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any one know this guy


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Looks like a Golden Tree Snake can bite but harmless

The only good snake is a dead one, then it's harmless.huh.png

Mate; how can you say that ? ? ? A snake, like any other living creature, does have the right to a life ! ! - Simply (and carefully) catch the serpent, put it in a safe container (garbage-bag; box; plastic-bin etc.) and take it some distance away from your home and release it; - I'll just bet that you will feel a lot better about yourself for NOT having killed a little creature for no good reason at all.

One day you will come to understand [regular people may take a while; Aussies take a bit longer !]


I don't like them all but I would never kill one unless he is potentially going to attack me. If he is happy to go one way and give me time to run the other way everything will be fineermm.gif

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