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Anti-govt protesters apprehend 'redshirts spy'


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This is all wrong. The guy is simply a fruitcake and has nothing to do with the reds. If the reds were going to disrupt the rally, would they hire a guy whose only idea is to pick up a chair and start bashing people? Come on.

Well lets take in to consideration that the only schooling he might ever have would be red shirt school on Democracy.

Yes they would. It would be an easy way to disrupt and fool people into thinking they wouldn't do any thing that stupid.

To put the red shirts into context in 2010 they had a picture in the news paper of one of them holding his baby up in front of him. The kid should not have been in a war zone much less be used as a shield.

Most of them are fruitcakes.

OK I agree that children should not have been there. BUT, maybe what this guy was doing is to show those who came in with guns blazing and rolling tanks that there are innocent children there. and the use of deadly force would harm those innocent's. whom ever ordered the use of live rounds on protesters should be held accountable. and I don't support amnesty for any no matter who they are.

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"by lifting plastic chairs at the protest campsite and started hitting random protesters who were relaxing in their tents."

"...said he had been paid 200 baht (£4) by the National United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) to infiltrate the anti-government protests and commit violent acts"

This is why I love Thailand! It's all just a bit of harmless fun at the end of the day! smile.png

Monty Python could make a great movie on the subject of Thai politics. The Life of Somchai maybe? smile.png

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Amazing! What a set-up, 'playground tactic' ... the most obvious conclusion to be drawn is that he was paid TBt 300 by *Yellows* or agent provocateur *Blackies* to pull this stunt in order to raise their meager response to the call for 1,000,000 to *uncivil disorder* ... Amazing TV! ;-} rap.

That's bullshit and you know it.

You forget that most of the anti-gov protesters are the educated types and wouldn't be so stupid as to stage a farce, let alone get someone to lose this much face for 300 baht. what planet are you on?

However, this is something that could be expected from the red shirts that backfired. They are not the sharpest tools in the box and would probably eagerly accept 300 baht for this stunt.

Regarding the 'meager response to a call for 1,000,000 supporters' how many reds joined the rally yesterday? 1,500? Well there are 1,499 now.


That's bullshit! and the sad thing is, you probably don't know it.

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Ha ha ha ha, this is hysterical!

I'm a spy for the redshirts, so I disguise myself by wearing a yellow shirt and mingling with the anti-government crowd.

But then I decide to blow my cover by picking up a plastic chair and commence hitting people in the crowd?

And when subdued, I immediately spill my guts, confessing to being a red-shirt spy?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha this is hilarious....... who would believe this drivel!

Only those who wish for this story to be true, so a fair old number I'd reckon. coffee1.gif

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This fellow was probably just mentally unbalanced. If the reds wanted to disrupt the anti-PT protest, they could just dust off the RPGs that were used against Bangkok, the BTS and other 'anti-redshirt' targets back in 2010, against PAD in 2008.

In addition to the red shirt bombers and RPG users during those years, they also utilized, as posted, the mentally ill, who they promptly abandoned once imprisoned.

How did they utilise these mentally ill people, send them over undercover to work as Army tactical advisors?

Or do you think it more likely that these mentally ill people may have been living on the street and caught up in the curfews?

Edited by fab4
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This is all wrong. The guy is simply a fruitcake and has nothing to do with the reds. If the reds were going to disrupt the rally, would they hire a guy whose only idea is to pick up a chair and start bashing people? Come on.

Or they could call on that nutty farang who helped the reds last time. (c:}

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This fellow was probably just mentally unbalanced. If the reds wanted to disrupt the anti-PT protest, they could just dust off the RPGs that were used against Bangkok, the BTS and other 'anti-redshirt' targets back in 2010, against PAD in 2008.

In addition to the red shirt bombers and RPG users during those years, they also utilized, as posted, the mentally ill, who they promptly abandoned once imprisoned.

How did they utilise these mentally ill people

Or do you think it more likely that these mentally ill people may have been living on the street and caught up in the curfews?

They were actively recruited and used by the red shirts to do just the sort of provocative and violent behavior this latest one did.

As the study of them reflects, they, and the others recruited, like the unemployed and homeless, were abandoned once they landed in jail. And in jail they stayed, unlike the red shirt leaders who presented millions of baht in cash for their own bail.

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200 THB to a lunatic to infiltrate a mob and begin causing a ruckus?

It makes me wonder about the character types that it would take to allow for a lunatic to get in amongst them and then perform the ruckus, to such an extent that it would draw their attention. Apparently he had to resort to the "chair" thing to get their attention. Frustration perhaps, due to he couldn't get their attention initially? Too many loud-mouthed people yelling louder than he was?

What a joke all the way around.

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The PTP mouthpiece accused the protestors of having arms and being infiltrated by drug dealers & the homeless.

It would seem he got two of them right but not in the way he intended,

Arms: plain clothes BIB

Homeless: A nut case claiming he is paid by the red shirts

No dealers yet but there's still time.

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Joking aside, my guess is that he is just a lone nut job. The article doesn't mention whether the existence of his accomplices were also confirmed by other witnesses or not; the 'other people involved' could be completely imaginary.

It just seem like too stupid a stunt for either side to try . . . perhaps. :D

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This is all wrong. The guy is simply a fruitcake and has nothing to do with the reds. If the reds were going to disrupt the rally, would they hire a guy whose only idea is to pick up a chair and start bashing people? Come on.

some have more imagination, not that it is right! but for sure it is in the interest of some to provoke trouble as per http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/683045-redshirt-protester-stabbed-as-he-leaves-rally/

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Amazing! What a set-up, 'playground tactic' ... the most obvious conclusion to be drawn is that he was paid TBt 300 by *Yellows* or agent provocateur *Blackies* to pull this stunt in order to raise their meager response to the call for 1,000,000 to *uncivil disorder* ... Amazing TV! ;-} rap.

That's bullshit and you know it.

You forget that most of the anti-gov protesters are the educated types and wouldn't be so stupid as to stage a farce, let alone get someone to lose this much face for 300 baht. what planet are you on?

However, this is something that could be expected from the red shirts that backfired. They are not the sharpest tools in the box and would probably eagerly accept 300 baht for this stunt.

Regarding the 'meager response to a call for 1,000,000 supporters' how many reds joined the rally yesterday? 1,500? Well there are 1,499 now.


That's bullshit and you know it.But thanks for the comedy.

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I hope he got paid in advance.

In a related story, One of the Red Shirt leaders stepped up and sheepishly admitted that he paid the guy to cause a disruption. Ha ha ha, no, I'm jesting. A Red leader is as likely to tell the truth (about anything) as a turtle is to beat Carl Lewis in the 100 meter dash.

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This arrest of a 'spy' and any harm done to him whoever he is, is a criminal act. A citizens arrest requires actual knowledge of a crime committed by the arrested.

Acting out your organizer's imagination will not protect you from whatever questionable act you're about to commit in the name of your cause.

Are you an expert on the nuances of Thai Law regarding citizens' arrest ?

The 'spy" if that's what he is, was hitting people with a chair, something often referred to under English law as assault and battery, maybe even grievous bodily arm (GBH).

Restraining and defending against someone acting in a criminal manner like this allows reasonable force; and a citizens' arrest would certainly not be illegal or a criminal act as you claim.

However, that would be under English Law, not Thai. So perhaps you can enlighten us on how Thai Law would regard this.

I'm no expert on the Thai Law pertaining to citizens arrest, but I rather suspect it does not provide for a gang of "volunteer guards" dragging the detained individual round the back of the stage for "interrogation".

They do rather seem to enjoy their "interrogations".

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Refused to name the persons who hired him? Seriously? The guards need some shaking up if they couldn't get the info required. Just because they lost the nutcrackers doesn't mean that a damp piece of rawhide around the plums wouldn't squeeze the info out of him before the sun sets.

So is that what you would have done? So brave but so far away.

Ah but such putative " interrogators" are always brave individuals, and internet enthusiasts for torture are amongst the bravest of the brave!

Edited by JAG
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Amazing! What a set-up, 'playground tactic' ... the most obvious conclusion to be drawn is that he was paid TBt 300 by *Yellows* or agent provocateur *Blackies* to pull this stunt in order to raise their meager response to the call for 1,000,000 to *uncivil disorder* ... Amazing TV! ;-} rap.

That's bullshit and you know it.

You forget that most of the anti-gov protesters are the educated types and wouldn't be so stupid as to stage a farce, let alone get someone to lose this much face for 300 baht. what planet are you on?

However, this is something that could be expected from the red shirts that backfired. They are not the sharpest tools in the box and would probably eagerly accept 300 baht for this stunt.

Regarding the 'meager response to a call for 1,000,000 supporters' how many reds joined the rally yesterday? 1,500? Well there are 1,499 now.


Are you talking about the same educated types who blockaded the airport? That was an absolute farce.

A peaceful protest though.which of course can't be said for the "Lets burn down the Country Mob,who hijacked Bangkok for 3 months,among, many more serious crimes!

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Refused to name the persons who hired him? Seriously? The guards need some shaking up if they couldn't get the info required. Just because they lost the nutcrackers doesn't mean that a damp piece of rawhide around the plums wouldn't squeeze the info out of him before the sun sets.

This happens too often......

Personally I don't go in for this 5th stuff.

Lock him up until he is a little more forthcoming with information.

A blatant refusal should be a crime in itself.

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Refused to name the persons who hired him? Seriously? The guards need some shaking up if they couldn't get the info required. Just because they lost the nutcrackers doesn't mean that a damp piece of rawhide around the plums wouldn't squeeze the info out of him before the sun sets.

Not really worth the bad publicity though is it. Much better to avoid violence.

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