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Kitsune, your fear is that dogs are being skinned alive right next door, and your response is to post it on TV (after a year?). I really hope that you are mistaken or you have some blood on your conscience after all this time.

Like I said like everyone in the mooban I thought it was Muslims killing animals.

If you read the post it tells you how I slowly came to that conclusion.

What's interesting is that it is coming from someone who comes here to make jokes on a post about animal torture.

Everyone hears it in the mooban no one wants to do anything, they just lie and say they don't hear anything.

For Thaivisa I hope the pets section would have some good souls willing to help.

Apparently I was wrong animal torture is nothing else than a pretext to make jokes, I am not the one with blood on my hands

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Cats on heat often sound like babies crying and screaming. They are not in pain, just looking for some lovin'.

plenty of cats on heat here, believe me I wish it was sounding like this.

I invite anyone who wants to help to my house and check it.

My goal is to get photographic evidences to send to pet protection association so they finally decide to come.

Alternatively anyone that know another pet protection association less busy than taiga in Bangkok please give me their contact

Time are mornings : between 7am to 9-10 am and evening 7pm to 10.30

Yesterday evening was 22.15

This morning 7.30

There is not a single morning or evening that it did not happen, and every time I feel more upset helpless and angry.

As I said it's no picnic: it's happening in the jungle, at night mostly, or early morning, near a Muslim slum and the screams only last 30 seconds to a minute, so very little time to locate the place.

I think it's happening in what my neighbor call the "Jungle" which is actually a big property with a house surrounded by a big land and walled. It has loads of high grasses and trees and is located between the Muslim slum and my mooban. I have noticed some illegal pathways made inside the property. People have jumped the wall and the grass is down from frequent passages going into the jungle.

To get to the place where the screams come from, It would mean entering private property ie trespassing at night.

I am a farang girl on my own and yes I am scared to go out at night in the jungle to meet possible torturers.

Please help


many rainy seasons ago i dated a young lady who produced the most horrible sounds whenever we "played chess" tongue.png

this culminated in a mixture of atomic warning sirens, the death cries of a dozen pigs and the fire brigade passing by when she was about reaching the "checkmate" status, which made the application of a big pillow over her face mandatory.

You are a life long student of the game I imagine

today is my 34th wedding anniversary. both me and the Mrs had enough time to study all there is.

Congratulations to your wife...

She must be a very capable person to keep you under control this long.smile.png

perfect husbands like me do not require any controlling wink.png but i wish she was a wee bit more congenial. whenever i ask for permission to keep a mia noi she bluntly refuses sad.png


Kitsune, your fear is that dogs are being skinned alive right next door, and your response is to post it on TV (after a year?). I really hope that you are mistaken or you have some blood on your conscience after all this time.

Like I said like everyone in the mooban I thought it was Muslims killing animals.

If you read the post it tells you how I slowly came to that conclusion.

What's interesting is that it is coming from someone who comes here to make jokes on a post about animal torture.

Everyone hears it in the mooban no one wants to do anything, they just lie and say they don't hear anything.

For Thaivisa I hope the pets section would have some good souls willing to help.

Apparently I was wrong animal torture is nothing else than a pretext to make jokes, I am not the one with blood on my hands

yes k.we have one ba--stard living by us [mooban] that beats hell out of the dog,i am the only one who will shout out so this person can hear me but it doesnt make one iota,if you read the post in gen.topics that i posted about having to keep my mouth shut when someone treats a dog badly[2weeks ago] as much as it hurts me to hear it i have to put up and shut up or die.


Kitsune, your fear is that dogs are being skinned alive right next door, and your response is to post it on TV (after a year?). I really hope that you are mistaken or you have some blood on your conscience after all this time.

Like I said like everyone in the mooban I thought it was Muslims killing animals.

If you read the post it tells you how I slowly came to that conclusion.

What's interesting is that it is coming from someone who comes here to make jokes on a post about animal torture.

Everyone hears it in the mooban no one wants to do anything, they just lie and say they don't hear anything.

For Thaivisa I hope the pets section would have some good souls willing to help.

Apparently I was wrong animal torture is nothing else than a pretext to make jokes, I am not the one with blood on my hands

yes k.we have one ba--stard living by us [mooban] that beats hell out of the dog,i am the only one who will shout out so this person can hear me but it doesnt make one iota,if you read the post in gen.topics that i posted about having to keep my mouth shut when someone treats a dog badly[2weeks ago] as much as it hurts me to hear it i have to put up and shut up or die.

Please Meatboy don't think like this, you can contact animal protection association like I did. Your case seems much easier, you know the owner, the dog probably has marks bruise and wounds, easy to check for anyone.

They have been cases of people being taken to justice in this country, it's not common but does happen.


I have no advice to offer except to continue to try to find out where it is coming from.

Odds are the neighbors know and just don't want to say.


I have no advice to offer except to continue to try to find out where it is coming from.

Odds are the neighbors know and just don't want to say.

I think you're right

Or like I was, you kinda know but refuse to face it, because no one wants to get involved.

I was thinking may be there would be some courageous animal lover member here to come with me in night hunts ?


If the noise appears to come from a "Muslim Slum" it extremely unlikely to be from either pigs or dogs - both being regarded as unclean by that faith.


Sorry I don't think it's in the Muslim slum, it's BETWEEN the slum and my mooban


I attached a map here to make things clearer.

You can see that access to the 2 areas are long-winded even if it's very near, which makes reaching them in less than one minute impossible



Kitsune, your fear is that dogs are being skinned alive right next door, and your response is to post it on TV (after a year?). I really hope that you are mistaken or you have some blood on your conscience after all this time.

Like I said like everyone in the mooban I thought it was Muslims killing animals.

If you read the post it tells you how I slowly came to that conclusion.

What's interesting is that it is coming from someone who comes here to make jokes on a post about animal torture.

Everyone hears it in the mooban no one wants to do anything, they just lie and say they don't hear anything.

For Thaivisa I hope the pets section would have some good souls willing to help.

Apparently I was wrong animal torture is nothing else than a pretext to make jokes, I am not the one with blood on my hands

yes k.we have one ba--stard living by us [mooban] that beats hell out of the dog,i am the only one who will shout out so this person can hear me but it doesnt make one iota,if you read the post in gen.topics that i posted about having to keep my mouth shut when someone treats a dog badly[2weeks ago] as much as it hurts me to hear it i have to put up and shut up or die.

Please Meatboy don't think like this, you can contact animal protection association like I did. Your case seems much easier, you know the owner, the dog probably has marks bruise and wounds, easy to check for anyone.

They have been cases of people being taken to justice in this country, it's not common but does happen.

sorry k.but there is nothing more than thais will say oh its the farang thats complaining and nobody else does i know he dont like me.the wife has stopped me many times from doeing what i would like toooooo do.


Halal slaughtering requires complete exsanguination, for which it is necessary that the nervous system does not pack up before the blood is completely drained off. Whether or not this could result in the horrific noises you are hearing, Kitsune, I simply don't know. Possible animals (for Muslims) are cows, sheep and goats.

I've looked up Wiki on this, and it doesn't say anything about screams. Possibly Naam, or someone else who has spent time in Muslim countries, could clarify this.

If that really is the explanation, you don't stand a hope of getting anything done.


Wow thank you so much for your comments.

It's a real eye opener, now I understand why no one does anything.

Obviously I won't get any help from here or else in Thailand I though the farang community would be different, but I was wrong.



Kitsune, please do not put your life at risk. You do not know what is happening and your attempts to find out could be dangerous. If there is some foul play, there's bound to be money behind it, given everyone's fear of saying anything. My guess is preparing dogs for fights - possibly beating down a weak dog to blood a fighter. If so, that's not only serious money we are talking about, but local culture as well, and the people involved are nasty scum.

I can't think of a solution other than to say that if you are serious about doing something, then you must be prepared to move away to somewhere you are not known. I don't envy you.


Kitsune, please do not put your life at risk. You do not know what is happening and your attempts to find out could be dangerous. If there is some foul play, there's bound to be money behind it, given everyone's fear of saying anything. My guess is preparing dogs for fights - possibly beating down a weak dog to blood a fighter. If so, that's not only serious money we are talking about, but local culture as well, and the people involved are nasty scum.

I can't think of a solution other than to say that if you are serious about doing something, then you must be prepared to move away to somewhere you are not known. I don't envy you.

How can I just turn my back to these shouts of pain?

I would not be able to face myself in the mirror

It's been going too long it has too stop.

Thank you for your warning, you are right, I should stop asking question around and saying who I am and giving my address to people, there is probably money involved.

I will be more careful from now on, but I have to find a way to stop this


Kitsune, please do not put your life at risk. You do not know what is happening and your attempts to find out could be dangerous. If there is some foul play, there's bound to be money behind it, given everyone's fear of saying anything. My guess is preparing dogs for fights - possibly beating down a weak dog to blood a fighter. If so, that's not only serious money we are talking about, but local culture as well, and the people involved are nasty scum.

I can't think of a solution other than to say that if you are serious about doing something, then you must be prepared to move away to somewhere you are not known. I don't envy you.

How can I just turn my back to these shouts of pain?

I would not be able to face myself in the mirror

It's been going too long it has too stop.

Thank you for your warning, you are right, I should stop asking question around and saying who I am and giving my address to people, there is probably money involved.

I will be more careful from now on, but I have to find a way to stop this

You have been giving your address to people? If there is an unsavory element involved - and you don't know this yet - then you are undoubtedly already on their radar.

All you can do at this time is to keep your head down and grit your teeth. Don't try to make a martyr of yourself. Harsh, I know, but you need to find out what's going on and you can't do that from a hospital bed. Be patient, as much as it hurts - some information may eventually come your way. Who knows what that will be, but just hope to yourself that it is all a non-issue. BTW, check and see if there is a temple in that area. Maybe it's temple dogs fighting at mealtimes.


You are right, I might have to lay low for a while

That is why I need someone to check it out for me.

Again anyone in BKK is welcome to help me stop this atrocity.


Peta does not seem to have an office in THL

I am going to try to contact Greenpeace and see what they say.


At this stage no one is going to help you because there are too many unknowns. It could be, as I suggested, just temple dogs scraping at meal times. You need to find out mor, and when you do, you need to take it to the authorities (if it warrants it). But always remember, discretion is the better part of valour.


It's ONE animal at a time and it's screaming to the top its lungs for 45 seconds and then nothing, it has to be man's inflicted.

Nothing to do with dog fighting believe me

If the authorities means the police I'll skip that.

They don't give a damn about animals welfare I know that for fact.

I am thinking more of nature protection associations, what else is there apart from Greenpeace ?


It's just happened again at 20.45

for 40 seconds

One animal starts screaming in the middle of the night for 40 seconds then stopped


Sorry for your dilemma. It appears there's little anyone can do until there is more information. No one going to come riding to your rescue because they do not want to get involved in something they know so little about (and will probably be even more reluctant if it's discovered that your problem involves something too worrying for them to deal with). Though I'm still working at the moment, I've done a cursory check on the times you mentioned in case they have some sort of significance - nothing so far, but you might want to pursue that line for likely clues. As I said before, you are just going to have to grit your teeth and be patient. And keep your bloody head down until you know what's happening.


Sorry for your dilemma. It appears there's little anyone can do until there is more information. No one going to come riding to your rescue because they do not want to get involved in something they know so little about (and will probably be even more reluctant if it's discovered that your problem involves something too worrying for them to deal with). Though I'm still working at the moment, I've done a cursory check on the times you mentioned in case they have some sort of significance - nothing so far, but you might want to pursue that line for likely clues. As I said before, you are just going to have to grit your teeth and be patient. And keep your bloody head down until you know what's happening.


it happened again for 30 seconds

Sorry I feel compelled to record this, as sign that someone is taken this pain in account, and that it did not die completely in vain.

I had 3 times 21.03 this week, and now 22.03 it has to be a pattern.

If it was just animals to their own device it would not happen on patterned times

May be the guy watch the evening news or soap opera then goes to do the deed ?

I am trying to find videos of dog slaughter to compare the sound


Wouldn't make sense that it's some kind of dog skinning business. Why would they do it one at a time and only at night? I'm hoping it turns out to be an owl or a fruit bat or some other noisy, but not suffering, animal.


Hey Kitsune, I understand how you feel. I am in Phuket so not much more I can do here at the moment than help with some suggestions.

Maybe you can record the sound and put it on here as a wav file and see if someone can recognize what it is. This will help with who to call. Don't get disheartened by some of the negative posts. I am sure there must be someone that can help.

Maybe soi dogs can help or suggest what to do, but I think they will only just take them in if you have them, and suggest you to call the police.

It may be something like some wildlife being slaughtered for their body bits.

I know in Phuket they use slow loris for the tourists to have pictures taken with them. First they have to pull their teeth out because their bite is toxic. I am not sure what sound they make, but that must be very painful and many die in this process. I have tried to help with stopping these people and called the police, who have pretended to try and help, but nothing gets done.

Without trying to over sensationalize this, one possibility could be gibbons slaughtered for their meat, that are not suitable for the pet trade. If it is that, there is the Gibbons rehabilitation project that maybe could help. I have reported 2 gibbons that had been mistreated and were being used as a way to attract people into their restaurant. They were chained up outside and could only run backwards and forwards along a rope. As they are a protected species they help coordinate a rescue and they ended up at the Gibbons rehabilitation project. This was a much easier rescue than what it would be with your situation.

Other organizations that may help are Thailand Animal Rescue and Animal Cruelty http://www.thaiaga.org/rescue_en.php

Thai Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals http://www.thaispca.org/english/index.php

“If you see people being cruel to animals, you can report it to the local police by calling 191 or report it to the Tourist Police by calling their hotline at 1155. (They have never been of much help to me, but still maybe worth a try)

The criminal code clearly states:

Article 381, “Those who commit cruelty to animals shall be sentenced to one month in prison or a fine of 1,000 baht or both."

Article 382, “Those who force an animal to work beyond its capacity or cause injury to an animal shall be sentenced to one month in prison or a fine of 1,000 baht or both.”
Sawan Sangbunlung, secretary-general of the Thai Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

There is a Thai branch of WSPA but is in Thai language http://www.wspathailand.org/ The international site is http://www.wspa-international.org/

An interesting read.. http://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/7/prweb10876198.htm

Good luck, be careful and don't give up hope.


Wouldn't make sense that it's some kind of dog skinning business. Why would they do it one at a time and only at night? I'm hoping it turns out to be an owl or a fruit bat or some other noisy, but not suffering, animal.

Also it happens twice in the morning and twice in the evening

May it's a small one man business and he tries not to attract attention, or the guy (like our truck drivers who feed soi dogs) has a day job and does that before and after work

The sonthaew drivers look like a right doggy bunch, they regularly throw food at dogs on the main road, but don't look like pet lovers at all.The same dogs that suddenly disappear except the mangy ones


it's just happened at 20.03 again (twice this week + 3 times at 21.03)

I rushed out the house on the street to find where it came from, found the neighbor chatting in the street with a friend.

I was a bit late about 20 seconds after it stopped but I went to talk to him and asked what we just heard was.

He said it was a dog may be lonely, I said it was pain he said did not pay attention and he offered me to get him next time I hear it.

He gave me his phone number and promised to get out of the house as soon as I call him.

It happened a second time, so I called him, he never came sad.png


It's just a bunch of street dogs attacking the lowest of the gang. If you want to lash out against the Mooslims, animal abuse is bullshit. Animals have no rights anywhere, not in Thailand, the Middle East, or the West. How about genital mutilation of a little girl?

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