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I've Been Scammed


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Hi, be glad, that you can learn in time.

I have had, so I believed, a real, very deep relationship with a ladyboy named Silyakron Bootjan, so called Pimmy.

I loved her really very deep and I was fascinated of all, also of her very beautiful body, lovely behaviour at the first time. After she excused all with tears, but in time fewer and fewer.

We have known three years, living together one year in BKK and during some travels.

I paid three years all, Condo, iPhones , PC, food, hospital and surgery for breasts and transgender operations a.s.o..

In summary 1.600.000 THB.

In January I bought her a nail shop. Now 23.000 € are lost.

One and a half month ago from to now, she offered me, she has only used me, lied me from the beginning of our relationship. I must stop the further payment.

Now she should work finely, make money by herself, I said to her. But what she has done?

It's so easy to get money from western people, she said to me.

All the time she was looking in Internet to catch men. Went, at the time we are living already together in condo, to Japan with an Australia men for 1000 €, all inclusive for 10 days or shorter, if she likes no more to be together with him.

Got iPhone 5 s, new Mac PC to birthday, I have seen later in Internet. Now, I have no contact more.

Must forget all. It's not easy for me at all.

Learning program for all.

Normally she must go in jail for all she has done or has done maybe. It's difficult to say it here, to let the police believing in.

I have not payed in my bank account for some very heavy criminal acts of money transfers with two credit cards. I was fighting for several weeks with this. At that time, I couldn't believe she could be involved. Today, for me it is very possible, but I have only indices.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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You're lucky you never met her, in the flesh. Pay no attention to the cynical old frumps on here, telling you how stupid you are. An overwhelming majority of us have been burned just as bad or much worse; we're just too embarrassed to post it anywhere. And I do mean WE, as in "I".

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OP, thanks for posting. But don't think the only scams are over the internet or done by bar girls. I believe all of them who deal with farangs are looking to get money out of a farang, whether you meet them in church, in a restaurant, on the internet, etc.

You have gotten a PhD in Thai/farang relations at a small cost of less than $200 US. Be thankful it didn't cost you a motorcycle or a house, as is very often the case.

When you meet the next one, be aware if you start thinking, "This one's different." Believe me, she isn't.

Edited by mesquite
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Hi, be glad, that you can learn in time.

I have had, so I believed, a real, very deep relationship with a ladyboy named ,<deleted> so called Pimmy.

Popcorn.. check.

Beverages... check.

Now the best replies must come.. TV ain't bad at times!

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she probably send you some nice pictures of herself?

Post them here and on FB !

With a screaming for help!

Can anyone find back your lost GF?

This will be a handicap for her on dating sites.

Or she might come to you (with a few of her brothers?)lol

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Why opt for a dating agency,when there are so many women in Thailand(not just bar girls,tho i'm not criticizing them) that would give their right arm to be with a farang?

At least you're aware you've been naive,to say the least.You're not the first and you certainly won't be the last to get scammed,if that's any consolatation.Very much doubt the police will be interested,tho i could be wrong,I suppose it all depends on how many complaints they receive about this scamtress.Take your own advice and use it as a big learning curve.I wish you all the very best for the future.The learning curve may very well have been cheap in the long run.

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philipinphuket said: I guess this will give you all a good laugh but maybe a warning to you all in case there are other idiots like me on thaivisa.

I definitely don't transfer or deposit money to whoever asks especially if I have not seen her or even I had already seen.

Just imagine, it is hard to give even to my wife...

Edited by DGIE
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You got off very cheaply. Count your blessings and learn the lesson well. However, don't let this sour you against all Thai women. There are many sincere and honest ones out there. Just be cautious ... but not cynical in the future.

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Thank you witawat, no fiction and this my first ever post on thaivisa

Codswallop. I know a phony when I see one. Plus your writing style is eerily similar to several other clearly obvious troll posts under other names that have appeared here. I won't go looking for them as you're not worth the effort.

Dude, you're the troll here. I believe him. Get a life and get offline occasionally.

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You can bring this matter to the police. They can ask the bank to freeze the scammer bank account. And when the he/she comes to the bank to ask why (but maybe he will not) , then the bank can secretly call the police.

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You can bring this matter to the police. They can ask the bank to freeze the scammer bank account. And when the he/she comes to the bank to ask why (but maybe he will not) , then the bank can secretly call the police.

Ahahahha! Now that is funny!

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You can bring this matter to the police. They can ask the bank to freeze the scammer bank account. And when the he/she comes to the bank to ask why (but maybe he will not) , then the bank can secretly call the police.

Ahahahha! Now that is

Edited by brucegoniners
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Thank you for all the positive, supportive and sensible responses. I swallowed my pride to come on-line to warn others who might fall in to the same trap, that's all.

Yes, with hindsight i was stupid, I have already admitted that so don't need the reminders + derogatory comment. She was very clever and convincing.

To witawatad one or two others, I am not a troll, not a liar, not writing a book. I have the girls contact details, online name, real name, bank account, etc which I posted here online not realising against the rules so deleted by the moderators, also reams of online correspondence from t...friendly website, skype and sms. Also, on the advice of one member (too late) I googled her real name and there she was with her history as a scammer, I got off lightly compared to others.

If I am writing in a similar style to someone else, i have no idea. Regards 18 previous posts, I made 'one' serious post in February concerning importing a drug called Zyloric from Spain because I couldn't find here, then I was philipinspain, now I am living here I changed to philipinphuket but both names are linked together on my profile which I didn't realise when I said this was my first post.

I would like to think my post has been helpful to some members but maybe a laugh to others, I repeat, all I was doing was to post a warning.

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Thank you for all the positive, supportive and sensible responses. I swallowed my pride to come on-line to warn others who might fall in to the same trap, that's all.

Yes, with hindsight i was stupid, I have already admitted that so don't need the reminders + derogatory comment. She was very clever and convincing.

To witawatad one or two others, I am not a troll, not a liar, not writing a book. I have the girls contact details, online name, real name, bank account, etc which I posted here online not realising against the rules so deleted by the moderators, also reams of online correspondence from t...friendly website, skype and sms. Also, on the advice of one member (too late) I googled her real name and there she was with her history as a scammer, I got off lightly compared to others.

If I am writing in a similar style to someone else, i have no idea. Regards 18 previous posts, I made 'one' serious post in February concerning importing a drug called Zyloric from Spain because I couldn't find here, then I was philipinspain, now I am living here I changed to philipinphuket but both names are linked together on my profile which I didn't realise when I said this was my first post.

I would like to think my post has been helpful to some members but maybe a laugh to others, I repeat, all I was doing was to post a warning.

That's an honest enough explanation of a few facts. I believe you. However I'm rather scathing of anybody that claims they were scammed because usually the "scammed" are actually victims of their own stupidity and/or greed.....and greed may not necessarily mean greed for money.

Let's assume your girl was/is playing 10 guys at a time, maybe being in contact with say 30 over the course of a week. If only 1 in 10 are foolish enough to believe her and she scores 6,000 baht from each one, that's 18,000 baht a week, nearly a million baht a year.

Hmmmm.......I just thought of a part time job for myself. I can type " me promit luv yu long tahm honey, but mama need oplation den me com see you, pleat pleat sen me twenty tousan' baht for mama and for but fare. Can not wait see you Honey, mit you muk muk darkling, even I no see you yet......blah, blah, blah.

Cheap lesson for you - suggest you develop the short arm and deep pocket disease.

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Obviously a troll post. LOL.

But since it does happen to other people (troll post, real issue) i want to give my reply.

Something similar happened to me. Meet a girl in a restaurant in Bangkok 5 years ago. We date for a few days until i return to my own country. On the airport while saying goodbye, she asks me for money. She wants to "wait for me" not in Bangkok but at her families home in Isan and so asks me a few thousand baht for a bus ticket and some food money.
Naive maybe but i i give her some money. Turns out she takes the bus home to her family just like she said. Long story short, 5 years later we are married and have a son.
Just saying, be on your guard because obvious many scamming girls out there (can't blame them though, most "victims" are not only stupid but also selfish and are in fact mostly looking for free sex and not a real relation..) but don't be too paranoid. Enough good things happen with many other Thai girls.

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I too would like to report that I have been scammed out of millions of baht - about 20 million I reckon at the last count !

I came to Thailand in 1996 and met a beautiful talented capable Thai lady - she conned me into falling in love with her and then has proceeded to extract money from me for the next 17 years !

She conned me into an engagement ring, a marriage visa to the UK where she conned me into a wedding ring and marriage !

After that she conned me into getting her Indefinite Right to Stay in the UK as well as visas to visit America, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Malta, Dubai and Egypt for all expenses paid holidays in 5* hotels and resorts.

As if this wasn't enough she conned me into seeding her brother's business and I paid her other brother to build a house here in Thailand.

Furthermore she conned me into a year's beauticians course and a stay in Bangkok and then into providing the start up capital for her own beauty parlour.

To add insult to injury she conned me into selling up in the UK and moving to Thailand where she keeps me prisoner in her luxurious palace which is the envy of all the neighbours !

In return for my board and lodgings I am obliged to pay all the bills electricity, gas, internet and CTH TV plus all the food to feed us, her ageing mother, anyone who happens to drop by and the lazy fat monk who stands out front with his bespoke vacuum flask and begging bowl every morning.

The final con trick she's trying to pull is not satisfied with the Honda 125 I bought her she now wants to upgrade to a Honda City car.

I'm thinking of taking the advice here from those that know better and reporting her to the Royal Thai Police.

She has to be one of the top scam artists in Thailand smile.png

Yeah, being married can be a bitch can't it!

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Thank you for all the positive, supportive and sensible responses. I swallowed my pride to come on-line to warn others who might fall in to the same trap, that's all.

Yes, with hindsight i was stupid, I have already admitted that so don't need the reminders + derogatory comment. She was very clever and convincing.

To witawatad one or two others, I am not a troll, not a liar, not writing a book. I have the girls contact details, online name, real name, bank account, etc which I posted here online not realising against the rules so deleted by the moderators, also reams of online correspondence from t...friendly website, skype and sms. Also, on the advice of one member (too late) I googled her real name and there she was with her history as a scammer, I got off lightly compared to others.

If I am writing in a similar style to someone else, i have no idea. Regards 18 previous posts, I made 'one' serious post in February concerning importing a drug called Zyloric from Spain because I couldn't find here, then I was philipinspain, now I am living here I changed to philipinphuket but both names are linked together on my profile which I didn't realise when I said this was my first post.

I would like to think my post has been helpful to some members but maybe a laugh to others, I repeat, all I was doing was to post a warning.

Don't worry yourself. As I said in one of my posts, we are all getting ripped off one way or another. The old fart brigade here that claim to found the meaning of life and have never been caught out in some sort of scam are talking out of there rear ends.

Just learn from it and never, ever send money on line.

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Hi, be glad, that you can learn in time.

I have had, so I believed, a real, very deep relationship with a ladyboy named Silyakron Bootjan, so called Pimmy.

I loved her really very deep and I was fascinated of all, also of her very beautiful body, lovely behaviour at the first time. After she excused all with tears, but in time fewer and fewer.

We have known three years, living together one year in BKK and during some travels.

I paid three years all, Condo, iPhones , PC, food, hospital and surgery for breasts and transgender operations a.s.o..

In summary 1.600.000 THB.

In January I bought her a nail shop. Now 23.000 € are lost.

One and a half month ago from to now, she offered me, she has only used me, lied me from the beginning of our relationship. I must stop the further payment.

Now she should work finely, make money by herself, I said to her. But what she has done?

It's so easy to get money from western people, she said to me.

All the time she was looking in Internet to catch men. Went, at the time we are living already together in condo, to Japan with an Australia men for 1000 €, all inclusive for 10 days or shorter, if she likes no more to be together with him.

Got iPhone 5 s, new Mac PC to birthday, I have seen later in Internet. Now, I have no contact more.

Must forget all. It's not easy for me at all.

Learning program for all.

Normally she must go in jail for all she has done or has done maybe. It's difficult to say it here, to let the police believing in.

I have not payed in my bank account for some very heavy criminal acts of money transfers with two credit cards. I was fighting for several weeks with this. At that time, I couldn't believe she could be involved. Today, for me it is very possible, but I have only indices.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

How deep exactly?

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I too would like to report that I have been scammed out of millions of baht - about 20 million I reckon at the last count !

I came to Thailand in 1996 and met a beautiful talented capable Thai lady - she conned me into falling in love with her and then has proceeded to extract money from me for the next 17 years !

She conned me into an engagement ring, a marriage visa to the UK where she conned me into a wedding ring and marriage !

After that she conned me into getting her Indefinite Right to Stay in the UK as well as visas to visit America, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Malta, Dubai and Egypt for all expenses paid holidays in 5* hotels and resorts.

As if this wasn't enough she conned me into seeding her brother's business and I paid her other brother to build a house here in Thailand.

Furthermore she conned me into a year's beauticians course and a stay in Bangkok and then into providing the start up capital for her own beauty parlour.

To add insult to injury she conned me into selling up in the UK and moving to Thailand where she keeps me prisoner in her luxurious palace which is the envy of all the neighbours !

In return for my board and lodgings I am obliged to pay all the bills electricity, gas, internet and CTH TV plus all the food to feed us, her ageing mother, anyone who happens to drop by and the lazy fat monk who stands out front with his bespoke vacuum flask and begging bowl every morning.

The final con trick she's trying to pull is not satisfied with the Honda 125 I bought her she now wants to upgrade to a Honda City car.

I'm thinking of taking the advice here from those that know better and reporting her to the Royal Thai Police.

She has to be one of the top scam artists in Thailand smile.png

Yeah, being married can be a bitch can't it!

I nearly forgot the Caribbean cruise from Fort Lauderdale to Key West, Mexico, the Cayman islands and Jamaica ?

I've lost count of the my friend's got so I must have the "up to the minute" mobile phones and the two computers in recent years.

Did I mention the "I haven't got a thing to wear" shopping trips, the 50 pairs of shoes and all the anniversary presents !

The gold from the souk in Dubai and the Nile cruise, the black pearls from Florence and the Rado watch.

Not to mention all the household stuff like beds, fans, AC, TV sets, washing machines, kitchen equipment etc etc.

I didn't realise it before but I must be one of the biggest suckers on the planet !

Thanks OP for opening my eyes to this massive scam !

I'm calling the Royal Thai Police as soon as she goes to sleep and gets off the phone smile.png

Edited by Papadragon
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