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Refused entry into Singapore

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If your SIL enters Singapore more then 6-7 times a year and stays an average of 2 weeks it rings alarm bells at the IO.

I have a friend in the immigration in Singapore and he often said we tolerate freelance Thai prostitutes because that's what foreign visitors to Singapore like/need. They want fun and Singapore makes it possible to them, thanks to Tourist dollars.

They don't get a yellow card which is the official registration documents for prostitutes but they can freelance around in Singapore and then they can fly home AND DON'T RETURN.

If your SIL often flies to Singapore, specially during working days she might not have a regular job. The Singapore government encourages tourism with tourists that have the money to spend. If someone flies in all the time during working weeks it could ring an alarm bell. They love tourists from Thailand that are born in Bangkok, Phuket, etc but don't really like Thai tourists born in Isaan or the North.

My best friend just married last week in Singapore a Thai national, who holds a medical degree. For the past 2 years she flies often in at Friday evening and returns Sunday night as she has to work the next day. She has never had a problem in the past 2 years.

Your SIL should contact the Singapore Immigration in Bangkok to enquire what went wrong. She could even apply a Social Visit Pass at the Singapore Embassy and if she gets rejected they might give her some hints.

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Actually prostitution is legal in Singapore, in designated areas like Geylang and little India, the gov't just doesn't alert everyone to that fact. In regards to the SIL situation, there are a number of Singapore "agents" that pose as boyfriends or whatever to get Thai ladies into the country, and immigration knows this. Same bias is shown against Philipinas and other single women traveling from SE Asian countries. There is indeed bias and profiling occurring.

It's legal if they have the proper authorisation which most people don't get which probably is the reason they are having a crackdown.

I doubt the women who hang around geylang have proper documents, I think there is a set quota as well for how many prostitutes can work there.

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we all know why they are getting refused, too many go there for immoral purposes and it ruins it for the rest

"they"? so racial profiling is ok?

Try to ignore the troll. That's the only thing that will make them go away.

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we all know why they are getting refused, too many go there for immoral purposes and it ruins it for the rest

"they"? so racial profiling is ok?

Try to ignore the troll. That's the only thing that will make them go away.

it was a legitimate post that others have expanded on, you on the other hand have added nothing

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I quite like Singapore but they do have some strange processes at Changi. I fly often from BKK to SIN and on numerous occasions all the passengers are required to go through an airport security check in the normal departure lounge as soon as leaving the aircraft. I don't know what this proves - I always politely ask the head security guy why they are doing this. "Oh its for your safety sir " to which I point to the aircraft parked peacefully at the gate "but we have already landed safely" I say knowing full well I am wasting my time. If Singapore airlines or security have suspicions about passengers why do they let the aircraft depart BKK?

Just another unusual thing about the island State. So the behaviour of their IOs, perhaps strange too, has to be expected. But I agree that the most disturbing aspect of this occurrence is the acceptance by Thais that "its because we are from Thailand". I always let my Thai GF go first at immigration anywhere - if there is a problem for her then I will be there to support and politely not put up with any nonsense without a good explanation.

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I would take it up with the Singapore embassy and get them to refund the air tickets. She just needs to prove her story. In the ASEAN context this is unacceptable.

As said by others earlier, that someone does not need a visa for Singapore does not mean that they are guaranteed entry upon arrival. Even those who do hold a visa are not guaranteed entry.

Visa or no, immigration officers at ports of entry have the right to question travellers and if not satisfied, refuse entry.

This is not a Singapore thing; it is standard in most, if not all, countries.

However, if entry is refused then the traveller should be given a written explanation of why. This does not seem to have happened in this case.

So that would be the grounds for any complaint.

But getting the Singapore government to offer a refund of the cost of travel, or any other monetary compensation; in your dreams. At best they'd get an apology.

Not sure why you say that "In the ASEAN context this is unacceptable."

ASEAN nationals do not enjoy the same freedom of movement rights within ASEAN that EU nationals do within the EU. Though I understand moves are afoot to introduce such rights.

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we all know why they are getting refused, too many go there for immoral purposes and it ruins it for the rest

I have seen several eastern european woman (one of them wasn't wearing any underwear and was a russian lady) doing your immoral purpose while never noticed a Thai in Singapore.

I'm not saying Thai woman isn't doing it in Singapore, it is legal to do so in Singapore in the first place (but pimping is illegal).

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I'll be flying out to Singapore in mid December with my Thai girlfriend for a couple of days. Maybe I should have her get a letter from the hotel where she works as proof that she holds down a regular job. Any thoughts? It would be a real kick in the pants if she is refused entry.

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we all know why they are getting refused, too many go there for immoral purposes and it ruins it for the rest

I have seen several eastern european woman (one of them wasn't wearing any underwear and was a russian lady) doing your immoral purpose while never noticed a Thai in Singapore.

I'm not saying Thai woman isn't doing it in Singapore, it is legal to do so in Singapore in the first place (but pimping is illegal).

Pimping may be illegal but it is more common place than here. Again go to Geylang and see how well organised it is. Scouts on every corner, mobiles to inform. The pimps are 2 minutes ahead of the police (mind you, it is allowed to happen). And yes hundreds or more Thai ladies there. Normally the paler skinned obes to cater to the Asian taste. The Indo and Malay girls were the prettiest by far.

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I would take it up with the Singapore embassy and get them to refund the air tickets. She just needs to prove her story. In the ASEAN context this is unacceptable.

As said by others earlier, that someone does not need a visa for Singapore does not mean that they are guaranteed entry upon arrival. Even those who do hold a visa are not guaranteed entry.

Visa or no, immigration officers at ports of entry have the right to question travellers and if not satisfied, refuse entry.

This is not a Singapore thing; it is standard in most, if not all, countries.

However, if entry is refused then the traveller should be given a written explanation of why. This does not seem to have happened in this case.

So that would be the grounds for any complaint.

But getting the Singapore government to offer a refund of the cost of travel, or any other monetary compensation; in your dreams. At best they'd get an apology.

Not sure why you say that "In the ASEAN context this is unacceptable."

ASEAN nationals do not enjoy the same freedom of movement rights within ASEAN that EU nationals do within the EU. Though I understand moves are afoot to introduce such rights.

Have you ever read the ASEAN agreement on the free movement of people between member countries. In cases where citizens of Asean countries are denied access to another country clear reasons must be supplied for refusing entry. If they are refusing Thai women entry as a rule its a transgretion of the Asean agreement. If enough noise are made the Singapore government will have to rectify their actions or face action under Asean conflict resultion rules. If she does nothing like you say it will happen again and again with her and other Thai women travelling to Singapore. So the starting point will be Singapores embassy where she will get no answer after which the Thai foreign affairs will be the next stop where nothing will happen and then armed with all her letters and emails she go to the place where things happen the internet. Is she doesnt want to fight discrimination she must learn to live with it.

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I'll be flying out to Singapore in mid December with my Thai girlfriend for a couple of days. Maybe I should have her get a letter from the hotel where she works as proof that she holds down a regular job. Any thoughts? It would be a real kick in the pants if she is refused entry.

Up to you but will be good as well. Just in case.

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I would take it up with the Singapore embassy and get them to refund the air tickets. She just needs to prove her story. In the ASEAN context this is unacceptable.

As said by others earlier, that someone does not need a visa for Singapore does not mean that they are guaranteed entry upon arrival. Even those who do hold a visa are not guaranteed entry.

Visa or no, immigration officers at ports of entry have the right to question travellers and if not satisfied, refuse entry.

This is not a Singapore thing; it is standard in most, if not all, countries.

However, if entry is refused then the traveller should be given a written explanation of why. This does not seem to have happened in this case.

So that would be the grounds for any complaint.

But getting the Singapore government to offer a refund of the cost of travel, or any other monetary compensation; in your dreams. At best they'd get an apology.

Not sure why you say that "In the ASEAN context this is unacceptable."

ASEAN nationals do not enjoy the same freedom of movement rights within ASEAN that EU nationals do within the EU. Though I understand moves are afoot to introduce such rights.

Have you ever read the ASEAN agreement on the free movement of people between member countries. In cases where citizens of Asean countries are denied access to another country clear reasons must be supplied for refusing entry. If they are refusing Thai women entry as a rule its a transgretion of the Asean agreement. If enough noise are made the Singapore government will have to rectify their actions or face action under Asean conflict resultion rules. If she does nothing like you say it will happen again and again with her and other Thai women travelling to Singapore. So the starting point will be Singapores embassy where she will get no answer after which the Thai foreign affairs will be the next stop where nothing will happen and then armed with all her letters and emails she go to the place where things happen the internet. Is she doesnt want to fight discrimination she must learn to live with it.

Very true, but it is NOT the Thai (female) way. Somehow they are brought up to accept authority without such questioning.

I NEVER allow my Thai wife to go to bat for me. I know she would accept the first knock back that comes.

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Entirely speculation on my part, given there isn't too much rhyme or reason it it, but it probably comes down to the fact that she visits there quite often, perhaps too often in their eyes. Not sure how long she stays, but I'm guessing that her average length of stay might be another factor.

Entirely unfair, i know, as it is possible for someone to come and go regularly, without too many issues, and for others, like your SIL, to be pulled up.

FWIW, I'm an Australian PP holder, and I got pulled up at LHR earlier this year. This is despite the fact that I an expired, but legit UK 'green card' in my passport. I was there assisting on Thai government business (was travelling with RTG officals), and it took alot of convincing the bloke that despite the fact I had a green card (and could have extended it easily) I chose to leave the UK voluntarily all those years ago as I did not have any intention on living on a rainy cold island in the North Sea, and still didn't. It took him a while to compute that fact, but I was evenutally let through.

They are a breed onto themselves.

UK Green Card???

No such thing.

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I'll be flying out to Singapore in mid December with my Thai girlfriend for a couple of days. Maybe I should have her get a letter from the hotel where she works as proof that she holds down a regular job. Any thoughts? It would be a real kick in the pants if she is refused entry.

My Thai GF and I visit Singapore 5 or 6 times a year, sometimes we travel together and sometimes we arrive separately and meet after immigration. She is a very attractive young Thai and dresses conservatively and we have never had a problem and she goes straight through immigration either with or without me. You should not have any problems.

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we all know why they are getting refused, too many go there for immoral purposes and it ruins it for the rest

Immoral in your eyes, a living to millions worldwide !!

And immoral to millions more who toil in factories in the same country and would not even consider taking up such a living, and a living that tarnishes the image every every female in this county around the world when "normal" work is freely available.

To many heading straight to Orchard towers for the holiday and i to would be wishing to turn such types away from my country, but unfortunately they flood in and return to old immoral ways. Unfortunate for the lady but victim of the bad apples.

Singapore is not Thailand.

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Read my post again.

I did not say that refusing her entry was right.

I did say that she should have been given written reasons for her refusal.

I did not say that she should not complain.

I did not say that Singapore immigration can, or even do, routinely refuse entry to Thai nationals.

What I did do was question your assertion that the Singapore embassy would refund her flight tickets; a highly unlikely outcome of any complaint.

I also pointed out that, as it stands at present, ASEAN nationals do not have an automatic right of entry to any other ASEAN country.

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we all know why they are getting refused, too many go there for immoral purposes and it ruins it for the rest

Immoral in your eyes, a living to millions worldwide !!

And immoral to millions more who toil in factories in the same country and would not even consider taking up such a living, and a living that tarnishes the image every every female in this county around the world when "normal" work is freely available.

To many heading straight to Orchard towers for the holiday and i to would be wishing to turn such types away from my country, but unfortunately they flood in and return to old immoral ways. Unfortunate for the lady but victim of the bad apples.

Singapore is not Thailand.

Why do you think they keep flooding in?

Demand = Supply. And the ladies can earn a much more handsome salary in a night (to feed their families) than they will working in any of the sexpat towns here.

Singapore is certainly not Thailand and I'm sure most of us are happy about that.

The way Singapore treats its own race, ie Asians of all nationalities leaves a lot to be desired. Same here you say? Maybe, I guess it in the end money (disposable/discretionary) talks doesn't it?

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I hate this word discretion, all it means is the IO or whoever can do what he/she wants. No one should have any discretion, it is not right that anyone should be able to treat someone according to the kind of day they are having, people should have to go by the rules of the country, company etc, and should need to have a reason for any decision they make.

What a silly post... It's in their rules, that's why they do it... The mind boggles... The primary IO's assessment could have been reviewed by a senior officer had the OP's SIL inquired for such a review, but from the OP it appears she sucked it up and chalked it up to experience..

Some posters here should take a lesson from the OP's SIL in letting things slide without chucking the toys out of the cot...

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I would take it up with the Singapore embassy and get them to refund the air tickets. She just needs to prove her story. In the ASEAN context this is unacceptable.

BS , all countries have. Right to refuse entry. End of.

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Judged guilty until proven innocent of what?

What are people talking about. The right to travel freely across this planet, provided you have the means and are not dependent

on any State is inherent.

The more you accept the "rights" of governments and their agents to take your "rights" from you, you are slipping into

their world of control.

Those that support government's rights in this regard, where there are personal relationships at risk, people's god given right to

free association and personal happiness, then you are slipping into communism and its evils and perils.

I feel sorry for you. . . and the "acceptances" you support

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we all know why they are getting refused, too many go there for immoral purposes and it ruins it for the rest

Immoral in your eyes, a living to millions worldwide !!

I am not in charge of SIN immigration, they are and in their eyes prostitution is immoral, hence the problem.

No, it's illegal. Not immoral

Considering its legal in Singapore (in Geylang & as long as they are not on the street - although most are) I dont think the Singapore Government sees its as immoral either - they just dont want a foreigner working illegally (as a prostitute or otherwise) on a visa waiver that does not permit work.

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Yes, correct. I fly the same route have the same experience, many, many times ( but only from BKK, not other cities). Nothing to do with safety....they are examining hand luggage. I had a box of cigars once, they just let me though with 3or 4 left in the box. They are looking for more sinister items.

I quite like Singapore but they do have some strange processes at Changi. I fly often from BKK to SIN and on numerous occasions all the passengers are required to go through an airport security check in the normal departure lounge as soon as leaving the aircraft. I don't know what this proves - I always politely ask the head security guy why they are doing this. "Oh its for your safety sir " to which I point to the aircraft parked peacefully at the gate "but we have already landed safely" I say knowing full well I am wasting my time. If Singapore airlines or security have suspicions about passengers why do they let the aircraft depart BKK?

Just another unusual thing about the island State. So the behaviour of their IOs, perhaps strange too, has to be expected. But I agree that the most disturbing aspect of this occurrence is the acceptance by Thais that "its because we are from Thailand". I always let my Thai GF go first at immigration anywhere - if there is a problem for her then I will be there to support and politely not put up with any nonsense without a good explanation.

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its sad but frequent entries into a country does pose a red flag. just look how farangs even with back to back tourist visa's are

questioned and at times denied visas for Thailand. Look at whats happening to Japan with all the Thai's disappearing and not

returning..from the new visa waiver program.

Rejection rates can be much higher in Singapore but you just don't hear much of it in news.

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I quite like Singapore but they do have some strange processes at Changi. I fly often from BKK to SIN and on numerous occasions all the passengers are required to go through an airport security check in the normal departure lounge as soon as leaving the aircraft. I don't know what this proves - I always politely ask the head security guy why they are doing this. "Oh its for your safety sir " to which I point to the aircraft parked peacefully at the gate "but we have already landed safely" I say knowing full well I am wasting my time. If Singapore airlines or security have suspicions about passengers why do they let the aircraft  depart BKK?


Becos if someone decides to smuggle a bomb in, it's better to have it discovered in the airport rather than in Orchard road! For that matter if it goes off in mid air it's better than going off in Orchard road

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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I find it hard to believe what op has posted. The sil got to have history otherwise no reason. My frd girl friend came in on Monday by bus. She was held up for questioning. Simple q, what's she's doing here and where she's staying. First time in SG. Part time student. Only got address on a piece of paper to show for.

Wouldn't she be more suspicious then op SIL who has been in SG multiple times?

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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I quite like Singapore but they do have some strange processes at Changi. I fly often from BKK to SIN and on numerous occasions all the passengers are required to go through an airport security check in the normal departure lounge as soon as leaving the aircraft. I don't know what this proves - I always politely ask the head security guy why they are doing this. "Oh its for your safety sir " to which I point to the aircraft parked peacefully at the gate "but we have already landed safely" I say knowing full well I am wasting my time. If Singapore airlines or security have suspicions about passengers why do they let the aircraft  depart BKK?


Just another unusual thing about the island State. So the behaviour of their IOs, perhaps strange too, has to be expected. But I agree that the most disturbing aspect of this occurrence is the acceptance by Thais that "its because we are from Thailand". I always let my Thai GF go first at immigration anywhere - if there is a problem for her then I will be there to support and politely not put up with any nonsense without a good explanation.

This is not specific to BKK flights, happens to most intra-ASEAN flights at one time or another.

A pain in the rear especially when you park at the end of the pier and have a connecting flight at the other 2 terminals...

It supposed to be random, but with Singapore being a democratic dictatorship, it can be seen as anything but...

As Singapore Airlines (the airline) and CAG (manager of the airport, the security company I think is SATS but definitely not owned or a part of the SIA Group anymore) are "privately" - for the sake of argument we all know this is not the case, but I digress - owned companies, they have zero authority to withhold an aircraft from leaving its departure point. Government authorities have the power to act and they do, from time to time..

You'll see them board an aircraft all Rico Suavé and escort a passenger off the aircraft, the Captain will make up some BS story about the weather being the delay or some ground crew error just to appease the masses whilst the passengers in the immediate vicinity are wondering <deleted> just happened.

If you know you are wasting your time, why do you continue to do it?

You know what the definition of insanity right?

I would seriously love to see you lose your sh*t at the Singaporean IO for refusing entry to your Thai girlfriend. Oh wait, you said "politely" enquire as to the refusal.

How would that go exactly? Can we get a verbal demonstration with some perhaps, implied choreography?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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