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Buying Pirarted Dvds/cds Is Stealing


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The biggest problem I have with movies is, you can't get your money back if it sucks. If my TV is bad, if my watch breaks, if my beer is flat, I can give it back or get a replacement. So I walk away feeling like I got what I paid for.

If my movie is bad I get nothing but the feeling that I got ripped off. And that's happend a lot. I can't think of any product I've been so disappointed in as often.

As for music. The music industry in the US conceded to price fixing, and had a settlement program that was approved by the court. All of $10 per person for all music ever purchased in their life. I submitted my claim 4 years ago and never received any check after the settlement.

Stealing? Yes of course it is. But so is taking money for all the crap they've put out. Some movie theaters are starting to offer money back guarantees because attendance has been falling. Nice that it took them so long to start operating like most other businesses.

You can go through all my DVDs and you're not going to find pirated stuff, but I don't really feel sorry for an industry that's disappointed me so much.

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I find it interesting that some of the same people in this thread bellowing on about software and hardware companies charging more money than what anyone can afford also spend their time bragging in the 'Jobs, economy, banking, business, investment in Thailand" forum bragging how many hundreds of thousands of dollars they successfully invested in one thing or another before its price rocketed. The fact is that people buy the pirated software because it is readily available, nearly free, and there is virtually no chance that they will get in trouble for it. The fact that Microsoft or some other evil capitalists are making too much money is just a rationalization.

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I find it interesting that some of the same people in this thread bellowing on about software and hardware companies charging more money than what anyone can afford also spend their time bragging in the 'Jobs, economy, banking, business, investment in Thailand" forum bragging how many hundreds of thousands of dollars they successfully invested in one thing or another before its price rocketed. The fact is that people buy the pirated software because it is readily available, nearly free, and there is virtually no chance that they will get in trouble for it. The fact that Microsoft or some other evil capitalists are making too much money is just a rationalization.

I didn't bellow!

I don't brag about how much money I make.(I do brag about the size of my willy though..is it ok to tell myself lies?) Is this on a par with stealing?

I'm offf to get some DVD's.

Spot ya! :o

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I find it interesting that some of the same people in this thread bellowing on about software and hardware companies charging more money than what anyone can afford also spend their time bragging in the 'Jobs, economy, banking, business, investment in Thailand" forum bragging how many hundreds of thousands of dollars they successfully invested in one thing or another before its price rocketed. The fact is that people buy the pirated software because it is readily available, nearly free, and there is virtually no chance that they will get in trouble for it. The fact that Microsoft or some other evil capitalists are making too much money is just a rationalization.

And where do you think they got the money to invest? From the savings they realized buying pirated software and movies, of course. Gee, basic economics here...................

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More faulty logic and self delusion.

Again, they did not force you to buy their DVDs. If you feel they are over priced and CHOOSE to buy them, then that was your choice.

You DO NOT have the right to STEAL because you feel something is over priced.

You make me sick.

Adam Sandler makes me sick. Charging people in to see that fool is criminal. The industry profits from piracy anyway. The people buying these copies could not afford the full DVD price so the movie industry, through the magic of pirating, can now access the very poor with product placement and advertising, the real revenue earners from movies, in developing countries like this one.

Edited by robitusson
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The fact is that people buy the pirated software because it is readily available, nearly free, and there is virtually no chance that they will get in trouble for it. The fact that Microsoft or some other evil capitalists are making too much money is just a rationalization.

This is it. End of story.

However, I am guilty too. :o

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I dont have to brag, I just tuck it into my sock :D

2000 dvds, all copies (from the master disk) and loving it. :D

What would happen if there was no pirated goods, ie. watches, hangbags clothes etc? more crime trying to keep up with the Jones'? 1000's out of work?

Im doing a grand service for my fellow man, they actually need the money to survive...........

I feel like a saviour. :o:D

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Not a very interesting thread because we know the outcome, but thought I would put my 2 penneth in.

Have you ever tried to by a pirated copy of any Thai films or cd's from Thai artists?

My experience has been...you can't.

Farang have money too much...som nam na.

It is no problem to buy the Thai- stuff as well.

The distribution/production of pirated cd's is mainly done by the police.

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I find it interesting that some of the same people in this thread bellowing on about software and hardware companies charging more money than what anyone can afford also spend their time bragging in the 'Jobs, economy, banking, business, investment in Thailand" forum bragging how many hundreds of thousands of dollars they successfully invested in one thing or another before its price rocketed. The fact is that people buy the pirated software because it is readily available, nearly free, and there is virtually no chance that they will get in trouble for it. The fact that Microsoft or some other evil capitalists are making too much money is just a rationalization.

I know small tool and die shops in the U.S. who are facing the dilemma of having to buy software upwards of $10,000 because it's being forced upon them by the larger manufacturers. Since so much manufacturing has shifted to China over the last five years, and continues to do so at a brisk pace, they've been beaten down unmercifully on price. At times they're required to purchase a particular software as a condition of doing business with certain companies. After calculating the price of the software, the cost of yearly upgrades, the amount of potential business by these prospective companies, and the low profit margins, they're reaching the conclusion that it's not within their means.

And let's not get into the recently adopted policies of forcing the yearly upgrades. All in all there's a lot of practices by software companies aimed specifically at generating annual income from current users.

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More faulty logic and self delusion.

Again, they did not force you to buy their DVDs. If you feel they are over priced and CHOOSE to buy them, then that was your choice.

You DO NOT have the right to STEAL because you feel something is over priced.

You make me sick.

Just one question for you, do you run orriginal licenced software on your PC, or get down from your high horse. TROL :o

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those with no objections to pirated software and movies, should also have no objections to fraudulent educational credentials,or any other pirated manufactured product. when your pharmaceuticals and other sensitive products become the next "target", it will easy to blame, but hard to prosecute.

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Can I add a little twist to this? :D

If I go to a friends house and he shows me a DVD. This is leangle and proper.

If I go on to my computer, to a file sharing site like, Lime wire etc. and then connect to someone that has the film {purchased perhaps legally, I don’t know } and I down load it onto my hard drive in order to watch it in just the same way as I did in my friends house, with of course, the full intension of wiping it later.

Why is this illegal? :o

And not if I borrow the film and watch it at home or watch with him at his home.

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those with no objections to pirated software and movies, should also have no objections to fraudulent educational credentials,or any other pirated manufactured product. when your pharmaceuticals and other sensitive products become the next "target", it will easy to blame, but hard to prosecute.

Not the same.

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those with no objections to pirated software and movies, should also have no objections to fraudulent educational credentials,or any other pirated manufactured product. when your pharmaceuticals and other sensitive products become the next "target", it will easy to blame, but hard to prosecute.

Well thats not quite true is it. A pirate DVD will play exactly as well as a real DVD, same with music CDs and software.

Whereas counterfeit drugs will not be as good a quality, and may even be dangerous. Counterfeit drugs are a danger to peoples lives, but a copied DVD isn't. If you hire someone with fraudalent credentials again, you are not getting the same quality as what the real thing gets you and in some circumstances (ie. someone with a fake doctors degree) it could be dangerous as well.

Some things are not worth buying fake, I never buy fake trainers for example coz they just fall apart too soon, same with jeans, the quality just isn't there. But with DVDs and CDs you are getting the quality of the real thing and being a cheap bastard I will buy them.

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agreeing with "mass produced" illegal items, is not such a good idea. a slippery slope to say the least.

I've got no real problem with it, saves a few people some money, makes others some money, fair enough really. If you don't agree with it, then don't buy it I suppose. :o

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Can I add a little twist to this? :D

If I go to a friends house and he shows me a DVD. This is leangle and proper.

If I go on to my computer, to a file sharing site like, Lime wire etc. and then connect to someone that has the film {purchased perhaps legally, I don’t know } and I down load it onto my hard drive in order to watch it in just the same way as I did in my friends house, with of course, the full intension of wiping it later.

Why is this illegal? :o

And not if I borrow the film and watch it at home or watch with him at his home.

Oh!!! I like this, feel better already!! Good point, thanks Edd. I admit

I buy copy dvd and I download from Bittorent and I Just cant stop. I am so addicted to bit torrent! But I always feel badly. I do consider that someone did work very hard to develop the software that I am enjoying. HOwever like mentioned previously I probably wouldnt buy it if i had to pay full retail. If i wanted it badly enough I would find somenoe who had it and load their copy. However for now I love the tutorials from P2P (file sharing) and I tell myself that when i learn the programs then i can make more money and afford to pay for them. Occasionally i have paid for music to support the artist or software from small small companies, and i feel good about it.

I have heard the argument too that if everyoe in developing countries had to pay full retail for software they would never learn it.

However how hard would it be to really keep pirated software out of pantip?

With file sharing programs though it should be mentioned that no one is doing it for profit. it is not like i get a copy of software and try to sell it for profit, i just lend it to a friend :D

I do still worry about bad karma though. :D

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agreeing with "mass produced" illegal items, is not such a good idea. a slippery slope to say the least.

My slope is paved with non-slip concrete tiles.Should they become slippery, I will give you a call. :o

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the way i see it ...some of the movies costing 100 million dollars get their production costs back with the first few days of cinema releases anyways. and lets face it, we all go to the cinema every now and then. at least i do ..because i enjoy it. now if after the production costs, through the cinemas they only make a profit of 10-20 million dollars ...can't really go crying there. i mean, the studio just made a huge amount of money. lets go out and make some cheap dvds and charge customers 200-300% the production costs ...meaning they get 200-300 dollars back for every dollar they spend. seems like a good return.

if the movie business doesn't go that well anymore, maybe we need to cut tom hanks (which is a brilliant actor, IMO, by the way), tom cruise, etc. etc salaries from 10 million dollars per movie to 2 million dollars per movie. and maybe not spend 100 million dollars on a movie but maybe only 20-50 million dollars per movie.

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