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Horrific Sight


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Did you know that pigs are smarter than dogs?

Are they? I am not saying that pigs aren't "smarter" (regardless of how you choose to define "smart"), but from a strict critical review standpoint it'd be interesting to hear whether this is your personal speculation based on something you read "somewhere", or if you can refer to some hard facts...?

I have farm experience and pigs are smart and cute when they are small. The problem is they get big and they become dangerous. Pigs are the least domesticated of livestock. When a pig gets loose and becomes feral they revert to wild in a matter of weeks. Their hair changes back to very coarse and grow tusks.

Definitely the most dangerous animal on a farm. Pigs will eat anything. Children, farmers, chickens. You name it.

Once a pig gets to a large size they have to be handled with caution.

Many farmers have been eaten by pigs. It's not uncommon to just find the farmers boots and the only remaining evidence of the body are the parts of the foot inside the boot the pig could not get at.

It's not like older pigs are going to be sent to a retirement home so they can watch game shows on TV.

There is a famous country song Salty dog with the lyric.

"My finger on the trigger and eye on a hog"


Oh hell yea, very common, in fact one of the leading causes of death in Iowa is ta be eaten by hawgz.. oh yea, ,,,, Im callin' BS on this one.

sure piggy goes feral, but they don't "morph" into boars in weeks, they will interbreed with the wild stock and the offspring will look more natural but still retain domestic patterns.... take a look at hogzilla. They are scavengers and opportunists, not hunters and will eat most anything. What that has to do with their humane treatment in captivity, nothing.


However, Ed explains, "It really wouldn't be much different if these were escaped domestic or 'pet' pigs, as even these will revert back to their wild state in a relatively short time. And that doesn't mean the next generation-the actual escapee will begin to grow hair and tusks in the wild." I'm astounded at this news, and yet the biologist in me is fascinated."

Like I said in a earlier post. Some peoples knowledge of farming begins and ends at the grocery store.


Go feral pig/boar hunting sometime. All the hunter needs to do is make a noise like a distressed or injured animal and these hogs will charge the location with abandon. They get quite a surprise when its not an animal to kill and eat... but a bullet or arrow coming their way.

Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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