travel restrictions are lifted. Are you sure, you have been there?

Passive aggresive? Let me think, somebody says "Melbourne does have some great restuarants as do all major citys - grow up! " and you call him "Persistently Stupid"! Could this be your example? Aggresive you are but passive as well, as after only one visit you cannot have any idea what you talk about.

I said it before, facts please and cut off the expletives.


First I deal with the idiot, and we all know who that is, don't we?

So-called "gentleman", I don't ask you to post here, and you should know the concequences of doing so by now.

You post, I make you look like a fool.

I don't care how young, rich, handsome and charming you are, I have the right to tell the truth: You are stupid.

I do believe, as you keep subtly warning me, that you were a trained mercenary and that you want to to come here and kill me, but the truth is that your real life must be pretty pathetic if you are willing to throw it all away for some guy who insults you on the Internet. :o

As far as your laundry list goes, I don't have to throw a million insults at you, and just hope that one sticks. All I have to do is tell the truth.

You are an utter imbecile.

G'day Bruce! :D

after only one visit you cannot have any idea what you talk about.

Sorry, Axel, but what you say is rather absurd. Do I have to live in Melbourne for 10 years before I can comment on its restaurants? Go back to pretending to be the passive eye in the sky. :o

Mr Porgie, and others

you may well agree with all the posters that hollywood is bigger and better than Bollywood, but like them you are wrong..

I did some checking, Bollywood produces more than 1000 movies/year, hollywood a meagre 300.

Which interestingly is the same ratio as the respective populations of those two countries. 300 million Americans to 1000 million Indians.

Please tell me how this makes the US film industry bigger than the Indian? You can cite $/movie if you like, but really that is a poor index, besides it is crass to talk of money where art is involved.

As for the hollywood films being better. Who says so?? You. Well that certainly does not mean that it is true. indeed surely the sheer quantity of films produced in a year in India is testemony to the fact that the people enjoy them. And yes they are formula driven, I think  90% of them are musicals, and they are romantic, but hey so what thats what the people want so thats what they make. Seems fair enough to me. Go to Bombay and ask them which is better...

Bob dylan!!! I worry about you mental health sir.

Melbourne Vs NY ..Ok I am talking from complete ignorance...As you have already pointed out I am an ignoramous though..so I guess its allowed, but I think the food in Melbourne far better than Sydney. I'm going to change my tune then and suggest that the best restaurants are to be found in Vilcabamba(spelling could be awry here) in Ecuador..mind you when you are blitzed on San Pedro cactus, everything tastes good. So if you not been there you cannot call me silly for suggesting it OK.



BWS, I think you are doing the old.. beat the dead dog trick, but OK, lets ignore the fact that Hollywood films make way, way more money than Bollywood movies.

Lets ignore the fact that hardly anyone outside of the India/ Pakistan area has any interest in these movies.

Lets ignore the fact that Hollywood films are enjoyed almost everywhere on the planet.

Lets even ignore the fact that many Indians quite possibly prefer Hollywood movies.

What else can we ignore?

OK, now that we've ignored all these things, you win. Are you happy? :o

BWS, I think you are doing the old.. beat the dead dog trick, but OK, lets ignore the fact that Hollywood films make way, way more money than Bollywood movies.

Lets ignore the fact that hardly anyone outside of the India/ Pakistan area has any interest in these movies.

Lets ignore the fact that Hollywood films are enjoyed almost everywhere on the planet.

Lets even ignore the fact that many Indians quite possibly prefer Hollywood movies.

What else can we ignore?

OK, now that we've ignored all these things, you win. Are you happy? 

How is any of the above relevent?? You seem to be missing a fundamental point, that I think characterises many of your posts....."you are not always right"

Also is beating a dead dog akin to Flogging a dead horse?

after only one visit you cannot have any idea what you talk about.

Sorry, Axel, but what you say is rather absurd. Do I have to live in Melbourne for 10 years before I can comment on its restaurants? Go back to pretending to be the passive eye in the sky. :o

Replying to So Much For Constructive Engagement is the subject here.

No, you don't have to live there for 10 years, you don't have to live there at all.

Just share with us your own experience and don't invent it. Tell us which places you visited that buillt up your personal opinion that Melbourne restaurants cannot stand up to others. Georgie-Porgie, by and by I come to the conclusion that your are trolling. I myself have been to Melbourne a couple of times, but let's facx it I know nothing The restaurants on Lygon Street (??), better or worse, I don't know. Admittedly, I like my BYO-wine unoaked.

Now bring us some Constructive Engagement.


those who deem to rule by the gun will die by the gun / those who choose to rule with love will get lasting peace and joy in the heart / don't the folks here know by now that osama become strong and powerful because of support from CIA -- and CIA owns the biggest drug kingpins around the world and used public funds of stupid americans to kill their competitors...

i feel sorry for the ignorant fools who paid their taxes...


Well chaps I am leaving this forum, I am basically bored with Dr Evil and his henchmen he truely is a thick seppo, what a sad b*stard

Gentalman, Jeepz, Big Wet patch, DavidM I will miss you all as you write well, I admit defeat until Admin dump Dr Evil.

bye all



GP says that New York City has better restaurants than Melbourne, Australia, that Hollywood has a more succesful movie industry than Bollywood in India, and that the gent is a touch slow.

He gets called a troll, a thick septic, Doctor Evil and a lot worse. Basher gets teary eyed. The gent offers to teach him a lesson that he won't forget, in person.

What is wrong with this picture?

Well chaps I am leaving this forum, I am basically bored with Dr Evil and his henchmen he truely is a thick seppo, what a sad b*stard

Gentalman, Jeepz, Big Wet patch, DavidM I will miss you all as you write well, I admit defeat until Admin dump Dr Evil.

bye all


Basher, this would be a pity.

Frankly speaking I was thinking quite often to stop logging in and always to see

G-P's aggressive posts. But than, you are right, it would mean defeat.

Over the last weeks Georgie Porgie became extreme, no more contribution, just attacking and flaming. I tried a couple of times to tell him, not really successful. Albeit since last night no more post, maybe he is finally getting his facts together b4 posting. Seems he wants to tear a person apart and declare himself as winner, whatever that means. However, he always runs out of the threat returning to attack one person.

The Gentleman still responds in a way that one could say he was using his brain before using his fingers. Only on occasion replied in kind to G-P.

Never mind if one agrees to what the gentleman has to see, he usually says in a constructive way while G-P only brings expletives.

So IMHO no need for you to leave, G-P is the one to alter his wys. :D

To name a few, I like to read Membrane, Jeepz who is extremely polite and still gets his poits through and the Gentleman who brings posts that are worthwhile to read also controversial at times. :o

Melbourne's restaurants, in no way compare with the number, quality or variety of New Yorks. As I said hilarious.

As I will be more often in Melbourne than in New York, can you give me

an idea which restaurants to avoid there?

None....they're all great :D

(advice from a Melbournian :o:D )

Guest The Judge
Well chaps I am leaving this forum, I am basically bored with Dr Evil and his henchmen he truely is a thick seppo, what a sad b*stard

Gentalman, Jeepz, Big Wet patch, DavidM I will miss you all as you write well, I admit defeat until Admin dump Dr Evil.

bye all


Basher, this would be a pity.

Frankly speaking I was thinking quite often to stop logging in and always to see

G-P's aggressive posts. But than, you are right, it would mean defeat.

Over the last weeks Georgie Porgie became extreme, no more contribution, just attacking and flaming. I tried a couple of times to tell him, not really successful. Albeit since last night no more post, maybe he is finally getting his facts together b4 posting. Seems he wants to tear a person apart and declare himself as winner, whatever that means. However, he always runs out of the threat returning to attack one person.

The Gentleman still responds in a way that one could say he was using his brain before using his fingers. Only on occasion replied in kind to G-P.

Never mind if one agrees to what the gentleman has to see, he usually says in a constructive way while G-P only brings expletives.

So IMHO no need for you to leave, G-P is the one to alter his wys. :D

To name a few, I like to read Membrane, Jeepz who is extremely polite and still gets his poits through and the Gentleman who brings posts that are worthwhile to read also controversial at times. :o

G-P and Gent posted aggreesively. I was surprised the admin put up with for very long.

Neither can make a post without being derogatory of the other, so I suspect both quite insulated from the real world, just want to tickle each others fancy until one sries wolf.

Will be interesting to read their next post since I see they are both banned.

Good. They need to be kicked into line or shut up.

Guest The Judge

I just clicked on the number between the brackets... inside information maybe..

Over the last weeks Georgie Porgie became extreme, no more contribution, just attacking and flaming

The Gentleman still responds in a way that one could say he was using his brain before using his fingers. Only on occasion replied in kind to G-P.

Never mind if one agrees to what the gentleman has to see, he usually says in a constructive way while G-P only brings expletives.

They both do a lot of flaming, but someone got the thoughtful part backwards. Perhaps it depends on one's political leanings? Compare some typical posts.

Georgie-Porgie Posted: Sat 2004-02-28, 14:27:13 

I have only been to Melbourne and Sydney once but I spend a lot of time in Perth and Brisbane.

I love the fish and chips in Fremantle, about 40 minutes from Perth by train, but, Sydney is the only city in Australia in which I thought that the food compared favorably to big cities in America.

However, because New York City is so huge, so expensive and so packed with excellent ethnic restaurants of all types, it simply dwarfs Sydney, and every other city in the world for that matter, as far as selling a variety of quality cuisines.

Axel, if you really want advice on fine dining, San Francisco is my real turf. It has some of the best and most varied food on the planet, beats Sydney and Melbourne cold, but doesn't come close to New York City.

By the way, have you ever heard of the term passive aggressive? Look it up. 

Georgie-Porgie Posted: Sat 2004-02-28, 14:27:13

Actually, I really enjoy the food and culture in Europe, but I have read a good number of travel stories by Europeans describing what they love about American culture. The words that I used are more theirs than mine. 

the gentleman Posted: Sat 2004-02-28, 17:27:34 

I love the warts on society  , you didnt have a post, so a flame will do again.

Let me spell it out to you Georgie as you seem to be getting your ambitions mixed up with your capabilities.

I am a millionaire, you are poor (trying to find teaching work at your age)

I am 36 years old, you are an old hasbeen

I was an elite soldier, you were a cook

I speak the Thai, you speak primary school bar Thai

I have a house on the beach, you have a rented condo in Bangkok

I own my houses, you hide, when the landlord approaches

I am building a 50 room resort, you are building friendships with other like minded septics

I look after my wife, you give your "partners" from the bar, there daily allowance or an IOU, to the end of the month

I dont take myself seriously as I know who I am, you are inferior as it shows in your banter

I am suspended from Thaivisa, you are not.

I would meet you, you would hide

I believe the world doesnt need unjust wars, you believe "kill em all"

I laugh at you, rip me to shreds - go and apologise to your family for being a failure, clock in, to your failure in life job, pay your hoars and keep posting crap.

Again Georgie, if you ever want to have a "chat" in person, I will gladly come to have a "quiet beer" and then you can "rip me to shreds".

You are trying to be something your not, carry on, I have met many of your type in my day, both as a civvy and in the forces - your all wind!

You havent a clue what happens in a war, except for how many loafs of bread to order for the mess hall - now go and dot your Is and cross your Ts, use your spell check and live under a rock - Ill be out sailing! 

Todays Poll - Kerry 55%, Bush 40% - have a nice day 

This post has been edited by ###### on Sat 2004-02-28, 18:48:47

the gentleman Posted: Sat 2004-02-28, 17:27:34 

you read about it and we will live it - it must be hard to save on that monthly salary    - "dumb" and rich or "smart" and poor - work it out Dr Evil and you might find you are the dumb one.

I now give you permission to post more crap, my little puppet! 

Guest The Judge

I don't understand why the gentlething, and I have nightmares imagining it as an officer, sees his financial situation as the be all and end all of life in LOS unless all his conquests are financial.

Everything he posts is about his money, his finance etc.

I wonder how much his wife (each night) costs?

I think he is really a New Zealander.

....Neither can make a post without being derogatory of the other, so I suspect both quite insulated from the real world, just want to tickle each others fancy until one sries wolf.

Will be interesting to read their next post since I see they are both banned.

Good. They need to be kicked into line or shut up.

Didn't know both are banned. Pity it came to that.

In the end, I agree, both did just mud slinging and certainly the pulses have been racing. Finally one does not ask who threw the first stone.

Just glanced through both' old posts, around early Jan, GP started calling one guy,who meanwhile left, an i...ot and than concentrated over the Haliburton thing on the Gentlemen.

Anyway, I love a lively discussion if everybody sticks to some rules, f... and I-words don't really help.

Sure everybody is biased and a lot started with GWB. Now, I hear that Bush and Schroeder made peace 2, 3 days ago. Bush's first question was quite funny, missing Schroeder's (pretty) interpreter, apparently she is expecting.

Finally Bush announced that Schroeder makes him laugh. :o

Both agreed not to talk about certain issues, where no agreement can be reached.

Nice, if these two can talk to each other the members in here should be able to do the same regardless of any political leanings.

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