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Why doesn't Thailand do something about all the dogs?


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On the subject of Soi Dogs. Perhaps I am luckier than OP because there are only about 6 strays in my soi which is about 300 metres in length. However, the front of my house has recently become the local poop depository. I clear it away after it has dried, but with recent rains it's a messy, smelly chore, and the odour lingers on for several days. I don't wish these dogs any harm since they are here as a result of a former owners' neglect . What I want is the brand name of a chemical or natural 'recipe' that can be applied/sprayed onto the cement frontage to my house to prevent these strays returning so often. Any suggestions are most welcome.

Buy kilos of the hottest pepper you can find, crush and sprinkle the area. Maybe adding vinegar to the mix should dispel them. Let me know how it goes.

Guy up the road uses a mix of chilli powder and white pepper in engine oil so he doesn't have to reapply it after every shower.

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I don't want to take part in the particular discussion above, but I have actually never been bitten by a dog in my 13-14 years here.

Neither have I seen anyone been bitten.

However, I feel it is just a matter of time before I will get bit, which is why I am interested in this thread.

This might be a stupid one, but a dog whistle, is the tone uncomfortable or just neutral for the dogs?

Forget the whistle.

Dogs HATE firecrackers with a passion, and will run like mad dogs when they hear them.

I think you would do well with a starter pistol, or a cap gun,

The kind with no barrel, of course.

Just a small charge of black powder to make a BIG BANG,

Like what kids like.

If you don't believe me,

Try one on the next dog you see.

Most dogs are gun shy, unless they are bred and trained to be otherwise.

And, you probably will need to watch for people biters, as well.

I wonder if the number of people bitten by people is greater than the number of people bitten by dogs,?

Or is that a stupid question, like yours?

I think they are both good valid logical questions.

I see your point, and yes I know dogs hate loud sounds as the fire crackers.

Most dogs go crazy during new years eve.

Anyhow, I feel it would be a bit impractical for me walking around with firecrackers (and a lighter), or a gun, in my pocket.

Maybe a small pepper spray? I dont know where to buy, or how small they are.

Anyway, back to the topic.

Don't show fear. First stomp your foot at them, they will generally run away. If they try to bite you, kick or punch them as hard as you can. They will run away.

While they are pretty fast, they are stupid, most are pretty weak, and generally cow easily.


First thing you do is take your shoes off.

Dogs always think when they see someone take their shoes off that they will be hurled at them, like President Bush.

You may not believe this if you don't come from Asia, but this really works.

You don't need to actually throw the shoe, just take it off.

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It always amuses me that animal lovers seem to always want stray dogs gathered up and killed. If you want them dead, grow a pair and kill them yourself.

..and this is my nomination for the most facile post on the thread award.

Well I’m sorry, but I don’t see what he problem is with the dogs. I’ve been here 14 years and have never been bitten, have never seen anyone bitten, nor do I personally know anyone that has been bitten. Do I believe there are people that get bit? Certainly. Do I think it is a big problem? I do not. Is Rabies a problem in Thailand? I don’t think so, but I have no facts one way or the other.

If unprovoked dogs are biting people, the dog should be killed. If a neighborhood dog bit a member of my family, I would kill it.

The idea that the animal is suffering and should be put down is ridiculous. They could end it all any time they please just by running in front of a bus or wandering into a Korean restaurant.

Pardon me, but I think this is just more of this anthropomorphizing of dogs' behavior, suggesting that dogs might throw themselves under a bus of their own volition in response to life's frustrations.

It is funny, yes.

Accurate, no.

And also, wilcopops, despite his/her protestations, has also exhibited a flare for anthropomorphizing of dog behavior, which is also fun but not accurate.

Sorry if you do not agree with my assessment of your post, but hope you will not be offended if I speak what I feel to be true.

We do agree that the University should take action which is long overdue,

And I do agree that I have never seen anyone bitten.

Normally a dog will only threaten unless you lung forward and try to touch said dog.

It is very annoying though, because the Co-eds don't like it,

And I suspect that if there were any helpless looking students, this might incite the dogs to attack,

Such if a Co-ed were to fall down in the midst of a pack of barking dogs.

Pls do get all hyped up if I express a different view than yours, though.

you appear to have resorted to gibberish - please show me in any of my posts where I've been guilty of anthropomorphism.​

you don't appear to have any views of your own you just plagiarise mine and then deliberately misinterpret me.

Edited by wilcopops
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