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Phuket cop arrested after French man robbed of B490,000


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I think the cop is truelly shocked, and i am pretty sure that the whole nation is also quite surprised to see this.

How come that a corrupted cop was finally arrested. And to make it more unbelievable the victim is a foreigner!

Dodgy cop arrested by others dodgy cops... impossible. This story is just a spamsign.gif

Edited by Bender
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And how can you or I get 90,000 Baht in a day doing withdrawls from ABM machines. Something is not right here. My limit in most machines seems to be 20,000 Baht as posted previously, although my daily withdrawal limit is actually more than that.

Every country has its problems, but Thailand is special, if there is something that can go wrong it will.

There are major problems in this country, starting from the top down.

No one gives a shit for the country as a whole, everyone is on their own.

Daily T.V. ads urging you to report corruption. The military controls Thailand and always has, and its members are busy manufacturing and or smuggling heroin and yaba. (For those of you who want to hang those arrested with drugs.)

If you can be sleazed you will be.

Im in to far to leave now, but if I had advice for someone thinking of coming to live here, I would tell them to think twice.

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How does a Thai cop get nicked for crimes against farangs in Thailand, even murder? They don't so something stinks here

The sentiment expressed in your ignorant post is not only wrong but it stinks. Thai police have been convicted of crimes against foreigners but unfortunately people like you choose to spread unsubstantiated fallacies.

Your post is the one who stinks, do you have any evidence of thai police convicted or are we just gone take your word for it?

Well there was a cop in Chaing Mai that killed a foreigner and wounded a second and I think after many years and even recently changing his story, he was convicted of something, after he lied about everything. Maybe charged with, illegal discharge of a firearm....tsk tsk

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How does a Thai cop get nicked for crimes against farangs in Thailand, even murder? They don't so something stinks here

The sentiment expressed in your ignorant post is not only wrong but it stinks. Thai police have been convicted of crimes against foreigners but unfortunately people like you choose to spread unsubstantiated fallacies.

Get real,, the police here are not good. Example for you,,, My American friend was riding his motorbike down the road and he indicated to turn left to park at 7/11,, as he turned a Thai lady riding her motorbike the wrong way down the road slammed into the side of him. There were some minor injuries and damages but the police were called. The Thai girl demanded money even though she was clearly in the wrong (no surprise there). She claimed he wasn't indicating but thanks to a 7/11 cctv recording the policeman laughed when he saw he was indeed indicating. So what happened,,, the police confiscated HIS motorbike. he then had to call the policeman to get his bike back. He was told pay 20,000 baht to the policeman to get his bike back, and what could he do? Absolutely nothing. Absolutely true and one of many I am sure. This policeman got away with it and made a tidy sum in the process,, no justice, no arrests, no one would listen. My friend had to cough up or lose his motorbike..

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And how can you or I get 90,000 Baht in a day doing withdrawls from ABM machines. Something is not right here. My limit in most machines seems to be 20,000 Baht as posted previously, although my daily withdrawal limit is actually more than that.

Well, u can actually use your card more than once a day. As u said your limit is more than 20k.. Just do like 4 - 5 withdrawals. And with some ATM u can get 30k at a time.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Easy out for the cop. The police will negotiate a large cut of the 400k and get the French guy to drop the charge for the police to turn the eye away on the drug involvement. They will scare the frenchy and say they will charge him re the drug involvement. You agree Guys


Why not check on the French ?  How can he own and sell land ?  Paying 2.000 THB to a person who helped to sell 2 mio. worth land is really miserly, really cheap. He might be sorry already to have involved the police. Not much sympathy for him. Wouldn't be surprised if he is in the drug business as well.


Agree that the French paying 2k are really cheap. BUT he sold the land for 2 m and now they ask for 3m?????

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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It wouldn't be the first time someone has been stiffed for a commission.  I could go in to nationality percentages but I won't. I will say French people are right up their with the Russians 


It is possible that if there was a system in place to help people who are stiffed on pay or commission to sue  maybe this wouldn't happen as much.   I lost several million baht on a deal where the seller


was a wealthy Thai in Pattaya which took me almost a year to put the deal together and ended up with pocket change and I do mean pocket change less then what a Thai would earn for a few months


pay going to the police would not have done any good, all he had to do is give them a little more money, pursuing it would be a worthless cause.  Never again will I do anything for a Thai.   With that said,


I hope the french guy doesn't get his money back, he stiffed someone on their commission he deserved to be punked.     

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How does a Thai cop get nicked for crimes against farangs in Thailand, even murder? They don't so something stinks here

The sentiment expressed in your ignorant post is not only wrong but it stinks. Thai police have been convicted of crimes against foreigners but unfortunately people like you choose to spread unsubstantiated fallacies.

Is this the sort of unsubstantiated fallacy you are referring to? http://www.andrew-drummond.com/2013/01/killer-cop-gets-remission-for-river.html

How is that unsubstantiated? You may not agree with the reduction in his sentence, but he has been convicted and is doing time for his crimes.

So your link only proves the point MMarlow is making.

Sorry sunshine, way off

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How does a Thai cop get nicked for crimes against farangs in Thailand, even murder? They don't so something stinks here

The sentiment expressed in your ignorant post is not only wrong but it stinks. Thai police have been convicted of crimes against foreigners but unfortunately people like you choose to spread unsubstantiated fallacies.

Is this the sort of unsubstantiated fallacy you are referring to? http://www.andrew-drummond.com/2013/01/killer-cop-gets-remission-for-river.html

How is that unsubstantiated? You may not agree with the reduction in his sentence, but he has been convicted and is doing time for his crimes.

So your link only proves the point MMarlow is making.

But he will only do small time, think of the actual crime and then think if that had been your daughter or sister,would you be satisfied,

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And how can you or I get 90,000 Baht in a day doing withdrawls from ABM machines. Something is not right here. My limit in most machines seems to be 20,000 Baht as posted previously, although my daily withdrawal limit is actually more than that.


Every country has its problems, but Thailand is special, if there is something that can go wrong it will.

There are major problems in this country, starting from the top down.


No one gives a shit for the country as a whole, everyone is on their own.


Daily T.V. ads urging you to report corruption. The military controls Thailand and always has, and its members are busy manufacturing and or smuggling heroin and yaba. (For those of you who want to hang those arrested with drugs.)


If you can be sleazed you will be.


Im in to far to leave now, but if I had advice for someone thinking of coming to live here, I would tell them to think twice.

You can set the daily withdrawal limit in Thailand to as much as 100k, or more. Just 20k per transaction. The banks will allow five of those withdrawals in one day. This arrest was for show. Someone felt the need to demonstrate something. He will be released by tomorrow. No court will convict him. The courts here have no teeth. The judges here have no power it seems.

mike macarelli

chaiyaphum, thailand

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The frenchman posted on facebook that the news was wrongly reported, i cant understand his english so i have asked him to explain it in his own language and then i can translate it

Frenchman isnt a perfect guy but he does get taken advantage of nonstop by thais. Though he did the same thing when he was a taxi driver back home ;)

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