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What is the meaning of these words?

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There are two words (adjectives) that I would like to get a proper translation of. Both words are often used to describe the behaviour of infants or children.

One is duu. I thought it meant naughty but I cannot find it in a dictionary so it might be slang or a local dialect

The other one is kadii-kadaa. It seems to be used when describing an ebullient behaviour.


ดื้อ not easy to transliterate, but 'duh' sounds pretty close to my English ears, means stubborn.

Is that the one you meant?

And maybe this is the second one?

กระดี๊กระด๊า 'gra dee gra daa'? giggling and tremblling.


ดื้อ (dʉ̂ʉ) Naughty, stubborn, obstinate

กระดี๊กระด๊า (kràˑ​díiˑ​kràˑ​dáa) (i) To giggle mirthfully, (ii) to be obviously excited, (iii) jubilant, delighted, joyful. (kr- reduced to k- in non-formal speech).

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