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Pheu Thai seeks dissolution of Democrat Party


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This has got to be the most ridiculous law. They didn't like it when they were dissolved, so why the tit-for-tat? How can there be democracy if parties aren't secure? If someone does something wrong, let them be prosecuted, but party dissolution has got to stop.

Edited by HAL9000
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This has got to be the most ridiculous law. They didn't like it when they were dissolved, so why the tit-for-tat? How can there be democracy if parties aren't secure? If someone does something wrong, let them be prosecuted, but party dissolution has got to stop.

If I remember correctly the Pheu Thai is the party which wants the relevant article in the 2007 constitution changed even though it isn't much different in the 1997 version.

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I do not sit at this thing all the time so did not see any 'repeated requests', I did see one from the 'not a troll' which I did not read as I have been ignoring it for some time now.


I did not post the photo because it was in a publication not to be mentioned.


It will, I would think be on facebook or u tube if you are really keen to look.


I saw it and reported what I saw, so will not be looking again.

No, but you did continue to post in thread in question, so I guess ignorance is bliss then...

You read a request from a user that you ignore? Goes even more to your credibility, or lack thereof...

There was no mention of it in the media - unmentionable or otherwise - so, until you can reproduce the facebook and/or YouTube links, I dared say, call BS on your fanciful notions...

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Pot calling the kettle black!!whistling.gif

And the guy doesn't even see the irony ... this from a government which came into power through demonstration, coercion, shooting and mortar bombing...!!

They came to power via a General Election, a difficult concept for others to understand, I know.

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Thank you for your kind words in your last paragraph wink.png

I would never resort to name calling, it's a question of good education and good manners, so I try to articulate my comments the best I can, staying polite in my wording. I noticed some who did not really like my style though... biggrin.png

Anyway, I love being with you guys (you may not believe this one)

By the way, as I said before, I personally don't "like" the idea of a blanket amnesty either. It would let people who I think should be held responsible for their acts go free. So, no, a blanket amnesty would not make me smile.

However, the irrational circus that takes place in this country since years should stop. Taking into consideration the need for this country to be back on its feet and start to walk again... anger and fear should be set aside, and forgiveness would be very very very welcome.

But that just did not happen, so, here we are, back to square one and ready for more years of the same circus wink.png

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Actually, for quite a while after the 2011 election, things were very quiet. It wasn't until the government started talking about amnesty that things started heating up again.

And the same thing happened following the 2007 election. There were no widespread protests to the PPP victory until they got serious about trying to bring Thaksin back. It seems that most people can reconcile, and are quite happy to get on with their lives, until the wants and needs of one man are brought back into the picture. For all those talking about compromise, there's your answer. One side compromise by accepting a PTP government, the other side compromise by not demanding the return of a highly divisive figure. As long as that balance was maintained things were indeed quiet. On the outside at least. That in no way means it's okay to whitewash the deaths and root causes of the events of 2010 though. Or should we ask the families of those killed to live with the fact that their loved ones died "for the good of the country" without really changing anything? I suppose that's exactly what has been asked of those who had family members killed in 1992 though. And in the 70s. And earlier than that. The question should be, is it really okay to continue asking these people to make that sacrifice, and more people in the future, or is it time to say enough is enough, let's finally do the decent thing and make people accountable for their actions? On all sides.

In my opinion, the only way to bring full closure to the events of 2010 is to hold an independant trial/investigation that deliberates on the culpability of all major figures. The first problem is can you really start such an investigation at 2010. What about the 2006 coup? But then, do the reasons for that need to be looked at as well? Do we need to go back to the 2001 elections, or the 1991 coup, or even further back to get a full understanding of what is really behind all this? Again in my opinion only, for this investigation, no. Things were done in 2010 that can not be excused by any event that happened in the past. It's well past the time to draw the line.

The second problem is obviously finding an independant panel of judges with the power to subpoena all witnesses, no excuses accepted for having the flu, or attending a mobile cabinet meeting, or distant cousins second wedding, etc. Such a panel could include two Thai judges, one nominated by each side, and two internationally recognised ones from outside the country, who must be chosen unanimously by a joint team having equal representation from both sides. Thereby lies a third problem. There is obviously the PTP side and the Democrats side. But what about those who dislike both sides? There will be those who aren't happy either way, just as there will be those who refuse to accept any decision they disagree with, and those who will refuse to accept the involvement of outsiders in the enquiry, but a start must be made. Or is it better left to the next generation, and the 202X coup, protests and deaths?

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The government could stress they drop amnesty bills (not discussed yet) and while saying this have other put pressure on the Senate to vote for the bill already pushed through parliament a week ago.

BTW according to some the government already reached a very low by delivering a new passport to a criminal fugitive while the Thai people were preoccupied by the meters of water streaming through their living room.

Can this government get any lower?

Yes they could....they could order the troops to shoot people at will...live fire zones...2200 snipers round fired. Oops that stunt has already been done

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Well, if the Dems don't want to consider an amnesty, don't want to sit at the reconciliation table, make the people go back to the streets like in the old days, and continue their destructive fight... why should the PT not do the same?

That has already been done if you cast your mind back to 201 and Thaksins sponsorship of the Red Shirt pawn movement. The P.T.P. have already been down that road..

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Can this government get any lower?

Yes they could....they could order the troops to shoot people at will...live fire zones...2200 snipers round fired. Oops that stunt has already been done

What's a sniper round, how is different from a normal round.........................................................................also where is your proof of the accersion that 2200 sniper rounds fired?

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Can this government get any lower?

Yes they could....they could order the troops to shoot people at will...live fire zones...2200 snipers round fired. Oops that stunt has already been done

What's a sniper round, how is different from a normal round.........................................................................also where is your proof of the accersion that 2200 sniper rounds fired?

Its in the Redshirt history book and the order to shoot people at will.

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