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Hi all, new here and recently visited Thailand (Pattaya) Liked the Country, food, and climate !

and getting more unhappy at the thought of retirement in UK ! my age now 59.

Would have the funds to purchase a property, but would need to invest money to provide a pension/ income.

Can anyone tel me can the money be invested outside of Thailand, and interest transfered over, I believe the interest rate is low in T/land'

If I was classed as retired what would be the tax rate ? can anyone advise of any pitfalls, or experiences ? Would it be better to rent or buy property, I have read into the rules of buying, is selling reasonbly straight forward ?

I have been told that for £120 per week I can live comfortable there ??? any thoughts ?

These are my first enquires ,and your comments would be most wellcome, thank's in advance Roy

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There are places in Thailand where you can live for £120 a week, but I wouldn't have thought Pattaya was one of them. How much did you spend while you were there? how would you like to live in the middle of the party but not have the funds to join in?

Having said all that, if you have reached retirement your money will go a lot further in Thailand than in the UK. Remember though that your state pension will will be frozen at the rate you get when you leave the UK.



For goodness sake, come to Thailand for six months or so before making a decision to retire in what will be a very strange country to you.

Anybody can enjoy a place when you are on holidays. You need to experience the place for a while, talk to some long-term expats, see the lows as well as the highs.

There are definite disadvantages, some of which take a while to realise, as well as the obvious advantages which are easy to see, even on a short holiday.


A holiday is a whole lot different to actually living in Thailand, just look through this Forum at the majority of posts by people who have been here a long time, whinging and complaining is not uncommon. Believe it or not, those same people used to think Thailand was great.

Try it and see, but if you're on a budget, you could end up like many people with little money do, complaining and whinging and blaming Thailand and Thai people for the situation they find themselves in, when in fact they could never actually afford to leave their own countries in the first place, arriving in Thailand with a pocket full of dreams and not much else.

Luckily you will have a British Passport that will give you the freedom to move on if you don't like it.

Go for it. :o


Thank's for the advice so far fella's please don't think I am so naieve to just fall in love with a place just after a holiday ! Whislt I was in T/land other things were occupying my mind or should I say in my trousers ! I do like the woman there ! hence I did not find out much on other subjets !

I personaly think if people move to another country and it is a totaly different culture, one should try as much to "fit in" and realize you are not back home !

Like the muslims who pile into the Uk, have not got one good thing to say about the place, and really can't stand us !!!!!!!! What for to come ?

So please tell me all the pitfalls and winges, I listen to all advice, good or bad, and do not critisize.

A ticket to T/land is £500 to ask questions ! here I believe it's free ! and no I am not so hard up !

One last question for now, in Thai culture is it acceptable for a girl to live with a Farang, or is it marraige or nothing ?

I spent a week and a half with a 33 year old beauty, suppousidly never married, who constantly pesters me every day by e-mail or phone "she loves me"

She does not influence me in the slightest to move there, as there are many more like her, and it was only the sex for me "not love"

This is a nice dilema to have though, as I do not get it back home in UK ! Cheers Roy


I am 59 too. I have been living here nine months on a retirement visa.

So you will need 800,000 bhat just to get that retirement visa. I live in Bangkok have a girlfriend of over two years (Thai) meet her by chance, over two years ago, on one of my previous seven visits to Thailand.

I rent a two bedroom condo in Bangkok near the Sky Train. I suggest you rent as well once you decide on your location in Thailand.

Keep the rest of your money over in UK. Do plenty of reading on all subjects close to your heart on this web site Thaivisa.com

Just send the 800,000 bhat that I mentioned above, for living and visa.

Try before you buy in all things.

Good luck. Carefull of the girls :o


I have been here for 18 months and find it very agreeable to my tastes, but you have to excercise some caution. Try to fnd some honest Thais, who speak good English, to help you negotiate your way around with matters of living here. Don't rush out and marry one of the local ladies and don't believe much of what they say. You can't own property, ie land here. You can buy a condo. Enjoy the polite society, good food and wonderful weather. I would not trade it for where I used to live & have no plans to go back.

Thank's for the advice so far fella's please don't think I am so naieve to just fall in love with a place just after a holiday ! Whislt I was in T/land other things were occupying my mind or should I say in my trousers ! I do like the woman there ! hence I did not find out much on other subjets !

I personaly think if people move to another country and it is a totaly different culture, one should try as much to "fit in" and realize you are not back home !

Like the muslims who pile into the Uk, have not got one good thing to say about the place, and really can't stand us !!!!!!!! What for to come ?

So please tell me all the pitfalls and winges, I listen to all advice, good or bad, and do not critisize.

A ticket to T/land is £500 to ask questions ! here I believe it's free ! and no I am not so hard up !

One last question for now, in Thai culture is it acceptable for a girl to live with a Farang, or is it marraige or nothing ?

I spent a week and a half with a 33 year old beauty, suppousidly never married, who constantly pesters me every day by e-mail or phone "she loves me"

She does not influence me in the slightest to move there, as there are many more like her, and it was only the sex for me "not love"

This is a nice dilema to have though, as I do not get it back home in UK ! Cheers Roy

I think the all or nothing marriage is a common thread here. To me it looks like a conventient way to scam Farangs out of money and property. I have had numerous situations where various "minders" have tried to "railroad" farangs into quick marriages. You are fortunate you had sex with the lady. Many will try to hold out until you make the marriage commitment. In the meantime, they may have been banging the locals by the score.


As I am a thai woman. I would like to warn you , becarefully with the girls you met, especially in Pattaya. Dont believe all the stories they would tell you about sick parents or broken legs or sick Bull or accident that happened during you are away. They have learned to tell the same story to make a naive guy believe, and eager to help. As long as you ignore , she will leave you.

As other posters already said, come here and stay for a longer time, leave your money out of Thailand, rent a condo or house before deciding to buy any property here.

Inform yourself about our country. We wishing you good luck. :o


Go back in time on this Forum ( years ) and read read read you will not find better advice or tales of happiness / sadness ( apologies Stickman ) anywhere else. :o


I think some of the advice you have been given is excellent, in particular advice to spend more time in Thailand before you decide if it really is right for you.

I'd start your preparation at home by going to see a financial advisor and getting a full check of pensions, savings and investments. If you do not have a private pension ask for advice on investments that can give you an income. This could, for example, be renting out your house in the UK.

One think to be very careful of is not burning your bridges. Selling up in the UK might seem an easy way to raise capital, but if you then decide Thailand is not what you thought, going back home can be impossible.

The golden rule, and you will hear this time and time again, is 'Do not invest money in Thailand that you cannot afford to loose'.

There's also been a lot of discussion these last few weeks on Thai inflation rates and how that impacts people on fixed income. If you are, as you say, looking to be spending around GBP120 a week, then I would suggest that you are in real danger from inflation. You might get by on that this year, but two or three years from now you'll be struggling.

As for the women, well SaoThai has given very good advice on that front. I'd add that 33 year old women are indeed lovely, but they come with the needs and ambitions of a 33 year old woman. Many a man has retired to Thailand in his late years believing he's done his bit, only to start a new family and a new family responsibilities - The snip might be the kindest cut.

As I am a thai woman. I would like to warn you , be carefully with the girls you met, especially in Pattaya. Dont believe all the stories they would tell you about sick parents or broken legs or sick Bull or accident that happened during you are away. They have learned to tell the same story to make a naive guy believe, and eager to help. As long as you ignore , she will leave you.

As other posters already said, come here and stay for a longer time, leave your money out of Thailand, rent a condo or house before deciding to buy any property here.

Inform yourself about our country. We wishing you good luck. :o

Sorry I just want to recorrect the above paragraph. I had no edit on the above post.

be carefull........be carefull


Many thank's for all your replys, espc the thai lady, Saothai who took the trouble to reply.

All comments noted, and just to put right a few points the £120 a week I mentioned was just a figure that a guy gave me in pattaya, his words you can live quite well on that figure here ! and I aggree what one guy said depends on what life style you want !

My ulimate desination would be without a doubt Australia,(been there many times) but alas I need to be 65, or have vast sums of money to do that.

After a lifetime of hard work, I fancy retiring at 60, and any girls would be wellcome to try and kill me with too much sex ! I would never want to be maried again, hence I asked about the living together culture !

Also I am self employed, so that means I would have to pack it all in, or I assume I would not get to Thailand on a retirement visa, so I wonder what is the answer ? go on an extended holiday ?will the authorities let me go there looking, with a view to retiring ? rent a condo if your not retired ??

Also in general do Thai people accept Farrangs , or are you allways an outsider ?

You may well ask "why I did not ask these questions when I was there", well the simple answer is something in my trousers was ruling my brain !

I dont want to put the cart before the horse, so as allways your comments are wellcome

regards Roy



With all due respect to you (and no judgement intended) it seems to me the only reason you enjoyed Pattaya was the sex and your prime motivation for coming to retire here would be the same.

Sorry, but that's a recipe for disaster for a 59 year old guy living on relatively limited means (I draw that conclusion because you can't afford Australia).

You've had your head turned in Pattaya. It happens to everyone. But, frankly, from the tone of your posts you sound like you're not ready for it yet.

We don't want to see another report of a Pattaya Jumper . . ..


Me a Jumper !!!!!!! never ! only need 3 here in UK to keep warm in winter, Me will end up in a large house at 65 that I can't afford to heat, or pay the council tax !!!!!!!!!!!! now that I definately do not want !!! I run a small haulage business with my son, with fuel at £1 a litre we hardly make money.

I am not a winger, but surely there is something better, than being screwed by blair and his bunch of misfits.

I loved the heat in Thailand, I eat only thai food, and fruit, loved it, liked the Pattaya area, will say did not like the concrete jungle of Bangkok.

I adore oriental woman, and yes sex rules my brain ! Please anyone that is currently living there esp in Pattaya area keep telling me the good/bad points. thank's as allways Roy

For goodness sake, come to Thailand for six months or so before making a decision to retire in what will be a very strange country to you.

Anybody can enjoy a place when you are on holidays. You need to experience the place for a while, talk to some long-term expats, see the lows as well as the highs.

There are definite disadvantages, some of which take a while to realise, as well as the obvious advantages which are easy to see, even on a short holiday.

I totally agree, holiday is not same as living here until the day you take the golden stairs up.


Well, your son runs the business and you have a house.

How were you thinking of affording to buy a house/home here ?

I would move here for a 12 month rest. Dont sell the business or house and if you can afford it, come here and try it out. You already said that your panst rule your brain.

Unless you wake up and realise what everyone is telling you, you are heading for a big fall.

If you love it here, stay, if you do not, move back and see what else comes up.

Do not send money here other than what you need to live and do not by a condo. You can rent cheaper than what you would get as a return on your cash in UK, especially in Pattaya.

At least you have the brains and maturity to admit Australia is the number one choice in the world by ALL individuals with the ability to think.

For goodness sake, come to Thailand for six months or so before making a decision to retire in what will be a very strange country to you.

Anybody can enjoy a place when you are on holidays. You need to experience the place for a while, talk to some long-term expats, see the lows as well as the highs.

There are definite disadvantages, some of which take a while to realise, as well as the obvious advantages which are easy to see, even on a short holiday.

Good advice bud, but don't forget to tell him about the cultural differences because he'll need to learn how to adjust to them as well




get yourself to Thailand, rent a cheap condo for 3 months, dump your gear inside it, and travel........ travel all over Thailand, for 6 weeks at least, if you can afford to.

I guarantee it will be a good investment.

You may not want to live or go near Pattaya ever again. :o

PS take the train whenever you can, more relaxing and you will meet good Thais, do not travel at night on buses.

....Also in general do Thai people accept Farrangs , or are you allways an outsider ?

You may well ask "why I did not ask these questions when I was there", well the simple answer is something in my trousers was ruling my brain !

I dont want to put the cart before the horse, so as allways your comments are wellcome

regards Roy

1. You are always an outsider, but are accepted as long as the money flows.

2. One might gather that something in your trousers is still ruling your brain, pretty much the case for many of us, all the more reason to spend a few months here on a trial basis travelling around and sampling different locales/women.

3. If you do decide to move over, remember to always have a workable exit strategy.


OK, lets give the Thai ladies a break. I'm surprised the many members who married one haven't come to their defense. I have a nice Thai lady and know of some steady international relationships. The whole country isn't a Stephan Leather novel. :o Nothing wrong with the single life as you can always find company when you want it. But don't be paranoid that every Thai women is a con. I wish you the best in your adventure :D

OK, lets give the Thai ladies a break. I'm surprised the many members who married one haven't come to their defense. I have a nice Thai lady and know of some steady international relationships. The whole country isn't a Stephan Leather novel. :o Nothing wrong with the single life as you can always find company when you want it. But don't be paranoid that every Thai women is a con. I wish you the best in your adventure :D

Ok thank's again all, I assume that some, or all of you that are replying actually live there ?

Having digested what you have said, it does make sense to come and try, = rent for six months that is a condo or girls !!! the later is a joke ok ! I will leave sex out of this.

But I wonder how I get round that if I am not yet retired ? is it an extended holiday, I certainly do want to tell lies, as it could jepardise any real move to T/land

One of my first questions was if I lived T/land and had the min in the bank, could I have my investments outside of the country, and the interest transfered to Thai bank ? would I be taxed at source in UK, then again in Thailand ?

Iguess your all not lawyers, but has anyone done this or had experience .

One last option, if there is a nice Thai lady that could do with a nice strong lodger for six months, at a reasonable rent, (I can be a gentleman if I try ) with no strings attached, please contact me.

I am forever the optomist, and love adventure, and really not as poor as a church mouse ! so as allways your thoughts are wellcome.

regards Roy


"One last option, if there is a nice Thai lady that could do with a nice strong lodger for six months, at a reasonable rent, (I can be a gentleman if I try ) with no strings attached, please contact me."

Roy, you appear to be thinking with your middle stump or you are joking, I'm not sure. :o

Save the jokes for later.

If you ask straight questions, you'll get straight answers.

The women will be there just as the sun rises in the east every day.

Just rent a condo or house and travel. Get to know the Thais a bit.

You won't learn much from a bargirl or barflies. :D


If you are 59 then you CAN get a retirment visa which lasts for 12 months in Thailand. If you only stay 6 months then take what you have left back to your home country. To qualify for the retirement visa you need to have 800,000 bhat in your Thai bank account. If not you may (will) have to do the monthly or 3 monthly visa runs.

As before be careful of the ladies regarding giving them money. It is ok to buy her a bag or jeans 199 baht ones.

But untill you really get to know her and that may take you a very long time. BE CAREFULL.with the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

If you are 59 then you CAN get a retirment visa which lasts for 12 months in Thailand. If you only stay 6 months then take what you have left back to your home country. To qualify for the retirement visa you need to have 800,000 bhat in your Thai bank account. If not you may (will) have to do the monthly or 3 monthly visa runs.

As before be careful of the ladies regarding giving them money. It is ok to buy her a bag or jeans 199 baht ones.

But untill you really get to know her and that may take you a very long time. BE CAREFULL.with the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Thank's again for all the replys, and no more jokes ok, there is a Thailand roadshow put on by a property mob this weekend near me, with properties for sale /rent, so I will go and pick there brains. I will read some previous posts, and all info, and talk to ya all later.

I hear more old people (pensioners) die of cold in Uk than Russia, I promise I will not be one of them ! Thank you for all your advice ......................... Roy


Questions about retiring in Thailand? Although my timeline has yet to be realized, I will be heading to Phuket in January of '07 and staying for good. The Thai Forum has all of the information that you might need with regards to the technical and financial aspects of setting up your life in Thailand. But, the most important information will come from expats that have assimilated into the Thai lifestyle and have and understanding and appreciation for being a part of a society that is new to them. Respect and understanding go a long way in any foreign country, whether you are visiting or planning on retirement.

I have begun a computer based file with everything I might need prior to my actual departure to Thailand. The respondants have been fantastic. In fact, the good humor and accepting nature of the expats that I have come in contact with is very encouraging. And, the Thai locals that are on the forum offer exceptional insight into areas that most farangs had to learn on their own. All in all, a great means for beginning your search.

Now, for the words of warning. Although I only lived in Thailand for a year and change over 30 years ago, the "girls" seem to have been in every guy's equation when they talk about LOS. Sure, you are 59 and probably couldn't get a nice looking 30 year old beauty to even speak to you in the UK or USA...unless you are filthy rich. Well, things aren't much different in Thailand. The approach is varied, but most times the goals are the same. Don't be led to this wonderful place by your male organ. Believe me, there are many other wonderful things in Thailand to consider aside from the ladies. Be cautious and suspect in your dealings with "bar girls" especially. Even ladies that you might meet outside a night club setting could have an agenda that would not favor you financially. If you are 59 and a 23 year old "hottie" shows great interest or says she "loves" you, don't start reading your own press releases. The old addage, "If it looks too good to be true, it probably is", would be well served in these instances.

Other than that...Get involved in the local Thai culture, language, food, and neighborhood events once you arrive. That should keep you out of the massage parlors and bars long enough to understand that you are in a wonderful place filled with life.

Scroll back to as many forum topics as you like and you will find everything you want to know about from a very helpful and committed group of expats.

Good luck....See you around.


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