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Thaksin 'opposes House dissolution and Yingluck's resignation'


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This is starting to take on a real resemblance to 2010 in terms of participation and polarity of ideas. Hope cooler heads prevail as there can be no winners.

Fingers crossed.

I agree it has the makings of 2010 except this time the public is on the side of law and order. It is not the ego maniac lying megalomaniac with more money than he knows what to do with behind it.

This time it is citizens of all different walks of life protesting. there is no one man with an open check book and no conscience behind it. There is no stage with fire works and loud speakers with people jumping around on them urging the people to burn Bangkok down.

Yes let us keep are fingers crossed that such a person does not arise again.

On the other hand if one did I don't think this bunch of people would follow him. People of that conscience are wearing red shirts. These people are doing it out of honest care for Thailand not 500 baht a day.

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What a thieving,gutless. pathetic man.

EDIT ... Oh Khun Shinawat ... feel free to come back to Thailand and sue me for defamation!

Is that the same guy who's made his own "war on drugs" in 2003, just because his son was addicted to drugs and thousands of innocent people got killed?

Beside this, "Jaba" jumped from 30 baht a pill to 500 baht.

Come back and face reality. They don't want you anymore. They hate you.-rolleyes.gif

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Time to clean up the "red mess". Aphisit should come back ASAP. Even my father in law doesn't believe them anymore. That means a lot.

Too many lies in the land of why's..-wai2.gif

A friend of mine was saying his village is a red shirt village and there was only two houses with red shirt flags and they have taken them down. The last three by elections have been in red shirt strongholds and two of them won by Democrats. The third was won by Thaksins sister here in Chiang Mai. Even at that she did not get as big a percentage of votes as red shirts have previously gotten.

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Wow! Why so much passion and hatred for what's going on in Thai politics. We are foreigners in this country and we choose to be here. If you don't like it there are plenty of taxis to the airport and many flights departing. This does not effect us in any way. Foreigners should stay out of Thai politics period! It is none of our business, I am only concerned with the safety of me and my friends who live here. Keeping up to date on the latest news is something I am happy I can do through this web site as long as it is accurate. Thanks Thai Visa!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

There's nothing smart in your consulting. Wow, the tired old "if you don't like it go home". Considering that a number of us have lived here for a fair while, pay taxes, own properyt, cars and have family here, I think we are quite within our write to make comment about how the governement acts, and make comment on the whole sham that is Thai politics. I hope, for the future that those of us that have children with Thai nationality, will see that when they grow up they want to tolerate the BS that they are being shoveled everyday from the governemnt and elect people who are interested in serving the country, as opposed to serving a convicted criminal.

If you are so concerned about your safety, then maybe it is you who should take a taxi to the airport.

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Thaksin 'opposes House dissolution and Yingluck's resignation'... What a shocker,

I didn't see that coming... what are we to do now?

And who actually gives a 'tinker's cuss' what Thaksin supports or opposes? How can his followers, including fab4 and co., reasonably hang on to his every word when everything is crashing down around them...?!

It's been a very interesting and pleasing week in Thai politics, and it just seems to get better, but I simply wonder when this slug is going to crawl back under his rock and stay there for good...!!

Notable absence of comments from the usual crowd on their glorious leader...!

Could be and I am not accusing any one but the glorious leader see's the writing on the wall and is closing his check book. Now if he will just shut his mouth.

A little of the topic but I feel that his chances of surviving in Thailand are rapidly decreasing. His used to be loyal followers with guns and rocket launchers are not believing every thing he says now. Some of them are saying you promised to make us rich in 6 months. It has been over 2 years where is are money.

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Too Late Mister T

You wasted a very good and kind woman- your sister- for your own selfishness.

It's not all about you a...hole!

I pray that the real reds tear down your ugly pictures-

Welcome to the history of Revolutions-

You failed the first test of a true revolutionary:

"I am the leader - therefore I must follow'. (Lamarque)

And you didn't follow.

You wasted a very good and kind woman- your sister. Can you explain how you might have arrived at that idea or opinion.

'good and kind' that's an oxymoron. A Shinawatra (any Shinawatra) cannot be so described. coffee1.gif

He meant good shopper in the eyes of retailers.

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Wow! Why so much passion and hatred for what's going on in Thai politics. We are foreigners in this country and we choose to be here. If you don't like it there are plenty of taxis to the airport and many flights departing. This does not effect us in any way. Foreigners should stay out of Thai politics period! It is none of our business, I am only concerned with the safety of me and my friends who live here. Keeping up to date on the latest news is something I am happy I can do through this web site as long as it is accurate. Thanks Thai Visa!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

There's nothing smart in your consulting. Wow, the tired old "if you don't like it go home". Considering that a number of us have lived here for a fair while, pay taxes, own properyt, cars and have family here, I think we are quite within our write to make comment about how the governement acts, and make comment on the whole sham that is Thai politics. I hope, for the future that those of us that have children with Thai nationality, will see that when they grow up they want to tolerate the BS that they are being shoveled everyday from the governemnt and elect people who are interested in serving the country, as opposed to serving a convicted criminal.

If you are so concerned about your safety, then maybe it is you who should take a taxi to the airport.

I might add that some of us may not have Thai children but are wife's do and we care about them also and do not want to see them grow up with a government that has there interest at heart. Well as much as a government can. Government's the world over are going to attract scum but they can keep them to a minority.

that is one of the reasons I support the education of the wife's grandchildren.

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Wow! Why so much passion and hatred for what's going on in Thai politics. We are foreigners in this country and we choose to be here. If you don't like it there are plenty of taxis to the airport and many flights departing. This does not effect us in any way. Foreigners should stay out of Thai politics period! It is none of our business, I am only concerned with the safety of me and my friends who live here. Keeping up to date on the latest news is something I am happy I can do through this web site as long as it is accurate. Thanks Thai Visa!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Would you refuse to intervene in a rape because you are not a policeman?

Many of us have families and businesses, and pay taxes, here, and it very much concerns us and our families futures. We are not free to leave on whim even though we will never be citizens because of xenophobic laws. But we can express our views and share out knowledge both here and with Thai friends and family in a hope of improvement.

When did I ever say one could not express their opinion. I was referring to the extreme passion of hate some foreigners express towards a man they have never met or had any real connection to. Yes some of you have lived here for a long time but your passion and hatred for this man and his political affiliations is outstanding. I work in a Thai only office at a Thai Army base and the Thais here do not discuss Thaksin and such a hatred for him like the foreigners do on this site.

Just like I read yesterday on this forum. Foreigners have been seen protesting with great enthusiasm at the front of the group. Thai officials had stated that foreigners who get involved with the protests would possibly be arrested and deported. Hogwash about Thaksin effecting the foreigners here!!!

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I know many Thais who are extremely angry with this Government and hate Thaksin a lot more than foreigners on this site. Hence the recent protests.

What's more is the neutrals, who are not bothered either way, have now lost complete trust in this Government and no longer believe a word from Yingluck's mouth.

While I completely agree that foreigners should stick out of the protests (remember the idiots who joined in the Red Shirt one - total prats!) - there is nothing wrong with people moaning on an internet forum when they see blatant corruption and lies being fed out to the country the live in and people they live with. Of course, people are going to be angry on here.

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What a thieving,gutless. pathetic man.

EDIT ... Oh Khun Shinawat ... feel free to come back to Thailand and sue me for defamation!

Most probably he'll send his lawer to sue you and after you lost in court they take your Visa.

He doesn't need to come back to Thailand to sue you....a phone call is good enough.

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English language lesson Number 1.


Now go away, and if you would be so kind, take the trash with you.

Wow! Why so much passion and hatred for what's going on in Thai politics. We are foreigners in this country and we choose to be here. If you don't like it there are plenty of taxis to the airport and many flights departing. This does not effect us in any way. Foreigners should stay out of Thai politics period! It is none of our business, I am only concerned with the safety of me and my friends who live here. Keeping up to date on the latest news is something I am happy I can do through this web site as long as it is accurate. Thanks Thai Visa!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

On top of which, despite despising his rank dishonesty and manipulation, I do have a grudging respect of .............what is he going to do next? So far he has pulled some interesting ploys, true they have not worked and he is being thwarted at every turn, but it sure as hell make interesting reading and is better than any "Boy's Own Adventure Story" albeit less sophisticated.

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Maybe it's time for mr. T to come back to Thailand and do the time for the crime, so he would gain some respect from his country-men.

Let him show what a man with cojones stands for !!!


For the benefit of those who might not be aware, there are several other cases which would then be able to proceed, hence the need for a general amnesty first, and his interest in pushing it through at whatever the cost to the country.

Or perhaps he really does enjoy mutton-grabs & investing in Africa ? whistling.gif

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...I do have a voice, are you saying that I can't use it?

John Farnham - You're The Voice (lyrics) excerpt:

"We have the chance to turn the pages over, We can write what we wanna write...

How long can we look at each other Down the barrel of a gun?

You're the voice, try and understand it, Make a noise and make it clear

We're not gonna sit in silence, We're not gonna live with fear..."

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So the felon still pulls the strings of this battered and bruised party?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Don't worry! He'll have another trick up his sleeve.

So perhaps we should guess what comes next.

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My guess is, that he will try and force it through in a 180 days. Hence the reason as to why he doesn't want to dissolve parliment. Whatever PTP, Yingluck or any of the other paid for cretins say, the Amnesty bill is still in play.

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My guess is, that he will try and force it through in a 180 days. Hence the reason as to why he doesn't want to dissolve parliment. Whatever PTP, Yingluck or any of the other paid for cretins say, the Amnesty bill is still in play.

You mean ram it through and then dissolve parliament. In that case the law gets passed and when PTP gets re-elected they can justify the passing of the Amnesty with their re-election (obviously most were in favor of the amnesty or PTP would not be re-elected). Wild conjecture on my part but I would not put it past the PTP leadership.

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It has to be illegal in some shape or form to have convicted criminal on the run to instruct ruling party.

Even exiled leaders do not dare to do as much

I'm sure you're right. Instructs them, selects them, demotes or promotes them, and regularly hold an audience for them where they can plead their case and receive instruction.

It's also illegal to issue a new passport to him - but his sister and cousin did it, at taxpayers expense, and no one has bothered to really do anything about it

He's taking the piss, everyone knows it, yet no body has the balls to do anything.

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I am a bit confused. Admittedly I have only been following the situation in passing and I dont think i will get a decent answer here but will try anyway.

The amnesty bill lost and rightfully so. Why does this turn from a bill losing to an entire government being dissolved? I know that many people (especially here) dont like the current regime, but how does one bill going down mean that the whole government should resign their seats? I think this is part of the problem in Thailand, it leads to a lack of stability.

I dislike (understatement of the century) the Obama administration, if a bill Obama tried to push didnt get through (say immigration reform) we wouldnt throw out the whole government. I dont think they should throw out the government even if I do hate the commander and chief. The people should decide at the next scheduled election. Is this a British thing?

Before people start jumping on me for this comment, it is a serious question from a naive American on the parliamentary system.

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