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Is anyone else having problems with True Online. At the moment doing speed tests getting download results between 3Mbps and 10mbps, previously always getting 20Mbs or over. I'm paying for the DOCSIS package 15Mbps Down and 1.5Mbps Up. Please note no problem with upload speed.

I telephoned them Friday and they told me they would check it out. Yesterday an Engineer turned up, so I tested it about 30 mins before they arrived and everything was perfect.

After he left tested everything again all good on IE (which I rarely use) but still slow on Firefox and Chrome. So I thought it may be my Firewall so uninstalled Comodo Firewall and just used Windows firewall. Everything good.

Turned on the computer this morning getting speeds of between 3 and 7 Mbps on all 3 Browsers. Have telephoned True said they will check everything urgently.

Is any body else having these problems.

I have had this package with True for 6 months without any problems at all. This month I have had the whole thing go down twice, (blamed the rain). and now have this problem.

By the way I am based in Pattaya.


It has been like this for the past 3 or 4 days.

Ping times goes nuts. They have problem with routers that connects TH - SG.

Skype is terrible, voip is unusable, surfing is okay.


It has been like this for the past 3 or 4 days.

Ping times goes nuts. They have problem with routers that connects TH - SG.

Skype is terrible, voip is unusable, surfing is okay.

Can confirm it , apparently cat called me today telling me that they have nationwide dns server problem that does not effect inside Thailand speeds and pings but is effecting connections outside Thailand. my ping to Singapore on my cat premium line used to be 25 to 30 ms but now its 150 to 300 ms but for some reason speeds are not that bad. now i don't know if other isps are effected


It has been like this for the past 3 or 4 days.

Ping times goes nuts. They have problem with routers that connects TH - SG.

Skype is terrible, voip is unusable, surfing is okay.

Can confirm it , apparently cat called me today telling me that they have nationwide dns server problem that does not effect inside Thailand speeds and pings but is effecting connections outside Thailand. my ping to Singapore on my cat premium line used to be 25 to 30 ms but now its 150 to 300 ms but for some reason speeds are not that bad. now i don't know if other isps are effected

It is not dns problem but routing problem. I guess they lost some fiber connections and routing everything via singapore that causes capacity problems for singapore link. I dont think they can fix it anytime soon. If they can, they would done it.


I found the problem.

Unfortunately Singapore is having problems. True and other isps uses Singapore links to Europe and USA.

Here is a traceroute

traceroute to sip.actionvoip.com ( from, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets 1  edge-1.v33.ntp.sg.gs (  5.087 ms edge-1.v34.ntp.sg.gs (  1.226 ms  1.292 ms 2  edge-1.v43.uk.sg.gs (  432.791 ms  429.059 ms  426.999 ms 3  decix.comnet.nl ( [AS  4657]  451.120 ms !X  446.900 ms !X *

Usually I get 200-250 ms to this location from Singapore.

You can test yourself here: http://www.oneasiahost.com/lg/

In my traceroute I get high ping in True Internet Gateway to Singapore.

8 8 ms 8 ms 8 ms 61-91-213-130.static.asianet.co.th []
9 220 ms 219 ms 226 ms TIG-Net242-41.trueintergateway.com []
10 218 ms 215 ms 220 ms SG-ICR-GS2-241-210.trueintergateway.com []

instead of 40-60 ms, I get 220 ms which is the root of problem.

So when guys in Singapore fixes broken routers or some fiber cables of Seabone / USA, it'll be fixed in here automatically.


I found the problem.

Unfortunately Singapore is having problems. True and other isps uses Singapore links to Europe and USA.

Here is a traceroute

traceroute to sip.actionvoip.com ( from, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets 1  edge-1.v33.ntp.sg.gs (  5.087 ms edge-1.v34.ntp.sg.gs (  1.226 ms  1.292 ms 2  edge-1.v43.uk.sg.gs (  432.791 ms  429.059 ms  426.999 ms 3  decix.comnet.nl ( [AS  4657]  451.120 ms !X  446.900 ms !X *

Usually I get 200-250 ms to this location from Singapore.

You can test yourself here: http://www.oneasiahost.com/lg/

In my traceroute I get high ping in True Internet Gateway to Singapore.

8 8 ms 8 ms 8 ms 61-91-213-130.static.asianet.co.th []

9 220 ms 219 ms 226 ms TIG-Net242-41.trueintergateway.com []

10 218 ms 215 ms 220 ms SG-ICR-GS2-241-210.trueintergateway.com []

instead of 40-60 ms, I get 220 ms which is the root of problem.

So when guys in Singapore fixes broken routers or some fiber cables of Seabone / USA, it'll be fixed in here automatically.

I thought cat had direct peering to san jose then why is our route to us servers effected because of singapore?


If you get a "3Mbps and 10mbps" consider yourself lucky.

Between 5PM and Midnight here it isn't useable at all.


I found the problem.

Unfortunately Singapore is having problems. True and other isps uses Singapore links to Europe and USA.

Here is a traceroute

traceroute to sip.actionvoip.com ( from, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets 1  edge-1.v33.ntp.sg.gs (  5.087 ms edge-1.v34.ntp.sg.gs (  1.226 ms  1.292 ms 2  edge-1.v43.uk.sg.gs (  432.791 ms  429.059 ms  426.999 ms 3  decix.comnet.nl ( [AS  4657]  451.120 ms !X  446.900 ms !X *
Usually I get 200-250 ms to this location from Singapore.

You can test yourself here: http://www.oneasiahost.com/lg/

In my traceroute I get high ping in True Internet Gateway to Singapore.

8 8 ms 8 ms 8 ms 61-91-213-130.static.asianet.co.th []

9 220 ms 219 ms 226 ms TIG-Net242-41.trueintergateway.com []

10 218 ms 215 ms 220 ms SG-ICR-GS2-241-210.trueintergateway.com []

instead of 40-60 ms, I get 220 ms which is the root of problem.

So when guys in Singapore fixes broken routers or some fiber cables of Seabone / USA, it'll be fixed in here automatically.

I thought cat had direct peering to san jose then why is our route to us servers effected because of singapore?

This traceroute was to europe, not usa.

Direct usa routes work fine in true. However some of them goes trough singapore depending on load on routers.


I found the problem.

Unfortunately Singapore is having problems. True and other isps uses Singapore links to Europe and USA.

Here is a traceroute

traceroute to sip.actionvoip.com ( from, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets 1  edge-1.v33.ntp.sg.gs (  5.087 ms edge-1.v34.ntp.sg.gs (  1.226 ms  1.292 ms 2  edge-1.v43.uk.sg.gs (  432.791 ms  429.059 ms  426.999 ms 3  decix.comnet.nl ( [AS  4657]  451.120 ms !X  446.900 ms !X *
Usually I get 200-250 ms to this location from Singapore.

You can test yourself here: http://www.oneasiahost.com/lg/

In my traceroute I get high ping in True Internet Gateway to Singapore.

8 8 ms 8 ms 8 ms 61-91-213-130.static.asianet.co.th []

9 220 ms 219 ms 226 ms TIG-Net242-41.trueintergateway.com []

10 218 ms 215 ms 220 ms SG-ICR-GS2-241-210.trueintergateway.com []

instead of 40-60 ms, I get 220 ms which is the root of problem.

So when guys in Singapore fixes broken routers or some fiber cables of Seabone / USA, it'll be fixed in here automatically.

I thought cat had direct peering to san jose then why is our route to us servers effected because of singapore?

This traceroute was to europe, not usa.

Direct usa routes work fine in true. However some of them goes trough singapore depending on load on routers.

ok for me basically everything outside thailand is affected with high pings. before 3 or 4 days ago i used to get pings of 170 to 180 ms to san jose on my cat line but now its 320- 360 ms. calling cat is no use they tell me that their dns servers have problem


I'm on the True 15Mb/1.5Mb DOCSIS Plan in western Bangkok...ops normal...working fine rain or shine. Getting local download speeds of over 25Mb due to the DOCSIS bursting.

Sent from my Onda V971 tablet


I'm on the True 15Mb/1.5Mb DOCSIS Plan in western Bangkok...ops normal...working fine rain or shine. Getting local download speeds of over 25Mb due to the DOCSIS bursting.

Sent from my Onda V971 tablet

My downloads also just fine. Problem is with ping and packet loss / jitter during voip/skype.


It seems, that not only True is affected.

My TOT line was incredibly slow yesterday.

Tried to download something from "zippyshare" (Europe) and had speeds from 10-15 kb/s

Then I did a traceroute to zippyshare and it seems the problems start somewhere inside Thailand.

But it was NOT routed via Singapore, but USA



I'm on the True 15Mb/1.5Mb DOCSIS Plan in western Bangkok...ops normal...working fine rain or shine. Getting local download speeds of over 25Mb due to the DOCSIS bursting.

Sent from my Onda V971 tablet

My downloads also just fine. Problem is with ping and packet loss / jitter during voip/skype.

Having no problem with VOIP....I use the VOIP service called NetTalk. Had two calls to the U.S. east coast this weekend...half a world away...I initiated one call and received one call...both sounded like the person was just across the soi. Also had an inbound call from Hawaii....once again, clear as a bell.


As I said, USA direct route is working fine, no packet loss except slightly higher ping (3XX ms). Of course your VOIP provider from USA will work just fine.

Singapore and Europe links are slow and working over capacity, pings are very unstable.

Downloads are just fine. Problem lies in SG link and Singapore's international connections, thats why oneasiahost (in singapore) gets high ping to Europe aswell.


Perhaps another tracert can explain it.

traceroute to www.linx.net (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
1 ( 4.312 ms 5.071 ms 5.598 ms
2 ( 6.516 ms 13.965 ms 6.421 ms
3 119-46-147-54.static.asianet.co.th ( 6.677 ms 119-46-147-50.static.asianet.co.th ( 6.657 ms 119-46-147-54.static.asianet.co.th ( 6.008 ms
4 119-46-147-49.static.asianet.co.th ( 5.836 ms 119-46-147-53.static.asianet.co.th ( 6.419 ms 119-46-147-49.static.asianet.co.th ( 6.902 ms
5 61-91-213-177.static.asianet.co.th ( 11.066 ms 6.578 ms 6.762 ms
6 61-91-213-36.static.asianet.co.th ( 7.261 ms 7.143 ms 6.512 ms
7 61-91-210-5.static.asianet.co.th ( 6.995 ms 7.330 ms 6.586 ms
8 TIG-Net242-53.trueintergateway.com ( 219.611 ms 222.637 ms TIG-Net25-117.trueintergateway.com ( 223.081 ms
9 SG-ICR-GS2-26-50.trueintergateway.com ( 219.615 ms 215.674 ms 216.011 ms
10 UK-ICR-LX1-241-206.trueintergateway.com ( 216.935 ms * *

Hop number 8 should be 60 ms or so, not 219 ms. This is Thailand to Singapore TrueInternational Gateway link.

True's international connections are located in SG. However, True also buys bandwidth from CAT which has direct USA routing, but True has direct USA routing via Singapore.

So when your traffic is routed via Cat you are fine, when it goes trough Singapore you are screwed for the past 4-5 days.

A very bad ping during transit to my sip provider (usually end point is 350-380 ms, now 600 ms)

traceroute to sip.netgsm.com.tr (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
1 ( 5.565 ms 5.676 ms 5.618 ms
2 ( 6.057 ms 6.955 ms 6.090 ms
3 119-46-147-50.static.asianet.co.th ( 7.846 ms 119-46-147-54.static.asianet.co.th ( 7.407 ms 119-46-147-50.static.asianet.co.th ( 8.016 ms
4 119-46-147-49.static.asianet.co.th ( 6.351 ms 119-46-147-53.static.asianet.co.th ( 7.621 ms 119-46-147-49.static.asianet.co.th ( 5.813 ms
5 61-91-213-177.static.asianet.co.th ( 6.721 ms 8.347 ms 10.171 ms
6 61-91-213-36.static.asianet.co.th ( 11.775 ms 7.089 ms 6.671 ms
7 61-91-210-5.static.asianet.co.th ( 8.137 ms 6.380 ms 7.822 ms
8 ( 8.757 ms 10.197 ms 7.958 ms
9 ( 6.957 ms 7.242 ms 7.498 ms
10 ( 7.564 ms 7.503 ms 7.478 ms
11 ( 166.612 ms 165.222 ms 166.400 ms
12 snge-b2-link.telia.net ( 161.030 ms 160.626 ms 162.097 ms

13 hnk-b2-link.telia.net ( 237.798 ms hnk-b2-link.telia.net ( 231.390 ms hnk-b2-link.telia.net ( 238.530 ms
14 las-bb1-link.telia.net ( 393.704 ms las-bb1-link.telia.net ( 394.720 ms las-bb1-link.telia.net ( 392.497 ms
15 ash-bb4-link.telia.net ( 459.354 ms nyk-bb2-link.telia.net ( 459.425 ms ash-bb4-link.telia.net ( 455.264 ms
16 ffm-bb1-link.telia.net ( 565.181 ms ffm-bb2-link.telia.net ( 569.575 ms ffm-bb2-link.telia.net ( 569.346 ms
17 win-bb2-link.telia.net ( 562.227 ms prag-bb1-link.telia.net ( 588.896 ms prag-bb1-link.telia.net ( 594.595 ms
18 win-b4-link.telia.net ( 603.528 ms win-b4-link.telia.net ( 589.271 ms win-b4-link.telia.net ( 606.034 ms
19 pantel-ic-300222-win-b4.c.telia.net ( 580.998 ms 572.405 ms turktelekom-ic-304206-win-b4.c.telia.net ( 586.974 ms
20 gayrettepe-t2-3-vie-col-3.turktelekom.com.tr.140.156.212.in-addr.arpa ( 590.229 ms 584.683 ms 574.248 ms
21 ulus-t2-2-gayrettepe-t2-3.turktelekom.com.tr.203.212.81.in-addr.arpa ( 641.679 ms 643.878 ms 642.993 ms
22 bilkent-t3-1-ulus-t2-2.turktelekom.com.tr.117.156.212.in-addr.arpa ( 652.982 ms 647.199 ms 653.710 ms
23 ( 648.138 ms 611.577 ms 645.005 ms
24 ( 621.259 ms 595.826 ms 613.385 ms


It seems, that not only True is affected.

My TOT line was incredibly slow yesterday.

Tried to download something from "zippyshare" (Europe) and had speeds from 10-15 kb/s

Then I did a traceroute to zippyshare and it seems the problems start somewhere inside Thailand.

But it was NOT routed via Singapore, but USA


Your traceroute looks perfectly fine. TOT's extra smart network engineers think Europe is next to the USA so they choose to route EU traffic via USA and route USA traffic (some states like kansas!) via Europe.

Its been like this for a while and it is not only too stupid for Thailand, it smells like they do it intentionally (to sell expensive business plans to people who want to use voip?)


I am not sure if this id related but Few days ago one of singapore 's internet data centers (singtel) caught fire which damaged a high number of fiber optic cables although Singapore says it has been restored now.


Absolutely crappy again with True.

Downloads max 500kbits/sec. While speed tests to Bangkok servers are always fine and maximum speed.

Surfing only with VPN, because of badly configured True transparent proxy.

Using DTAC 3G as backup solution now.

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