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Where to test heavy metals or mycotoxins in Thailand ?

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I'm intoxicated and I would like to find a serious laboratory to test blood or urine or hair

I know a very good one, but it's based on germany, and I doubt that the blood or urine recipient can be sent over there without any damage

I've gone to Burumgrad hospital, and made a urine test, but they didn't gave me a chelator medicine two hours before, so the results are not serious... 10000 bahts spent for nothing or almost !

Where is the best laboratory of Bangkok ?

Does it exists some companies that test and treat mushroom/fungus in appartment ?

I had a major issue with that recently in the air con system, a company came to clean, but they were unable to clean inside the system, they have cleaned only the filters


Just curious

Exactly how do you know you are "intoxicated"

Big pain to my liver, huge brain fog some days, malaise occur several times a week, and I have a lot of other symptoms that intoxicated people have

for the last 3 months I have eaten a lot of fish and seafood, they are known to contain some little quantities of mercury, arsenic, and other toxins...

you don't feel it if you eat small quantities of fish, but the problem is accumulation in the body, after a defined limit the body cannot eliminate properly

I also eat a lot of thai rice, and the cadmium has been detected several times on the last few years

I have made all the test I could do on the last 2 months : brain scanner, xray, ultrasound... not seem to be a cancer

I'm negative HIV and hepaticus B and C,

but my liver is too fat and work too much, the liver is the organ who detoxify the body


The problem may not be "intoxication" but rather other issues !

I note you ran a similar thread some time ago !

Your problem is not "intoxication" !

How you can know ?

How do you explain that when I go on a forum of intoxicated people I have exactly the same symptoms ?

(not a small forum, 2500 members)


National Healthcare Systems ... that's the lab very close to Bangkok Hospital ... I know that they can test your blood for some metals, although of course you know yourself that some of the metals will be in your organs so the blood test maybe won't show what you want. You can e-mail them at [email protected]

My wife used to go there direct and they would take the blood, however they have now stopped that BUT if you can get a doctor to take your blood you should be able to take it there yourself. You may need a doctors request.

Our family doctor now uses their services after I told him the prices. He is in Muang Nonthaburi

Of course, as you must know, you could use the fasting 'liver detox' to see if it helps


Thank you very much Jas21 for these informations

yes, a chelator medicine has to be taken 2 hours before the urine test (or blood test), so the results are more talkative (else the test is not very interresting)

what is fasting liver detox ?


If you have fatty liver and an ultrasound will tell you that, you need to loose some weight in order for the liver to function properly. My suggestion to you is that rather than go the test route and spend even more money, why not go on a diet and try to clean up your liver, then perhaps test later.


If you have fatty liver and an ultrasound will tell you that, you need to loose some weight in order for the liver to function properly. My suggestion to you is that rather than go the test route and spend even more money, why not go on a diet and try to clean up your liver, then perhaps test later.

yes this is after an ultrasound the doctor told me I have a fatty liver

I've lost 8 kilograms on 2 month, I eat almost only fresh vegetable salad and rice (brown and organic when it's possible)

I also take pills of activated charcoal sometimes

but I continue to have a problem with my liver, and intestinal system

I cannot do sport now, because all the toxins in my body are moving, it increase my vertigos and I have sometimes malaise,

toxins can be a lot of things : heavy metals, fungi, insecticide in vegetables/fruits...

"chelator medicine" (chelating) I don't know the good term in english maybe :

you take some pills that contain very small magnets, and it will "shake" your body enough to move the metals particule,

2 hours after they take your urine and analyse it.

We have all metals in our bodies, but they are searching for high levels for the more dangerous.

For example mercury is known to perforate guts, and after you become intolerant to a lot of food, what I feel actually,

I don't say I have high level of mercury in my body, but it's a possibility... recently they have removed 2 of my teeth that contain mercury,

and I feel bad for 2 months now...

I'm also searching for hydrogen breath test on Bangkok, I've googled it but I don't find this...

you blow into a little machine, and it analyse ratio of hydrogen and methane produced by bacterias in the intestine/guts,

it give you very important datas to know how to fight these problems,

if nobody know where to find this, I will contact a lot of hospitals then...


there are 10 reason to have a fatty liver (not only alcool or hepaticus B or C)

the doctor didn't belived me when I told him I didn't drink any alcool for 20 days,

he told me your mouth smell alcool...

if my mouth smell alcool it's because I have a fungi called candida albicans (it converts sugar to alcool, this is the reason why I have vertigo, even if I don't drink alcool)


My word. I would start with a very medical check up and a full basic blood work before self diagnosing yourself with poisoning or fungal infection in apartments.

If you have a fatty liver lay off the hooch and lose some weight. To get serious levels of accumulation of heavy metals from fish you would have to consume the stuff in huge quantities for years.

Hypochondria can be infectious.

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I don't know what you have so it should be hypochondria...

the fish nowadays are full of mercury and arsenic, and even more in this part of the world

the more intoxicated fishes are tuna and salmons because they are at the end of the food chain,

3 years ago I've stopped to eat meat, so I've eaten a lot of fishes, everyday or almost

on 3 years I've eaten arround maybe 500 to 1000 times some fishes...


It is unlikely that what ails you is due to heavy metals. I strongly suggest you let a doctor diagnose you rather than trying to pursue treatments for a self diagnosis.


It is unlikely that what ails you is due to heavy metals. I strongly suggest you let a doctor diagnose you rather than trying to pursue treatments for a self diagnosis.

This is not my question, my question is : Where is the best laboratory of Bangkok ?

able to do these tests :


western blot "all diag"

porphyrine in urine

cortisol in mouth

indoxyl sulfate test

hydrogen/methan breath test


It's possible the building or house you live in makes you sick. I have that problem now. Cough and chest pain light fever and lack of energy. If I stay away for a few days I feel better. As soon as I come back the symptoms appear again. It's called Sick Building Syndrome, SBS. Google it up


Everyone's immune system is affected by mycotoxins as they are in varying degrees in the food supply.

If you suspect that then refine the diet to avoid new sources and stop eating carbs which feed them.

The main stuff to avoid

Grains, most but not all coffee's, sugar, peanuts, alcohol, antibiotics.


Do some light fasting and then slowly reintroduce foods one at a time.

When the symptoms flare up then take note of what food was introduced and try avoiding that food.

It's not rocket science but a cleaner diet can provide the slack to allow the body to heal and feel better.

Sure there are going to be passive aggressive types who cry about clinical proof but fasting then one at a time food reintroduction is safe, simple and cheap.

  • 3 weeks later...

Phompen i think you should visit a ND or anyone that practices functional medicine.

I know one in Bangkok that can order the tests you require. His clinic isn't cheap but if you have the money and don't want to travel overseas to do all the testing then i can highly recommend him and his team.
PM for more info.


It is unlikely that what ails you is due to heavy metals. I strongly suggest you let a doctor diagnose you rather than trying to pursue treatments for a self diagnosis.

I agree he needs to see a doc. but not a conventional one. He has done that without result just like me. Conventional medicine does not treat chronic illness, it just treats the symptoms.

The OP is best to see a ND or CFS-specialist abroad to do full examination because of a lack of expertise and advanced labs in Thailand.

It's not unlikely he has a buildup of heavy metals harming certain organs due to a daily consumption of fish.

P.s. I just remember i know a MD at Bangkok hospital that treats autistic children with chelators if they test positive for mercury. Some of the children have had significant improvement.


It's possible the building or house you live in makes you sick. I have that problem now. Cough and chest pain light fever and lack of energy. If I stay away for a few days I feel better. As soon as I come back the symptoms appear again. It's called Sick Building Syndrome, SBS. Google it up

Move out as soon as possible, seriously. I have experienced exactly the same problem. These molds produce mycotoxins/neurotoxins that can seriously compromise your immune system.


It is unlikely that what ails you is due to heavy metals. I strongly suggest you let a doctor diagnose you rather than trying to pursue treatments for a self diagnosis.

I agree he needs to see a doc. but not a conventional one. He has done that without result just like me. Conventional medicine does not treat chronic illness, it just treats the symptoms.

The OP is best to see a ND or CFS-specialist abroad to do full examination because of a lack of expertise and advanced labs in Thailand.

It's not unlikely he has a buildup of heavy metals harming certain organs due to a daily consumption of fish....

Actually we have no idea what the OP's symptoms are nor what if any attempts he has made for diagnosis through conventional medicine. Which can in fact treat many, many chronic disease very well. That is in fact what the bulk of modern conventional treatment is for these days.

I would agree though that mainstream medicine does not yet have much to offer for CFS, since it's underlying cause is still unclear, and also that there are not much expertise/experience with CFS in Thailand. But I have no idea if the OP fits the clinical picture of CFS...or indeed if he has any indications of illness at all. He presents with a self-diagnosis and one that is often encountered among the "worried well".


I have met a lot of doctors for now, made some expensive tests like brain scanner, 3D CT scan of the digestive system, ultrasound, x-ray...

they will not help me if they don't find a tumor...

I have exactly the same symptoms that people I see on a forum of intoxicated people (2500 members)

so I have advanced with this desease, and I know better where I go,

but I need to treat my leaky gut before to do some tests, I should be able to get results in 4-6 weeks

in the case of poisonning I will not treat myself with chemical chelators, but natural like chlorella, bear's garlic, coriander,

it's a bit longest, but safer...

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