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Thai PM pleads for rallies to end after amnesty defeated


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'If a lot of people strike who will work?'

Well, PM ... noone!, That's the concept.

Well actually, your statement would only be correct if Yingluck had said If all the people strike, who will work.

She didn't, you're wrong but no doubt you and your "likees" feel quite smug about it.

'If a lot of people strike who will work?'

Those who are not striking?

Is that the same as No one? No it's not

"A lot" can technically be "everyone". "A lot" simply describes an unspecified amount, so this amount could be "everyone", especially if the observer using the word is unaware of exactly how many a lot" and "everyone" is, or is simply not able to count them.

Now if "a lot" in this case is "everyone", then "those who are not striking" would actually equate "no one" :-)

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The strike is not going to happen, it's just usual bluster. However, there is nothing wrong with the demonstrations continuing if it cleans up this current bunch of crooks in government.

As for you suggesting people want strikes and strife, that isn't true.

When a poster posts week old photos to exaggerate the state of unrest and riots and protest I think he is trying to start trouble including a strike and further strife and in violation of Thai Visa policy of posting knowingly wrong information.

Oh stop being a drama queen, maybe a day or so out. Are you an ex prefect?

The photo appeared on Nov 4 and was attributed to Nov 12th. That is not a day or so that is 8 days.

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Her speeches and over the last several days have been a good demonstration the her and her teams ability, Her team including the caddie of course.

Give us more time to prove ourselves. The "achievements" and performance over the last 2 years, coupled with the very obvious number one agenda item should be more than enough for almost anyone to make a judgement. Gonna be a lot more than 500 baht a vote next time sweetie - best get the 2.2 trillion in the bank quick.

That would be another huge blunder.

In fact, if this government are still in power when that 2.2 trillion loan gets it's next reading, that is only going to throw petrol on the existing fire.

The people of Thailand know that most of the cash will disappear down a black hole and end up in offshore bank accounts, and failed pet projects.

Then they are lumped with a more than 120 million baht a day repayment scheme for the next 50 years.

Yes.... that is how much the children of Thailand will be paying back long after this bunch of morons are maggots.

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what goes on in that tiny little brain....does she honestly not realise whats coming out of her mouth.....shes pathetic..im almost cringing with embarrasment when shes about to talk...its almost a relief that most are uneducated here..can you imagine if they were ..60.000.000 laughing at the same time you would here it in space..w00t.gif

How many of those people out there blowing whistles are uneducated using your guide? Must be a fairly high percentage as you say that most of the Thais are uneducated here. What do your Thai friends think about your views, do you discuss it with them.You obviously equate being uneducated with being stupid, a common misconception. I'm not sure but if they are of the educated minority (according to you) I would have thought they would not be too happy with that viewpoint.

Just a thought.

Since it is not the majority of thais that are blowing whistles, the majority of thais and the whistle blowers can be two entirely separate groups, with not even a single person belonging to both groups, hence your statement is logically flawed. Education in logic would tell you that :-)

When it comes to fairly complicated matters such as politics and economy, a lack of education often equates "stupidity", as those without education are likely not able to understand the issues debated.

An example of this could be, how can a person debate or understand the rice scam or the 2 trillion baht loan if the person does not even know how many zeros are in the numbers we are debating (billions and trillions).

Try and ask your Thai friends, especially the uneducated ones how many zeros are in a billion or trillion, and post the results here :-)

I asked my Thai students in grade 4 during this evening's classes if they knew how many zeros were in the number four billion, which was in a text about the Olympic Games. They had obviously learned from somewhere, and in 3 different classes at least one student knew that there were nine zeros. Educated, smart and hopefully they will form part of a better future of Thailand than the ones who guess at "a million zeros" or "zero zeros" !! smile.png

Edited by Sunderland
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Hmm....... a Shinawat family member lecturing people about paying tax.

Not sure about that.

Exactly...throw out these scummy role models. What example are they setting for our children? It makes more sense for the Democrats to back off now - they don;t want to lose support. They can threaten to revive rallies 180 days from now if this government is stupid enough to table the same or similar bill. It's heartening to see a LOT of people taking a stand against corruption - not just against Thaksin, but all corrupt officials.

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what goes on in that tiny little brain....does she honestly not realise whats coming out of her mouth.....shes pathetic..im almost cringing with embarrasment when shes about to talk...its almost a relief that most are uneducated here..can you imagine if they were ..60.000.000 laughing at the same time you would here it in space..w00t.gif

How many of those people out there blowing whistles are uneducated using your guide? Must be a fairly high percentage as you say that most of the Thais are uneducated here. What do your Thai friends think about your views, do you discuss it with them.You obviously equate being uneducated with being stupid, a common misconception. I'm not sure but if they are of the educated minority (according to you) I would have thought they would not be too happy with that viewpoint.

Just a thought.

Since it is not the majority of thais that are blowing whistles, the majority of thais and the whistle blowers can be two entirely separate groups, with not even a single person belonging to both groups, hence your statement is logically flawed. Education in logic would tell you that :-)

When it comes to fairly complicated matters such as politics and economy, a lack of education often equates "stupidity", as those without education are likely not able to understand the issues debated.

An example of this could be, how can a person debate or understand the rice scam or the 2 trillion baht loan if the person does not even know how many zeros are in the numbers we are debating (billions and trillions).

Try and ask your Thai friends, especially the uneducated ones how many zeros are in a billion or trillion, and post the results here :-)

Or name the countries which border Thailand......?

You'd be amazed how even educated politicians with masters degrees get that wrong. biggrin.png

Edited by bigbamboo
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The strike is not going to happen, it's just usual bluster. However, there is nothing wrong with the demonstrations continuing if it cleans up this current bunch of crooks in government.

As for you suggesting people want strikes and strife, that isn't true.

When a poster posts week old photos to exaggerate the state of unrest and riots and protest I think he is trying to start trouble including a strike and further strife and in violation of Thai Visa policy of posting knowingly wrong information (photo from Nov. 4 not Nov 12.)

I very much doubt that Thai Visa posters are going to be inciting a strike and strife. Most members are a) too busy to do that B) to drunk too do that c) living in Nakhon Nowhere and d) not living in Thailand.

Not sure what else I missed out.

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Hmm....... a Shinawat family member lecturing people about paying tax.

Not sure about that.

Exactly...throw out these scummy role models. What example are they setting for our children? It makes more sense for the Democrats to back off now - they don;t want to lose support. They can threaten to revive rallies 180 days from now if this government is stupid enough to table the same or similar bill. It's heartening to see a LOT of people taking a stand against corruption - not just against Thaksin, but all corrupt officials.

This is the sad thing, there are no real role models at this point in Thailand IMO that our children have to look up to.

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'If a lot of people strike who will work?'

Well, PM ... noone!, That's the concept.

Well actually, your statement would only be correct if Yingluck had said If all the people strike, who will work.

She didn't, you're wrong but no doubt you and your "likees" feel quite smug about it.

Feeble - even by your standards.

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'If a lot of people strike who will work?'

Well, PM ... noone!, That's the concept.

Well actually, your statement would only be correct if Yingluck had said If all the people strike, who will work.

She didn't, you're wrong but no doubt you and your "likees" feel quite smug about it.

Feeble - even by your standards.

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The strike is not going to happen, it's just usual bluster. However, there is nothing wrong with the demonstrations continuing if it cleans up this current bunch of crooks in government.

As for you suggesting people want strikes and strife, that isn't true.

When a poster posts week old photos to exaggerate the state of unrest and riots and protest I think he is trying to start trouble including a strike and further strife and in violation of Thai Visa policy of posting knowingly wrong information (photo from Nov. 4 not Nov 12.)

I very much doubt that Thai Visa posters are going to be inciting a strike and strife. Most members are a) too busy to do that cool.png to drunk too do that c) living in Nakhon Nowhere and d) not living in Thailand.

Not sure what else I missed out.

Not being supportive of the stupid idea in the first place?

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"I live in Thailand and don't need a strike or strife no matter how much you internet warriors want one."

Self interest at work. Many of we 'Internet warriors' are sickened by the lies and sleight of hand of Thaksin and his cabal and the sufferings of the proletariat. If the tumbrils rolled through the streets of Krung Thep I. for one. would not raise a protest.

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Hmm....... a Shinawat family member lecturing people about paying tax.

Not sure about that.

Exactly...throw out these scummy role models. What example are they setting for our children? It makes more sense for the Democrats to back off now - they don;t want to lose support. They can threaten to revive rallies 180 days from now if this government is stupid enough to table the same or similar bill. It's heartening to see a LOT of people taking a stand against corruption - not just against Thaksin, but all corrupt officials.

This is the sad thing, there are no real role models at this point in Thailand IMO that our children have to look up to.

Not sure I can agree with you.

Abhist trying to block a bill that would remove trumped up murder charges that were brought against him. Saying no he will go to court and fight them there.

I am not exactly a big fan of the man but I have to admit he is showing character there.

He was the Prime Minister of Thailand with a government that was not completely behind him many private agendas. Yet he still managed to stop an attempted over throw of the Government by armed terrorists. He even agreed to meet their demands half way an agreement which they reneged on. Still he ended their take over of down town Bangkok and attempted coup with as little as possible damage considering the number of protestors and the fact that the army only killed 90 people. It could just as easily been over 1,000. Not a wonderful thing to do but considering what he had to work with it was not that bad. It was a sad day for Thailand but what other man would have been so lenient with them.

He is a man with as good a character yiou are going to find in politics.

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'If a lot of people strike who will work?'

Well, PM ... noone!, That's the concept.

Well actually, your statement would only be correct if Yingluck had said If all the people strike, who will work.

She didn't, you're wrong but no doubt you and your "likees" feel quite smug about it.

If that is the best defence of Yingluck you can come up with then your position, like Yingluck's, is untenable. If you are in any way concerned for this vacuous woman's welfare, you would wish that she be released from her torment and be allowed to continue with her life's work, viz shopping.

Yes for some reason he is infatuated with the women. To listen to him she can do no wrong. It would be different if she was a little bit honest. You know like come out and ask the protestors to stop the protests. It was a bill that never should have been written. It's main thrust was to white wash her brother.

Talk about reconciliation rather than justify every thing that the PTP has done wrong. Try to meet her opponents in parliament with honest intentions rather than hide behind her brothers red shirted army and persecute her opponents with trumped up false charges.

As it is the Parliament has become a joke if you don't like some thing the PTP is doing you are not allowed to debate it. Very few people go. You have a better chance of catching the PM in a shopping mall. It would not surprise me one bit if they set up a system for Thaksin to skype in directions to them as the proceedings are going on. Like they did in the cabinet meetings.

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PM calls on Thais to allow govt to carry out its work

Anapat Deechuay

The Nation

"If a lot of people strike then who will work? Please think about this," : Yingluck

BANGKOK: -- Yingluck asked protesters to bring a halt to the rallies and thus maintain foreigners' confidence in Thailand.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on Tuesday asked that the government be given a chance to continue its work, saying there are many issues that require its attention.

The government has to continue its work, she said. Among the tasks that cannot be carried out without the government in place is the functioning of the joint committee on ThaiCambodian border, she said.

"Please give us time to prove ourselves. We have listened to (people's) opinions so we want the people to return home and stop protesting. We don't want to hear that foreigners change their schedules and don't come to Thailand," she said.

"We believe everybody must campaign for all the people to pay taxes according to the law. This is the government's duty. I'd like to ask the people not to strike as they can still express their (political) opinions after work. If the people don't pay tax, the country will eventually hurt and that will affect the economy and problems will return to hurt us," she said.

She said "asking" is the first step the government will take. She added that the people should support tax payment.


-- The Nation 2013-11-12

allow govt to carry out its work

What work?

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'If a lot of people strike who will work?'

Well, PM ... noone!, That's the concept.

Well actually, your statement would only be correct if Yingluck had said If all the people strike, who will work.

She didn't, you're wrong but no doubt you and your "likees" feel quite smug about it.

And she still would've been asking a strange question.

It can't have even been mistranslated by the media outlet from 'how will the work get done' or 'how will the nation continue to run?', which probably would've been more sensible ways for a Prime Minister to ask.

Btw, they're likERs, not likEEs ... but that's just semantics (as you know).

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So it seems that there are a lot of TV members who believe in democracy by public protest, not by electoral process. Yes it's useful as an occasional tool but as an ongoing political model it is the road to hell.

No I'm not a Thaksin apologist, but Thailand (and particularly Bangkok) is staring into the abyss if this doesn't now settle back into a proper parliamentary format.

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So it seems that there are a lot of TV members who believe in democracy by public protest, not by electoral process. Yes it's useful as an occasional tool but as an ongoing political model it is the road to hell.


No I'm not a Thaksin apologist, but Thailand (and particularly Bangkok) is staring into the abyss if this doesn't now settle back into a proper parliamentary format.

Your post makes no sense whatever, as the final sentence contradicts the first paragraph.


The post makes sense to me.  The posters here are cheerleaders for riots and protests in the street as opposed to the electoral process using a ballot box as a method of change. 

Elections are not the only form of democracy.... once you have had the election. Democracy continues with an operating Parliament were both the government AND opposition have a chance to air their views. Also ideally a Democratic government should NOT be able to storm controversial laws etc through without due process. But that's what we have here.

PS: I'm glad Suthep has left the Democrats. He's a nut job. And I think that they should back off with the proviso that the amnesty bill be killed BEFORE the 180 days if possible.

but unfortunately there are more threats on the horizon.

Sent from my phone with the app thingy.

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'If a lot of people strike who will work?'

Well, PM ... noone!, That's the concept.

Well actually, your statement would only be correct if Yingluck had said If all the people strike, who will work.

She didn't, you're wrong but no doubt you and your "likees" feel quite smug about it.

If that is the best defence of Yingluck you can come up with then your position, like Yingluck's, is untenable. If you are in any way concerned for this vacuous woman's welfare, you would wish that she be released from her torment and be allowed to continue with her life's work, viz shopping.

Yes for some reason he is infatuated with the women. To listen to him she can do no wrong. It would be different if she was a little bit honest. You know like come out and ask the protestors to stop the protests. It was a bill that never should have been written. It's main thrust was to white wash her brother.

Talk about reconciliation rather than justify every thing that the PTP has done wrong. Try to meet her opponents in parliament with honest intentions rather than hide behind her brothers red shirted army and persecute her opponents with trumped up false charges.

As it is the Parliament has become a joke if you don't like some thing the PTP is doing you are not allowed to debate it. Very few people go. You have a better chance of catching the PM in a shopping mall. It would not surprise me one bit if they set up a system for Thaksin to skype in directions to them as the proceedings are going on. Like they did in the cabinet meetings.

You're both building a mountain out of a molehill. If you look at my post carefully you will see that I am correcting a very obvious mistake made by a poster - he was trying to say that Yingluck had made a mistake in her speech but his reasoning was completely wrong. It was not a defence of what she said. End of story.

There are posters on here that are far more pedantic than me on here, perhaps you ought to comment on their posts. (and yes, that means the posts, not the poster, hello dolly)

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So it seems that there are a lot of TV members who believe in democracy by public protest, not by electoral process. Yes it's useful as an occasional tool but as an ongoing political model it is the road to hell.

No I'm not a Thaksin apologist, but Thailand (and particularly Bangkok) is staring into the abyss if this doesn't now settle back into a proper parliamentary format.

You say that with perhaps an assumption of this being a 'government of the people'?

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