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Thailand to attract 5m high-calibre Chinese


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I wish I had studied economics in such an optimistic environment as Thailand. Price goes up double so expect a 10% fall in volume. Outstandingly inelastic demand curve - only possible in amazing Thailand

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High quality Chinese tourist? I see them everyday here in Chaing Mai but I guess I didn't think they were "high quality". Spitting on the sidewalks, mining for nasal nuggets in the restaurants and trying to cut into lines is what I see. Yeah, LOS needs more of these.

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I wish I had studied economics in such an optimistic environment as Thailand. Price goes up double so expect a 10% fall in volume. Outstandingly inelastic demand curve - only possible in amazing Thailand

I suppose if the product includes relatively cheap sex, it tends to sell quite wellm

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So much winging and whining!!

For me, the glass is half-full, not half-empty. I am the one who must change to meet the needs of these new tourists. You can moan all you want, but that doesn't change the reality of the situation.

I had my first Mandarin lesson today (well, revisit after 2 years of absence). I will impose the phrases that I've learnt today on my Chinese guests who will arrive later tonight at my hotel.


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Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend..

So much winging and whining!!

For me, the glass is half-full, not half-empty. I am the one who must change to meet the needs of these new tourists. You can moan all you want, but that doesn't change the reality of the situation.

I had my first Mandarin lesson today (well, revisit after 2 years of absence). I will impose the phrases that I've learnt today on my Chinese guests who will arrive later tonight at my hotel.


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Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend..

So much winging and whining!!

For me, the glass is half-full, not half-empty. I am the one who must change to meet the needs of these new tourists. You can moan all you want, but that doesn't change the reality of the situation.

I had my first Mandarin lesson today (well, revisit after 2 years of absence). I will impose the phrases that I've learnt today on my Chinese guests who will arrive later tonight at my hotel.


That was Mao's nasty trick to get those, who still had some independent thoughts in their heads, to come out and expose themselves. The result is well known.

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5 million High calibre eh ,are they sure they said high calibre and not double bore.

Either way it could create a new HUB for spitoons and those chaps who turn old coke cans into model tuktuks will be able to design sculptures from chicken feet and cigarette ends.

It may be necessary to speed up Airport links to aherm "entertainments " for quick turn around,and have katoey Chinese speakers to help PokeMan players

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Hurrah! Finally Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese. Though in actual fact, the Chinese already colonised Thailand decades ago and that is why the whole country is run by the Thai-Chinese while the Thais are "indirectly groomed thru poverty and lack of education and opportunities" to be the supporting menial classes to serve their colonisers and while the Chinese colonisation brought with it drugs,organised mafia, prostitution and corruption(tea money) into the Thai Culture, Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese.

All businesses, land etc will be under the control of the Chinese while there will be greater emphasis on the development of Chinese Cuture here , already we have top echelons of the country frequently visiting China and promoting Chinese Musical Instruments instead of Traditional Thai Musical Instruments.Even fair yellow skin is being promoted as the criteria for being rewarded a status in society here.

And we have thousand of overstays here of Chinese origin who blend in without the authorities checking on them.

To all you Thais on non-Chinese origin here, your days are numbered. You and all your offsprings and future generations will be condemmened to serve your new masters for generations unless you do something about it now to seize back your land and businesses.

Good post with some valid points, but short on an understanding of history.

First off, opium was spread to China and throughout SE Asia by the original drug cartel, the British East India Company. Same goes for distilled alcohol. Second, most of the Thai-Chinese elite in Thailand were born and/or educated in Britain and America. One recent PM was born in Newcastle, England. Another bought Manchester City FC. More Anglo than Chinese really.

The Thai people originate from southern China, and China is just a few hundred miles from Thailand. As superpowers go, China is hardly the worst in the world. After all, it wasn't the Chinese who bombed Laos and Cambodia into the stone age just a few decades ago.

I seriously doubt if Thai culture was free of organised crime, prostitution and corruption before the Chinese arrived, so you can't blame them for that.

I'm puzzled about what a Thai traditional musical instrument might be. All of the instruments I've seen used in Thai local music are generic SE Asian types, usually of Chinese origin. And of course, Thai musical culture has been completely overwhelmed by the western drums, guitar, bass, keyboards style of music, not to mention karaoke.

It's true that the Thai peasantry work for their Thai-Chine masters. You only have to visit a building site or factory to see that. But you can't knock the Chinese just because they value education and are good businessmen.

Yes, the Chinese influence in Thailand will grow, but that's not necessarily the worst thing in the world.

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The suggestion that Thailand could attract 5 m high end tourists from china is folly. The market for Thailand is group travel and to a lesser extent, younger more independent tourists. Both are significant but the level of tolerance amongst the Chinese for being ripped off is very limited ( note some of the riots in airports in china over flight delays, demands for compensation). This first wave might seem benign but a couple of incidents involving Chinese tourists will bring the wrath of Beijing and the door will slam shut. It WILL happen. On the other hand, if Thailand wants to be a lickspittle of Beijing, all will be forgiven.

Anyone interested in Chinese migration to Thailand might like to read Letters Home ( published in English first in 1969, on the Thai secondary curriculum even today I believe) and Sons of The Yellow Emperor ( a history of the Chinese diaspora ). I enjoyed both

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Hurrah! Finally Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese. Though in actual fact, the Chinese already colonised Thailand decades ago and that is why the whole country is run by the Thai-Chinese while the Thais are "indirectly groomed thru poverty and lack of education and opportunities" to be the supporting menial classes to serve their colonisers and while the Chinese colonisation brought with it drugs,organised mafia, prostitution and corruption(tea money) into the Thai Culture, Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese.

All businesses, land etc will be under the control of the Chinese while there will be greater emphasis on the development of Chinese Cuture here , already we have top echelons of the country frequently visiting China and promoting Chinese Musical Instruments instead of Traditional Thai Musical Instruments.Even fair yellow skin is being promoted as the criteria for being rewarded a status in society here.

And we have thousand of overstays here of Chinese origin who blend in without the authorities checking on them.

To all you Thais on non-Chinese origin here, your days are numbered. You and all your offsprings and future generations will be condemmened to serve your new masters for generations unless you do something about it now to seize back your land and businesses.

Good post with some valid points, but short on an understanding of history.

First off, opium was spread to China and throughout SE Asia by the original drug cartel, the British East India Company. Same goes for distilled alcohol. Second, most of the Thai-Chinese elite in Thailand were born and/or educated in Britain and America. One recent PM was born in Newcastle, England. Another bought Manchester City FC. More Anglo than Chinese really.

The Thai people originate from southern China, and China is just a few hundred miles from Thailand. As superpowers go, China is hardly the worst in the world. After all, it wasn't the Chinese who bombed Laos and Cambodia into the stone age just a few decades ago.

I seriously doubt if Thai culture was free of organised crime, prostitution and corruption before the Chinese arrived, so you can't blame them for that.

I'm puzzled about what a Thai traditional musical instrument might be. All of the instruments I've seen used in Thai local music are generic SE Asian types, usually of Chinese origin. And of course, Thai musical culture has been completely overwhelmed by the western drums, guitar, bass, keyboards style of music, not to mention karaoke.

It's true that the Thai peasantry work for their Thai-Chine masters. You only have to visit a building site or factory to see that. But you can't knock the Chinese just because they value education and are good businessmen.

Yes, the Chinese influence in Thailand will grow, but that's not necessarily the worst thing in the world.

I sincerely wish those positive aspects were the ones that'll trickle down to Thailand, but it is unlikely given the business aspect, the loans, debts and cunning style of Chinese businessmen. If you think that their army will be more humanitarian than others, think again. Right now it is behind another superpower's and is not yet in a position to seize as much as it would like. I'd like to hope what you said will apply here, but given their history, it is unlikely. I mean, they have had a vicious past and they're downright selfish, as is evident when you're in China- one must fight tooth and nail for everything- from food, to lines, to assistance to jobs.....We should have kept them sedated and doped up! Haha, just figuratively speaking. My experience going there as well as doing business with them here has made them the most dreadful and difficult group in asia. they're hellbent on cheating our company here, rather than doing legit business deals.

Edited by gemini81
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Hurrah! Finally Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese. Though in actual fact, the Chinese already colonised Thailand decades ago and that is why the whole country is run by the Thai-Chinese while the Thais are "indirectly groomed thru poverty and lack of education and opportunities" to be the supporting menial classes to serve their colonisers and while the Chinese colonisation brought with it drugs,organised mafia, prostitution and corruption(tea money) into the Thai Culture, Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese.

All businesses, land etc will be under the control of the Chinese while there will be greater emphasis on the development of Chinese Cuture here , already we have top echelons of the country frequently visiting China and promoting Chinese Musical Instruments instead of Traditional Thai Musical Instruments.Even fair yellow skin is being promoted as the criteria for being rewarded a status in society here.

And we have thousand of overstays here of Chinese origin who blend in without the authorities checking on them.

To all you Thais on non-Chinese origin here, your days are numbered. You and all your offsprings and future generations will be condemmened to serve your new masters for generations unless you do something about it now to seize back your land and businesses.

Good post with some valid points, but short on an understanding of history.

First off, opium was spread to China and throughout SE Asia by the original drug cartel, the British East India Company. Same goes for distilled alcohol. Second, most of the Thai-Chinese elite in Thailand were born and/or educated in Britain and America. One recent PM was born in Newcastle, England. Another bought Manchester City FC. More Anglo than Chinese really.

The Thai people originate from southern China, and China is just a few hundred miles from Thailand. As superpowers go, China is hardly the worst in the world. After all, it wasn't the Chinese who bombed Laos and Cambodia into the stone age just a few decades ago.

I seriously doubt if Thai culture was free of organised crime, prostitution and corruption before the Chinese arrived, so you can't blame them for that.

I'm puzzled about what a Thai traditional musical instrument might be. All of the instruments I've seen used in Thai local music are generic SE Asian types, usually of Chinese origin. And of course, Thai musical culture has been completely overwhelmed by the western drums, guitar, bass, keyboards style of music, not to mention karaoke.

It's true that the Thai peasantry work for their Thai-Chine masters. You only have to visit a building site or factory to see that. But you can't knock the Chinese just because they value education and are good businessmen.

Yes, the Chinese influence in Thailand will grow, but that's not necessarily the worst thing in the world.

That bit about the Thai Chinese elite being born in the UK is nonsense. They were born in Guangzhou . a very select few went to boarding school in the UK, but not to satisfy some ulterior motive.

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Given the political climate in the PRC and given the educational system in the PRC, it is hard to imagine finding many high calibre people coming out of that particular political nation. I suggest trying to engage in a conversation from anyone from the PRC regarding the occupied nation of Tibet to discover that even those you thought might be capable of reason and enlightenment are incapable of showing anything close to high calibre clarity of mind. In the meantime, Beijing sends out its citizens like locusts to extract as many natural resources as possible without any regard to the enviroment. This is happening throughout the globe, including regionally in neighboring Burma and Laos. But as for Thailand, as others noted, it has long been the most southern Montorn of the Chinese, moderated only slightly by intermarriage with the second class ethnic Tai citizenry. If you didn't like the USA dominated era, then watch out because you, or your children, are going to like the PRC dominated era a whole lot less.

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Proper paragraphs please.

I lost interest after I lost my place and realised I had read the same line three times, never got to the end, apart from the last line, to which the answer is no.

If you want people to read your whole post, break it up a bit.

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It's true that the Thai peasantry work for their Thai-Chine masters. You only have to visit a building site or factory to see that. But you can't knock the Chinese just because they value education and are good businessmen.

No, but you can knock them for being greedy, with hearts of flint which is almost always the reality behind the craven, lickspittle euphemism 'good businessmen'.

There is no such thing as a good businessman. There are merely more or less greedy people.

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Just wondering if airport immigrations are ready for this huge increases in arrivals as projected?

They will not be arriving by air. They will be arriving by the new rapid rail link from China. xwhistling.gif.pagespeed.ic.YFbFEjGiN5.w

.....and by the re-built (to Chinese bomb-proof specs) highways going North/South between Bangkok and Beijing. Same specs for other N/S roads being built from China to Laos, Cambodia, Burma and Vietnam. I looked in my crystal ball this morning, and most of S.E. Asia will be vassals of China in 60 years - and also providing wives for the male-dominated (116 to 100) 'Middle Kingdom'.

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Hurrah! Finally Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese. Though in actual fact, the Chinese already colonised Thailand decades ago and that is why the whole country is run by the Thai-Chinese while the Thais are "indirectly groomed thru poverty and lack of education and opportunities" to be the supporting menial classes to serve their colonisers and while the Chinese colonisation brought with it drugs,organised mafia, prostitution and corruption(tea money) into the Thai Culture, Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese.

All businesses, land etc will be under the control of the Chinese while there will be greater emphasis on the development of Chinese Cuture here , already we have top echelons of the country frequently visiting China and promoting Chinese Musical Instruments instead of Traditional Thai Musical Instruments.Even fair yellow skin is being promoted as the criteria for being rewarded a status in society here.

And we have thousand of overstays here of Chinese origin who blend in without the authorities checking on them.

To all you Thais on non-Chinese origin here, your days are numbered. You and all your offsprings and future generations will be condemmened to serve your new masters for generations unless you do something about it now to seize back your land and businesses.

Interesting post replete with some distressing comments.

Sounds like the sentiment back in my home country (USA) when we had the anti-Chinese movement in the 1870s - 18880s, the anti-Irish movement in the mid-1800s and so on.

Here's a snippet of what a long past PM had to say about the Irish. For perspective, just replace Irish with Chinese.

British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli stated publicly, "The Irish hate our order, our civilization, our enterprising industry, our pure religion. This wild, reckless, indolent, uncertain and superstitious race have no sympathy with the English character. Their ideal of human felicity is an alternation of clannish broils and coarse idolatry. Their history describes an unbroken circle of bigotry and blood."

Her is another by Denis Kearney, a self made labor leader from the mid-1800s in the US.

When the Chinese question is settled, we can discuss whether it would be better to hang, shoot, or cut the capitalists to pieces. In six months we will have 50,000 mean ready to go out. . . and if John [the Chinese] dont leave here, we will drive him and his aborts [sic] into the sea We are ready to do it If the ballot fails, we are ready to use the bullet.

Singling out a certain ethnic, religious or other group for public ridicule and hate is nothing new. What is sad is that we haven't learned from our past mistakes.

Peace All.

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5m High Calibre Chinese, staying in hotel rooms of the chains owned by the wealthy few, spending their cash in the shops of the wealthy few, dining in the restaurants of the wealthy few.

How is this to help Thailand?

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Hurrah! Finally Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese. Though in actual fact, the Chinese already colonised Thailand decades ago and that is why the whole country is run by the Thai-Chinese while the Thais are "indirectly groomed thru poverty and lack of education and opportunities" to be the supporting menial classes to serve their colonisers and while the Chinese colonisation brought with it drugs,organised mafia, prostitution and corruption(tea money) into the Thai Culture, Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese.

All businesses, land etc will be under the control of the Chinese while there will be greater emphasis on the development of Chinese Cuture here , already we have top echelons of the country frequently visiting China and promoting Chinese Musical Instruments instead of Traditional Thai Musical Instruments.Even fair yellow skin is being promoted as the criteria for being rewarded a status in society here.

And we have thousand of overstays here of Chinese origin who blend in without the authorities checking on them.

To all you Thais on non-Chinese origin here, your days are numbered. You and all your offsprings and future generations will be condemmened to serve your new masters for generations unless you do something about it now to seize back your land and businesses.

Interesting post replete with some distressing comments.

Sounds like the sentiment back in my home country (USA) when we had the anti-Chinese movement in the 1870s - 18880s, the anti-Irish movement in the mid-1800s and so on.

Here's a snippet of what a long past PM had to say about the Irish. For perspective, just replace Irish with Chinese.

British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli stated publicly, "The Irish hate our order, our civilization, our enterprising industry, our pure religion. This wild, reckless, indolent, uncertain and superstitious race have no sympathy with the English character. Their ideal of human felicity is an alternation of clannish broils and coarse idolatry. Their history describes an unbroken circle of bigotry and blood."

Her is another by Denis Kearney, a self made labor leader from the mid-1800s in the US.

When the Chinese question is settled, we can discuss whether it would be better to hang, shoot, or cut the capitalists to pieces. In six months we will have 50,000 mean ready to go out. . . and if John [the Chinese] dont leave here, we will drive him and his aborts [sic] into the sea We are ready to do it If the ballot fails, we are ready to use the bullet.

Singling out a certain ethnic, religious or other group for public ridicule and hate is nothing new. What is sad is that we haven't learned from our past mistakes.

Peace All.

America didn't have Chinese descended people running the government and all the major businesses.

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Hurrah! Finally Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese. Though in actual fact, the Chinese already colonised Thailand decades ago and that is why the whole country is run by the Thai-Chinese while the Thais are "indirectly groomed thru poverty and lack of education and opportunities" to be the supporting menial classes to serve their colonisers and while the Chinese colonisation brought with it drugs,organised mafia, prostitution and corruption(tea money) into the Thai Culture, Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese.

All businesses, land etc will be under the control of the Chinese while there will be greater emphasis on the development of Chinese Cuture here , already we have top echelons of the country frequently visiting China and promoting Chinese Musical Instruments instead of Traditional Thai Musical Instruments.Even fair yellow skin is being promoted as the criteria for being rewarded a status in society here.

And we have thousand of overstays here of Chinese origin who blend in without the authorities checking on them.

To all you Thais on non-Chinese origin here, your days are numbered. You and all your offsprings and future generations will be condemmened to serve your new masters for generations unless you do something about it now to seize back your land and businesses.

Dude get your facts straight. The thai chinese like chinese all over the world manage to work hard and build businesses and gain economic and political power. This is very very different from western colonization which is basically using military might to colonize the country and the westerners have done it to many countries and probably to thailand although not in the conventional sense. In fact if you want to call chinese tourists visiting thailand as colonization then we can jolly well say thailand has long been colonized by farangs but for some odd reason you don't see it this way.

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I just knew it and i wanted to post it before reading through the posts here that someone would make some degradatory/racist remarks simply cos of the tourists race/nationality. Funny how we can say pattaya is being colonized by russians for example but the ppl are fine or rather the farangs are fine with it cos russians are in some ways farangs themselves.

To that muppet poster talking about how chinese fair skin is being promoted pls for the love of god there are many oriental thais that are not chinese but look chinese. This is because the original thai people came from china and their ancestors still live in china today and they look chinese but are not ethnic chinese but listed as minority in china. They are the dai people.

You can ask many chinese looking thais and they will tell you nope they aren't chinese at all yet i can bet muppets like him somehow won't be able to figure that out cos to him only japanese/koreans/chinese are east asians but in reality there are many much more ethnic groups with the east asian look.

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Given the political climate in the PRC and given the educational system in the PRC, it is hard to imagine finding many high calibre people coming out of that particular political nation. I suggest trying to engage in a conversation from anyone from the PRC regarding the occupied nation of Tibet to discover that even those you thought might be capable of reason and enlightenment are incapable of showing anything close to high calibre clarity of mind. In the meantime, Beijing sends out its citizens like locusts to extract as many natural resources as possible without any regard to the enviroment. This is happening throughout the globe, including regionally in neighboring Burma and Laos. But as for Thailand, as others noted, it has long been the most southern Montorn of the Chinese, moderated only slightly by intermarriage with the second class ethnic Tai citizenry. If you didn't like the USA dominated era, then watch out because you, or your children, are going to like the PRC dominated era a whole lot less.

Chinese citizens are equally as intelligent as the japanese and the koreans. Funny how you always try to place a sickening east asian hierachy.

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Hurrah! Finally Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese. Though in actual fact, the Chinese already colonised Thailand decades ago and that is why the whole country is run by the Thai-Chinese while the Thais are "indirectly groomed thru poverty and lack of education and opportunities" to be the supporting menial classes to serve their colonisers and while the Chinese colonisation brought with it drugs,organised mafia, prostitution and corruption(tea money) into the Thai Culture, Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese.

All businesses, land etc will be under the control of the Chinese while there will be greater emphasis on the development of Chinese Cuture here , already we have top echelons of the country frequently visiting China and promoting Chinese Musical Instruments instead of Traditional Thai Musical Instruments.Even fair yellow skin is being promoted as the criteria for being rewarded a status in society here.

And we have thousand of overstays here of Chinese origin who blend in without the authorities checking on them.

To all you Thais on non-Chinese origin here, your days are numbered. You and all your offsprings and future generations will be condemmened to serve your new masters for generations unless you do something about it now to seize back your land and businesses.

Dude get your facts straight. The thai chinese like chinese all over the world manage to work hard and build businesses and gain economic and political power. This is very very different from western colonization which is basically using military might to colonize the country and the westerners have done it to many countries and probably to thailand although not in the conventional sense. In fact if you want to call chinese tourists visiting thailand as colonization then we can jolly well say thailand has long been colonized by farangs but for some odd reason you don't see it this way.

So you admit Thailand has been colonised?

The issue with colonisation is that policy is not set with the needs of the local population paramount. The policy is set to benefit an outside agency, so it makes little difference how the colonisation takes place, the results are largely the same.

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