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Rwandan woman arrested at Bangkok's Don Mueang airport with 2kg of 'ice'


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Rwandan woman arrested at airport with 2kg of 'ice'
The Nation


BANGKOK: -- A RWANDAN woman was arrested at Don Mueang Airport on Saturday night for allegedly smuggling two kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, known as "ice", into the country.

Prasong Predpring, director of Don Mueang customs centre, identified the suspect as Christine Nsabimana, 31, who flew to Bangkok from Macau on an AirAsia flight. She arrived at the airport at about 11pm, but was acting suspiciously, immigration officers said.

Officials demanded to search her luggage and discovered it had a false bottom in which 2kg of crystal methamphetamine were hidden, in three plastic bags.

Prasong quoted the suspect as claiming that the drugs were smuggled from China. She said that once the illicit stash was smuggled into Thailand, a person would contact her to pick it up.

Closer examination of her passport revealed that she had travelled to many countries in African and also to Hong Kong. It was the first time that she had travelled to Thailand.

-- The Nation 2013-10-28

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"Officials demanded to search her luggage and discovered it had a false bottom" which tied in nicely with her equally false head.

It's in the Thai Customs manual.

14.3 An alien entering the Kingdom with a green head should be considered suspicious.

No problem with the 'red' shirt then?

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Death sentence awaits.

They have no problem killing foreigners for this sort of crime if they are from Africa. Other nationalities usually get commuted to life.

Surely bringing this kind of drug into Thailand is like bringing coals to Newcastle? Thailand is a hub for production and distribution of this drug.

I see a major Yaba drug bust on Thai television almost daily, and I'm talking hundreds of kilos. I have a feeling that the sentences for Thais are relatively light as the perpetrators are often only recently released from jail for similar offences. If the offenders are only in their 20's you know they didn't get a lengthy jail sentence.

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Rwandan? She has a green head that's an alien!! Why didn't she take her spacecraft?

And why she didn't know that Thailand is too hot for ice, it would melt. She need to transport it in a fridge not in a suitcase.

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It's always the same argument. People want to be high and for some reason governments don't won't that. It's a "We know what's best for you." mentality. Why do governments fear drugs? I've lost more friends to drugs than I can count, but I don't blame the people who sold them the drugs, my friends did what they wanted to do.

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If the Thais wanted to show that they are serious about drug smuggling - they would have gotten her to continue to the contact while they were undercover and then keep moving the busts up the food chain. Hauling off a Rwandan mule doesn't really prove anything except a great many Thai photo ops and back slapping in the good old boy Thai network.

That's what all mules are for. They take the risk. They get busted. The organisers and whoever is assisting them keep doing business.

Its business as usual.

In some places I know, the cops are running the business. . . . and we're talking white, squeaky clean, nanny state, fabulous, English speaking,

state of the art, modern democracies. . . I can't say exactly where or who, for fear of retribution, but I do know it for a fact. . . and has involved murders to keep scared mules quiet. . . and I don't want to get on that queue either. . ..

This is all child's play. Dangerous as it is. I feel sorry for the people compelled to take the risks. Either fear or greed driving them.

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I do not understand why these " muse": are not given some sort of sea to help track down the drug value chain.. most of them are not hard core folks but poor folks who see the opportunity of money.... although solidly against drugs i do think that cutting these folks a deal every so often to get the downstream dealers would be better in the overall drugs war.. in fact if it was known that favourable treatment may result for those mules who help police and the narcs go downstream and catch the dealers and break up distribution networks then Thailand could be seen as a less favourable place to try and import drugs into.

Too ready to celebrate and get pictures by cutting off the tail while the head still is as potent as ever me thinks

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I do not understand why these " muse": are not given some sort of sea to help track down the drug value chain.. most of them are not hard core folks but poor folks who see the opportunity of money.... although solidly against drugs i do think that cutting these folks a deal every so often to get the downstream dealers would be better in the overall drugs war.. in fact if it was known that favourable treatment may result for those mules who help police and the narcs go downstream and catch the dealers and break up distribution networks then Thailand could be seen as a less favourable place to try and import drugs into.

Too ready to celebrate and get pictures by cutting off the tail while the head still is as potent as ever me thinks

Sorry that was supposed to read I do not understand why these " mules": are not given some sort of deal to help track down the drug value chain

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