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Thailand's tourism leaders press for new safety and security measures


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Thailand's tourism leaders press for new safety and security measures

BANGKOK: -- Tourism industry leaders in Thailand are to press for new, effective measures that improve safety and security for business and leisure travelers throughout the Kingdom.

A conference in Bangkok on Thursday, November14, will present findings from four workshops held last month (October 15) that addressed a broad range of issues threatening constantly to damage Thailand’s tourism image and reputation.

The workshops looked at ways of combating well-established “scams” that target tourists; how to better inform and educate visitors before they arrive in Thailand; how to raise awareness of the need for robust risk and crisis management planning and, finally, how to improve liaison and cooperation between the public and private sectors.

The conference is a combined effort that utilizes the knowledge and expertise of two major travel and tourism organizations - Skal International and the Pacific Asia Travel Association Thailand Chapter - under the auspices of the Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand.

Conference delegates will hear two keynote addresses from guest speakers David Beirman, Senior Lecturer in Tourism at the University of Technology in Sydney and Dr. Alexandros Paraskevas, Senior Lecturer in Strategic Risk Management at the Oxford School of Hospitality Management in the UK. [read more...]

Full story: http://www.eturbonews.com/39503/thailand-s-tourism-leaders-press-new-safety-and-security-measure

-- eTN 2013-11-07

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Got an idea... TAT can launch and promote a website worldwide where that all tourists in or coming to Thailand can read or complain in. Complaints should be registered, investigated and counted against hotels, taxis, airports and overpriced beer, so that prospective tourists can avoid such places in the future. Offended tourist can then perhaps be compensated by the TAT, and TAT can blacklist offenders.

Pipe dream...

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The scams that are going on now have been going on for over 50 years. The only difference now is that they have gone high tech. Like than most of these scams are operated by organized crime families, which make donations to the local police. How much money does each entertainment establishment pay a month, and how many high end night clubs have politicians and police on the management board? There is not difference difference New York and Chicago are the same. We can not count California because there corruption make Thailand looks like children playing. cowboy.gif

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Do they really need to have meetings and pressconferences to press for safety and security measures for tourists??

It is very simple, the law to protect anyone from harms way is there. It is just a matter of the police doing their job (I know I am dreaming) : Enforce the law!!coffee1.gif

Enforce the law? I believe some, if not most, of the scams that police are in on it. So whom to turn to to enforce the law? This is the conundrum that is facing Thailand. A greedy bunch that are willing to ruin a "good" thing in Thailand.

When it's all gone, then they might wake up and really smell the coffee, but will it be too late?

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thailand is not capable of sorting these problems out internally , corruption is far too deep , the only way is to set up a task force from countries like norway, singapore , denmark , japan with army protection to start from the top down , that's the only way, WILL NEVER HAPPEN though , so pointless to even talk about it , we know it , the thais know it , the UN knows it and business and industry know it PITY !, RIP LOS ,sad that it will be a slow and painful end being eaten from the inside out .

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They could start with these three pieces of advice:

1 Treat jet skis the same way you would rabid dogs... stay well clear.

2 Check your horoscope before boarding public transport.

3 Always go mob handed in taxis and tuk tuks in case of disputes. Thais usually only attack when they heavily outnumber you.

Enjoy your stay!

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