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Samet oil spill: Questions raised over rush to reopen Ao Phrao


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Questions raised over rush to reopen Ao Phrao
Suriyan Panyawai,
Pongphon Sarnsamak
The Nation


Academic wonders if move aimed at cutting PTTGC's compensation payments

BANGKOK: -- Giving people free access to Koh Samet's Ao Phrao Bay, which was hit by an oil spill a few months ago, has prompted concerns from a Silpakorn University academic and some locals, who feel the area might not be completely safe as yet.

"More detailed tests are required to determine if the bay is really fine," Assoc Prof Renu Vejaratpimol said yesterday. "The oil spill took place just about three months ago."

However, Assoc Prof Padermsak Jarayabhand, who heads the Chulalongkorn University's Aquatic Resources Research Institute, did not object to the reopening, saying the tests conducted on the seawater by the Pollution Control Department showed the bay was safe.

"The crux of the matter is safety. We shouldn't be too concerned about the length of time the bay had been closed," he said.

On July 27, about 50,000 litres of crude oil leaked from an offshore pipe owned by PTT Global Chemical (PTTGC) off the coast of Rayong province. Ao Phrao - part of a national park - was hit hard and was closed to tourists from July 29, allowing time for extensive clean-up operations and rehabilitation efforts. The beach was reopened on Thursday.

Renu yesterday questioned whether the authorities were rushing to reopen Ao Phrao because they wanted to help PTTGC. "The sooner the bay reopens, the less the PTTGC will have to pay in compensation," she said.

The oil spill has had a dire effect on the tourism on Samet island.

"Occupancy rate at local resorts now stands at 20 per cent, compared to this period last year when all the rooms were booked," Pisanu Kemapan said yesterday in his capacity as chair of the Samet Restaurant and Resort Operator Association.

He said that while Koh Samet was still able to attract some Thai tourists, there were very few foreigners. "Foreign tourists are the key market for Samet Island," Pisanu said.

Rayong Local Fisheries Association's chairman Jaturas Iamworanirun said he still found huge numbers of razor clams dead on a Samet beach last week, which was proof that the environment on the island had not fully recovered.

"I would advise tourists to see a doctor and get a medical certificate if they develop a rash after swimming in Ao Phrao. Then they should file a lawsuit against the authorities for rushing to reopen the beach," he said.

-- The Nation 2013-11-02

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50,000 liters is conservative to the point of being ridiculous and not to mention the copious over use of toxic dispersant's.

The salient point is that no one will really believe in this duplicitous and manipulative government who pull figures and data out of a hat. There is little question that they are stroking PTTGC.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and sounds like a duck then chances are high that it is in fact a duck.!

If they want public confidence for their precious tourist industry they should have engaged an internationally recognized environmental agency to produce the report that the beach is indeed safe and free from residual contamination.

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I was there a week ago and took a boat around the island. Swam off 2 beaches and had lunch at a third. No visible sign or smell of oil. The beach and resort where we had lunch seemed reasonably busy

You are lucky then.

My friend went to a couple of beaches and due to the smell of oil did't swim OR eat any seafood!

I agree with the US professor a few weeks back who said it will take a 'few seasons' for the marine life and beaches to return to 'normal'.

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PTT and Government are one. There is no way to see those two separate. Money wise the majority of the stocks are in hands of the 300 families who run this country. The government is in hands, on this moment, by about 160 families of those 300. So there is the money and political bounding.

All research is done by government related institutes. Those institutes depend on the taxpayers money that will be distributed by,... yes the government.

As long that they have no report from a foreign institute with a respectable name and proven track record of being independent I would not go swim there.

The 50 ton oil plus the up to a 150 ton of cleaners used in the "clean up" will leave their trails in the flora and fauna of that area for yours.

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is op serious? Religion is the best excuse going to invade another country and steal its resources then sell them back to the native population. There are certain religions that are younger than others maybe those religions are feeling poorer than more established religions that have been taking money for yonks.

Now religion is also good because it is a way for people to gain wealth and pull ladies , take one fleeing monk in the news as an example.

as for why Thai's are so religious, just look at the rice scheme, potential amnesty, corruption, wouldn't you be religious if this was happening in your county

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The news article today says the resorts are now 100% occupied. How did they go from 20% occupancy to 100% occupancy in under a week?

"the three resorts at the Bay are now fully booked while rooms at other resorts at the other beaches on the island were almost fully booked."

LINK: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/679890-samet-islands-phrao-bay-resorts-fully-booked/

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