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Suthep calls for 3-day national strike, tells corporates to defer their tax payments


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why not block the airports, that seem to be popular

This tried and tested/detested ruse in being mulled but is a moot

There are 3 riders or impediments to overcome

1 Obviously the bung to the car park mafias/concession bandits

2 The Reds want to import 'HIGH CALIBRE CHINESE" leader

3 Yellow would prefer high calibre voters to perhasp Chewchow veggies

With such large numbers more tutuk,touts and scams need be prepared so

NO PASARAN (none shall pass,well at least contributing to the trough).

While the noble goal for both is enrichment of the nouveau or not so nouveau Hi-Sos

the end game will be hard to predict other than peasants pawns at a pittance and freeslop are expendable by both sides and corruption,violence and International opprobrium is no bar.

During similar replays in my decades here tourism the baht trade have been largely unaffected in the long run.

Provoking disorder usually results in the REAL BIG STICK mountain 438 will allow/entice/ the men in uniform to co-erce as in time immemorial and the 3 harmonies will be restored.


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Suthep said those who could not actually stop working should work slowly in an act of disobedience.


Not really sure it's possible to work any slower.


All kidding aside, screw the people paying your salary.  That should teach the gov't a lesson.

Yep placing anger on people that have nothing to do with it like taking over airports to piss the tourists off who have absolutely nothing to do with it

Now making people not go to work for their bosses

Not being funny but if my staff did not turn up for work to protest then I would sack them tell them to protest all year if they like just not here

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Thai politics is very interesting in a strange way.

If I understand the situation right the government has taken the bills off the table for now but in or within 180 days they can push it through the process by not having to put in before the senators. That doesn't seem right, so I can understand why the that people won't stop their protest.

It seems that the PM and her brother are digging a deeper hole for themselves every time one of them opens their mouth.

BTW, it seems the PM has been very quiet for the past few days. Maybe she can see the writing on the wall and realises that her days in office are running out. If it's true that she has been nothing more that a proxy for her brother in Dubai she must be furious with him for throwing her under the bus and would probably like to resign. Or if the rumors are true about Thaksin really being her father I guess she can't refuse him and will keep on doing what she is told.

Thailand's constitution honours the representatives. If the representatives want to pass the bill, there's only one legal way in the process to stop them -- by having the constitutional court rule the bill unconstitutional. The upper house can only delay the bill as you might have known. Even His Majesty does not sign the bill, the representatives still can pass the bill by their own by using two-third of the lower house.

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This guy reminds me of the Komodo Dragon. Not just in looks. Though not venomous itself, the Komodo carries enough deadly bacteria in it's mouth to slay it's victims slowly and painfully.

I agree. He should crawl back under his rock... jerk.gif.pagespeed.ce.TMGfqs4Lzz.gif

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Sadly this is simply an extension of the Thai mentality. They have achieved what they set out to do and have sent a strong message of condemnation to both the Shiniwatra's and the PTP. Further exacerbation at this point in time is not a viable option and will only lead to increased friction and possible violent confrontations which the PTP would significantly capitalize from.

This whole issue was resurrected around and against the AMNESTY BILL and to all intent and purpose they have succeed.

They have shown the government the people's sentiment and distrust and they should back off now. Overthrowing this current government may well be a desire in the hearts of many but it must come from due process and not mob rule.

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Has Sutheps 15 minutes of fame made him completely lose his head??rolleyes.gif

He now thinks he is Thailands:attachicon.gifche-guevara.jpg

Wonder if Che too had cases pending for stealing government land in Samui with the help of corrupt landoffice officials??coffee1.gif

Yes, I wonder why Suthep and the Dems aren't calling for an all out onslaught against corruption in Thailand.

Oh, well I never, here's part of the answer to my question.

1995 Corruption Scandal

The Democrat Party won elections in 13 September 1992, shortly after Black May, and formed a government. Suthep became Agriculture Minister. As part of the Sor Por Kor 4-01 (สปก.4-01) land reform scheme, Suthep gave title deeds to 592 plots of land in Khao Sam Liam, Kamala and Nakkerd hills of Phuket province to 489 farmers. It was later found that members of 11 wealthy families in Phuket were among the recipients. Suthep addressed a huge crowd in his Surat Thani constituency a month before a no-confidence debate and called on his supporters to march on Bangkok in the hundreds of thousands to defend his reputation.The scandal led Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai of the Democrat Party to dissolve the House of Representatives in July 1995 in order to avoid the no-confidence debate.In subsequent elections, the Chart Thai party won a majority, leading to the downfall of Chuan Leekpai's Democrat Party-led government.


It takes one to know one I guess.

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"Suthep also announced last night that he and eight other Democrat MPs had decided to resign their seats to fight alongside the people against "the evil government".

F.Y.I. Suthep is not an M.P., he was disqualified as an M.P. in 2009. He had been involved in a number of corruption scandals and also violating the Constitution of Thailand, which led to his disqualification. Corrupt politicians of one party try to remove the incumbent party they are accusing of being corrupt, is typical Thai politics. They do not really want to get rid of corruption, only to get their turn at the pig trough, so they can feed on the up and coming trillion Baht mega projects. Shutting down industry for 3 days does not help the country, but politicians can make mega bucks by selling their Thai Shares, making the Stock Exchange Crash, then buying the shares at a 20-30% discount. After 3 days they come to an agreement and the SET shoots up and they have made Millions. Meanwhile the public has lost money. The fat cats win again. Most of the demonstrators, in Thai tradition, are rent-a-mob paid by the day and provided with meals and refreshments.

And that pig Suthep is really good with his multi-tentacled "sticky" arms in just about every industry going here..... Look what he's done to the rubber prices for an example (yesssssss.... it was this snake that is buying up 100's if not 1000's of tons of cheap rubber at low prices). The man spits on the poor at all times.

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Suthep said those who could not actually stop working should work slowly in an act of disobedience.

Not really sure it's possible to work any slower.

All kidding aside, screw the people paying your salary. That should teach the gov't a lesson.

Yep placing anger on people that have nothing to do with it like taking over airports to piss the tourists off who have absolutely nothing to do with it

Now making people not go to work for their bosses

Not being funny but if my staff did not turn up for work to protest then I would sack them tell them to protest all year if they like just not here

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If you have some qualified one, send them over to me after sacking them...

I give my people free if they want to attend the demonstrations. Less corruption=less taxes=more profit for me in the long range.

As well I would do the same for my country and understand if they want to do that. Generally I don't treat my staff like they are slaves.....

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"Suthep said those who could not actually stop working should work slowly in an act of disobedience."

If I am a pilot, can I fly more slowly?

yes fly 600 km/h instead of 800.

I think he meant mostly government staff and not private companies and even less doctors (no the heart surgery won't last longer) or pilots.

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Suthep said those who could not actually stop working should work slowly in an act of disobedience.


Not really sure it's possible to work any slower.


All kidding aside, screw the people paying your salary.  That should teach the gov't a lesson.

Yep placing anger on people that have nothing to do with it like taking over airports to piss the tourists off who have absolutely nothing to do with it

Now making people not go to work for their bosses

Not being funny but if my staff did not turn up for work to protest then I would sack them tell them to protest all year if they like just not here

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app



If you have some qualified one, send them over to me after sacking them...

I give my people free if they want to attend the demonstrations. Less corruption=less taxes=more profit for me in the long range.

As well I would do the same for my country and understand if they want to do that. Generally I don't treat my staff like they are slaves.....


It has nothing to do with treating your staff like slaves it's about right and wrong

Why should the business owners be punished be them thai or foreigner just because if a government dispute

I agree they have the right to protest but not at the expense of people trying to earn a living

Remember staff get paid a wage each month

It is up to the boss to provide money for his staff or he cannot afford to keep them and business shall close

Also protesting by blocking the airports is disgusting as tourists have morning to do with this domestic stuff yet they are fitting the penalty

A bit like killing your neighbours dog because he killed your dog even though his dog was not to blame for killing your ow. Dog just using a innocent dog to punish an owner that wrong

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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And that pig Suthep is really good with his multi-tentacled "sticky" arms in just about every industry going here..... Look what he's done to the rubber prices for an example (yesssssss.... it was this snake that is buying up 100's if not 1000's of tons of cheap rubber at low prices). The man spits on the poor at all times.

Off-topic, I know, but how is Suthep pushing the price of rubber down by buying heaps of it? Is this another thaksinomics market theory?

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And that pig Suthep is really good with his multi-tentacled "sticky" arms in just about every industry going here..... Look what he's done to the rubber prices for an example (yesssssss.... it was this snake that is buying up 100's if not 1000's of tons of cheap rubber at low prices). The man spits on the poor at all times.

Off-topic, I know, but how is Suthep pushing the price of rubber down by buying heaps of it? Is this another thaksinomics market theory?

The price is down because the world economy is crap. Thai politicians might like to believe they are the centre of stuff, but we all know that Gordon brown saved the world economy.

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What does this man want more ?

Like my former diving teacher, who said: "The decompression illness can be occurred palsy, death or other worse thing."

My buddy asked: "What worse? His family is also died? cheesy.gif

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"Suthep also announced last night that he and eight other Democrat MPs had decided to resign their seats to fight alongside the people against "the evil government".

F.Y.I. Suthep is not an M.P., he was disqualified as an M.P. in 2009. He had been involved in a number of corruption scandals and also violating the Constitution of Thailand, which led to his disqualification. Corrupt politicians of one party try to remove the incumbent party they are accusing of being corrupt, is typical Thai politics. They do not really want to get rid of corruption, only to get their turn at the pig trough, so they can feed on the up and coming trillion Baht mega projects. Shutting down industry for 3 days does not help the country, but politicians can make mega bucks by selling their Thai Shares, making the Stock Exchange Crash, then buying the shares at a 20-30% discount. After 3 days they come to an agreement and the SET shoots up and they have made Millions. Meanwhile the public has lost money. The fat cats win again. Most of the demonstrators, in Thai tradition, are rent-a-mob paid by the day and provided with meals and refreshments.

And that pig Suthep is really good with his multi-tentacled "sticky" arms in just about every industry going here..... Look what he's done to the rubber prices for an example (yesssssss.... it was this snake that is buying up 100's if not 1000's of tons of cheap rubber at low prices). The man spits on the poor at all times.

any evidence?

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Suthep said those who could not actually stop working should work slowly in an act of disobedience.

Not really sure it's possible to work any slower.

All kidding aside, screw the people paying your salary. That should teach the gov't a lesson.

Yep placing anger on people that have nothing to do with it like taking over airports to piss the tourists off who have absolutely nothing to do with it

Now making people not go to work for their bosses

Not being funny but if my staff did not turn up for work to protest then I would sack them tell them to protest all year if they like just not here

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

If you have some qualified one, send them over to me after sacking them...

I give my people free if they want to attend the demonstrations. Less corruption=less taxes=more profit for me in the long range.

As well I would do the same for my country and understand if they want to do that. Generally I don't treat my staff like they are slaves.....

It has nothing to do with treating your staff like slaves it's about right and wrong

Why should the business owners be punished be them thai or foreigner just because if a government dispute

I agree they have the right to protest but not at the expense of people trying to earn a living

Remember staff get paid a wage each month

It is up to the boss to provide money for his staff or he cannot afford to keep them and business shall close

Also protesting by blocking the airports is disgusting as tourists have morning to do with this domestic stuff yet they are fitting the penalty

A bit like killing your neighbours dog because he killed your dog even though his dog was not to blame for killing your ow. Dog just using a innocent dog to punish an owner that wrong

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yes it is about right and wrong and about the expenses of people trying to earn a living.

So you must support it. The last years unseen corruption and mismanagement and high inflation, specially on food.

Three day closing isn't a big thing, and you don't need to pay the staff during this time. If you don't have much orders currently it might be even an advantage.

It is not that the companies and the government are on a different planet without connection. The companies will pay also for the mismanagement of the government.

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Suthep said those who could not actually stop working should work slowly in an act of disobedience.

Not really sure it's possible to work any slower.

All kidding aside, screw the people paying your salary. That should teach the gov't a lesson.

Yep placing anger on people that have nothing to do with it like taking over airports to piss the tourists off who have absolutely nothing to do with it

Now making people not go to work for their bosses

Not being funny but if my staff did not turn up for work to protest then I would sack them tell them to protest all year if they like just not here

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

If you have some qualified one, send them over to me after sacking them...

I give my people free if they want to attend the demonstrations. Less corruption=less taxes=more profit for me in the long range.

As well I would do the same for my country and understand if they want to do that. Generally I don't treat my staff like they are slaves.....

I can only hope that his staff aren't very good. If he's the kind of guy who would sack his staff for taking 3 days to get involved with something that may be hugely important to them and their country (in their opinion), then to replace crap staff would be much easier than to replace good staff.

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It has nothing to do with treating your staff like slaves it's about right and wrong

Why should the business owners be punished be them thai or foreigner just because if a government dispute

I agree they have the right to protest but not at the expense of people trying to earn a living

Remember staff get paid a wage each month

It is up to the boss to provide money for his staff or he cannot afford to keep them and business shall close

Also protesting by blocking the airports is disgusting as tourists have morning to do with this domestic stuff yet they are fitting the penalty

A bit like killing your neighbours dog because he killed your dog even though his dog was not to blame for killing your ow. Dog just using a innocent dog to punish an owner that wrong

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

yes it is about right and wrong and about the expenses of people trying to earn a living.

So you must support it. The last years unseen corruption and mismanagement and high inflation, specially on food.

Three day closing isn't a big thing, and you don't need to pay the staff during this time. If you don't have much orders currently it might be even an advantage.

It is not that the companies and the government are on a different planet without connection. The companies will pay also for the mismanagement of the government.

I'm sure the car companies will follow your largesse, 7-11,s TOPS, Big C etc

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Suthep said those who could not actually stop working should work slowly in an act of disobedience.


Not really sure it's possible to work any slower.


All kidding aside, screw the people paying your salary.  That should teach the gov't a lesson.

Yep placing anger on people that have nothing to do with it like taking over airports to piss the tourists off who have absolutely nothing to do with it

Now making people not go to work for their bosses

Not being funny but if my staff did not turn up for work to protest then I would sack them tell them to protest all year if they like just not here

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app



If you have some qualified one, send them over to me after sacking them...

I give my people free if they want to attend the demonstrations. Less corruption=less taxes=more profit for me in the long range.

As well I would do the same for my country and understand if they want to do that. Generally I don't treat my staff like they are slaves.....



I can only hope that his staff aren't very good.  If he's the kind of guy who would sack his staff for taking 3 days to get involved with something that may be hugely important to them and their country (in their opinion), then to replace crap staff would be much easier than to replace good staff.

I take it you don't have a business, responsibility, family extra to look after

Are you one of these people that either have allot of money and don't need to work or one of these hippies that hate capitalism yes still want the live off the luxuries that come with it

What do I tell my customers that have paid for me to hire my staff to look after them

Do u really think they give a shit about me and my staff problems

Maybe u can take my complaints from my customers and take the abuse that I get on a daily bases

If they have a crap about there own people then they would not ask the people to put themselves on the line

Like this

So I shall put u in charge of all my customer complaints for the next 3 days then

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And that pig Suthep is really good with his multi-tentacled "sticky" arms in just about every industry going here..... Look what he's done to the rubber prices for an example (yesssssss.... it was this snake that is buying up 100's if not 1000's of tons of cheap rubber at low prices). The man spits on the poor at all times.




Off-topic, I know, but how is Suthep pushing the price of rubber down by buying heaps of it? Is this another thaksinomics market theory?


The price is down because the world economy is crap. Thai politicians might like to believe they are the centre of stuff, but we all know that Gordon brown saved the world economy.

What the hell r u on about ?

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It has nothing to do with treating your staff like slaves it's about right and wrong

Why should the business owners be punished be them thai or foreigner just because if a government dispute

I agree they have the right to protest but not at the expense of people trying to earn a living

Remember staff get paid a wage each month

It is up to the boss to provide money for his staff or he cannot afford to keep them and business shall close

Also protesting by blocking the airports is disgusting as tourists have morning to do with this domestic stuff yet they are fitting the penalty

A bit like killing your neighbours dog because he killed your dog even though his dog was not to blame for killing your ow. Dog just using a innocent dog to punish an owner that wrong

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

yes it is about right and wrong and about the expenses of people trying to earn a living.

So you must support it. The last years unseen corruption and mismanagement and high inflation, specially on food.

Three day closing isn't a big thing, and you don't need to pay the staff during this time. If you don't have much orders currently it might be even an advantage.

It is not that the companies and the government are on a different planet without connection. The companies will pay also for the mismanagement of the government.

I'm sure the car companies will follow your largesse, 7-11,s TOPS, Big C etc

Despite H90's largesse I am sure i saw him commenting on another thread how he could not keep his staff. Sounds like instead of going to the protests they are just using them as an excuse for a day off. "Yes H90 of course i was protesting""now please get back i need something to clean my feet on"

Oh i see now, his largesse and like of their supporting does not extend to him actually paying them for the days off. Perhaps instead of worrying about taxes and high costs of inflation you would be better off looking at your staffing levels if you are able to function well enough with no staff for 3 days. You are probably 50% overstaffed.

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I'm sure the car companies will follow your largesse, 7-11,s TOPS, Big C etc

Despite H90's largesse I am sure i saw him commenting on another thread how he could not keep his staff. Sounds like instead of going to the protests they are just using them as an excuse for a day off. "Yes H90 of course i was protesting""now please get back i need something to clean my feet on"

Oh i see now, his largesse and like of their supporting does not extend to him actually paying them for the days off. Perhaps instead of worrying about taxes and high costs of inflation you would be better off looking at your staffing levels if you are able to function well enough with no staff for 3 days. You are probably 50% overstaffed.

Well as they go together there, including my wife, I doubt that they would just take a day off. Beside that go there after work every day.

Seems you used to bad staff, that is cheating you?

And where do you read that I am not paying them? Beside latest I heard we'll not close complete.

Beside as manufacturer without some urgent orders I can be 3 days late. Other companies close every Saturday and don't get broke after 3 weeks, as well we survive Sonkran.

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And that pig Suthep is really good with his multi-tentacled "sticky" arms in just about every industry going here..... Look what he's done to the rubber prices for an example (yesssssss.... it was this snake that is buying up 100's if not 1000's of tons of cheap rubber at low prices). The man spits on the poor at all times.

Off-topic, I know, but how is Suthep pushing the price of rubber down by buying heaps of it? Is this another thaksinomics market theory?

The price is down because the world economy is crap. Thai politicians might like to believe they are the centre of stuff, but we all know that Gordon brown saved the world economy.

So, Suthep is doing a good thing keeping the demand and prices up. tongue.png

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I'm sure the car companies will follow your largesse, 7-11,s TOPS, Big C etc

Despite H90's largesse I am sure i saw him commenting on another thread how he could not keep his staff. Sounds like instead of going to the protests they are just using them as an excuse for a day off. "Yes H90 of course i was protesting""now please get back i need something to clean my feet on"

Oh i see now, his largesse and like of their supporting does not extend to him actually paying them for the days off. Perhaps instead of worrying about taxes and high costs of inflation you would be better off looking at your staffing levels if you are able to function well enough with no staff for 3 days. You are probably 50% overstaffed.

Well just on this thread we've had

"I give my people free if they want to attend the demonstrations. Less corruption=less taxes=more profit for me in the long range.

As well I would do the same for my country and understand if they want to do that. Generally I don't treat my staff like they are slaves....."


"yes it is about right and wrong and about the expenses of people trying to earn a living.

So you must support it. The last years unseen corruption and mismanagement and high inflation, specially on food.

Three day closing isn't a big thing, and you don't need to pay the staff during this time"

and finally

"Beside latest I heard we'll not close complete."

So basically his workers can have a few, not 3, days off with no pay as long as they rally against corruption = less taxes so that he can benefit from the resulting profit - all without lifting a finger

Edited by fab4
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It has nothing to do with treating your staff like slaves it's about right and wrong

Why should the business owners be punished be them thai or foreigner just because if a government dispute

I agree they have the right to protest but not at the expense of people trying to earn a living

Remember staff get paid a wage each month

It is up to the boss to provide money for his staff or he cannot afford to keep them and business shall close

Also protesting by blocking the airports is disgusting as tourists have morning to do with this domestic stuff yet they are fitting the penalty

A bit like killing your neighbours dog because he killed your dog even though his dog was not to blame for killing your ow. Dog just using a innocent dog to punish an owner that wrong

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app



yes it is about right and wrong and about the expenses of people trying to earn a living.

So you must support it. The last years unseen corruption and mismanagement and high inflation, specially on food.

Three day closing isn't a big thing, and you don't need to pay the staff during this time. If you don't have much orders currently it might be even an advantage.


It is not that the companies and the government are on a different planet without connection. The companies will pay also for the mismanagement of the government.



I'm sure the car companies will follow your largesse, 7-11,s TOPS, Big C etc

Exactly if the competition opposite the road lets their staff go home then great for the shop that stayed open that shop can give their staff double pay with double the customers

If yellows want to attack anyone then front thier problems face on

I have never see. The reds and the yellows face each other an a full front confrontation

They are just non confrontational people

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Exactly if the competition opposite the road lets their staff go home then great for the shop that stayed open that shop can give their staff double pay with double the customers

If yellows want to attack anyone then front thier problems face on

I have never see. The reds and the yellows face each other an a full front confrontation

They are just non confrontational people

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The reds don't confront the yellows. They just throw grenades from the expressway.

The yellows confront the reds, but the reds throw grenades from behind their barricades.

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Exactly if the competition opposite the road lets their staff go home then great for the shop that stayed open that shop can give their staff double pay with double the customers

If yellows want to attack anyone then front thier problems face on

I have never see. The reds and the yellows face each other an a full front confrontation

They are just non confrontational people

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The reds don't confront the yellows.  They just throw grenades from the expressway.


The yellows confront the reds, but the reds throw grenades from behind their barricades.

They could all rally next to each other and sort out their difference and leave the public alone

Dedicate sine land just out of the way as not to cause traffic problems

Put it on YouTube and what ever

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