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UK Driving license renewal


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Just noticed my license is nearly up for renewal in a couple of months. Do I need to go back to the UK to renew this or can it be done via registered post from overseas...in my case Thailand.

Has anybody done this before.

Thanks in advance.


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You can do it on-line if you have a recent passport application, they use the photo (or you can possibly add a .jpg , not too sure about that), pay with your credit card, you do need a UK address to send it to.

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I have an address I just don't live there anymore, maybe can get the tenant to forward the post on.

Would this work, I download the papers here....fill them in with a UK address, send to UK with my license for someone to post to the DVLA....license goes back to the supplied address....they then send to me here....Bingo?

Otherwise I will just keep the Thai license I have.

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Mine is up for renewal in 2016, I am told that you dont have to sit any tests aor anything but do have to confirm you are still fit to drive, this proceedure then happens every 5 years, anyone else confirm this is the case?

I suspect it is best to be in the UK at the time of the renewal it would make things easier.

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If you're talking about the 10 year photo card renewal it can be done in a Post Office if you're in the UK. Some (not all) have a big photo booth type thingy. They take your photo and scan your signature and it's transferred electronically to the DVLA in Swansea. Mine took about 3 days to arrive in the post.

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You need these things to avoid going to the post office in person;

(1) UK address to receive the automatic renewal form and the new photocard.

(2) Existing photocard sent in with application.

(2) GBP payment to DVLA via Cheque or Card.




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I did it just a few months ago from Greece. As it happened, I'd renewed my passport last year (also from Greece), which made it easier. As long as you have a UK address you can use, it's really easy. They use the photo from your recent passport. All done online, card payment, no awkward questions, Bom Bom, job done. Piece of cake.

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