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Sound of whistle blowing can cause stress

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Sound of whistle blowing can cause stress

BANGKOK, 16 November 2013(NNT) - Despite indirect effects to our ears, loud noises of whistle blowing during huge gatherings may in the long term, affect mental health.

Dr.Yongyuth Wongpiromsan, psychiatrist at the Mental Health Department, says the loud whistle-blowing heard at rally sites might not have direct impact to ears as protestors’ mind has already accepted the noise as part of their rally leading to physical adaptation to hearing loud noises. But in the long term, having been exposed to extreme level of noise especially in crowded areas, protesters could get stressed and could even be easily triggered to use violence.

Dr. Yongyuth further explained that receiving too much information from political rally sites on a constant basis could in the long run affect mental health. And if that information is stressful and violent, it would affect receiver’s emotions making them violent.

In order to relieve mental and physical stresses, rally-goers should exercise and listen to other types of information such as entertainment news intermittently, Dr. Yongyuth suggested.

-- NNT 2013-11-16

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I was at Central World a few Xmases ago. They were having a little puppet show and all these kids were sitting on this carpet they had for them to watch the show. They were getting ready for the show, and lots of kids were sitting there. On both sides of them they had these massive speakers that were blaring at ear-piercing volume. I was a good 40 feet away and it bothered me. But these kids didn't even seem to notice it.

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The stress that Thaksin and his Red Shirt cronies have caused and are still causing is a darned sight more harmful than the resultant whistle blowing due to the aforementioned creatures.

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Well it is a proven fact that whistle blowing here in Thaiand will cause stress. Even if you don't hear it.

Look at Yingluck she got so stressed out about thinking she would hear it that she moved her committee meeting to a place she could get to with out having to here it,

She was afraid that if some one blew a whistle it would interrupt her call from or to Thaksin.tongue.png

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Now this is what I call a fantastic piece of journalism.

Really award winning stuff.

Perhaps you could add your thesis on "the whistle and its place in thai culture" with its differing variations of its meaning, all provided by one person, namely, you ? whistling.gif

Edited by fab4
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This hole whistle topic.....blows. Worst, they clench the end in their teeth (not friendly at all)....then

never finish blowing, which is unsatisfying to all concerned but the blower. They blow....alarming pedestrians, politicians and expats alike....they blow and blow and blow.

Which whistles went away when blowing bent their bodies bluntly? None, perforce.

Worst, it is illegal to blow whistles in Thailand, from Pattaya to Phuket, but they blow and we all know it. Perhaps, only perhaps, too many Thais like to blow the whistle all the time.


PS: Yes, Loy Kratong is a cheeky holiday--enjoy!

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"Sound of whistle blowing can cause stress"

To say nothing of your car being violently attacked in the assumption you are inside it.

Winner of the "Most Tortuous Political Link of the Year" Award. I can't see anything beating this. Congratulations.

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"Dr.Yongyuth Wongpiromsan, psychiatrist at the Mental Health Department, says...'in the long term, having been exposed to extreme level of noise especially in crowded areas, protesters could get stressed and could even be easily triggered to use violence.' "

What a brilliants discovery, albeit total plagiarism from the research of Hans Selye. Selye wrote The Stress of Life (1956). Selye coined the term"stress". He called negative stress "distress" and positive stress "eustress". The system whereby the body copes with stress, the hypothalmic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis) system, was also first described by Selye. He also pointed to an "alarm state", a "resistance state", and an "exhaustion state", largely referring to glandular states.

It is one thing to knock off handbags and DVDs, but when Thailand's media praises a so called academician/medical professional's outright plagiarism...This is just plain pathetic. Even if Dr.Yongyuth cited Selye, he would be citing work and knowledge that was accepted by the western world 57 years ago.

I don't see where the doctor is claiming that he's discovered stress. It looks like he's just making some banal remarks about its possible effects, seems fairly uncontroversial to me and I'm not really sure his words were really worth translating. Still there might be some people reading this who were tempted to join the mob, but are now having second thoughts based on this important medical advice. Who knows? Anyway, well done for contriving an opportunity for spurious criticism of Thais out of seemingly nothing. lol. If you'd somehow worked Thaksin in there (perhaps he paid the psychiatrist to say this to try to reduce rally numbers?), it would've been a near perfect post.

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Not only can it cause stress but it was reported elsewhere, just this very morning, that the Social development and human security minister has said whistle blowing is a "violent" act.

That being the case then it is a proven fact that the protesters are using violence and they all need to be arrested and slung in the can immediately.

I see on another topic that the assertion that there were guns in the protest area has now been proven, even though they were only in the possession of off duty cops.

All we need now is for a couple of unemployed and a drug addict to be unearthed and it will show that everything the Govt has claimed is true.

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thais seem to feel the ''louder ''they ................................................................................are,the more important the appear....i live ground''0'' pattaya and the noise pollution is fierce....from the tour buses in 2nd gear flying down beach rd to the constant construction of new hotels...

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"Dr.Yongyuth Wongpiromsan, psychiatrist at the Mental Health Department, says...'in the long term, having been exposed to extreme level of noise especially in crowded areas, protesters could get stressed and could even be easily triggered to use violence.' "

What a brilliants discovery, albeit total plagiarism from the research of Hans Selye. Selye wrote The Stress of Life (1956). Selye coined the term"stress". He called negative stress "distress" and positive stress "eustress". The system whereby the body copes with stress, the hypothalmic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis) system, was also first described by Selye. He also pointed to an "alarm state", a "resistance state", and an "exhaustion state", largely referring to glandular states.

It is one thing to knock off handbags and DVDs, but when Thailand's media praises a so called academician/medical professional's outright plagiarism...This is just plain pathetic. Even if Dr.Yongyuth cited Selye, he would be citing work and knowledge that was accepted by the western world 57 years ago.

Does it say anywhere that the Thai doctor claims it's his/her own discovery? It's quite normal to pass on relevant information, even without sources. This is not a scientific article, but information related to the events in BKK.

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